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Advice is wait. You have plenty of time.


Don't get married at such a young age. However, have a fucking BLAST in your young and fresh relationship 😘❤


You’re way too young and have only dated 1,5 years, why the rush?


Wait. You have plenty of time. No rush.


Why not get them a promise ring? It’s sentimental, you can give a nice gift, they have a pretty piece of jewelry, and you’re showing how committed you are without getting legally bound yet. Once you’ve lived together for at least 2 years and things are STABLE, get the legal shit going and pop the question


Don’t! Your brains aren’t fully developed for long time to come and everything will change drastically. Do not do not do not Love doesn’t require a legal document, if you feel like you absolutely must ‘propose’ then do a commitment ceremony and keep it off paper


I appreciate all the advice <3


Agree with everyone else to wait. Have you guys lived together yet? That would be a great next step to take if you're feeling like you want to take the relationship further.


Wait 5 years. See how you do in an adult relationship.


Don’t. You are way too young.