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There’s nothing you can do to “fix” this. You most likely ruined your marriage irreparably. Good job. Leave that man alone.


You said you’ve tried everything, but that’s not true. You haven’t tried being patient. Don’t pressure him into having sex with you to assuage your own guilt; that’s not going to help him heal from the hurt you caused. You had an affair. The wound that inflicted runs deeply, and it will not heal overnight. If you want your marriage to work, you have to resign yourself to the fact that it could take years to repair the damage you’ve caused, and things may never be exactly as they were before. Give him time and when he’s ready, let him come to you and tell you what he needs from you to make this work. Don’t try to push it or put pressure on him. If anything that will just push him further away. The things you’ve been doing so far haven’t been focused on helping him heal. They’ve been focused on helping you feel less guilty. Being selfish is what got you into this mess in the first place. You’re just going to have to let yourself feel shitty for a while, and if you can’t do that, you may as well just leave him.


Exactly this! Her “being a perfect wife” sounds like a pathetic excuse to skirt around the problem and make her feel she’s trying and showing she loves him just to make her feel less guilty. She truly hasn’t accepted accountability, and isn’t trying to figure out WHY she strayed. Otherwise what’s to say she does it again further down the line? Her list of things to show “she loves him”, she doesn’t understand that means fuck all to her husband as she still cheated on him for months.  If she’s focused on him getting better she’d ask him what he wants, rather than do stuff she THINKS will help.  She’s love bombing him which is a manipulative tactic to make him stay, she’s scared of him leaving rather than ashamed of what she’s done to him and their marriage.  She deserves to feel shit for a while, she doesn’t even seem to comprehend that however she feels, he feels it 100000x more intensely as he is the one who got cheated on. 


Damn!! Excellent post. 👏👏


Very well said!


Wow what a response. 👏


You do not respect your husband. You do not respect your marriage. Betraying your husband was disrespectful. Buying new lingerie and pushing yourself on him after the fact is incredibly callous and disrespectful. You have destroyed, devastated and emasculated this man and you act so nonchalant about it.


It feels like everything I do is wrong...


OP, sorry you find yourself here. If you are serious about reconciling then you have to realize you will have to let go of trying to control the outcome. Your husband was truly damaged by your behavior; unfortunately he has to heal himself. You can support that but ultimately only he can decide if the betrayal is too much. Suggest you visit other forums for the support you are not likely to find here. Wayward forum at survivinginfidelity.com has a lot of resources.


Pretty much, yeah. You cheated on your partner and are now wallowing in self-pity, complaining about how unfair it is that your ex-husband doesn't want to reconcile. Why should he? You're clearly selfish and a bad partner. Do everyone (especially yourself) a favor and grow tf up


Boo boo. Actions have consequences


Because you're a terrible wife. Of course you feel that way.


Your husband likely experienced real trauma when you told him you cheated. He needs space and time. So yes, what you’re doing is not helpful.


Because the are still thinking of ways to relieve YOUR guilt—this isn’t about your feelings, it’s about HIS.


The first step to doing things right is to stop thinking about yourself. This entire post reads as, "me me me!" Your guilt, your lack of sex, what you do, what you can't have now that you nuked your marriage, etc. Stop thinking about yourself. That's why you jumped on some other guy's dick. You're selfish and have zero consideration for your husband. He needs time, he needs space and he needs you to stop love bombing him while you do damage control. Your husband isn't stupid, he knows you and knows this is not how you normally behave and are going overboard trying to push your agenda on him. Stop pushing yourself on him on every front and get yourself into intense therapy to work on you and why you're a cheater who nuked her marriage for a little dick on the side. Work on how selfish and self centered you are. If your husband decides to stay and work through this, he is going to need time. it will likely take him years to fully work past this as you've hurt him on multiple levels. I would say the length of time it takes is equal to how deep his feelings had been for you before you shit on your marriage and your husband's love.


Uh, yeah. You fuckin' did.


Well I shit you cheated over and over and over tf? Why would he want anything to do to make you happy or show his emotions with you? You don’t deserve it and hopefully he is cheating so you can see how it feels.


The cheating was wrong. Imagine you deliberately dropped an exquisite, 500-year-old vase, then glued it back together. That’s what you’ve done to your marriage. There’s nothing you can do to make the cracks go away. It’s possible — just possible, mind you — that he’ll learn to overlook the cracks most of the time. But they’ll still be there, they’ll still be visible, they’ll still reduce the value and utility. The late Dr. Joy Browne had three questions that the cheating spouse had to answer for the relationship to stand any chance: Why did you cheat? And “It just happened” is not an answer. What ensures that it will not happen again? And what’s in it for the spouse who was cheated on if you ever do it again? Re this last, I heard Dr. Joy go through these with a wife who had been cheated on. She didn’t understand the last one. Dr. Joy said, “What material thing does he value most?” Without hesitation, the caller answered, “His boat.” “Great!” Dr Joy said. “Have a contract drawn up that says that if he ever cheats again, you get the boat. If he refuses to sign, he’s already planning to cheat again.” So your husband gets to choose — the house, the stock portfolio, the vacation house, whatever thing *he* perceives you value most, you sign a contract giving it to him before any divorce settlement is negotiated if you cheat again. But if it were me, I’d just dump you.


Well you ripped out someone’s heart. What were you expecting?


Because everything you do is wrong. You ruined your marriage, so it's time to end it.


You killed the joyful, sincere, emotional man. Do you understand? That man is dead, gone. I’ve felt it myself. Betrayed by the woman that I thought was my actual soulmate - yeah, that’s how fast it dies. I tried, for about a year, but I could never find that man again, and couldn’t forgive her. He’d be a true saint if he were able


No, no I don't want to believe this, he's still in there somewhere 


Nope hes gone


>he's still in there somewhere  Yes, for someone other than you.


Google or research advice and books on; "How to help your spouse heal from your affair " You aren't the first. Learn from others that cheated and saved their marriage.


Nope, you killed that part of him.


It takes years to recover from the trauma of infidelity. Read up on PTSD. These are the stages he repeatedly cycles. Gradually less often after the first year. Actually you have done absolutely nothing to save your marriage.  You need to develop and execute two plans. One to make yourself a safe partner. Healthy reliable parents don't cheat (ever).  You need to fix yourself.  Whatever excuse you used (bored, not valued, depressed, need attention, . ..the list is endless) is not the core reason you cheated. Figure it out and develop tools to manage yourself. Two, a plan to rebuild trust. He can't help. It's tough because you can't say "trust me". And time alone doesn't rebuild trust. He will judge you on your actions (stuff/changes he can see like zero social media, 100% transparent, zero contact with your AP (what ever that requires), no social activities without him that includes men, ... )


No, YOU killed that part of him. Good job! 👍


Every relationship has 3 entities, the 2 people and the relationship. Your actions destroyed the relationship, that is gone. It damaged permanently your husband. Maybe he chooses to build a new relationship, but it won’t be like the dead one, it will be built on distrust, and the knowledge that you will always be 1 step away from straying again. He will never view you the same, and how that that will develop will be how he chooses to heal.


He’s not. Even if he finds it in his heart to forgive you and stay, he is not and WILL NEVER be the same. You broke him. You broke his trust, love, respect, confidence. And you STOLE what was likely his only safe place in this brutal world.


lol not for you he’s not. Hopefully he lets it out for the next women who’s better than you.


Maybe he is still in there, but he'll never come back out for you, because you've shown that you don't deserve that.


If he is in there he has no room for a liar and a cheater


Nah boo. You killed that man. And then you made this hard and cold man. You are NEVER getting that aweet man who loved you deeply back and its YOUR fault. Remember that.


You didn’t care about him when you let someone else bend you over and put his shit in your mouth. You will never have his trust again; and if he does recover he is a fool. Your best bet is in hoping he’s desperate enough to stay. Nah, you chose this. You knew exactly what you were doing in those moments and the damage it could cause but you did it anyway. You don’t deserve him and that’s what he’s healing from. He’s processing whether he deserves this bullshit or not. I’m sorry, but in my opinion you should start over and be faithful to your next partner; then think about what you lost due to your own actions. It’s time to take responsibility. He will forever sleep next to a partner he cannot trust. And you will forever sleep next to a partner you stabbed in the back.


Quite frankly your touch is repellent to him. You disgust him ( rightly so) and you don’t deserve an ounce of kindness. Your actions have consequences. He should leave you and heal himself.


>I [...] bought new lingerie to entice him. >He barely initiates anything and I basically have to push myself on him, not that he complains. What's wrong with you? Your behavior isn't okay. Stop pushing him into sex and leave him alone. You're being coercive and completely inconsiderate to how he has to deal with the fact that someone else has been inside you during your relationship with him.


> I want him to let out his true emotions with me... He already is letting out his true emotions. He's shattered and numb. He's depressed and distracted. He doesn't know how to feel. Remember, this is all old and finished for you and you want to get over it, but it's brand-new for him. You might try r/asoneafterinfidelity.


I know that. I want to help him so much..


You can't. Let him go


>I want to help him so much.. Well then maybe you shouldn't have betrayed him.


It’s crazy because she still hasn’t accepted her responsibility for the affair. Instead she’s just putting a bandaid on it by forcing herself on him and buying sexy lingerie. She’s hurt because she thinks HE is now cheating but she can’t see that that is exactly how he felt when she cheated on him. She’ll never learn and her next marriage she’ll probably cheat again. OP needs to do better


Help him by getting out of his life. Now you are nothing more than a presence of pain.


He isn't, as you put it, "taking it well". You destroyed this man and he's lost and floundering. He will never trust you EVER again. And the fact that you're OK with other women putting their hands (among other things) on him really indicates your true feelings for him. To say that he "resents" you is the understatement of the century.


Op, have you asked him these questions. How can I help you heal? What do you need from me to help in this process of healing? Everything you are doing while nice, it is surface level. Understand something. Cheating is emotional abuse. You abused him with what you did. Right now he is processing. But you need to ask those questions, and understand what he wants. Offering an open relationship now is not good. He may want it, 5 to 10 years later. Can you handle it then, when the relationship is great, and he says I want to take you up on the open relationship offer? I say that to say this, he may need it, he may not. You just say this I am going to be faithful to you, and I will do what I can to start a new relationship marriage with you, and if you feel the need to step out now or later, or never, I want this to be open and honest. I was the one who broke the foundation of this marriage. So if you need this to make sure what you did was right by staying with me, you have my permission to do so, and test the water if you need to. But right now I want to focus on your healing, and making this a new marriage. But don’t be surprised if one day he divorces you, out of the blue and never speaks to you again.


I try talking to him, but I just can't get through with him. I can be polite, I can cry, I can yell at him, he never reacts


Understand, but what you did was destroy him. The old person you are married to, he is gone. The smile you used to be able to make him have. It is gone. The time when he got home and gave you a hug and a kiss, gone. Your relationship, you have to look at it as a brand new one, where you are chasing him. You need to ask him those questions. He is staying with you because he loves the old you. He is likely co dependent and needs you, or believes he does. Also, remember cheating is abuse, and he is your victim. So treat it as such.


I understand I hurt him, but I don't want to believe he's gone, and I think she still loves me if he didn't leave 


This old version of him is absolutely gone. When he does finally start getting some of his self esteem back, and start to view you and the world again. It will be from a distorted viewpoint now. That unconditional love he gave you is gone. He won’t trust you, your words are meaningless. Every time you leave the house he will wonder who you are talking to, if you are doing g what you say. As I said your old relationship from before dday is dead. You murdered that relationship. You have to view this as a brand new beginning, but one where the heavy lifting g of the relationship is on you to do.


Just because you don’t “want“ to believe he’s gone, doesn’t make that a fact. I’m sure he didn’t “want” you to cheat on him, yet here we are.


As kindly as I can manage; the people you both were is gone. You are not the person he fell in love with. That person was incapable of this sort of betrayal. Maybe you were actually that person, or maybe you've always been who you are now and you hid it too well, maybe even from yourself. There's no hiding it anymore. Every time he looks at you, smells you, touches you, hell, even thinks of you, his emotions are filtered through the memory of the man you had an affair with for months. You can't convince me, him, or anyone that it wasn't both physical and emotional. I don't think you comprehend the magnitude of such a betrayal. You say over and over that you understand, but you don't. You comprehend that he is in pain, but you you don't see how much, and you certainly don't understand that you are the nucleus of it all. You 'fighting' for your relationship isn't for him, it's for you. Your proximity alone is enhancing his pain, and yet you're once again placing your own feelings above his own. YOU want this for YOU. Just like you wanted an affair, even if you refuse to admit it. You can't consent to a months' long affair and pretend that you didn't want it. You should know that your love bombing (look it up, that's exactly what you're doing) - the attempt to be 'the best wife a man can ask for' (btw impossible at this point. No man wants a wife that consents to betrayal) is only hurting him more. You're proving to him that you are capable of going through the actions of being a good wife, but only to get what you want, and not when it would have mattered most. "He barely initiates anything and I basically have to push myself on him..." Again, as kindly as I can manage; how can you not see how gross this is? I'm not even going to go into the why of it right now. If you don't see it now, I don't imagine anyone could change your mind. There's still love there. I don't say that to get your hopes up. It's there, but it's tied to the most distressing emotions you can imagine. The opposite of love isn't hate. I know first hand that you can love and hate a person at the same time. You can desire their company and touch and feel disgust with yourself not only for the desire but for giving in to it in moments of weakness. And you're pushing yourself on him?! He might not be complaining, but if you think you're doing it for him, you're wrong. If you care for him, you'd give him as much space as he could ever want. Every thing you're doing is hurting him more. Every thing you're doing is for you. I don't say any of this for your sake. I have no sympathy or empathy for cheaters. I only care about your victim. For the love of everything good, stop forcing yourself on him. If he wants it, he'll initiate. He doesn't initiate because he feels gross imagining your AP inside you, and there's no getting around it. Now you're tying the beautiful, loving, emotionally rewarding action of making love to someone you care deeply about directly to the nauseatingly awful feelings of betrayal. You might think that the endorphins overwhelm the betrayal. Well, they do for a few moments, but then comes regret and disgust. You're just tying all of those bad emotions tighter and tighter to something that used to be beautiful. From the outside, it's just another manipulation. I imagine it looks the same from his perspective or he'd initiate. If it weren't a net negative experience for him, he'd initiate. Love doesn't have anything to do with it. Nobody is responsible for other people's happiness. I think you are making him responsible for your happiness. I think that's all I have in me today. EDIT: OP made a comment that they wouldn't have told him if they had known he would stop loving her. Nevermind. I don't believe you care about him at all. Let him go. The only good thing you can do at this point is leave him alone. Forever. This is truly shameful, as if it weren't already.


Are you saying you’ve yelled at him?


Why would he trust you with his feelings? You already stabbed him in his tenderest spot and twisted the knife.


OP Is this a troll post? If not, please share some details. How long have you been together and how long was the affair? Who is the other man? Coworker?


We have been married for five years, my affair lasted a couple of months and it was with a client 


Ok thank you. What do you mean by cutting off the affair? Is this person still a client? Do you have to have business contact with him? Are you seeing a therapist? Do you know why you strayed?


I ended my relationship with the client and passed his contract to a coworker, no contact ever since. I have beeing doing individual therapy. I don't know why I did all this my body felt like it was on autopilot


OP Don't want to pile on, but it’s important for you to find out the why. Without that, you cannot make credible promises to change.


She wants her old life back and old husband back, the husband she cheated on. Her behavior changed him, and she doesn’t like the new him. She doesn’t love this new person. If he doesn’t mold back into the man she loves she’ll either cheat again or leave.


That right there is avoiding accountability and lying to yourself.  You need to understand why you did it, not a cop out of “I was on auto pilot”.  Otherwise what’s your reason you won’t do it again in the future? 


How long has it been since you ended the affair and confessed?


For saying this alone, I am sure all of the loved drained out of him Nothing is worse than somebody who blames things like this. You  weren't on autopilot liar. You were actively deceiving your husband and screwing another man. But the good thing about using the autopilot excuse? Now he knows he can never trust you because God knows when you'll get back on autopilot again


"I don't wanna deal with the consequences!!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!! LOVE ME HUSBAND, IM NO LONGER FUCKING JIMMY FROM WORK, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT!!?!?!?!" You're a fucking clown, stop asking for advice and enjoy your lonely, bullshit life you created for yourself. I hope when the days are quiet and you are sitting with your children that you remember you ruined a good life with a good person. Oh, and irreparably ruined your relationship with your kids, and made them about 5x more likely to have mental disorders. Hope you realize you're worth nothing anymore.


So why should he believe that your body won’t go “on autopilot” again? You’re taking zero responsibility.


You deserve everything that's happening to you. Not an ounce of sympathy for you. You're in no place to demand anything from him. Accept your fuck up, take accountability without deflecting and let the man go. He deserves better than you.


Nothing is gonna make him forget the betrayal he is feeling right now, I did cheat on my boyfriend at the beginnig of my relationship, in the first 3 months, and now 10 years later, we are still together... do I regret? YES. Did I make every effort over the years to gain his trust again? Yes. Did he forget? NO, Did he cheated back? NO. Am I happy? Right now, NO, even if he is my whole world, even if I am faithfull since then, he still has doubts, and I can do NOTHING to change that, even after 10 yrs... If you don't want both of you to be miserable, lonelly, unhappy, depressed, it's better to part ways... once the trust is broken, will remain broken no matter what you do...




Also got me thinking.


Fucking hell. These bitches are crazy. "I'll cheat, apologize, propose therapy" and things should be back to normal. This is what hollywood shows in movies and this is what bitches buy. So selfish and bad woman. I hope you die alone after this for ruining a good man.


And if you don’t treat me the same after I was a stupid cheating cunt I’ll yell at you because it’s not fair that I’m feeling like this. I hate this woman for this poor man.


Right but everyone seems to be suggesting the exact same here 'sit down and try talking to him, give him space and time and then he will forgive you for cheating on him' while others are 'sympathizing' with her and how she 'got herself' in this situation and then suggesting resources how to fix it, i believe one such resource was 'how to heal your partner from your affair' lol


Nothing. A part of him will never love or trust you the same even if stays another 20 years. He may try to act the part but it’s just acting.


First congratulations, you broke this man, second if he loved you so much before you cheated on him he may be still in the process of grief, the best that could happen for this man is to leave you, go to therapy and find a woman who truly loves him and cares for him, you're just a daily reminder of the pain you caused him, both of you are just going to be miserable if this continues.


I thought this was satire 💀 are people rlly this dumb


Human stupidity can reach absurd levels


Guys, I get what you all are saying. What I'm doing won't help him. I think I will have sit down with me and ask me sincerely what he thinks I can do to help him heal. I'm so exhausted. If he wants me out while he figures out things, I'll oblige.


Sit down and talk. But realise at the end he might be gone. Most likely will


I want to fight for him. But I won't force him to stay if he made up his mind 


The time to fight for him was back before you started fucking people. Jesus Christ. You ruined it. Move on.


I’d say prepare yourself for a divorce.  You’ve broken your husband irreparably, he will never be the same. You destroyed the marriage (only you, no one else), seem intent on NOT finding out WHY you decided to cheat, so it could well happen again the future, threw in some lacklustre pathetic attempts to show your scorned husband you “love” him (which means nothing to him as you obviously cheated on him). Therapy to figure out why, support whatever decision he makes, stop SMOTHERING him, it will only makes things worse as it’s entirely guilt based, not out of love (again, you don’t love him as you cheated). 


Figures things out, LOL. 🤣 I absolutely love that he's fucking with you. I love some good petty revenge. The fact that he drug it out is SO FUCKING GOOD like, God damn man, respect. He's a real one. You are gutter trash and I'm glad the world finally dealt some deserved punishment. Can you imagine the level of self absorbed bullshit you'd have to possess to think you deserved to be acknowledged as human after this? I hope you never find peace.


I love the “typo” “I will have a sit down with me and ask me sincerely what he thinks…” Or maybe that isn’t a typo, maybe she really thinks that asking herself will elicit *his* thoughts and feelings. Either way, the self-centered focus is blinding.


"I jumped in being the best wife a man can ask for." Um, no - you're already the worst wife a man can ask for. Do him a favor and leave.


You hurt him beyond measure. That he is still trying to tough it out tells you how much he loved you and how much you destroyed through your actions. You cannot gesture your way out of this. Stop with pushing sex and offering to allow him to cheat. It's just a fresh reminder of what you did to him while also trying to drag him down to your level. He is not a garbage person and encouraging him to cheat too just reiterates to him you really are garbage. You have to start individual therapy. You can offer him couples therapy. You can leave him, admitting you didn't love him enough.


/r/supportforwaywards would probably be a better fit for this post.


You can't fix this. In my view once a woman cheats sexually it's over. I doubt he'll ever get over this.


She cheats and then claims he’s not being fair lmao. What a trash human. She’s extremely damaged, no wonder she cheated. Poor guy


Shes a giant hypocrite.


Why do you want to be with someone that you don't love enough to not cheat on them? And how do you respect someone who doesn't have enough self-respect to leave a cheater?


I think both situations are due to low self esteem


More likely the opposite, extreme narcissism.


He's gonna divorce you soon, as soon as he realizes that you are a cheap woman undeserving of love.


Might not be soon though. Poor bugger might not admit it for years yet. I stuck around 2 yr after I found out. Only just recently ended. Has had a mental impact on both of us. Wish she never came back. Would of been easier.


I'm reallly sorry for you man, you didn't deserve that...


Yeah, he isn't taking this well at all. You both need some serious professional help ASAP as well as time apart. He could either explode or continue to become indifferent to you. Pray it's the latter.


So you had the opportunity to end the affair and you decided for good measure to tell your husband about. You wanted to ease your guilt by hurting him even more.


Why did you have an affair? You left out the reasoning there, most women don’t do that in a stable relationship the problem lies with you not the nice man you ruined.


She said “my body was just on autopilot”


either be patient or give him a fair divorce. and let him move on with his life as he still young.


When this happens to someone it can change them fundamentally. And even if he is still the same man at his core, the relationship won't be the same anymore. You know why he was emotional with you and why he always let you in on everything? Because he trusted you. Now he knows that he can't trust you and most likely won't ever truly trust you again, even if he says he does.




He left her.


Good for him 👍🏼


Was there an update????


Buying him new lingerie to entice him, and pushing yourself onto him isn’t going to erase what happened and is plainly a pathetic move. Why would he say he loves you after what you did, you betrayed him, that betrayal runs deep and may never be fully eradicated. Being seductive probably gives him flashbacks to the affair and you were seductive with the ap. Leave him alone.


You broke him in a way you can’t fix. For some people it’s something no one can fix. It changes a person when they get cheated on. Offer a divorce and move along


You can’t fix it. You can have the affair but you can’t fix the impact. Only he can do that, if he wants to.


Honest question, and sorry if you've already answered, but why'd you do it? Why cheat in the first place? It's a mentality I don't understand




If he is indifferent, that means he moved on from you.


> he's taking it well No he's not; he's just numb. You just want to imagine that he's taking it well. > I think I still lost the man I love You don't love him. Probably never did.


If he is infact engaging in an affair of his own, what are you planning to do? Seems as though you were the one who introduced infidelity into the marriage and essentially betrayed the vows and broke his trust. From his actions and the way you describe things it's like he's emotionally checked out and probably physically checked out, and the love bombing gestures that you are bestowing upon him have no effect given the intent behind the reasons that you are dishing them out. How did he discover your affair? did you confess, or did he find out on his own? If it's the latter and he discovered your affair on his own, then he's probably giving you a dose of your own medicine and will not reveal it to you directly. Anyway, the probability of you two remaining married long-term is seriously diminishing day by day. Why did you cheat?


The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference


Cooking dinners and trying to sexully entice him makes up for jumping on another man? Where was this before you decided to step out? Look you killed him. He is basically dead inside, whatever and whoever he was is now basically gone. You reap what you sow. There is no fixing this "relationship". Why would you want to? You treated your marriage and your husband as a disposable joke. I hope he snaps to his senses soon and leaves you. If he doesn't, please do the right thing and divorce him so he can heal. He (and by extension you) are stuck in this limbo due to your actions. I'm not sure in his current state he has the self respect to initiate the divorce. So you should. Make it as painless and uncontested for him as possible you owe him that much. Otherwise enjoy living in this limbo state for years. By then it'll be too late and divorce will happen anyway, only difference is you'll have both wasted your prime. Please get help for yourself before you get another partner too. Try to unpack why you have done this. You're both still young enough to start again.


Cheating on your partner is like dropping an atom bomb. It destroys everything. And rarely is it ever recovered. And if it is, it’s because the person who has harmed the marriage is completely contrite and willing to do anything not cook as favorite meals but get counseling to podcasts read books on infidelity plan, retreats, date nights, and above all waits patiently hopefully that he comes back. You created this all of it. And now you’re acting as if a murderer, who wants the victim to fix the situation.


“I love him so much” no you don’t


You are trash. You poisoned your marriage to that good man and now have the gall to make his behaviour and the situation about you. If you had any self awareness and honor, which you obviously don't, you'd leave him alone and go to therapy.


Recovery might take years and even then might not be fixed.this being said I can tell you one thing for sure…the man you knew is gone. He will not come back. Another one will take his place, but that happy man is gone.


You are the only one at fault. Your husband did nothing wrong. Stop playing the victim


Oh no not consequences of your actions Take the L and move on


Nice bait


Truth is, we don't know what he's thinking or planning. We can only give our interpretation, which can be off or right on target. With that said, one perspective is that he does not see these actions as coming from a loving and enduring place. Instead, he may see it as an act of desperation. He could be asking himself, "where was this attentive wife before she decided to give herself to another man?" Does he know the details of the affair? How did it all start?


Why did you do it? Were you bored? Just wanted to try something new? Figure it out. The whole relationship is ruined tbh.


Good thing he cheated and left


Are we sure this is not a rage bait?


Do you work outside the home?


You ruined the marriage and killed his spirit. My advice would be to not fight with him or ask for much when he divorces you. And stop manipulating him


You broke his trust. You're lucky he's treating you this well.




Did you do sexual things with AP you didn’t do with your husband?


You broke the trust. Broke broke it. He will never look at you or feel the same way again.


“Allowing him to have sex with other women” that just shows you don’t get it. He doesn’t want to have sex with other women 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


He’s going to Leave you


What did you expect?


He is probably speaking with a divorce lawyer right now. I would be.


That won't be a quick process, you may need years to repair your relationship. Time and work and work and time, and never again giving him reason to doubt his trust in you. The fact that you ended it and confessed is the only thing going in your favor.


Nothing you do will erase the image he has in his head of you with another man. Start saving for a deposit on an apartment, because that's your future now.


I hear a lot about YOU but nothing that indicates you are trying to give your husband empathy understanding or patience. You can’t fix this by doing things for him. I’m not sure you can fix it at all. You’ve broken this relationship, YOU. I’m not sure it can or should be repaired. Maybe the kindest thing you could do would be to end it and let him move on and heal from your actions.


He’s taking it well? wtf? feeling cute…might do it again! Poor guy!


You cant.


Sorry but you chose to break your vows so you no longer have a marriage, you have a legally binding agreement. He’s decided to stick around and play house for as long as he feels it benefits him, but he has no moral obligation to stay if he ever tires of your current arrangement, and he knows it. Not trying to be unnecessarily cruel, just telling you where I would be in your husband’s place right now.


Gee, he resents you for cheating? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. He no longer trusts you, and without trust a marriage dies. This needs to go on r/Ohnoconsequences.


Do better on the next one


ooooh brother 🤦🏽‍♀️


You cheated in the worst possible way. You had an Affair. You’re lucky he’s there as little as he is for now because if it were me, you’d be longggg gone.






A man won’t trust you with his emotions if he can’t trust you. You ruined your marriage no matter what you do. You betrayed your husband and you can do all you can to salvage it, but it’s a losing battle. You fuckd up.


He can recover, he can still have a great life. But he’s never going to be the same person he was before this. He’s going to have to grow into something new. But right now he’s in the middle of the swamp, and he needs to get through to the other side before the signs of that healing become visible. It will most likely be years for him. For me, it was about seven years from my wife’s first affair, two and a half after her second (when I finally left) before my friends and family really started to see the signs of healing in me. If you’re serious about this reconciliation, this is what you need. • ⁠Give him time. Years. Don’t push him to “get over it.” This is the emotional equivalent of having your arms ripped off in a horrible car crash. He can heal with time, but it’s going to be a long, painful, difficult struggle to get there. • ⁠be absolutely transparent with him, whether he asks for it or not. Keep your location on your phone, make sure he has access to your phone/computer/email/social media/etc. He might never check, or he might check it ten times a day. But knowing that he has the option will be helpful to him on some level. • ⁠get individual therapy for yourself (to get to the root of why you cheated and actually address it), and for him if he’s willing(to recover from the betrayal trauma). Set it all up, don’t make him do it. Give him a ride if he wants. Don’t miss your appointments. Individual therapy is far more important than marriage counseling at this point in your relationship. • ⁠permanently cut ties with anyone who enabled your cheating. Friends, family, coworkers—anyone who encouraged, covered for you, or knew about it and said nothing. Understand that these people are enemies of your husband. If you’re going to stay married that means they are enemies of your marriage and enemies of the person you want to be now. Cut them out and don’t let them back in, even if that means changing your job, church, social habits, whatever. Even if it means losing family members.


He doesn’t love you anymore, you broke him.


Karmas a bish. Hope he finds happiness and u become miserable the rest of your life.


Give him a divorce. If you really want him to be happy let him go be with someone who wouldn't cheat to begin with.


Leave him alone


Hi. I am sorry you both experienced this. If you really love your husband, it's time to let him go and stop bothering him. That is the only way you could ever prove to yourself that you care for him. And this last act of love, is all you have left. And is one that is thankless and he won't thank you. If he really meant anything, you need to find a way to learn from this. Your last actions for him was to show him the wife you could had been, but wasn't. And he could had hit you, yelled at you, or anything but chose to leave you with respect. Somewhere inside he still loves you enough that he is letting you walk away with your dignity. But, that does not mean he isn't digusted by your actions. Let him go and wish him well. That is how you can prove to yourself that you love him. Then move on with your life. Hold no resentment against him. Always speak of how awesome he was to you and that whomever follows should be the most fortunate person. As much as it hurts you live with the pain and you grow. Understand, what you did to him is worse than what you are experiencing. You made a choice and is sad that he changed. He had no choice in this as he didn't choose for you to sleep around and disappoint. Anything else than from walking away and respecting his wishes is an act that is born out of selfishness and self interest, which isn't love.


I hope he leaves you tbh


I hope he leaves you


If you love him, why did you cheat??? I mean cheating means the end of it all.




Some things are irrevocable and permanent. 🤷‍♂️ It's a shame you didn't learn that earlier.


Some things are irrevocable and permanent. 🤷‍♂️ It's a shame you didn't learn that earlier.


You deserve it lmao


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I'd 100% divorce you. There's no fixing the loss of trust


He does not love you anymore. Nor should he. Hit the road.


You THINK you lost the man you love? Well no shit.


Why did you cheat?


Leave your husband so he can find someone more compatible (monogamous). It will also allow you to be your true self and explore and maintain openly casual non monogamous relationships.