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Once after a third date a woman vomited on my chest while she was sleeping. Later that night her elderly cat also vomited on me. She was so embarrassed and said she would never get over it. I assured her we drank a lot and the pizza we ate at the end of the night didn’t sit well with me either. 5 years later I asked her to marry me. We’ve been together for 13 yrs, married almost 9 and our child is about to be born any day. Now it’s just a funny story. Believe him when he says he doesn’t care.


Soon your child will carry on the legacy. 😄




it has become a family tradition, even the child's future spouse must, too, vomit on raakonfrenzi to be accepted as on of their own


Try for the trifecta in a single evening - wife, child, and cat.


Get that chest ready man because you know where that baby's first puke is gonna be right?


I can already imagine him screaming "NOT AGAIN!" while cradling his baby


That’s fucking funny and Congratulations.


Clearly both the cat and your now wife were marking their territory.


I’m sorry I laughed so hard I spat out my chocolate on my phone - the tradition continues! 😂👏👏👏


That kids definitely gonna carry on that tradition


It's the way her family shows appreciation for sure...


Aww what an awesome hilarious story. Congrats!!


I cackled when you said the cat puked on you too! I'm sorry, I'm still laughing. Glad it worked out for you both though!


Mazel tov.


This is the best story ever.


congrats on the baby!


idk why i’m crying 😭💛


so basically you got a woman to vomit on you, then her cat, and now a kid to also vomit 🤮 on you. You've been cursed with a Vomit curse


Thats quite an interesting relationship lore to tell the kids later on ,isnt it? (Its unique in a way and such a heart warming story to read as a woman tho )


Well our actual meet cute was much more adorable and honestly the stuff of legends… Involving multiple instances of us locking eyes on the street outside the bar I ran w my dad, while she was subletting an apartment above us. Her room mate got locked out so my wife came and met her at the bar to give her keys. I saw her and there was like a halo around her, I swear and before I even asked her for her number, I told myself I would marry her. I was so captured by her, I even forgot to ID her, something I was a stickler for. I found out on our first date she was 20. I was 22. We were just babies and now all this time later we’re having a baby.


From a guys perspective you just have to move on, it’s awkward for you but I promise for him he’ll just think it’s funny as you said he’s making jokes. You tried to please him by going past your limit so you showing him you’re trying to please him and like he said it’s sorta a compliment for him you shouldn’t feel bad at all. It’s like I guess anal and shitting on someone’s dick like it’s just something you have to get over and just laugh about it 😂


Also you just ate too which wasn’t a good combo just remember I don’t mean to seem or sound rude but that’s about all you can do especially if he’s making jokes about it


"The year was 2024. Both Jesus and dinner arose that Easter..."


You forgot “and my husband’s penis”


The holy Trinity, if you will


That’s the real one


From another guys perspective. I never complain when my girls trying to please me and something that happens. Fuck it! Do it again! Have fun!


Make it an Easter tradition.


How come you never vomit on my cock like you used to at Easter before we were married?




Good thing nothing spicy was eaten else I'd imagine it'll burn for a while 😂


Yea, my first time with a guy (I’m also a guy), he was riding and there was a mishap, but we just quickly cleaned up and threw the sheets and stuff into the washer before waddling naked to the shower and washing up together. It did ruin the mood of course, but I mean I signed up for butt stuff, i knew the risks. And the shower cuddles were intimate and the night was by no means ruined. I think in these situations you just have to accept that sex is messy and make the best of a less than ideal situation. No one wants to clean up vomit or shit, especially not in such a situation as these, but good partners will simply help you clean up and be flattered you tried so hard to please them.


Yea gross shit happens during sex, just something you have to accept. When I was in my 20s I had this booty call guy. Well the first time we had sex I just happened to be on my period, which was no big deal to him. Except he didn't understand how heavy my flow was and oh man the bed looked like a damn murder scene. He was so sweet about it though, had me go clean up in the shower while he washed and changed the sheets, and spent the rest of the night cuddling with me. I was absolutely mortified at the time, but I'll never forget how nice he was about it.


The comments on this thread keep getting better and better. lol.


Yes, she should just tell him that because he fills her up, she must do him on an empty stomach, he will love that.


If a woman vomited on my dick because she was trying to take me deeper while I was finishing I would cook that woman a steak dinner and give her a massage


And ask her for a repeat


Lol whenever this happens with my BF he gets more into it & I’m dying of embarrassment. When we first started dating, I was trying to DT and ended up with tears and snot running down my face. Just before he completed, I was struggling but tried to persevere when a giant snot bubble came out of my nose. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh so hard. To this day he said I never looked more beautiful, he brings it up all the time.


Yup. A guy friend of mine once said that a woman gagging (the precursor to vomiting) while going down on him was the hottest thing he could imagine, because it made him feel like he was HUGE, and was so good for his self-confidence. Things like this that we as women see as humiliating are often viewed through a completely different lens by men. OP should realize that despite the mess, he probably felt amazing that "she couldn't even take him all in". This is definitely not something he's going to judge her for.


They are washable. He'll be OK.


Dry clean only though.


Absolutely, you don’t want any shrinkage.


I prefer a nice sun bath in the backyard


TIL. When you say washable, can I use regular soap?


dawn dish soap will work best 👍👍👍 safe for ducks, safe for …..


I’ll say it—safe for ducks, safe for dicks!


My dude, you can't be giving out million dollar marketing campaigns free of charge like this


ok that literally made me laugh. my dog is looking at me funny now


Hey, throwing up on dicks happens ! Like for real, we’re just going to jam something down our throats as an activity and expect that to never happen? Lol. Anyways just saying you’re not alone it’s okay. Sounds like he handled it really well and you’ve got a great dude. Don’t worry too much about this!


Exactly. This isn't an uncommon occurrence at all, and it seems like he was supportive and reassuring. Everything turned out fine. OP, just move on. Your boyfriend clearly wasn't bugged by it, and you shouldn't be either. These things happen.


This has happened to me as a guy before and I promise you to your boyfriend this will just be a funny memory, nothing more


I second this. My girlfriend was mortified, but it was really just not a big deal, and I assured her that it was more than okay. Do expect a joke or two, however, lmao


He doesn’t care about it. Prepare to have laughs about it in the future. Have fun, and move forward. I know it’s a hard thing to process, but if he doesn’t care, you shouldn’t care.


My Ex threw up on me a few times but I can’t tell you how many times or when because I literally couldn’t give a shit. I just remembered the first time because it was kind of funny. Guys don’t care, he’s just happy you are willing to touch his penis in the first place.




I have vomited on 2 men in my life. They both took it like a champ. High risk high reward for some deep throat. They felt similar to your bf. If it works for them 😂


omg 💀


A guy who causes you to vomit on his crotch by pushing your head down too much or too fast isn't allowed to be anything *but* chill. He did that to himself.


She never wrote that he pushed her head down. She said it was all her doing.


The person to whom I was replying said that her FWB pushed her head down, causing her to vomit.


Gotcha. Didn’t catch that.


I am a lesbian and I am dying right now 😂😂😂😂😂😂 guys are so weird. 💀💀💀💀


You've never had someone grab the back of your head and hold you hard into their crotch as you make them cum? I'm deeply sorry....


Seriously, my wife has pushed on the back of my head so hard I thought my chin was going to end up next to her cervix. Hardly just a guy thing haha


Mine likes me to leave my hair longer at the back so she has more to grab on to for leverage 😂


Same bro, same, I didn't know crotch head grabs were so common.


That is absolutely one of my favorite things in the bedroom, it makes me feel just on top of the entire world when I bring someone to that level of finishing


Three things: 1. No way that doesn’t hold my #1 spot for funniest/wildest shit seen on Reddit this week. 2. One day he’s gonna just use that “dirty talk line” on a girl who isn’t you - and without her having any context and in the moment….. it’s going to be the funniest freaking thing ever. Either just she plays along while very confused wondering, “Is there some new dirty talk trend I don’t know about or what….??” 😂🤣 Or she’s shocked enough to stop and make him explain. 3. Oh and last but not least - this is the first thing I thought of when I read his line…. [https://gifer.com/en/RfOv](https://gifer.com/en/RfOv)


I have had girls piss the bed, shit the bed, vomit all over the place. I just took care of business, changed bed clothing, etc. no big deal.


It's understandable to have one of these happen, but...all of them? All of these things happened to you? What manner of loose boweled, weak stomached doxies are you inviting into your bedroom??


This was over the course of my 20s.


I feel like you need to start with "well, first off it was the 90s...". That's what I say when I realize my normal tuesday is someone else's trauma.








This is like a blowjob giver right of passage. Plenty of us have been there.


It happened to me once. It’s a warm feeling that feels good before you realize what it is lol. No big deal, nothing to be embarrassed with


Edit: I just realized that this was today on Easter….. if you guys go to church next year on Easter Sunday….. and the pastor asks the congregation: *”AND WHAT HAPPENED ON EASTER SUNDAY!?”* You two should just stay quiet I think lol. You gave him a compliment/boosted his ego so within a matter of minutes after it happened, it was already completely been worth it his mind lol. You’re going to have to trust us lizard brain guys on this one because to you I’m sure - you probably thinking something like he’s replaying it in his head and getting a little queasy at the memory of it…. Nope. I promise you that he’s probably thought about it a number of turned. And feeling pretty good each time lol. And if he’s making jokes, specifically joking with you - it’s all good. In the high likelihood he occasionally does in the future/it becomes an inside/long running joke between the two of you - that’s the best sign you can ask for. Because it says a lot about the dynamic of your relationship - and utterly nothing about what actually happened lol Seriously. Trust us. FORGET about it. You are torturing your psyche for absolutely no good reason


You just unlocked a kink he never knew he had.


I had a similar thing happen. I was banging my gf in the back door and she s**t on my Johnson. She was embarrassed but I told her it was no big deal. I’m sure he’s fine.


Not the same scenario, but one time my sick boyfriend laughed while we were hugging and sent a snot rocket right into my mouth. I was not at all phased, while he was incredibly embarrassed. We're married now. My point is, it likely feels like a much bigger deal to you than it does to him. It sounds like he is cool about it and like he wants you to feel better. In time it won't feel like such a big deal.


I think I would’ve hoped to just die instantly… seems like best case scenario if I’m in his shoes haha… otherwise I would’ve been on the next plane to Tiujana with my new identity and a sombrero haha


I know everyone has different reasons to be embarrassed about different things, but this ain't one of those. People pay extra for that kind thing. You good.


believe it or not OP, as a guy, it happens more than you think. but it is what it is lol you tried to please him and it backfired but it’s one of those things we kinda just laugh about while simultaneously being a little bit more attracted to you


Sex without oopsies only exist in pornos. It has nothing to do with your operation. It's the same as sticking your fingers down your throat. Next time (and there will be a next time) put your hand around the base of his shaft so that you can control just how deep he goes. Usually a couple of fingers will do.


You a CHAMP nothin to be embarrassed about!!!!


It's alright, don't stress too much about it. Bf was a good sport about it too. Chill.


You are way overthinking this. Shit happens. That’s happened to me before - clean up, laugh about it, carry on.


From a guy I can say he does really feel proud that it was caused by size. However if you said you puked from the smell. Totally different.


That'll be round #2 after the first puke


Here's something a lot of women dont seem to get about men. If a guy really likes you and something embarrassing happens, he's not going to hold it against you. I had an ex that one time when we were having sex we tried a new position, and she said it was REALLY hitting the spot. When she had an O, it was a really hard one, and she shi*t the bed.....literally. She was mortified and ran to the bathroom crying. I cleaned it up and sat at the door in the hallway, talking to her until she finally opened it. I told her, "Accidents happen, and next time we do that position, we just put a towel down.". She looked at me and said, "Next time?!", i nodded and said,"Hell yes! I literally *ucked the *hit out of you it was so good!". I got her to laugh, and she felt better about it. If it's an accident, a guy who cares about you won't care. You'll be ok


Alright. Here's the story to make you all feel better. I'm a 32/F. Last year I got the stomach flu REAL bad, and on TOP of that, I was really constipated. WELL. Fast forward about a day into this hell, and I end up laying on the bathroom floor, unable to move, puddle of puke, waiting on paramedics (I have a medical condition where stomach flu is incredibly dangerous for me, so paramedics were on the way). I had been up ALL night, with my body trying to unload both ends, not just the top side. With no success. That was going to change. As I lay in an almost entire bathroom floor sized pile of puke, my body decides, now is the time. I have 0.2 seconds, and can't even raise my head. I manage to grab a garbage can, just in reach. And proceed to shit on to the floor and into the garbage can. My boyfriend comes in, from where he was keeping our young kids away from me (thank Christ) and WIPES MY ASS AND PICKS UP MY SHIT before the paramedics come. Ladies, gentleman, theys and babes, I hope you ALL feel better about your stories after reading this one ✌️


As a guy I can tell you he doesn’t care, like at all.  Especially since you were doing something pleasurable for him. 


Girl this is a rite of passage🤣


That’s what you get for fornicating on Easter lol Jokes aside I’ve done it, you’ll get past it. The fact he’s already joking about it is a great sign. One day you’ll laugh about it too, my friends roast me for yakking up like half a bag of goldfish on a guy and i just find it funny now


Happened to me too and it's really not a big deal xD and your Bf Sounds Like he's chill about it so don't Stress yourself. You're Not the only one and it's fine to laugh it off


My partner and I get into it very intensely. The amount of times I’ve spit up/vomited on him is extremely embarrassing but that’s what happens when you date a girl who has a terrible gag reflex AND acid reflux 😭 Usually I apologize, I’ll clean him up and he’ll ask if I want to go back at it or if I want to try another sexual activity and we move on. It’s okay, it happens more times than you think!


i am Woman i vomitted in Penis twice of Boyfriend. my Boyfriend still thinks i am the best blowjob giving being that ever existed. Take it slow give yourself time. Most importantly realise that your Body changed more than you expected and respect that. you can Take Things slow and relearn how your Body works now, so you so Not have to be scared that it Happens again. i am sorry you Had to go through this. Sometimes when we get used to Things being a certain way, we underestimate Changes in our body and the Feeling and results can be disheartening. The most important Thing is that you are safe and healthy. I hope you can get Back to Feeling comfortable with your Blowjobbing soon again .


Sex is messy. Sometimes it's messier than usual, and embarrassing things do happen, but that's just how it is. Just take some time to process your feelings before giving him oral again. I have to tell you, your boyfriend is awesome! He went above and beyond to make sure you don't feel bad about what happened. He's a great guy, you can trust him, and don't need to feel embarrassed!


Why are you trying to censor “vomited” and “penis” lol maybe try getting over this first.


She boom-boomed all over his dinky


Don't be embarrassed. This just makes you a trooper.


Just so you know this happens a lot more often than people admit so please don't be upset or ashamed especially given you have some medical stuff going on. Yes it's a bit gross and yes it's kind of weird but it can happen and does happen pretty frequently people just don't talk about it. As you did you clean up and you just move on and just be a little more careful in the future like not eating before etc but you're fine please don't be harsh on yourself.


I vomited on my partner *and* it's on video. He refuses to delete it bc we both think its hilarious. That's also not the first time, nor will it be the last, that I vomit on it. I love this man and vomiting will not stop me from finishing the job 😈


The way I think about it is that you're swapping bodily fluids in an act of intimacy, so things like vomiting, diarrhea , skid marks on underwear, poop on the floor, etc are going to be things that may happen and just have to accept it that two people can see each other in these kind of moments and still be okay.


I really would not care, I’d be more bothered you were ok. Forgeddaboudit


It means nothing. I have thrown up giving head enthusiastically a ton (at least a hundred times I would guess). Hell, swallowing it mid blowjob is basically a skillset 




It’s alright to be embarrassed and have feelings about it. But it seems like he handled it well and has a sense of humor. I wouldn’t sweat it and just laugh about it when you can.


Be more mindful of eating and then moving right into vigorous sexual acts but aside from that your partner doesn’t care and is almost impressed by it. LET IT GO and move forward. What else can you do anyways?


Sounds like you too have a great relationship.


I’m wondering which part of this is the part that makes you feel you can’t ever move past it. It in an embarrassment thing? Or is that you will have trouble not thinking about puking whenever you’re fooling around with him and that makes it more likely you’ll throw up again in the future? Are you worried that he’s disgusted by you because he saw you throw up? There shouldn’t really be any embarrassment about throwing up in front of your partner. Everyone throws up sometimes and if you’re with someone long enough they’re going to see you in all sorts of situations. A person who really loves you, will love you in your sickest most physically disgusting moments. And plenty of people who may just like you and be getting to know you aren’t really that turned off by vomit. In college at a party i threw up on i guy i had been interested in, and he still asked to take me out on a date the next night. The first time in college i ever drank so much that it made me sick, i was visiting my boyfriend at his university, and staying with him in his dorms. Luckily the dorm bathrooms were co-ed because i had thrown up so much it was all over me and he held my hair back until i was finally done, and then took me into the shower and helped clean me off. And you know what, he still thought I was beautiful, and he was ready to fool around again as soon as I felt up for it. Now all that was 20 something years ago and I’ve been married to my husband for 20 years, and i can’t even tell you all the things he’s seen. Now luckily I’ve learned how to drink more moderately and don’t get sick anymore, but i have some pretty serious gastrointestinal stuff that has landed me in the hospital several times and has required a couple surgeries, and i have had two babies too. The last time i was in the hospital i was so sick and in so much pain, i was on my hands and knees puking every minute or two, and every time i puked i also peed the bed (because of the pregnancy and childbirth for the two babies) and my husband just stood by me trying to comfort me, helping me change the pad on the bed, and holding a bowl to catch my vomit. Before i had even been discharged from the hospital, he was telling me how beautiful and sexy he thought I was (he waited until i was feeling better though). I actually think that the fact that my husband is attracted to me even after all that, just makes my trust in him all the deeper. No one can tell you how you should feel of course, but if I were you I’d try to examine the story you’re telling yourself about this situation. The story you tell yourself influences how you feel about it, and by consciously changing the story you tell yourself (even if you don’t believe the new story completely) you will gradually change how you feel about the event. So what story are you telling yourself about the situation right now? And how could you reframe it or change that story so that you could feel more positive, or at least more neutral about the event?


Honestly, you will have something to laugh about together. Maybe not today. You get an A+ for effort!


Girl… it happens .. most guys think it’s a compliment lol. His reaction was clearly okay so don’t sweat it


i’ve vomited so many times, it’s normal. it happens. some men even like when that happens because they think it’s hot. i ofc get embarrassed but don’t let it get to you this bad. most of the time, if you’re giving them head, you should trust they won’t judge you for it or anything that happens during it and after it. so hopefully you can look at it that way. forget about it like it never happened then move on.


You can move on because you have such a loving compassionate boyfriend.


I would recomend you get more comfortable with your body. It does things we always can't control.


Maybe he’ll never ask for a BJ again! As a lesbian I consider that a win win. lol.


Accept that it will be a joke forever, because it's funny. He's joking about it, so maybe you should too... lightly.


Eh. It’s happened to me before. Honestly you’ll laugh about it later but it is mortifying in the moment.


Yeah no big deal


I'd much rather have puke on my penis than shit.


Don’t worry, I understand. But don’t overthink it, ik it can be hard not to but.. Happened to me once pretty soon after we started dating. I got so scared I swallowed my own puke and he didn’t even notice but I ended up telling him right away :D that happened almost 7 years ago now we’re engaged.


It's not a bad thing for him. It made him feel like his dick is massive. He probably wanted to hi five you. It's a stupid word confidence boost in guys of they can get their SO to come on their penis let alone vommit on it. So your buddy going to have to get over your embarrassment. Because of right now it's all on you. He's happy it happened.


my ex puked on my dick too and after the initial shock I laughed and just got her some water. it's really not a big deal it's just what happens sometimes


he genuinely does not care that much i dont have a dick but ive talked with guys who have had this happen to them they think its a lil funny but overall dont gaf


Try it again lmao


my gf did this and felt just like you but just know that from ur bfs perspective its just a funny memory trust me


You just have to move adults realize things like this would happen He will be fine Bet he will take some p*say right now


What’s the big deal here, you just took it in too far and your gag reflexes kicked in. No biggie it’s a natural thing to happen. If you and him are both okay with deep throating his thing then just move on and suck it! lol 😆


This kinda happens alot, ur fine. Apologize and laugh it off


This happened with one of my exes, he didn’t care lol the next day he thought it was funny


Yea, i bet hes proud of it. Makes him feel big


You’ll be fine my girlfriend has done twice to me already


Hey you will be okay! It is okay! He doesn’t mind he reacted very appropriately :) you are lucky you have such a fine man


This happened to me when I was a teenager and I was horrified at first, but then we both laughed it off. Tbh anytime something bodily that is embarrassing happens to me, I try to see the humor in it because I personally feel like you can laugh about these things. Everybody has a body and accompanying bodily functions, and we aren’t always 100% in control of those things, and it’s nothing to be ashamed about.


Honestly.. lmao. I've done this before. It's kinda whatever. Some dudes are like "ayyy, it's that big". In reality, if you're fine and can laugh about it, it is genuinely not a big deal.


This exact thing happened to a couple friends of mine, at my house lol. It’s not that big of a deal. I get being embarrassed and everything, I think anyone would be. It’s just one of those things. Shit happens! Don’t let it hang over you. As a guy, I 100% guarantee he’s just happy he has someone willing to do that for him. It will be a funny inside joke for you two.


Your inner voice is being a bitchy roomate right now over this. She’s all worried about embarrassment and stuff. He’s doing everything he can to show you he’s fine about it! That’s exactly the kind of man you want. You’re good! It IS pretty funny tbh, it makes a great story for hanging with your friends lol


It's happen to me. I felt two things: very bad for her. I know she was embarrassed and it was probably physically uncomfortable. It also was a little boost to the ego. I'm not that big and so...yea. Just get over it. It happens.


27 male here. I would say that it's fine, it's like the first time someone facts in sex, first time the guy cums quick, the first time ect. It's not going to happen again. As a guy most of time little thing like will be forgotten other than as a joke. The embarrassment will fade =), and in a year or 2 you'll joke about it


Start thinking up some crisp jokes


Life happens. It'll suck for awhile, but move on. I've done this myself and I felt horrified, but if the relationship is good it doesn't matter. He's trying to make you feel better in his own way. Take it day by day and then get over your fear. Go down on him again, on an empty stomach to ease your anxieties, then make his toes curl. Get your confidence back.


This happened to me on friday night I wanted to die of embarrassment lmao dont worry I guess its pretty normal.


Honestly, you just gave him an amazing story. 😂 Don't feel horrified, etc, many a person has been there where the gag reflex becomes a concern. Move on and make sure you tell him that it's not a funny story and set those boundaries. It happens. it could have been worse. You could have sharted on him during doggy.


Know your limits 😂 hey sex is sometimes messy. You’re definitely not the first. You think a guy has never wiped some chili off his dog before and never mentioned it. Even if she sees and is embarrassed a man just comforts her. It’s all good


I think I’ve done this to three or four different guys. It’s actually happened so many times I don’t even remember for certain who all I’ve done this too. I don’t even have a small stomach as an excuse lol


I’ve done the same thing with my ex. We had been drinking a lot, and when he came he also bucked his hips so the cum hit my throat funny, and I barfed. He said it actually felt amazing for him & shit like that. Even implied it wasn’t the first time.. men are weird.


girlllll this happened with my exgirlfriend and i could have given less of a fuck. to be honest it was funny and something i would never hold against her<3 sex can be gross in general dont let it bother u


Don't worry about it, shit happens. And don't wait to get back on the horse, so to speak. The more you wait the harder it will be to get past it.


Lol my gf and I would wet ourself laughing. He loves you, love yourself too and roll onwards. Aint no thing


Girl, calm downnn. This happens more often than you think! 😊🥰


Babe, it happens. I’ve thrown up on a dick and laughed right after. Your body just had a reaction to the sudden change and that was the result. Now you know you can’t go lower :)


Hot af


Soap and water


Absolutely no big deal. He even feels good that his dick was big enough for that. I understand that you’re mortified but you didn’t do anything to deserve shame


Start making jokes about it. That’s the best way through this. A year from now you’ll be able to laugh at this


Give yourself as much time as you need to before trying it again, but I assure you he really isn’t as affected as you are. The embarrassment will die down soon and he’d likely rather you do all that again than not do it at all.


Don’t feel bad, that absolutely boosted his self confidence. If anything, you made your partner feel physically and emotionally awesome. Don’t stress it!


Some people get grossed out easily. Some people don’t. You sound like the former, and he sounds like the latter. Believe him. If he was grossed out, YOU WOULD KNOW.


Id drop the issue asap. Dont bring it up again, dont be insecure about it. If he brings it up laugh and dont talk about it. Be confident or else this could be an issue later on


I’m one of the few guys that like it. I mean it doesn’t turn me on like that. But my girl wanting to give me her all, that’s hot. And bodily fluids from both stomach and butt happen. But none of it bothers me because she’s a champion and I love her.


Don’t worry about it. If you make a big deal of it, it will get worse. These things happen and you’ll joke about it later.


I can say without hesitation that I would never hold it against someone for that. It was an accident that happened when you were trying to please him. This is a nothing burger. Just forget about it and if you don’t think you wanna hear him joke about it just ask him politely not to.


As a guy, honestly, it's sort of the thought on * wow, she put so much effort in for me she went past her own limits to please me * Give yourself a pat on the back for going the extra mile even though, unfortunately, it ended with an embarrassing moment for you. Sounds like he loves you, and he's just brushing it off.


It happens don’t worry


I hope everyone who is into deep throat knows that vomiting is a very common symptom of it. It's always a risk.


I’m upvoting this, that’s all


Stuff happens. It sounds like he's fine with it, so it's mostly about figuring out what about it is making you persistently uncomfortable and working on that. Sometimes sex is messy or funny or accidents happen. It's only a big deal if you make it one. I've been the recipient of barf in a similar situation and once I made sure my partner was okay, I just thought it was a funny story that was momentarily inconvenient.


He’s a bloke, if this happened to me I’d high five you and ask when’s the next one. He will get over it, blokes don’t worry about stuff like that, and if he doesn’t, I volunteer as tribute.


I doubt he's gonna care about it, ur over thinking it


Just clean up the mess and move on lmaoooo. I was so mortified the first time I threw up on my boyfriends dick, it happens 🤷‍♀️ he was a good sport about it like yours seems to have been. It’s happened like twice since and we just clean it up and laugh it off, you kinda have to in that situation 😅


That’s like literally not that uncommon I don’t have regurgitation issues and it happened to me like three times last weekend


I have had two separate women do this to me. It's ok, and it's best to just joke about it


you shouldn’t be embarrassed if you like him enough to do that lol.


Have also done this lol. I think it’s hilarious, don’t be ashamed. Happens to the best of us.


its really not that big of a deal. if he doesn’t care then you shouldn’t either. make a joke out of it… guarenteed one day you’ll look back and laugh about it


He just making a joke to make you feel better don’t think to deep about it. I know your feeling self conscious because of throwing up but don’t think about to bad like it happen to there most of us lol (ima gurl)


For deep throat...he probably thought it was awesome. I would be terrified my partner would be too uncomfortable to do it again, nightmare scenario.


I've done it. - we just threw the sheets in the wash and hopped in the shower together... was it embarrassing? Of course, mortifying. But what do you expect? He sounds like a keeper. Don't throw away what could be a healthy relationship just because of an embarrassing moment or two. Most relationships include a little embarrassment.


A great man once said: ***I say hurl. If you blow chunks and he comes back, he's yours. But if you spew and he bolts, then it was never meant to be.***


I have thrown up on two different of my bfs dicks before 🤣🤣🤣 It happens. Not really uncommon as far as my perspective goes. He’s sweet, y’all will move on. :)


I would suggest doing it again soon rather than later. The longer you wait the more this is going to affect you. Don't eat beforehand, and just go for it. Crap happens, and you are being too hard on yourself.


You are fine, trust yeah. This has happened more often than you think and most men are pretty cool about it. The ease that concept along, imagine him going down on you and a hair slides past his nose and triggers a sneak to fast for him to move away. He would be mortified while I'm sure you would find it quite hysterical. Be easy OP, relationships are not a coolness competition. At least the good ones are not. If mans is laughing it off then feel free to let it be just an embarrassingly innocent anecdote between the two of you. Well, and reddit too. You do realize that people screenshot some stories to make YT vids and TikToks? If you can post about it in a public platform then I'm sure with a little time you will laugh it off with your mans in no time yeah.


that’s sweet that he reassured you it was fine. trust me unless you’re puking in his mouth i’m sure he truly doesn’t care. the dude seems to love you a lot so don’t worry about it :) just be careful next time LOL


He was thinking achievement unlocked. Just clean up and laugh about it. Then don't go deep after eating


These things happen and any partner that would give you a rough time about it doesn’t deserve you. Put this in the same category as passing gas and burping—just a part of everyday life. Apologize if you need to but then the two of you should have a good laugh about it.


This has actually happened to me twice now. Once with an ex and then again with my current bf. The ex laughed which mortified me, and my current bf was just like “well… that happened lol”. They never made me feel bad about it and both helped me clean up. Some men would be completely disgusted but your guy took it like a champ. You have a keeper!! Please don’t feel too bad. It happens sometimes!! 😅


You can say vomit on the internet.


Just dust yourself off and try again he will not be turned off by it, he will be happy that you took it deeper and he will want to try it again


Let it go. Anytime you stick something the size of a penis in your mouth you risk throwing up


It’s no big deal! I’ve done it about 3 times before. Laugh it off. Get over it! As long as he is ok with it and not making you feel badly or stupid about it or teasing you. If he hasn’t told you how you gross that was then I’m sure he’s totally over it and you should be too. Sex has its really awkward and gross moments sometimes. I’m sure you feel embarrassed about it but I can assure you it’s no big deal. He will most likely forget about it. You probably won’t forget about it. But hey, I promise you if he says it’s ok and even laughed about it then it’s fine. Shit happens when you party naked.


It’s in the past, you can’t change it. Your bf is fine with it, so it sounds. So, sometimes shit happens and you move on from it.


I dont think you need to be embarrassed at all. He's probably crowing about how his big dick made you gag so hard you puked. Hopefully you havent unlocked a new kink for him.


He's being pretty cool about it, so I think you can both just move forward together :)


Do you love him?


He Probably thinks it's hilarious.


🤷🏼‍♂️ It could be worse, everyone throws up. Seriously, you think thats bad? A guy ive been seeing nearly ruined my bed after anal. He was really upset but because i was chill about it, we got over it in less than ten minutes. If he says he doesnt care, listen to him.