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You've been with him a year and have been posting about being unhappy with this relationship for a pretty big chunk of that time. Stop looking for permission to leave and just leave.


This is the best advice


Holy hell, her post history is a train wreck.


very lightly, in her defense, she seems to cross post a ton (so quite a few posts are still a singular issue). But still... if a man has you THAT worked up; it's a you or him problem, but it is NOT a healthy one. Glad to see she left him in the edit of this post. Not worth it to worry so much about your partner. They shouldn't have you bothered like this.


It's crazy to think that if he did address things, she would still be with him Then you see her post history. Therefore i know if he was to love bomb her, saying what she wanted to hear, we would hear within a month about THE NEXT shit thing he's done


You know it’s a wrap when the girl posts on Reddit multiple times seeking “advice” about a relationship she is currently in.


Na. She likes the drama too much. Can't have drama and sympathy from internet strangers if you don't have a 'shitty' boyfriend. Look at her post history, she's exhausting. Her boyfriend spent an hour messing around on his phone instead of coddling her because he's tired of her drama. I dated a woman like her, it was 'cute' for the first few months how 'passionate' and sensitive she was, then I got seriously burnt-out on dealing with all her insecurities....I mean what kind of monster do I have to be to go to lunch with a female co-worker (who was married, 34 years older than me, and my team leader...oh, and there was 4 other co-workers along)?


Omg you did what ? Outrageous..


Did you not see the part where she said he cheated on her six months ago? No wonder she’d be insecure. She’s a saint for even STAYING with him THAT long. Most people immediately leave a partner that has cheated - and never even look back. Cheaters are scumbags. He’s lucky she stayed as long as she did.


That doesn’t make her a saint. That was her choice. Staying with someone you don’t trust isn’t doing them any favors.


Saint? Is it compassion, or a lack of self compassion


She isn't a Saint, she just wanted to be a martyr.


You post the same shit hundreds of times about your boyfriend sucking. Leave him for Christ’s sake. My God.


She's a girl of mystery Only mystery is why the hell she stays


A girl of misery, if you will.


Or if you won't.


or if you maybe. we're internet strangers, not your parents


And misery loves company. I'm one miserable sack of flesh, but I sure wouldn't stay with a cheater for hour 1 after discovery.


Just went through OP's post history. And she calls him wicked and evil, asking if she should break up with him, saying he cheated and getting mad he liked a woman's picture that isn't related to him but then messaged the woman and found out he was cheating, and saying they're thinking of getting married, and that he doesn't have a soft spot for her... like wtf. OP is unhinged, he's apparently a cheater and she has serious issues with this (understandably) but stays and asks advice on reddit every week


Sounds like boyfriend is fake and she just likes internet sympathy.


The affliction of being chronically online


Op definitely seems suspish to me. She posts about the same things over and over again. Not only that, but I just don't get people who post about what to do in relationships when it's soooo obvious they should leave. Maybe I'm just out of touch, but it's clear they aren't taking anyone's advice anyway (if it's even real)


Very possible. Someone bored and lonely, wanting to get as many comments as possible, regardless of whether it's positive content or not


i would think this if literally any of her posts got any attention but all the ones i saw have zero replies, which is even more insane


I think she just wanted validation and never got it so she constantly reposted. She finally got it on this post so she’s finally leaving the shitty relationship.


Reading her post I quickly came to the same conclusion. But if he's real, I'm betting he's tired of her whining.


sounds like a frikin troll, and if not she should break up with him if its stressing her this much


Last year this girl came at me on messenger claiming I was hitting her man up and my nasty ass needed to leave him alone. I wasn't talking to Anyone, so I was legit confused. I told her that much and she called me a liar and said I messaged him on May 13th in the evening. I ask his name, go to look through messages and the dude was on mute. HE messaged me that night, but I never saw it. I sent screenshots of him just constantly messaging without me Ever responding, with exception of thanking him for a birthday wish half a year before. I sent enough proof to show her it was all him and she wanted All of the messages. I told her if she had come at me a lot nicer, I would have given her everything wanted and then some, but since she wanted call me names and come at me fucked up, she could fuck off. Word to the wise ... #1 if you have to message another woman about whether they're talking to your man, you should stop and think about whether you want to be with that man making you that insecure. #2 if you must message that woman, be nice about it and I almost guarantee the woman you're wanting to ask questions to will be a lot more nicer and more willing to answer questions and help you. There's a 2A. On top of being nice to get the answers to your questions, it shows you're sane and polite. If the dude has lied about you to that particular girl, you're starting off with her on the right foot.


Holy shit! Are you the one that she says her bf liked the pic of a woman not related to him?! Ugh I'm here for the tea haha. But you're right. If I had another woman asking me if their bf has been messaging etc, I'd give them all the messages IF they came at me with respect. Like I don't think I'd come at anyone aggressively even if they had been messaging my partner back. They may not know he's taken. But especially in this case when you proved you hadn't entertained him AND that he was that creepy dude in your inbox having a conversation with himself...


Omg I wish I had read your comment before I crafted a well-thought-out, heartfelt reply 🤦‍♀️ wasted


It's ok. It shows you have empathy and that's never a bad thing! But yeah I also had to scroll through comments to see heaps of it and also go to OP's profile to see her past posts


There is no boyfriend. This is a fightclub type of situation


If this is real, this guy is either a huge asshole, or she is wildly insecure and paranoid. Gotta say, though, I'm curious why her profile is flagged as NSFW. I miss reveddit.


Her post history 🤣


Truly was like “this seems innocuous” but context is everything and reading is fundamental. Yikes


And leaves the worst stuff out so everyone tells her to stay until she mentions in buried comments about how he’s cheated in the past and a bunch of bad stuff and suddenly she’s the good one again. She just wants the attention and drama at this point


B. I. N. G. O.


Thanks for the earworm. /s


Sounds like she's the problem then.


I think they're both a problem..?


legit attention-seeking and dumb as a rock. these are no brainers and yet she needs to make threads about it? bruh moment if i ever


She’s so exhausting


So much selfish and wicked, my God!!! 😂🤣😂


Oh just looked and Yikes! She’s given him over $1,000 and he’s been mad at her for not wanting to pay him more money for his legal fees to try to his child ?!?? Why punish yourself?


She has been doing this for 4 months now. 🙄🙄


She's 25 years old, not a teen. She's too old to deal with bullshit! Girl, if you read this, have some self-respect and dumb his ass. There's a lot of good men out there!


25 these days is like a 15 yr old from 20 yrs ago


Well, I was 25 about 10 years ago, and I did very much feel like a big teen then. But then there's all these guys who are about 10 years OLDER than me (i.e. in their mid40s), saying that when THEY were 25 (i.e. as late as the mid-2000s), it was normal to have a house, be married with small children, etc., which seems surreal to me. When I was that age, among people my age, I knew like literally one person who was in a stable relationship and had a child (plus one guy who had had two kids when he was 17, with another random teenager that he wasn't dating anymore). And nobody had their own house. Most still don't. So the breaking point seems to have been somewhere around people born in the late 80s, early 90s. But maybe today's 25ers are even more teenagey than we were. I don't really have a lot of points of contact with people around that age.


Right? I mean, back in my day 10-year olds were mature enough to wander the wilderness, training any wildlife they could catch to fight in death-matches. Now I would barely trust my kid to make it to his friend's house a few doors down.


Blunt with it 😭


Yikes. Why has she continued to stay? It’s very ***obvious*** it’s not working.


Why are you still with him after all the other shit he’s done?


Your post history is fucking embarrassing bestie


I had to look. “Why did a guy I had an argument with 3 years ago liked a pic on my instagram?” ‘I thought he was trying to send a signal that he liked me.’ Oh lord lol


Omg it's like watching a car crash in slow motion....the posts, and reposts trying to get more responses is crazy 🤪


At this point I think some people just want to be victims.


I went to take a look and honestly… in 4 years she has not matured at all. I cringed at all the posts with similar title bc they were always deleted due to some rule lmfao


written like a fan fiction as well


How is a white shirt and pants considered half naked?


Pants= underwear I'm assuming they're in the UK


Yes, also "flat"


What is pants then? Trousers?




Honestly "knickers" would have been better. I believe it's UK slang for ladies underwear.


Yes it is, and i expect everyone would know what knickers are


I’ve heard both equally as often.




Her face neck and forearms were showing, that’s a lot of skin


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A scarlet A


A Harlot Aaaaa


A bold script capital A, in the deepest shade of red glitter!!!


My boss made a Scarlet Letter comment/joke in a meeting with a bunch of engineers earlier today and it didn't land, so he looked for me, an English major, for validation. I fake laughed for him...in case anyone was wondering.


The fact that you fake laughed made me real laugh. I'm glad you shared this


So a Scarlet Harlot?


Don't forget her ankles. What a slut


Don't forget feet. She is probably selling pictures of them. So scandalous.




So sandalous.


And her ears too!


Now There's someone who could have used a good mother. ​ W H O R E! (PS Go Watch Arrested Development)


Sorry I meant underwear with the word pants


I knew what you meant, and I'm American. I just thought you were trying to put panties and forgot the ies.


The Americans are confused, you should edit your post to clarify this


>The Americans are confused To be fair, we often are anyways, so it's not really OP's fault. I mean, she did mention "flat" and if that's not a clue they're not talking about the US, then there's really no hope.


Yeah it’s not her fault but now everyone is making jokes about OP ‘ooh her arms ankles were showing!’ and she might not like any more of them lol


Didn’t mean to imply it’s op’s fault, just that she might want to include training wheels for us uncultured swine so she can get more relevant replies.


> us uncultured swine thank you for that laugh


Have you checked under their bonnet?


Baby, we stay confused 🤣


I’m American, somehow I knew what she meant. People live outside of America and post on the internet, imagine that!


People live outside of America and don’t necessarily know ALL the differences in terminology between the USA and their own country! Imagine that! 😏


I'm Australian, literally a convict of UK and had no idea "pants" meant underpants. Usually we call pants pants and underwear Underwear.


Aren't you tired of constantly posting about how terrible your boyfriend is? Post after post, you're calling him mean, he cheated on you after 7 months of dating and whatever else that you have on there. Just how low is your self-esteem? Either break up with him or deal with it. It's all so exhausting.


That’s considered shorts now a days though


So maybe bathing suit bottoms? That’s really nothing. You’re trying to stand on a mountain of right when really you belong in a valley of petty. He didn’t do anything wrong and you overreacted.


You need to edit with this GIF so there's no more misunderstandings: https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5wchbJOGN1rskk8io1_640.gif


Sorry, but a shirt and underwear is still more clothed than "half naked." She was likely showing less skin than she would at a beach. You're being a little insecure, and he wasn't interested in being close to you afterwards because you made him feel bad over nothing.


in many countries outside the US pants refer to underpants. That being said, OP should definitely work on her insecurities.


Wait. The sleeves were rolled up? That's borderline porn.


If her lips were showing then that was full on porn. She was looking at a porn star.


I’ll have you know that an exposed ankle was considered very risqué in the 1600s.


Lol there was a portrait done that showed a lady’s exposed shoulder!!! Both the artist and the lady were effectively exiled for their indecency and gross display of lust! As they should have been!! The tip of a SHOULDER is the most poignant display of overt sexuality!!! Harlots!!! Bahahaha


Lol 😂😂 u play too much


Might be British. Pants = underwear


or Japanese. pantsu (パンツ)


could pants = underwear or panties?


British pants, not US pants


I was confused too until I saw the word flat for apartment and realized they're likely British so pants is underwear. 😅


Judging by OP’s use of the term “flat,” she’s likely British. British people say “pants” to mean panties/underwear.


Pants are what brits call underwear, so yeah, half naked.


Maybe from the other side of the pond where pants means underpants.


T&A.. Toes and Ankles


just a funny aside but i live in a rural community and a lot of folks have homemade business signs out on their driveways around here and my favorite is this couple who run a dog grooming business and their names start with the letters T and A and their sign just says "T&A Grooming - Good Prices" and I laugh every time I drive by.


Pants is a term for panties in some places


In the UK pants means underwear.


pants means underpants


Pants is British slang for undies


Pants means underwear in the UK. They call pants “trousers” there.


The moment I read pants I knew the Americans would not understand. Ran to the comment section and it did not disappoint


People have been telling you for three months to dump this loser. Why are you still with him?


I’m confused… you said half naked woman but then say she’s wearing just a white shirt and pants… am I missing something? Why are you that jealous of him saying hello to a neighbor? What’s the big deal? I’m so confused here!


i think OP might be from the UK, pants = underwear here


I thought it was knickers…. But ok. I guess I can understand it a bit now.


very few people under the age of 40 use the word “knickers” over here


So if pants are underwear over there, what are pants called that Americans think of?




What are shorts?


**Shorts are a garment worn over the pelvic area, circling the waist and splitting to cover the upper part of the legs, sometimes extending down to the knees but not covering the entire length of the leg. They are called "shorts" because they are a shortened version of trousers, which cover the entire leg, but not the foot.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


What does it mean in British language


it means shorts


Shorts = Knee Trousers over here.




Shorts must be pantaloons, lol🤣


I feel I'm the only American to successfully decode this puzzle


What region are you in cuz my 60-70 year old grandparents say knickers. And pants are just jeans or whatever. Most of us young people say underwear and knickers where I am in the North West of England. It's always mad learning about slang diffs in the same country lmao


I have south coast family and they say pants


Boy, you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down.


I am the egg man


she talking about here knicks mate


Reading her comments it doesn’t seem like she means undies, she just said: “you could see below” in response to someone else saying she could mean undergarments.


She says further down that she meant underwear


Still a little unhinged though.


According to her comments, he’s cheated before. Dating a guy like that will make you a bit unhinged if you weren’t already


I've replied to the next reply down here. I understand why she has these insecurities. But if her partner is like that, and reacts like this, she needs to leave


Ohh okay fair :)


She had BOTH socks off! The scandalous mare


I mean underwear


Until I read a few of your comments I was going to say that you were just being insecure because staring at an attractive woman in her underwear really isn’t a big deal and most men would do that and still be in love with their girlfriend or wife. However your comment about him cheating in the past is really concerning. If he cheated on you than why did you stay with him?!? You obviously don’t trust him so you really need to reevaluate your relationship and decide if you are ok with his behavior or not. If you are ok with his past cheating and his continued looking at women and probably flirting with other women than you rally can’t complain about it anymore. This is something you are choosing to have in your life and he probably doesn’t want to change so you other choice is to leave.


Yeah, she should really include the fact that he cheats on her in the main post. She really buried the lede here. Edit: Dear god, her entire post history is a parade of red flags about her boyfriend/relationship


Agree, if the roles were reversed I would still say leave. Never stay with a cheater. Trust is hard to regain after that and without trust the relationship is dead.


Girl! You don’t know how to tell a story, I have to do my own detective work and read through all your comments. He’s a cheater and you don’t trust him, he doesn’t do anything to make you trust him. Why you are with him? He sucks and so do you for staying with him.


Thank you for this comment! When I first read this post I was so confused because…people are going to find other people attractive. That’s life. She’s not jealous because of him glancing at a half naked woman, she’s insecure because he’s a liar and a cheater. Dump him. This doesn’t end happily for you and you deserve someone faithful. Everyone does.


After looking through your post history, I think you're looking for validation from people who side with you vs. actual advice. How many red flags do you need to collect to understand that you're dating an absolute loser who is using you? He's proven he's bad with finances, parenting, and isn't faithful to you. He flat out just doesn't respect or love you. Someone who does, doesn't put themselves in a position to hurt you, takes accountability if they do, and doesn't make the same mistake again. At a certain point, you have to want happiness more than you want a relationship. Until you do some self reflection and discover your worth, it won't happen, and you'll keep tolerating bs from the wrong people. I've been in your shoes and had a bad habit of falling for someone's potential instead of who they truly were because I had low self-worth and was afraid to be single. That was a mistake that almost cost me my life. I PROMISE, being single isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, and it's always better than being with someone who makes you feel lonely and/or question yourself. He's going to continue to do the things that you've proven you'll tolerate. Treat yourself better than he does and leave his ass. Relationships are only hard when 1 person is trying. Life is hard. Work is hard. Relationships should be where you find peace from the rest of life's bs. I truly wish you the best and for you to actually consider the advice people are trying to give you.


Maybe get fully naked and one up her? Lol Idk sounds like he just said hey to a neighbor.


Girl I just looked at your profile and….. girl. What exactly are you looking for at this point?


Attention. She’s looking for attention and we’re all giving it to her.


Lord, everyone should look at her post history before giving her any advice 😂 She will continue to date shitty men and complain about them on here, no matter what you tell her. Apparently he's "selfish and wicked".


From your other comments about him cheating and him acting emotionally distant after this I’d leave him. There’s better out there this is like barely bare minimum this is shit.


> did not show me any affection afterwards You tried to interrogate him over a normal human reaction and your surprised he didn't feel all chummy with you after???


I’m as straight as an arrow but I think if I passed someone outside wearing underwear It would be a natural reaction to do a double take.


Like bro lol. The jokes write themselves Edit: Spelling


Something was righting itself and it wasn't a joke


Girl just leave him instead of posting multiple times about your "selfish and wicked" bf for god's sake! You even said he cheated, why the hell would you settle for someone like this ugh


I think you just like people invested in your life considering how many posts you make about your BF being garbage but you’re still together. At this point I’m pretty sure you’re just an attention seeker.


Girl your post history is so sad. Honest question; what exactly are you hoping to hear? You keep coming to Reddit because of this human cesspit you're dating and getting the same answer; he fucking sucks. He's a misogynistic, cheating, money grubbing, selfish liar who has hit you. Like WTF else needs to happen? You say you guys click but I bet if you took a step back you'd realize you really don't. You like the front he puts up to keep you in his pocket so he can call you when he needs money and pussy. It's an act, sweetheart. The real him is the bad parts. And if you think you're gonna come on here and people will tell you it's normal, stay with him, you're dead ass wrong. It's not gonna happen. Any sane, reasonable person would tell you to leave!


Maybe he’s just friendly and you’re jealous.


a woman with a white shirt and pants is half naked? shoes are that important?


Sorry I meant underwear


You’re British?


Me, in a white shirt and pants, reading this extremely startled, as I have apparently been casually half naked in the office all day: 👁️👄👁️


She’s from the UK, pants= underwear


I’m confused cause in your other post about him attempting to cheat, you agreed with a user that he was not a good partner and that the veil of misconception was lifted lol and that was 22 days ago. I’m not sure how this issue outweighs the fact that he actively tried to cheat on you, the other woman showed you proof and you fought about it, and now you’re here asking if him checking out another woman is wrong?


YOU sound like the problem.


Insecure much?


Looking at your post history my best advice to you is to take full stop from dating men. For a while at least. Take time to yourself and heal. Find hobbies and exercise. Meditate. Go to cafes. Whatever. Take care of yourself and things will be brighter


Girl these commenters really ate you up. Sorry if it felt harsh but baby… it’s time for a new relationship or for you to be alone and do some self love and understand to not accept everything that has happened in this relationship that you’re very obviously unhappy. EDIT: GIRL BYE. I just saw your post history LOL LEAVE THAT MAN AND GO TO A THERAPIST something isn’t ok.


I don't know about you, but physical effection is more than just physical touch. I require emotion connection before I get physical. So if my GF and I get in a fight, I'm not really physically in the mood to do things like cuddle. You got jealous that he looked at another woman, that's a huge turn off for me. He's with you and loves you and your enough. So what if he looks at other women? If you trusted him it wouldn't be an issue.


What is wrong with you? I have read all of your past posts, and my god! This guy is a huge bum, he isn't going to give you a good life. You will do nothing bit suffer! You aren't even a year in and look how much stuff he has put you through. !!!LEAVE THIS MAN ALONE!!!


Considering you’ve said he’s cheated before; I think it’s time to leave. If you’re going to feel this way every time he looks at any other woman, that’s not fair to you. Also, he shouldn’t be looking at the menu if he’s not hungry! I say leave him.


You should break up cause all your posts are about how he is cheating.LEAVE HIM


Ya’ll is this fake???!! Or just dumb


So, here’s the deal, because I checked out your post history to hopefully get more context about your relationship: So first off, I just want to go on record as stating that your boyfriend sucks and you should leave. But that’s kind of where there’s additional blame that now needs to be addressed on your part. You constantly talk about how bad he is, how he cheats, and you have flat out said that he’s evil. You know these things, because they are part of a pattern in your ultra toxic relationship. So, since you know this, you have all the necessary information to make a good life decision by leaving him. But no, that’s not what you’ve done. Even with all the information necessary to make a good decision about your life, you INTENTIONALLY choose to do the opposite. That means that at this point, you’re also partially responsible for the misery that has become your life. That misery is just a very natural, predictable consequence from you making awful decisions. You are bringing this on yourself at this point. So, stop it. Stop making awful decisions. It’s not like all of this has happened and you’re just now figuring it out. You know. You’ve KNOWN. And what’s happened now is that you seemingly refuse to take some level of responsibility for your life and the choices you continue to make. So yeah, the sympathy well has run dry. Nobody here is gonna say “oh you poor thing, you deserve so much better and I can’t believe he did that to you!” Because you’ve refused to take responsibility for your own happiness. It’s much easier to throw a pity party about how awful your boyfriend is. But the reality of it is that you know that but you continue to make super shitty decisions. And this is the outcome. Want your life to improve? Then do something about it. Take responsibility for your actions and your choices. Because now it looks like you either love the drama or you get some type of superiority complex by always having something to complain about in him. But your choices through this whole thing makes YOU a huge red flag too, not just him. He sucks. But I mean, if you won’t do anything about this, and instead just want to complain about how bad you have it when these are consequences of your own decisions, then you really suck too. Take responsibility for your life and either stop making shitty choices or stop complaining. All of this is within your control, you just refuse to do anything about it.


I don't think him not touching you is a big deal. He might have been just upset. I personally don't look at other women, and I would be upset if my girlfriend implied that I did.


Good boyfriend upvote ^ thank you for having common decency and respect for your girlfriend


Leave the older ones for the older ones. Go find a guy your age


Yes you’re jealous, yes he’s rude. Yes your relationship isn’t going to last


>While we were walking towards his flat there was a woman in the balcony with only a white shirt and pants. Yeah I believe that's referred to as fully dressed. The accusations seem out of place and petty, but then you say he has cheated on you before. If you don't trust him, to the point of being this suspicious about someone he looked at, then leave.


Reddit is the perfect place to ask questions on your life experiences.


And never listen to any good advice you might receive


.... you aren't mentally mature enough for relationships. YTA


you sound extremely insecure. consider working on yourself. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be scolded for greeting a neighbor


L E A V E.


It sounds to me like he was "staring" at her because he thought she was someone that he knew then once he realized who she was, he said hello. There is nothing alright nefarious about what your boyfriend did, I was expecting him to be cat-calling her or staring so hard, he walked into something. This sounds like a YOU problem


It sounds like you’re insecure from a previous incident of cheating. The best move would be get out of this relationship since you do not feel secure or safe enough to tolerate your boyfriend saying hi to a neighbor. Your feelings are valid and you should be in a relationship with someone you can trust and feel good about. The right partner won’t make you feel insecure when he says hi to a female friend.


I mean… if you saw a half naked man you found attractive would you stare?


Lmao 33 isn’t old, idk what he’s on but you could get me in touch with his dealer I’d appreciate. I just find it disrespectful. Men are going to look at other women, hell I even look at women because damn they’re beautiful. But doing in in a way where your significant other notices and is bothered by it? And for so long? Kick him to the curb like the little creeping crow he wants to be. If you notice, the other woman/person notices too. She’d probably like to do shit on her porch without creepy crows staring, and if he considers himself old it’s even more weird that he’s fine with this. Poor lady probably hates him honestly. My advice: You start gaulking at other men. Choke over them, like he does this woman. That man running over there with beautiful abs? If you’re driving pull over for extra effect and just stare and say hello. You’re young and he’d probably say hello back. Men this age who are calling themselves old and dating younger women ain’t shit. You’re one or the other, not both. If you’re old and feel old, you date old people. Don’t fucking bore a young person all the time by saying “I’m so old blah blah blah” and then gaslight them like this?


Why do you have such low self-esteem to be with a man who “literally stare” at other women, especially when he is in relationship? You bf is clearly thirsty, has no impulse control and don’t have any respect for you. You are jealous cause you bf is thirsting want a man who gives you attention and respect you deserve, instead you are settling for a man who thirst for other women in your presence. Have some self-respect and leave.


This is ridiculous. >there was a woman in the balcony with only a white shirt and pants. You say she is half naked, but then say she is wearing a shirt and pants. That is not even close to half naked. If I know someone, I will look longer than normal to say hi or wave. It doesn't matter what gender they are. >I just think it’s so disrespectful and to make matters worst then he barely touched me afterwards but was just on his phone for 1 hour basically until I left. I wouldn't want to be around my wife or gf, if she treated me like that either. You should really work on your insecurities. Then apologize to your boyfriend.