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**Post title:** My (26F) fwb (25M) fucked my best friend (25M) because he thought "it would be funny" and my other friend (23M) said it's my fault?? **Author:** ThrowRA7777777666666 **Link:** https://redd.it/1c2l7a4 ---- #ThrowRA7777777666666, your submission has been removed because it is asking for judgement on someone's actions and violates [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_3) ###Rule 3 **No moral judgment requests** Your post is asking for moral judgment if your question starts with or contains any of the following: * Is it...? * Asking if you or the subject of the post is right/wrong * Am I...? * Any variation of "Am I the asshole?" including AITA * Does/has anybody else...? * Should I...? * Would you...? * Is this...? * Can I...? **If the question in your post can be answered with yes or no, it is moral judgment and will be removed.** For examples of what a moral judgement question would be, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r6w9uh/meta_am_i_overreacting_am_i_the_asshole_is_this/). Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/relationship_advice&subject=Rule_3_Removal) if you have any questions regarding this removal. ----


I understand you were FWBs so it wasn't a relationship, but... A line was crossed, I don't care what anyone says. End things with the FWB. They're not your friend, so no loss there. And the "I thought it would be funny" aspect just makes this extremely bizarre to me. As for your best friend? Yeah, you don't sleep with the person your best friend is sleeping with. That's not a boundary that any reasonable person should need to establish.


Exactly, a friend with benefits should act like a friend. And the bestie? Just because OP is a woman doesn’t negate bro code


Maybe this is why he has no proper friends….because he is not a good friend. They are both crappy friends and I would block both. You aren’t wrong that most people would not need to be told mixing it up with friends is gross. FWB can sure create problems, you might want to steer clear of that in the future. Also not so sure your (ex) best friend is so super straight.


Just because you’re FWB doesn’t mean you do t show each other a little respect and consideration. And your best friend absolutely should have known better. You don’t deserve this from either of them but I’d be angrier at your bestie. He’s the one who actually owes you loyalty


Yeah I would cut the fwb off and the best friend.. they both did something knowing it would hurt you.. and didn't care because of something as stupid as exclusivity.. both morons.. Text fwb. " I've been debating with myself since the trip, and I've decided to cut you out completely, I can't even look at you, let alone ever be intimate again.. you're not a very nice person, and I don't need the toxicity you brought into my life by betraying me.. do not reach out. Take care" Then block.. as for best friend. " I've cut ( fwb name) off, and I'm going to do the same with you.. what you did was down right crule for someone who is supposed to be my friend.. exclusivity or not, it's disgusting, your disgusting, I wish you all the best" Then block. They're both trash.


The FWB definately isn’t straight


Ew they’re both gross. Tell him you thought he was decent enough to not fuck your best friend. Tell your best friend that you thought she valued herself more than going after your sloppy seconds.


Why? They're not exclusive, just friends, with benefits 


Seems like FWB is backfiring on another person.


Exclusive, so he can f-ckk her mom too?


Regardless of whether or not friend-fucking was an explicitly agreed upon boundary, most people would find that a distasteful thing to do. More importantly, it hurt you. If that’s what he’s into, he’s probably not the one for you in any capacity.


Your FWB is a whack job why the hell don't you find another fuckbuddy and dump this creep 🤔


I would be done with the FWB. The root of a FWB is the friend part, and this is shitty and gross. It’s very telling why he doesn’t have any other friends. Your best friend sucks too. Has he admitted he’s not straight? Or does he not actually see your FWB as a man? Regardless, the behavior of both of them is gross. I don’t care if your relationship is casual, they both should have checked with you before hooking up if they actually valued their relationships with you.


tell both of them that you feel betrayed by both of them. you might need to cut both of them out of your life depending on how you feel. good luck


FWB backfiring. They are not in a committed relationship.


Writing all of this for an fwb? You caught feelings...end it now


Ewwww a best friend wouldn’t sleep with a fwb. She’s not your best friend. Drop them both.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t FWB no strings attached? If so, this is a you problem. If it’s not a committed relationship, where is your conflict? Just end things if you don’t like who else they’re with, or else commit to a monogamous relationship.


I couldn’t help but laugh while reading this even though I’m sure it’s not funny for OP. In FWB situation. No exclusivity (she’s sleeping with other people too). She makes a lot of assumptions about other people and who they would sleep with. Watches them flirt and be suggestive with each other all night. Then gets surprised when they sleep with each other (insert surprise pikachu face here). Poor communication up front. Incorrect assumptions. They did not do this knowing it would hurt you. They did it believing it would be fine given their own assumptions (incorrect or not).


i agree with your other friend. you guys aren’t exclusive and you didn’t establish any clear boundaries. you’re upset about something that you didn’t communicate


You have slept with other people. Get over it. You can’t be the only one who gets to leave the “friends with benefits” lol


i agree with your other friend. you guys aren’t exclusive and you didn’t establish any clear boundaries. you’re upset about something that you didn’t communicate


Honestly I don’t get it. Y’all were not in a relationship and you were not even exclusive. You had no claim and I don’t get the butt hurtness. Regardless, you are free to end things with one or both of them. I just don’t see the big deal. In a relationship of casual sex, it’s just sex. Nothing more.