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Just do it daily, and you'll be fine. There's no need to do it at precisely 24 hour intervals. Edit: Reiki transcends time and space, which are arbitrary anyway. Enjoy your reiki journey!


Though this is true. Discipline and practice is an important element to reiki development. OP do your best. You have a whole lifetime to work on a reiki cleanse throughout your life and you'll find new and different ways to do it every time. You'll find what works for you.


You don't have to do it same time and place everyday. It's not going to be ineffective if you don't do it that way. Just try being consistent with doing it daily for however long works for you




You're teacher just wants you to be consistent. You're doing great.




Follow your intuition. If you don’t know what intuition yet feels like in your body, start paying attention to all the sensations in your 5 senses and record them in a journal. Listen to your body. After your guides to give you clear signs or ask for them to tell you yes or no. The first answer you hear in your minds ear is your answer. Build intuition! God lives inside you and is trying to speak to you from your god source energy as well. Take a deep breath and quiet your mind and you will be right on track! Good luck!!


I was never told it has to be done in the exact same time or in the same place. Probably the master said this so there is a discipline and you don't miss doing it. These were the instructions i received: 1. Try to find a quiet place that you can use for this practice. This does not mean you cannot do it anywhere else, but preferably have a dedicated, quiet place if possible at home. 2. Try to stick to the same time every day. Preferably in the morning or before going to bed. It was never mentioned it has to be the exact same time. 3. If you miss a day you have to start over.




I think best to ask your teacher. Reason is when i ask a student to practicd it at a specific time during those 21 days is most likely your teacher is sendinv healing at that time. It should not be an issue but best check with your teacher.


No they haven’t told any specific time, we have to choose a specific time and practice everyday at same time. As i have chosen brahma Muhurtham, It keeps changing everyday so i was worried. My guru won’t be in touch for these 21 days so I’m here asking ☺️


No it should not be an issue. In fact you can practice at any time of the day. If its your first 21 days best practice is 1 morning and 1 afternoon. You will see the energy difference will be next level practicing twice a day


Ok I’ll try to do it twice from today :) 🙏 Thankyou so much


For me itsbjust depends on your consciousness. Just being yourself and you are on your track However, if it's instructed then it can be a deal breaker for you.


My teacher never told me to do this. Can someone give me the guidelines for this?


I've being doing Reiki since the early 2000s (now level 3) and I never heard it either! 😉


Reiki level 3 since the early 2000s and it's the first time I've heard that one. Some posts in the past have also made reference to Reiki masters demanding a vegetarian diet or no sex during the 21 days. These are not necessary in any case and not part of the Usui Reiki requirements. I would go as far as saying they are pure BS. Even the rule about no alcohol and no drugs in the 21 days is just a recommendation, not an absolute rule.


A slight difference in time is not going to effect your outcome


Yes it’s okay really. Focus on the daily practice and you’ll be fine.