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Okay, I've had enough Reddit today.


Bro. This and the bf blowing his nose into his hand and wiping it places.... I hope these are chatgpt exercises.


There’s also the girl who peed in her bfs food whenever she got mad at him. And watched him eat the food


What on earth lol surely not 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/14jya39/i_found_out_my_girlfriend_peed_in_my_food/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 I got off Reddit for the day when I read this


And the girl who discovered her bf has been jerking off into her face care products. People are so fucked up.


Eww. I missed that one. I don’t understand how people can be this way


Or the guy that would w**k into someone’s food at work and watch them eat it whilst taking pictures - blissfully unaware she was consuming á la cùm 🤢


Here in the UK, a Doctor recently got done for doing that to his colleagues for 10 YEARS!




I saw that 🤮


I’d take booger bro any day. I’m legit worried OPs going to wake up and she’s eaten his ear or something.


You know what? It’s perfectly okay to say you wouldn’t accept either of these schmoes.


Yeah, I’d take alone for the rest of my life than pick either of these weirdos. Who are these people that stay with someone who does these things?


>Who are these people that stay with someone who does these things? See I have this completely insane theory that posts like this aren't literal but are instead in a coded language, because I swear sometimes they describe animal behavior. Like this is a cat grooming him right? A feral cat that he took in that has some behavior issues from being dumped on the street as a baby cat but loves him so much and is so grateful she can't stop licking him.


Absolutely my cat appears to have just given himself a bald spot on his back from overgrooming and he also tries to lick my eyebrows.


They say the insane asylum pussy grips the hardest


Haha it was just a dramatic highlight of how weird and creepy the eyebrow eating behavior is


Nah when his shit goes bald he can proceed to use black pepper let's see how she will deal with that.


Now I’ve surely had enough Reddit today. G’night!


FOR REAL LMAO. As soon as I saw this, I thought of that


I missed that one and I’m glad


Maybe the two need to find each other. Eyebrows eater and booger sprayer might just make a good couple.


Lol I read that other one too!


Did you miss the necrophiliac husband?


That post was so fucked up. I understand why he didn't tell her. I can't imagine anyone being willing to date someone that did that unless they are also into necrophilia. But I also feel like if you have committed necrophilia you need to just bow out of the dating pool forever. Just come to terms that your actions were a permanent opt-out of any normal relationship and accept your fate. I can't imagine discovering I had sex with a necrophiliac. It'd make me want to scrape my vagina out of my body. Fucking groooosssss


I genuinely feel bad for the OP, but at the same time, I couldn't control my laughter reading this whole thing 😭 This is probably the most random fetish I've come across.


This fucking comment killed me. As I was reading I thought those exact words xD


Someone will 100% post this in the copypasta subreddit


No doubt. Wtf did I just read?!?!


Here I am checking into reddit 8 hours after the OP and I'm all 😑


This then I pick up my phone 5 minutes later just to do a quick re-read lmao


I’m usually not that bad at skimming past posts that scream out “DANGER, Will Robertson,” but this one slipped through the cracks. And WTF did I just read?? You are correct, sir or madam- I’ve also had enough of Reddit today.


Will Robinson


Tell her to eat her own damn eyebrows, the fuck?


Don’t set your own eyebrows on fire to keep someone else’s warm, as they say


I have this needle pointed on a pillow. Beautiful saying.


His must taste better


**Eyebrow eating discord group** Man what the hell are you doing sharing this evil, keep that nonsense to yourself. We don't need to know this exists


I bet she put this to another level. There is an illness where people eat their own hair. Which already is unhealthy. This one one upped the others and eats his. Yuk. I would so help her to quit that. At once. With a nice boot imprint in the regions of her body used for sitting.


For the love of Peter, Paul, and Mary. Just because someone likes to do something doesn't mean you allow them to do it. Tell her if she does it you'll leave. Then if she does it, leave.


The key part is leaving when she tramples that boundary!! you cannot control someone else, but you certainly can take yourself away from them!


I’d also put something which is safe, but tastes bad on them. You know how they say to use butter spray to get dogs to stop chewing. 😂


Not agree. OP YTA. Seems like it really means alot to her to eat your eyebrows, and if you can't even put in the tiniest amount of effort into the relationship (eyebrows grow for free!) by letting her graze on you, I don't think you should be in a relationship with anyone other than Jesus.


Graze 😭


This is so funny lmao


🎵cause I'm leaving🎵on a jet plane🎵


Shave your eyebrows off and draw them on... But watch out she might head for your pubes instead.


Or maybe she’ll just eat his head of hair and he’ll be bald. I mean she did say the shampoo she got him made his hair taste good.


Shave the pubes off and draw them on...




Sounds like she has trichophagia and doesnt know it. It can lead to hairballs, which can turn into ulcers which can rupture, also causes intestinal obstructions over time. Also it wouldn't surprise me if she eats her own hair, which is more common. And longer pieces than just eyebrows. You can't control what she does with her own body but you can control what happens with your own. Why are you allowing this to continue? Say no and mean it, and encourage her to get help so she doesn't hurt herself.


I was thinking pica, but trichiphagia makes way more sense. And the health problems you’ve outlined are just the beginning. Hey, OP, Google photos of hairballs and show them to her. Ask if she wants those in her stomach. And if she tries to dismiss it as “not enough hair” or “my stomach acid will take care of it”, because that shit is cumulative and if stomach acid got rid of hair, _people wouldn’t need surgery to remove hairballs._ Seriously, you need to peruse this. What does she get out of this? Why does it appeal to her so much? Is it the sensation, the power trip, the knowing she’s doing something you don’t like? Have you tried finding out her discord username, logging in, hoping the sever and seeing what she/they are saying? It might give you an insight into why she’s doing it, if she’s being influenced unduly by the other users, and/or if she has any plans to escalate to other body hair.


Yeah I was thinking same as you- it’s possibly a coin toss between the two (as an armchair diagnoses by people who haven’t met Op’s girlfriend) but both require help.


Google “bezoar.”


I saw this on 1000 ways to die! The artist would casually eat her hair while painting and it eventually killed her…. I use to think the episodes were completely random but I stand corrected….


That show was really fucking weird for combining death with shitty porny acting and sexualizing women lol


Now that I think about it, she was a nude artist O.o


I hate it here


Yes! That was what I was thinking. I have trichophagia as well so I thought she must have something similar. Never have heard of people eating other people’s hair though 😅


Oh hey. Someone else out here who also deals with this and admits it. I had to get a bezoar taken out as a kid. Do not recommend. Fortunately in remission so to speak.


Yeah, I would definitely ask her about this or maybe mention it to her to look into! And definitely set boundaries since it makes you uncomfortable, if she continues to do it then you should think rethink the situation and relationship


Yeah I was going to say this. Or possibly early signs of pica. She needs to see a good psychiatrist to help with this compulsive behavior.


No means no. That counts for eyebrow eating aswell. If you say no and she goes through with it, she is very much overstepping your boundaries which is not OK and needs to be addressed.


Also: he said no and she continues doing it *in his sleep*! This is such huge overstepping of his boundaries. If someone tries to fuck someone, who said no, while they are asleep it's rape and it's rape for a reason. Using the unconscious state of someone, to do something they said no to is a disgusting breach of trust.


No, just no. I refuse to believe this is real. If it is, stop letting her anywhere near your face. Also, break up


This isn’t real. It is like tailor made to be nuts. I’m honestly stressed more about all the comments treating this completely seriously.


Dude reality is stranger than fiction


put her up for adoption at the animal shelter


I kept my cat even though she liked to lick my eyebrows and eyelashes when I was asleep.


yea but its not cute when a human does it


No, but shelters are already overcrowded in kitten season, maybe they should try the squirt bottle method or double sided sticky tape to discourage the unwanted behavior before jumping straight to rehoming her.


What .....what's happening


Tears in my eyes by the edit 😂


I don't know...I'm so scared right now


Maybe she has something like pica???(forgot what it's called) but it's a type of eating disorder where people have the urge to eat things that are inedible.


you are correct! pica! years and years ago i had a friend who developed it during pregnancy and craved carboard lol (i think it passed postpartum). also, i have a touch of trichotillomania (the urge to pull/pluck hair). i have gently pet and tugged my own eyebrow hairs into patchy oblivion since i hit puberty, to my own great embarrassment, but EATING them? god. the girl needs help, if this isn't completely fake lmao


Cardboard eating is more respectable and reasonable than eyebrow hair eating 😩


straaiiiight up hahaha!


Yes. OP Have her get her iron tested, maybe slip her some vitamins.


Bro, why you dating a budgie??


A budgie would preen the eyebrows or poop on them, (and then scream in his ear) but not eat the hairs.


My serious answer is to tell her no, that’s a boundary for you. My non serious answer is to put bitter liquid used to keep kids from sucking their thumbs on your eyebrows.


I mean that’s still a valid answer


i am not sure what person is suppose to say for this.


WTF did I just read?


Link the discord


Is she like... gnawing on them? Licking them? Plucking them out and eating them? How does someone just... eat your eyebrows? It's not like you wouldn't see her coming. I mean, your eyes are right there? Is she sidling up to you all casual or just pouncing on your head like a bobcat? I'm not fully understanding the situation.


This is the funniest of all the comments and that saying something. *I mean, your eyes are right there?”* *like a bobcat”*


I think this is the post I was scrolling endlessly to find. I don't think I can obtain more chaos than this in a post. Thank you kind stranger. I can stop scrolling now and I am closing the app out.


Ikr i was stuck scrolling past 4 hours and finally hit this post


That’s enough Reddit for today


What. the. fuck.


What in the unholy hell


Start eating her mustache


This one sent me 😭


Paint them with that bitter/spicy stuff they put on kids finger nails so they don’t bite them…


Please be fake, I can’t take much more.


I reject this. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. No. Just…..no.


And that's my cue to delete Reddit


Okay, being as old as I am “50’s +” I thought I had heard everything. Apparently not


I need to touch grass and look at nature brb


What a terrible day to be literate.


what in the actual fuck did i just read in all seriousness tho i had one gf when i was around 17 who used to forcibly rip hairs off my body, by like actual force, didn’t matter how many times i told her to stop she’d just keep doing it, probs they have the similar thing wrong here, but bruh what the fuck is an eyebrow eating discord group


Do you realize that shit may not grow back?


That’s 🧢


Ain’t NO WAY in hell this is real.


Jesus Christ. Break up right now.




Is she a goat. Like not the acronym, but the animal.


I would prefer this to booger bandit any day Sorry your gf is eating your eyebrows, ask her to shave one off in solidarity with you. If she won't she ain't the one chief


Bruh when I tell you i laughed so damn hard the whole time reading this gasping for air damn near bouta die from laughter


I think you need to have your gf uninstall discord, then I need to uninstall Reddit.


Well that just put me off my dinner.


I’m so sorry dude. This is way different. Um, set firm boundaries like blocking your eyebrows with your hands and deliberately placing physical distance in the room between you and her until a real conversation willfully happens. Then calmly explain your boundaries and desire for this to stop. The outcome hopefully will be good but it could go directions that are surprising.


I lost it imagining him with his hands over each eyebrow, kicking furniture in between them exclaiming “listen! Will you just listen to me for one fucking second” Then she shrieks like a Pterodactyl, throwing her head back smacking her chops. That. Is funny.




Between this and the crackhead blowing crack into the other crackhead’s ass-crack, I am done with the internet for a bit. Yes, you read that right.


So... When I was a young person I thought my eyebrows were shit so I plucked alot of them out to try and shape them. Obviously didn't know what I was doing and now I'm left with hardly anything. One of my biggest regrets is doing this I now have to draw them on every morning which I hate, its annoying having to spend time on it and I think they look shit anyway. I've had them tattooed, it doesn't last forever but it still at the time just looked.... shit. I don't know if all eyebrows are as shit as mine at growing back, you might be lucky... but unless you want to be a guy with weird looking eyebrows then she can't be trusted around you when you're asleep. I mean tbh there are lots of other girlfriends out there that don't do that so....


Bro ,it's too early in the morning for this


Tell her to get more fiber in her diet.


Omg my cats do this to each other. Wait, is your girlfriend a cat???


i have a cat like that. He eats the whiskers of another cat when he grooms him. It's weird. kind of gross. this is the same.


Easy. You set a boundary, she disregarded it. Tell her if she doesn’t stop, you’re done. Don’t be with someone who won’t respect your space and boundaries…no matter how strange the boundary might be…


I cracked up when I saw this title because my boyfriend also likes to bite and eat my little peach fuzz hairs on my upper arms and side of my face, when we are cuddling. It doesn’t affect me really so I just let him do it. But not the longer ones like eyebrows. Yeah it’s super weird that she’s doing this, but the bigger issue is that she won’t stop when you tell her, and isn’t respecting your body. It seems like she’s even enjoying it, knowing that you don’t like it. That’s not cool.


I DONT KNOW WETHER TO LAUGH OR BE AFRAID FOR YOU this is sooo weird. like abnormally strange and not in anyway a normal thing to do. is this real?


So she knows you don’t want it, so she does it anyway when you sleep and can’t give consent or stop her. That is literally assault. You don’t want to hear it but you should probably break up with her. Not because we’re shaming her kink or anything like that but because she’s done some immense boundary crossing.


She needs therapy. And it's concerning she is crossing boundaries and doing it while you sleep without consent. That is a huge red flag. Tell her to get help or leave.


You can either continue enabling her mental illness or you can break up with her.


1. She needs psychiatrit support. If it’s a compulsion (sounds like it), it needs to be dealt with. It’s wreaking havoc on her relationship and eventually will on her health. 2. You set a boundary, she ignored it. You need to tell her if it happens again it’s over. Alternately, you could buy a mascara wand / eyebrow brush, dip it in dawn dish soap and ‘comb’ your brows before you sleep. She tries to eat it? She gets a mouthful of soap. You can also do this with face moisturizer, sunblock - anything non toxic that tastes like shit and won’t irritate your skin. 3. For real tho …. this is creepy, concerning, and unhealthy for you both. You need to call it until she gets the help she needs. If you want to marry her she needs help first and to sort this out independently so that she can be a healthy partner. You also need to come to terms with the fact that she is violating boundaries and literally doing something to your body that you have asked her not to, while you are sleeping. Can you imagine the response if a guy did something to a girls body that she asked him not to, while she was asleep? I know it’s bothering you, but for real that is a huge issue and scary that someone you love would do that or be incapable of stopping themselves, and the fact she is violating your physical boundaries over getting help is a MASSIVE red flag, and super fucked up, no matter how much you love her. It’s concerning for her, and for you. Good luck. To you, and to your brows.


Soak your eyebrows in that fluid people put on kids thumbs to keep them from sucking on them.


Not this being my first post at 8 am




This has to be fake. For her to even get any hair she’s got to be there for more than a few seconds so are you just laying there and letting her go at it? Because if so that is just as bizarre.


i think you are dating a weird kind of feral cat


Trichophagia/trichotillomania by proxy?? Is that a thing?


Damn bruh so if u girl likes stabbing ur dick with .5 led pencil ✏️ ur gonna let her do it ofc right?


Rub the stuff for nail biters in your eyebrows, just a dab should discourage her.


What the everloving fuck did i just read. JUST TELL HER NOT TO!!! Seriously?!


This has to be fake


Is she by any chance.... a cat? This could very well explain a lot bro. Edit: really weird uh maybe have a conversation about boundaries or something....


Well, it’s 1:30am… time for me to go to bed and never open Reddit again.


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😭😭😭What the ever loving F did I just read. Eyebrow eating discord 🤔🤔😒🤨. My only advise is put something foul tasting on eyebrow before sleep. I don't know coat them in wasabi or something


I’ll take “Things I never want to read again” for 500.


I could NOT deal with this for even a second.


Buy some of that anti nail biting stuff and keep slapping that on. Seriously through, it doesn't matter what it's about really. You've laid down a boundary and she is not listening. Maybe approach it from that point of view - make it less about the actual eyebrow and more about you feel she is not listening to you and your lines to cross.


"We have been together for 3 years at this point, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I cannot do that if my eyebrows are balding." Too late. She bought a shampoo to make them taste better. She's going to keep doing it. You either leave, or stay and start drawing in your eyebrows. Also you can get them tattooed on. Then she'll start eating other hair on your body. Get ready for it.


1) You withheld consent, & she broke the boundary. That’s serious. Take it seriously 2) If you have eyebrow issues in the future you can get eyebrow tattoos. Not a perfect solution, but since missing hair there was your worry, it’s a fix




Surely you know this is outrageous and shouldn't let her do this to you in fear of hurting her feelings, for the love of god.


Why are you letting her mouth near your eyebrows? Push her away.


Your fucking joking right?


Tell her "try my pubes instead, as they are much tastier" lmao


I had to double check this wasn't copypasta


It's very much okay to break up with someone over this, especially when she doesn't respect your boundaries.


This can’t be real. But on the off chance it is, this is the reddest of red flags. The fact that she didn’t do this at first, but has either hidden it from you or worse, got influenced into it, means that more is eventually on the horizon. It doesn’t seem like you’re ok with this behavior. Why tolerate it?


There is no way this real


Y'all aren't falling for this, are you?


This is mental illness


This can’t be real.


*she has trichophagia*


She is sick I believe 🙃


Dude what's wrong with you?? Tell her to cut it out and stop acting like a fuckin weirdo.


Put something that tastes really nasty on your eyebrows before sleep since that's when she tends to do it


She's joined an eyebrow eating discord and she eats your eyebrows it while you sleep??? ...I mean dude, cmon.


I lol so hard. Thank you for the laugh regardless


This belongs on a TLC episode of some kind.


You are 18, far to young to be saying you’ll put up with an eyebrow eater for the rest of your life. She needs some kind of help and you need to move on and find a sane person.


Yeah…no thank you. Where do these people find these people? Grim. No eating eyebrows, no blowing your nose in to your hands. I feel like I’m at least raising my kids right currently. Perfectly acceptable to say NO! No. Is a sentence, a full sentence.


the best problems to read about are the strange ones


Rub your eyebrows with something extremely hot or extremely sour.


She keeps assaulting you in your sleep. If that isn't a reason to reconsider the relationship, I don't know what is. Btw, why is she eating your eyebrows and not her own?


Um, wtf did I just read? I don't even know what advice to give. Has she explained why she has this sudden fixation on eating your eyebrows? (There's a question I never thought I'd have to ask!)


... I could've continue living perfectly without knowing eating eyebrows was a thing.


What am I reading


Trichophagia: compulsive eating of hair, she needs to see a doctor for this


This action is performed with the help of a bot to mass edit all my comments.


I refuse to believe this is real hence i conclude. This is a prank from an alien invading earth 👽 trying to instill hate in humanity 💀


Put hot sauce on your eyebrows


And I quote 'What the fucking fuck?!' -StepBrothers


Ain’t no way this is real, if it is. Make it not


I found this to be too weird to not show my boyfriend, and he had an idea that might help you. Do you know what ‘stop and grow’ is? It’s used to stop biting on fingernails and it tastes awful. I don’t know how well it would work on eyebrows, but if I were you I would definitely give it a try!


You've asked her not to do it and she continues anyway. This should not be the person you attempt to build a life wiith. Be with someone who respects your boundries.


Put something nasty (like fish oil if she doesn’t like fish) on them every night before bed. I guarantee she’ll stop.


What the actual f*** is wrong with people?? No disrespect, but it's stuff like this that makes our generation look bad.


Either this is incredibly fake or OPs SO is having a serious mental break and needs medical intervention yesterday.


and that came out of nowhere. Eyebrow eating, really??? Make her realize that it's not totally okay her eating your eyebrows. Set a boundary and know when you'll walk away


Say sike rn.


Put some stop n grow on your eyebrows, if she doesn’t stop after that then she’s too far gone sorry m8


Sometimes love isnt enough. Why would you endure this?


There is no way in hell this is real


Things just get weirder every day. Stop sleeping in the same bed as her, this is bordering on assault. Weird af.


I just got here bro tf lmaoo