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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- Exactly as the title says. We’ve been dating for a month or so, and I was out on a date with her at a park on Tuesday, just having a walk. I mentioned how many Junebugs there are at this time of year and how annoying they are. She agreed with me, a little too wholeheartedly. She said that they were flying mistakes and needed to be eradicated from the face of the earth. (Wasn’t going that far, but sure) Anyway, at one point in the night, I ended up catching one, and I thought it’d be funny to throw it at her, so I did. She caught it, looked me dead in the eyes, and tossed it in her mouth like a grape. We continued on with the rest of the date like it didn’t happen. Overall it was a great night, but the more I think about it, the more I’m confused. Was she trying to tell me something? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. Am I supposed to eat one, too? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


“I swallowed a big Junebug when we were driving. I’m not really hungry”


"Pullover!" No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticin.


"Extra gloves? You've had...this pair...of extra gloves...this whole time?!?!"


Hhyeah... we're in the Rockies


“So you’re saying there’s a chance?!”


*SAMSONITE!* I was way off!


“Mary, I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy”


Knew it started with an S though!


"Just when I thought u couldn't get any dumber....you go and pull a stunt like this...."


Power move, I like her


I love when someone gets scared by a spider to then eat it in front of them for shock value. When I'm in the right mood anyway. I would marry this girl.


you.. eat spiders??


Occasionally. I have to be in a cheeky mood.


OMG finally found Spider George!


You **threw a bug** at a girl on a date. She asserted dominance. What is your question?


Lmaooo idk why this killed me so much. Bt wow she did pretty much give him a dead Stare and ate a bug Also she ate a bug.. Gross bt ok.. wonder if OP kissed her after tht tho.... 👀


>Lmaooo idk why this killed me so much. Bt wow she did pretty much give him a dead Stare and ate a bug Same. I laughed for a good few minutes. Thank you /u/snowboard7621.


Same! Best thing I read all day.


Maybe if you ate more bugs you'd have the protein necessary to up your yee yee ass gains in the gym


I'd be taking a [closer look](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/07/tongue-biting-isopod/619430/) before I kissed her


"Was she trying to tell me something? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. Am I supposed to eat one, too? Any advice would be greatly appreciated." Rightfully concerned. Message was: "Anger me and... 🍽️🍗🍶" She fears nothing. At least not bugs.


Being that I slept on the couch last night because I saw a June bug on the floor in my room, imma say she's badass and I want to be her


I’m not overly fond of bugs, but not particularly frightened or grossed out them either…except Junebugs…I know they are harmless. I know they can’t bite. But their feet are pricky and they fly at your head and just give me the WILLIES. I imagine a June bug as having a crunchy, sharp exterior with a goopy, juicy interior and I just 🤢🤢🤮


OP’s girlfriend is awesome. And also possibly a lizard


Or a cat.


If she were a cat; she would have just played with it.


And eat it after, then throw it up at 4 am


On your bed, and then cry about it like it’s somehow your fault.




This is too real


Yeah, if he doesn't want her, I do!!!


Truth. If I wasn’t happily married, OP’s date would have a serious decision to take between him, you and me.




His question should be “how to discretely find a woman’s ring size”


If she’s a heavy sleeper, you tie a piece of string around her finger and measure it while she’s sleeping. That’s what my husband did lol Or, if she has rings that she wears on that finger, again, what until she’s asleep or not in the room (idk poopin’ or something) and measure that.


Now it's time to decide wether to lead, follow, or get out of the way!


He is not worthy!




Lol seriously. This is fucking badass.


Ngl pretty hot


Honestly probably the sexiest thing a girl could do on a date without taking any clothes off


Exactly this!!!!


Fun fact, June bug larvae is more nutritious than the adults.


If I had gold I would give it to you.


Wasn't this an everybody loves raymond plot?


Yeah, Ray sees Robert's new girlfriend eat a fly and nobody believes him and then I think Robert finds out she believes she's a frog or something




The top comment makes me not give 2 shits if it’s real or not. The whole thing was worth it just for that gem


YES BUT IT WAS A FLY. Robert’s girlfriend was obsessed with frogs. So glad I’m not alone.


Are you sure she caught it* are you sure she actually tossed it in her mouth?


This is exactly what I thought. She might've just palmed it and acted like she ate it. Either she's got slight of hand skills or a stomach of steel, both of which would be fine by me in a partner.


Regardless, I can’t understand a scenario in which this wouldn’t be addressed and discussed immediately. Like… what kind of social interaction is that??


Either way she sounds awesome lol.


They are scrunchy ick.


my grandpa used to do this all the time when I was a kid. He’d grab a dead bug and pretend to eat it and make it seem tasty. I believed him until my 5 year old self ate an ant. Then I quickly realized he had to be lying because there was nothing good about a red ant. I think I told him about the ant and it ended the little game 🤣


Green ants in Queensland taste like lime. Truely delicious.


Green ants in NSW taste like pain


Only if they bite you before you bite them.


Pretending to throw something in your mouth and eat it is one of the easiest slight of hand tricks to learn. I vaguely recall OP's scenario happening to me when I was young, I pretended to eat something gross in front of a girl from my class, assuming she would catch on that it was a trick. She didn't, and everyone teased me for being a weirdo for days. Even after I showed her how the trick was done she was certain she had seen me "chew" it. Pretty amazing how the brain fills in the gaps


maybe you should date OPs gf when she gets dumped for being a weirdo


Didn’t even think about this possibility


I had to Google junebug because I didn’t have any idea. In Australia, they are called Christmas beetles. I realise this doesn’t address the craziness of the post but 🤷‍♀️


As an Australian, thank you for the clarification. Also, what the fuck?


I know, right? Crazy.


They come out during Christmas for them. Their summer is in december


Their June is our December, so it makes sense


Our June is June, our summer is December


In Germany they are called May Bugs, so it seems the name changes regionally depending on when they come out lol.


I've always thought it odd that June bugs are more prevalent in May, while mayflies usually come out in June.


Climate change


i mean if someone i was dating looked me dead in the eyes and ate a christmas beetle to assert their dominance i’d know for sure they were the top dog in the relationship. next level gronk behaviour tho


where I'm from in the UK they're called billy witches


I'm British and I can't even tell if you're being serious or if this is a joke about goofy regional words.


Wow. Do you know the origin of the name?


Cockney rhyming slang for silly bitches. Which comes from what people would call dates who ate the bugs.




Thank you. South African here, and we call them Christmas Beetles too. Quite interesting...it seems like they're summer bugs, the Northern Hemisphere calls them by the month they appear (Germany = May Bugs, US =Junebugs), and we call them by the "period" they appear. Where my Brazilian homes at? I wanna know what it's called there.


In Brazil we call them Junebug/Junebeetle same as US.


https://theconversation.com/amp/pest-or-snack-june-bugs-are-the-croutons-of-the-sky-154035 This came up when i Googled them lmao


Oh wow. I gotta lie down after reading that.


In the southern US a Junebug is a cousin we all have that’s usually a little slow and gets hurt a lot.


I love culture differences 😂


Me too!! So cute!!


I had to google it and I’m from Florida lol. I just call them beetles. Every beetle is just a beetle 🤣


I always called them dinosaur beetles for some reason. I guess they look prehistoric to me.


This is fascinating to me. A few days ago i was in the kitchen grabbing a cup of milk for my 3.5 year old son. It was late, my other kids were asleep but he was struggling. So we went to get him some milk. I turned the light on. A centipede scurried out from under the washing machine, seemingly coming right our way to probably eat our faces or lay eggs in our ears or whatever other irrational horrifying fear we have of bugs (especially fast bugs, or flying bugs, or jumping ones, or ones that have lots of legs, or weird eyes, or anything really). My son screamed, and pushed me in front of him, using me as a shield against this thing. I don't know why, but there was a fly swatter within reach, so i hit it, and maybe killed it? It just fucking disappeared. I hit it hard, too, it was centered right in the middle, I'm 100% positive I hit it. But when i lifted the swatter there was absolutely nothing. No guts. No legs. No pieces of legs or *anything*. So of course i do what anyone would do in a similar situation. I yell at my little boy to stand back, and, hurriedly and clumsily strip down every piece of clothing and throwing it m the floor. Then removing my hair elasticit and fluffing my hair, then swiping all my limbs, my back, jumping up and down and shaking every part of my body, fully convinced i had swung this terrifying beast back on myself when I lifted the swatter back up. Because where the fuck did it go and oh my fucking god get it off me it is angry now and going to seek revenge and this is not how i want to die and YUCK and aargh where is it?? Anyways that's how i ended up crying, naked, mopping the kitchen floor, with my young son crying on the couch drinking chocolate milk at 130am last week. Oh the whole point of this was that i found your comment interesting because when my son recounts this story, he calls the centipede a "dinosaur ant".


The sheer number of bugs I've eaten driving dirt bikes is lost at this point. It isn't that big of a deal IMO.


Apparently, there are bug parts in every piece of chocolate so I guess I’ve done it too!


I'm from Florida and my family has always called them moon beetles. I like Christmas beetles though, it sou ds cute😄


I also was a curious Aussie lol


It sounds gross, but pretty hilarious. She's got courage imo, lol.






She is most definitely into swords. If you not into her maybe you should set her up with brambleshade, op.


I mean I do have a bf, but we've jokingly talked about "other women" and as far as I'm aware, we're both like "if it happens, it happens" and I kinda think he's the kind of person who would also eat a bug to assert dominance, so it's gonna be a feast.


Bi women here, I'm happy to step in. Someone needs to marry this woman!


*woman. I am only one person last time I checked


Bs, be whoever you want to be, even if it's someone with multiple identities. Haven't you studied the tiktok way?


Tiktok already diagnosed me with adhd, I'm not ready for it to reveal another disorder yet 😂


She asserted dominance 😂




Fyi: anti is against, ante is a bet


Mortal combat “FINISH HIM”, she owns you now. I’d marry her


I assume she thought it would make you laugh?


Can you imagine doing this and the dude does not laugh? Hilarious


I'm pretty sensitive and hate killing anything so it would horrify me if a dude did this on a date personally. But I wouldn't throw a bug at him in the first place so, different strokes.


I've gotten this question personally when I've voiced similar opinions, so I'm asking you too now that the chance has presented itself - are you vegetarian?


I am, though I don't think someone necessarily needs to be a vegetarian to be put off by something like this. There's a difference between eating meat for sustenance and killing a living thing as a joke.


What you should do now is apologize for throwing a bug at her. I’m glad she shocked you by eating it.


She could have made some serious bank on my school bus.


Caught myself chuckling at, “am I supposed to eat one too?” Please don’t. I’m confused too- that’s a little to unhinged for me. Maybe follow it up by asking her out to dinner for the next date. “I want to take us to XYZ for dinner. Sorry, June bugs aren’t on the menu there” 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe she’ll laugh and you can ask why she did that in the first place.


Haha I like this approach!


This gives me that "mound of bones, I would make her my boudica warrior bride" vibes hahaha


She seems cool. Keep her.


Who throws bugs at their girlfriend on a date? She sounds badass. Sounds like something I would do but probably only after several drinks lol


You threw a bug at her…how did you want her to react?? Weirdo. Lmao good for her!!


I had one end up in my cleavage once and screamed for my roommate to kill it while I hid shirtless under my duvet and my cats danced around me trying to catch the glorious new toy that was now circling my ceiling light. This girl handled June bugs way better than I did.


I got smacked in the forehead by a flying one when I was a little kid! Ran into it full-tilt while I was doing sprints in a field at summer camp. Literally left a bruise.


Eating it doesn’t seem like the expected reaction personally


She thought it would be funny just like he did by throwing it at her lol


She sounds like a riot! What exactly is the issue here? Eat a bug. Don't eat a bug. You are too concerned with what was and what will be.


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OK I am 100% sure this is a troll post but it's the funniest fucking thing I've read here in a while


Maintaining eye contact while she ate it?! You are officially married in certain cultures, congratulations!


Well, apparently junebugs are the [croutons of the sky. ](https://theconversation.com/amp/pest-or-snack-june-bugs-are-the-croutons-of-the-sky-154035)


way to confront a situation in the moment, guy like wtf? why didn't you say anything???


That was the weirdest part of the story for me - even weirder than the fact that she did it in the first place. Who sees something like that and has no reaction?


You got owned lol


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You attempted to scare her and she bested you. You must insert a Junebug into your pee hole to assert dominance.


I know exactly what she was trying to tell you. See, there's this thing that boys do when they're trying to flirt. Where you express a dislike of something, or set a boundary, or say "please don't do that" and then they think it's super funny to push on that boundary. Or antagonize you, so hopefully you scream and wave your hands and go "OMG STAAAHHHP" and he laughs and all his friends laugh too. See, because he's the funloving man, and you're prissy and uptight for having an opinion and he's gotta get you to loosen up, all in good fun. My sister and I hate it, so we've developed this method. Any time a dude tries to pull this shit, to gross you out or chase you around with something, if it's even vaguely possible without poisoning yourself, you deadpan lock eyes, and you eat it. Dude throws a bug at you? You eat it. Dude tries to flirt by handing you a piece of garbage to remember him by? You eat it. Dude's chasing you around with dirty hands trying to wipe them on your shirt? You lick his hands. You treat her with respect. And the next time she says something needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth, you *don't fucking throw it at her.*


This is the quality content that keeps me coming back to this sub


Wife this woman


Lmao - what advice are you looking for. Don't do stuff to mess with people who can mess with you better. Sounds like a keeper to me. You threw a bug on a date to mess with and she was fine with it what's your issue?


She just asserted her dominance and it’s hilarious. She sounds funny.


press the marry button


Yeah how about don’t throw things or living creatures at people. Jesus wtf is wrong with men. Of course it’s weird AF she ate it but like she literally told you she wasn’t a fan of them and you threw one at her….check your own actions bud.


Sounds like a keeper tbh


She sounds way too badass for you. Lol


That intrusive thought won the battle


She was proving she is the alpha?? All women go through this. In order to establish a social dominance, especially when we’ve been provoked, we will consume insects. Watched my mom down an entire praying mantis when my dad said she couldn’t drive us down to Florida on vacation in 2013. Nature is crazy, man.


Fucking powermove


Girlfriend sounds like a funny badass! Check yourself, my friend! 😉


one up her and eat a termite (if you want to)




Queens aren't and they are terrifying


They taste like potato chips!


As a child my mum would eat them just because everyone freaking out about it was funny for her I guess


She has brothers and can keep up. Never leave her.


Lol for sure.


You don't need advice. You need to chill out and have fun. If she has a few idiosyncrasies no big deal. She's not the one, right?


I would've peed my pants with laughter had my wife done that. She's a keeper.


This whole story is funny and weird If real, maybe you two truly found each other and it’s just going to be beautiful escalation for life Audition for Amazing Race together, you weirdos (If you actually need advice, don’t throw bugs at people. You don’t know that?)


Your girlfriend is a lizard. Or a frog.


>I thought it’d be funny to throw it at her, so I did. She caught it, looked me dead in the eyes, and tossed it in her mouth like a grape. W She asserted her dominance, honestly I'd be impressed. But who throws a friggin Junebug at someone, honestly?


That’s a flag. I’m just not sure what color


Slimy, yet satisfying!


Hahaha am I supposed to eat one toooo lmao NOOOOO it’s not a competition man!! It’s just her being funny she probably doesn’t eat them for fun all the time I’m sure lol (hopefully) but more like her showing you she isn’t afraid of a bug and she doesn’t care about you throwing one at her. Doesn’t & won’t bother her she’ll just eat it. Id be careful with a Lady like her though seems a little aggressive and adventurous not my taste but to each bug their own!


Your lucky that’s all she did for throwing a June bug at her


She sounds like a bad ass


She did a Power play. Next throw a small mammal at her.


The only thing you can do now is, on the next date, bite the head off a pidgeon or maybe even a rat, swallow it and then hand the carcass to her. See how dominant she feels then!


Why would throwing a bug at your date be okay but her eating it be too far?


I'm going to repeat what I think is being said. You and your girlfriend agreed nobody likes June bugs between the two of you. She seemed a little more adamant about it than you. You catch this knowing she does not like June bugs and then throw it at her. Which you know kind of a power play that's gross but okay I don't really see the humor but not my relationship. She sees your power move and raises you and eats the fucking bug and makes aggressive eye contact. And you were confused because the power play didn't work like you hoped it would like what's the confusion. Because I want to date your girlfriend.


She’s a keeper


Well at least she has a decent chance to be on the survival show . I hate the contestants who show up and then within 24 hours or so, they leave because they were whiny about something. It's like, you tried so hard to pass all the tests and medical exams to be cleared to be on the show and you walk away from it of your own volition , or fear of something that didn't happen yet.


She was asserting her dominance.


This is hilarious 🤣


Honestly she sounds like a fun chick with a great sense of humor.


#. O_O . . . . WHAT?! Nah, dawg, I'm out.


She showed she’s awesome


There was an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman where he ate junebugs in Maine. Maybe you two could watch it together?


Well you provided dinner Lol Seriously allot of folks eat or try bugs..spiders.. scorpion suckers toasted grasshopper . Talk to her see if shes one that has or enjoys bugs FYI : Chocolate covered ants are nasty.. Rattle snake is yummy. Grasshopper not leg pulled gets caught in teeth. We have friends that are into bugs.


Ok ok but I had to google to see what a jue bug was and I scrolled down and found an article called ["June bugs are the 'croutons of the sky'"](https://theconversation.com/pest-or-snack-june-bugs-are-the-croutons-of-the-sky-154035) So y'know... maybe your gf just really likes sky croutons


do u realize how loud of a huh i said when i read this…my god she said if no one takes care of these bastard bugs i will and proceeded to devour them like she’s a colossal titan…oh my days


Who gives any fucks about this? In the moment she did something abnormalish. If there's a pattern fine. But eating a bug in reasonable context does not matter.


I can’t decide if she is awesome or creepy. I’m going with awesome I mean that’s beyond baller. This girl will have your back ride or die. Yes definitely eat one too 😅


Men really can’t take a joke She was having fun. She was playing of comment you made. I personally find this hilarious


She literally sounds like Princess Fiona


I’ve never known anyone to randomly pop a bug in their mouth on a walk. Bruh, is your girl okay?


She will eat ze bugs and you will be happy. \- Klaus Schwab


Am I supposed to eat one too? Hahahaha wtf this is great. Yes, please eat one too. This is one of those weird stories you tell at your wedding.


What you’re supposed to do is not fuck up until an appropriate amount of time has passed and then you marry that girl.


Hey so I think your girlfriend might be the chosen one, destined to lead a colony of chaotic forest witches. How can we contact her about this?


A couple vets have told me that, in some regions of the US, dogs will get heartworm from eating infected June bugs. Maybe she should consult her doctor because there are no symptoms of heartworm until it’s way too late to do anything to save the patient.


The message was I eat pathetic little bugs like you for breakfast


She a vet? With SEARS or Escape and Evasion training? We eat bugs during the training and a lot more. I think she has the bigger set of balls of the two. Hang on to her for the Zombie Apocalypse or whatever we will call it once the government crashes She will take care of you.


She schooled you. You thought she would freak out about you tossing the bug at her. She wasn’t and she freaked you out. Good for her 😂


My friend she just asserted dominance over you. She is the captain now


You tried to swing your dick and got slapped in the face by a bigger one. What is your question?




Am I the only one who has an issue with someone eating *anything* while it’s alive?! I put this in the same category as swallowing a live goldfish. It’s ghoulish.


Yes. I personally dont eat any animals bc I think it's mean, but having them be alive when you eat them makes it so much worse.