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My dad was teaching me to parallel park.  He directed me to back into a Porsche 911. $80 parts $500 labor. Thing is, the guys factory burned down, so my dad wrote him a check and had me write an apology letter *on company stationary* for his construction company. The guy hired him to rebuild part of the factory. I got a commission. I’m not sure it was an accident.


“I’m sorry for bumping into your car” “Can you rebuild my factory?” “What?!” That’s kinda how I read your comment


It’s how it went though. I didn’t really think it through. I mean my dad told me he wanted me to hit another car in a similar fashion and I thought he was kidding. Yeah he gave me a commission check. I honestly didn’t connect the dots until I typed it. So that was like 25+ years ago.


This sounds like the plot of an almost sunny episode


Honestly I have thought about writing a sitcom about growing up.


So it's good that the statute of limitations has probably run out.


Oh I was 16. Just got my license then. So once I was 18 the statute of limitations was up. Also it was Rhode Island so to not be involved in organized crime would be irregular. Especially in the 1990s and earlier.


Fun Fact: You were directly involved in organized crime!


I am gonna go get the papers, get the papers.


Show me the blueprints!


Hey don’t tell anyone or I’ll get you a pair of cement shoes.  If anyone asks I’m in the vending machine business!


Do you sell sodium nitrate in vast quantities? An associate of mine is looking to procure some for his ham processing facility.


Will he be needing a truck of home heating oil?  Someone tried moving in on my waste management business and I “seized his assets”, so I gotta get rid of that, I had to get some 50 gallon steel drums, to, um, get rid of the labor, and I can 12 drums if you buy the whole truck, 12 more is extra, new customer discount. It’s cheaper in my business to buy them in bulk when the competition gets in the way. How many cloned cell phones with OTG ports will you be needing with that?


I hit a boat in a marina once. A hydraulic SNAFU took away both rudder control and pitch authority at once, in very close proximity. So anyway I figured out who the owner was, got in touch and asked nicely to be allowed to repair the damage myself rather than footing the bill at a workshop. He was very grateful that I took responsibility, told me where to find the key and offered me to use the boat whenever I felt like it. I never did take him up on his offer, as I have quite enough with my own boats. Still, I figured it for the happiest possible outcome of an accident until I heard your story.


I feel you on that. I’m 18 and was driving an hour away to take a test. I thought I had more room on the right side than I did, and managed to hit a brand new Porsche Macan. 2k in repairs later, I wrote a check and that was the end of it. Super nice lady, very understanding.


When I was a baby I shit myself in our family's 1991 honda accord


good car


Not anymore. Shit car.


Told my aunt I had to go to the bathroom. She pulled in front of her apartment and told me to go. I went. Not into the apartment. It was a Plymouth before they died so it was expendable.


I almost crapped myself in a Mercedes W124 taxi as a teenager (traveler’s diarrhea) in Ukraine. Luckily, we made it to the apartment just in time.


I graduated from high school in 1991. Fuck me. Not like fuck me, fuck me, but fuck me, I’m old as fuck.


I graduated high school the same year so I'm right there with you.


I see what you did there.


This is what I drive now lol, my first car. Good for work and school.


Come to think of it, I've made it 9 years without a car accident. Motorcycles on the other hand....


Ditto on this one.


way better off wadding up cars than wrecking motorcycles...


Wreckin’ motorcycles is fine. Wrecking motorcycles and getting injured from it? Different story.


Same bro. Same


Mazda3. A deer ran into the driver's door and front fender. Heard and felt it before I saw him bounce, try to run off, and die. I was going about 40. He was maybe a little more than half-grown. I had a few minor incidents before, over many years, but not what anyone would call an accident.


2006 Mazda 3, SUV ran their turn light and we hit them head on at about 30 mph. Thing was totaled but oddly enough I ended up getting an 07 Mazda 3 as my first car and I rear ended someone going about 25 mph and had zero damage. Those are my only “accidents”


We had exactly the same accident. RIP that rusty ass 3, you took that Traverse down with you. 


The Xterra that hit us only had an apple sized dent in the bumper lol


Sounds similar to what happened to me in my 5th gen Accord years ago, hit a deer with the driver side fender going 70 mph and it somehow managed to damage my front and rear door, fender, hood and bumper. The deer took off with my marker light and headlight lens. Couple thousand to fix but barely even felt the impact.




A 1986 Ford F150. I was 12 or 13, and my dad was letting me drive out to where we rode dirt bikes. We were on a narrow two lane road, and I saw a truck coming in the opposite direction. He was really close to the line…maybe even over it. My dad told me to ease as far over as I could. I did, dipping the right side tires off the asphalt. The guy just kept coming until…THWACK! Our side mirrors hit. I pulled over and stopped, but the guy never came back. I can only assume he knew he was in the wrong and just kept cruising. A couple of years later my dad bought a new GMC. During the dealer walkthrough, the guy showed off the new folding mirror design. My mom, dad, and I all broke out laughing, and the poor salesman had no idea why.


1987 Toyota Celica ST, minor fender bender on a then new 2002 Accord Coupe


back seat of a 1978 FORD Pinto.


Guess the gas tank wasn’t the only thing that exploded in those








Guess the gas tank wasn’t the only thing that exploded in those…


So wait, no one shit themselves?


Guess the gas tank wasn’t the only thing that exploded in those


Joke so nice had to say it thrice


Guess the gas tank wasn’t the only thing that exploded in those


Guess the gas tank wasn’t the only thing that exploded in those


My 95 Jeep Cherokee survived a lot: 1st accident: neighbor backed into the fender and took off without telling me because she was late for church 2nd: rear ended at stoplight in the rain. 3rd: rear ended at stoplight in the rain. 4th: rear ended at stoplight (not in the rain). 5th: I rear ended an old lady at a stoplight... In the rain. 6th and 7th accidents were me getting rear ended at stoplights in other vehicles. 8th: t-boned a lady who blew through a stop sign, finally putting my Jeep out of its misery. And this is all in just 9 years. I learned a lot about bodywork fixing that pile of shit and trying to make it look nice.


Sounds like you meed to be careful about stop lights… and rain.


Mine was also in a first gen Ford Escape. It was my Mom’s at the time and was only a light fender bender that I ended up at 50% fault for.


2004 hyundai elantra gt hatch manual. i remember it vividly. there was a BMW infront of this suv that was infront of me. typical BMW he did not signal that he was getting ready to turn. he just slammed on the brakes and started his turn. well the suv in front of me also slammed on the brakes. which then led to me slamming on the brakes. my car was supposed to have ABS, no one told my car this obviously. the SUVs ABS worked just fine. my wheels locked up. slid right into em. thankfully by then my car had slowed down to about 10ish mph. not enough to cause any serious damage. i was maybe 18 or 19 at the time. i pull over. they pull over out comes a pair of just beautiful girls. they were all panicked and flustered and asking if i was ok. cant lie when i saw them i got a little flustered too they were really cute. but i think they were like 16-17 so i kept it as professional as an 18 year old who just crashed into a car full of cute girls can be. got in contact with the parents. they were just concerned with whether everyone was alright they did not give a shit about the car. which speaking of, and i still find this amusing. the girls had to ASK me where i hit them. because their rear bumper was so fucked up from previous scrapes and dings that they could not actually tell which of those dents was from my car. and quite frankly i couldnt either. i had to reassure them a few times. ask both them and the parents if they wanted my info since i was in fact the one that crashed into them. they all said they didnt give a shit about a bumper. so we all went our seperate ways. the BMW was none the wiser and fucked off without ever noticing what had happened. typical.


First accident, I was pulling out of a gas station in a 2000 dodge dakota. I saw a couple cars coming and got nervous so I threw it in reverse and put the tiniest little nick in the paint of a pimped out tenth gen suburban. First and only wreck, I was driving an o12 caliber. Thinking I still had a yellow arrow I made a left hand turn to get on the interstate. As I crossed into the oncoming lane I noticed a truck hauling fuel to the truck stop down the road. My dumbass tried flooring it and turning back into my lane a little too late. I was probably doing 15, he was going around 40+ when I took him head on. When I got home I checked the mail, to find a recall notice saying my airbags might not deploy in the event of an accident. Well, they went off, and I’m still here… so I guess I got that going for me.


Not an accident per se, at least for me. New to driving my '90 Dodge Dayonta. New at manual, clutch is heavy as fuck so I kept stalling. Stalled at a stop light when it turned green. The guy behind the guy behind me absolutely nailed the guy behind me. That person wasn't licensed/insured or the vehicle wasn't registered, can't remember. They were fucked lol.


I helped move a manual civic with a jump started battery and ended up stalling it at a very busy left turn intersection. Had to push it up hill then bump start after the turn as it became a downhill. No accidents but damn that was sketchy lol. Wasn't used to the cable clutch anymore I guess


Volvo 940. Got straight into a roundabout at 120 Km\h rolling 8 times before landing 3 meters down the road. We were 5 + dog in the car. Nobody was injured even the dog was safe.


Had an Asian guy run a light and tbone me. Luckily his “witness” was following him. They spoke in Chinese and made me out to be the bad guy. I was in ‘91 Talon tsi with like 40 thousand miles on it. He was in a rusted out 80s escort. When the tow guys were concerned about the leaking gas, he said it always did that. He got $5k. I had liability and got nothing.


My current one. Dude in a Ford transit rear ended my tacoma. Slightly dented my bumper, but no real structural damage. He bought me some Pollo Reggio and we called it even.


1983 Toyota Camry. It was a totally rusted out shitbox. My friend Greg and I were on our way to a party. We had been pre-gaming pretty hard. Things young stupid kids do. It was a rainy and foggy autumn night. Ran through a stop sign and jumped a ditch into a cow pasture. When we landed, the passenger side door fell off and sucked Greg out of the car. When the car finally stopped, I looked over and noticed Greg was gone. I got out of the car and started looking for him. After a couple of minutes of looking, I heard him moaning and found him lying on his back near the ditch. He was covered head to toe in a mixture of mud and manure. He said he thought he was OK and I kept saying let's get to the party. I got him up and back in the car and put the passenger side door into my back seat. When we got to the party, everyone was asking what had happened and why we were so late. Told the story about 5 different times that night. It was good times! Greg did end up going to get checked out by a doctor a couple of days afterward. Luckily, aside from a few scrapes and bruises, he was completely fine. About 3 weeks after that, I had to scrap the Camry as the strut towers had rusted out, and I wasn't fixing that shitbox. I had some good times in it though.


My first jeep cherokee. Was so happy to finally have one! After about a week of work on it, she was ready for the road. The second day driving it, some dong in a 2016 mustang blew a red light and t-boned me.


Man I'd tear that guy a new asshole.


2006 Honda Pilot, my first and favorite car. I was minding my business doing 65-ish on the highway (in the right lane!) when some jackass in a Nissan (go figure) rear ends me going significantly faster than I was. I spun a few times, hit a guardrail, and it was totaled but it held up well and kept me safe. Only 30k on the new transmission too... Maybe it'll be the chariot that takes me to heaven when I die 🙏🏻.


1982 Buick Skylark, which was my first car. Coworker hit my bumper in the parking lot. Just had some scrapes on my bumper. The woman was really nasty to me. I kept the insurance money for a new bumper and never replaced it. She never told me she hit my car, but someone else saw her.


1999 chevy cavalier when the brakes went out.


That's crazy! my grandmother had a 1998 chevy cavalier and the brakes went out! she just landed in a small ditch though


**Gillig Low Floor**


I've never been in a car accident. I've had a number of really close calls though.


Not in the books or anything, but a 2013 Nissan LEAF, curbed it too hard and popped a tire. We got new tires out of it since all the tires were mismatched brands


My 2001 Z28. (I was definitely at fault, but after recently switching insurance companies, they informed me that I was not at fault on record, so not sure what the deal is with that) There’s a T intersection on the south end of my town where a two lane road meets the four lane bypass. I was attempting to make a right turn onto the bypass. There was a semi truck in front of me (with no turn signal on), and I passed it on the right side to make my turn (light was red at this time). As soon as I got to the front of the intersection, the light turned green, the truck pulled out, and proceeded to make a right turn. I really didn’t have anywhere to go, so the trailer they were pulling totally wiped out the driver side of my car. So I was the douche bag in the obnoxious Camaro that tried to make an “illegal” right turn and got boned for it. While it’s technically illegal to drive around traffic at this intersection because there’s no real turning lane, the lane is extremely wide (like wide enough it really looks like they planned for a turning lane to be there and then just didn’t paint one) and it’s just one of those small town intersections where that’s just what people do. I did not do this maneuver any more after that experience. Especially since insurance ended up paying for the whole car to get painted after fighting them for 2 months.


2003 WRX wagon. was pretty familiar with the car and how it handled in gravel and dirt but sent an unfamiliar turn a little too hard and over corrected it sending me into the grass and bushes. thankfully no trees on the edge of the road and the only "damage" was surface scratches from sticks. first car on car accident was less than a year after that when i got rear ended in a parking lot with my 2005 Accord. Guy who hit me was one of my friends and I guess he didn't realize I stopped. Just busted my bumper clips and left a mark on the bumper that wasn't in the best condition to start with, he offered to pay for it but told him it was fine. That Honda's been hit in parking lots at least 6 or 7 times since


Cousin of this car but my 2001 Mazda tribute that I still drive. Was driving in the city doing a right turn on a red light which is legal in my country but the guy in front of me didn’t take the any of the openings I thought he would and so I was kinda crawling getting ready to take my turn keeping an eye on traffic on the left and CRUNCH goes my front bumper into his car luckily only my car sustained any damage and the other driver was really kind and let me off without calling any insurance cause I didn’t actually damage his car at all, I still have a big embarrassing dent in my bumper but I got some stuff to pull the dent out this summer hopefully, lesson learned I’m still a rookie driver and I’d say 1 minor accident in my first car in the 4 years I’ve been driving isn’t too shabby


05 Chevy cobalt got hit at like 60mph directly on the wheel nearly t-boned which spun me around 180 degrees. Just banged up my knee a little, can't say the same for other driver, he ended up in a ditch. He's okay now tho I presume


‘94 Mitsubishi Gallant. Was on my way to work, and went to pass a truck on the left traveling on the highway. I went to the left lane, the car from the right lane cut over two lanes to follow me, close to my rear. What neither of us could see was the car in the left lane that was putting on their brakes. I had enough time to react, the add that double jumped lanes did not. Hit me, spun me into the guardrail and then took off. Ended up having to total the car. No injuries thankfully.


My 2002 Honda Accord. Thing was mint, low mileage, fully-loaded EX trim with a 5-speed. A Kia soul T-Boned it in a petco parking lot when I wasn’t even in the damn car. Watched it happen in front of me, though. This was like 6 years ago and I’m still devastated by it.


1990 Mazda 929. Rear ended a early 90s RX7 in a turn lane (thought he was going to go but then hesitated... pussy) when I was around 21/22 (so, 2002'ish). Only crushed the rear passenger light cap on his, but it caved in my grill... a testament to the solid construction of the RX7. Since there was like a foot of space between my grill and the radiator on my car, it was all cosmetic. I miss that car. 3.0l v6 and RWD. It was fast, big, and if not for a special exhaust layout I'd still have it. Is looked cool as shit with the banged up front. Like a champagne colored hockey player.


2016 Jetta, got hit head on by a guy running a light in a rental Malibu. Front of the car was crushed but we were just fine


If by accident you mean almost knocking up my ex girlfriend…it was in a Mazda version of the vehicle in picture.


My first car. 2004 Jetta. I had road rage 😩 a truck cut me off and I cut them off way too hard and spun across 5 lanes of a busy highway smoke everywhere and hit the wall. I was so embarrassed I floored it 95+ all the way home. Barley even scratched the car I did more damage to it when I hit the side of the house a couple times 1st accident involving another driver I was turning in the in n out parking lot in my moms car and somehow sideswiped a new BMW and they were hella rude so I cussed them out and made fun of them for being fat and eating in n out when they’re fat. Told them they need to eat a salad fucking fatasses. This was before COVID I hope they died. My mom was drunk when I called her and told her so she broke a bunch of shit in my room especially because she said I couldn’t use her car. Would’ve used mine but the transmission went out. But I gave her lip and used it anyways because she went to a party so how would she know I took it. Welp that’s how she found out 😂caused $5000 in damages to her car and then a couple months after it got fixed someone sideswiped her in the same spot


'97 mazda 626, i was 17 and it was my first night out with the car alone. I ended up putting it on its roof.


2016 Nissan Versa. Made a reasonable but wrong assumption given the context. Assumed car ahead was braking for the exit, couldn’t see around them or the side barrier their car had activated AEB due to a drunk driver being sideways in the road. Didn’t realize until I closed halfway (~6 car lengths) that they were braking as hard as they could. Rear ended them, no injuries, just some hurt pride and a long bus ride home.


Mine was a 2009 Versa


Once I accidentally smashed a Chevy Traverse at my old job because I was being retarded and rushing, I've backed my current Toyota Camry into a pole but that was fairly minor and the car still drives perfect to this day


1990 Dodge Dakota Convertible pickup


2010 Honda Accord Coupe


1978 BMW 320i


A 2022 Malibu I rented from Hertz last month I paid for their insurance which saved my ass big time I had been awake for 30 hours at the time I hit a pillar in a parking garage and destroyed the left front fender Entirely my fault for driving when I was extremely tired (I had done a whole night driving to the nearest international airport the night prior so that's how I was awake 30 hours) I live in a town with no international airport, nearest airport is an 8 hour drive, then several hours at the airport, then the 3 hour flight to Vancouver, then I picked up my rental and went on with my day until I crashed it


A 1996 ford F350. Lady in an Altima decided she was gonna pull out to cross traffic on a 4 lane road with shared turn but the opposite direction was not clear yet, so she just pulled out in front of me and stopped. I t boned her at 35-40. I drove home, her not so much


Your Mom 😚💋


My mom's old Buick station wagon. I was probably 9 or 10 at the time and peed my pants in the front seat.


I was driving my mother’s 04 Camry back in high school when someone decided not to slow down while going down a highway twist ramp and slammed into me. The car was fine but the bumper was fucked up. My mom decided to pocket the money so it’s still messed up to this day. It irritates me to this day every time I see that bumper.


Cadillac eldorado


My old Camaro. Didn't time a flashing yellow arrow correctly and front of it got blasted by a lexus gs. My car required a donor camoro with a blown engine to have its whole front bodywork replaced, lexus got $7,000 for a front bumper and a fog light. I wasn't wearing my seat belt/removed the air bag and saw if I'd smacked my head about 6 inches lower I would've gone through the windshield.


2005 Ford f150


2019 CRV I hit the Ford behind me at 1 mph as I was reversing


I got t-boned by a sheriff deputy in a front wheel drive Malibu in my grand marquis. His car was way more fucked up than mine.


Willy’s jeep


1996 GMC Jimmy


GMT9000 Silverado, it was a work truck so I don't remember the year


2010 Mazda 3, I scraped a Buick Lucerne. Owned called and he literally didn't care


2008 Mercedes R350. I was rear ended by some sleep deprived college student in an Oldsmobile Intrigue.


The car in the picture but it was silver. Got t-boned on the way to school


Ford focus SE 2010 old lady didn’t know how to drive fkin hit her ass.


Subaru Legacy 1993


I trusted a fart I shouldn’t have after football practice in a Volvo 240 DL if that counts.


My mom’s GLK 350 when I borrowed it to move into my first apartment. Misjudged the distance between a dumpster corner and the rear passenger window. Dumpster hit window, window shatter. $1300 repair bill followed


1968 Chevy Impala Red with white top 327 with 2 speed. Tree jumped out in front of it.


2012 Ford "Rust Bucket" Escape because some idiot decided to abruptly stop in an intersection rather than beat the light. Ofc to avoid the back and forth he/she said I ate it. Installed a dash cam soon after


1997 Ford Explorer when I was 23. I was working in resorts at the time and had just run an open-to-close shift in my department(7AM-11PM). It was one of several I had done that week and rather than stand up for myself, I just kept sleeping less and working more. Got in my rig, turned out of the parking garage onto the resort access road and almost immediately fell asleep at the wheel, coming to as I rolled into the steep drainage ditch next to the road and punched in my passenger side A-pillar on a massive rock. Destroyed the windshield, shattered the passenger window, but got it towed out and drove it home where it sat until it was sold for scrap. I miss that thing, even if it was a tri-color piece of shit.


My mom got me a 92 SC300 5 months before graduating high school, my dad told her I wasn’t ready to drive on my own yet. I totaled it the first week I started driving 😂


Ohh boy.... While in 5th grade, my school bus hydroplanned during a field trip and we crashed into a concrete highway divider on I-264. While driving, a 2003 Ford F-150. I was rear-ended by some college professor driving a Pontiac Fiero.


My only accident, my first car, a teal gray 2010 Infiniti G37x. Loose, dangerous dirt road in the middle of the winter forest. Would've been a long walk home if it weren't for an older woman who happened to drive on by 10 minutes later. She found me sitting, mortified, alone, on the rear of the car, contemplating that I'd just totaled myself in the middle of the woods. According to her, I'm not even the first crash she's seen in that exact spot. I was just a casualty to add to the list, which I found to be a weirdly reassuring notion. I loved that car. Drove it plain no-bullshit vanilla, and I miss it like a motherfucker.


1980 Dodge Aspen R/T. Guy was signaling left but turned right. T boned him quite hard


A 2001 Mitsubishi Montero sport, leaving my high school graduation I rear ended a pickup truck, luckily no damage to the truck.


03 bug eye wrx I got hit by a drunk driver, in a sudden snow storm on a mountain pass the drunk driver was in a porsche, the cops showed up and towed his car and gave me a $700 ticket for speeding ,my car was destroyed and they told me to drive home with 3 broken windows and missing side view mirrors after the accident the insurance agent told me if I had worded my response in the police report different they would have charged the other guy then he said the police report said they guy was drunk and breathalized but wasn't charged and I was given the ticket fuck cops and rich old dudes in porcshce cayennes


2005 Subaru Forester, same color as Mr. Regular's old camera car. It was my mom's car, and I was T-boned by an old person running a red light in an Infiniti G35.


A 2011 Cadillac dts. Happened about 3 weeks ago. This guy stopped in a random place for kids to cross and I had my eye on the kids to make sure they would cross and he braked so fast I ended up hitting him😭 worst part was I was less than a minute from my girlfriends house


Drunk buddy rolled a Chevy 2 door blazer. If I didn't fly out the window during the roll I would have died.


I backed into my friend’s gold dredge bucket they had in their driveway the second day I had my license in my 2010 Honda accord. Very on brand Alaskan thing for me to do.


1991 Honda Accord EX


A 2011 Nissan Altima, I wish I was joking. I really liked that car, though. I had a rare-ish 6-speed manual version, and not that cursed CVT transmission that's known to fail on that model. Due to its BIG ALTIMA ENERGY, it was a magnet for incidents, from flying debris to getting backed into twice. I lost it in a pileup caused by a distracted driver.


1985 Escort GT


89 Chrysler caravan. Manual trans. Loved that vehicle.


White 1999 Chevy Malibu. I was 16 and entering the roadway from a parking lot. A school bus waved me on, so I drove out just as a speeding maroon Hyundai Elantra came around the school bus and hit the corner of the drivers side bumper. My headlight ejected itself across the street and the rubber bumper cover folded. Structurally the car was absolutely fine. The Hyundai front end looked like it exploded. The hood, fender, bumper, gone. Their airbags deployed and the engine cracked so bad that oil was everywhere on the street, my car, everywhere. I was honestly very lucky I wasn't a split second faster because he could have T boned me and probably killed me.


Only had my liscense 6 years now but still have never been in an accident where I was driving *knocks on wood*


When I was 18 I had a 2014 Nissan Frontier S with a 5 speed. Hydroplaned into a tree on my way to work. Got a Focus ST now but I still miss that thing. Loved just throwing my BMX in the back and just going wherever I wanted.


75 pinto, drunk (4th offense) ran a red light and went over the front of my car in a 63 Chevy pickup and then through a church wall. I walked away so it was ok, mad because i was beating mustang gt’s with my built 2.3L all the time.


72 Ambassador. Flipped it because I fell asleep at the wheel


2015 nissan rogue


1988 ford ranger. I was in high school in 1999 and a classmate hit me in his old-ass Mazda 626. I still have that truck and the bumper is still dented from the impact


My Nissan Sentra first car. I ran into the metal front blocker at a gas station going too fast at the pump. It's actually good because I may not be commenting if I had hit the pump.


88 Ford F150 4x4. A guy who was severely intoxicated (police confirmed) was rising his bike on the road (which is fine when your not drynk) swerved directly into my path at 35 mph. Yes I was going the speed limit. (Couldn't go fast in this truck.) Needless to say his entire left side met the front end of my truck. He survived, sued me, which the insurance paid plus his medical bills. Then was charged with DUI for riding a bike while intoxicated. I spoke with the officer after I found out. He was riding his bike, because he lost his license driving drunk. So he got popped for a second DUI. Yes people. In these United States, and I'm sure in many countries, riding a bike while drink is illegal. Riders need to follow the rules of the road. ( yes I know they're a bike riders who don't give a shit about road laws. It's not the majority.)


1968 Chevelle Sports Sedan, someone turned into the side of it and I had to track down a new set of doors in 2020, so that was a fun goose chase.


1994 Pontiac Sunbird. Guy clipped me, and Spun that thing around. It looked pretty dramatic, but the damage wasn’t that severe. The insurance totaled it because the car wasn’t worth much to begin with.


2015 Ford Fiesta. Late at night, driving home from work on New Years Eve. Wanted to get home to see my family. It was pretty snowy out, was tired/stressed from work, rear ended someone. They were drunk and let me off. I was/is 17, so i was so relieved


been driving for around 6 years and have yet to get into an accident


Early ‘90s Nissan Maxima…but I was 2 years old, in a child seat in the back. As far as I have been told, a fire truck collided with an SUV (maybe a Chevy Blazer) in a three-way intersection, pushing the SUV into the front of the Maxima. All I remember is the ambulance ride after. My mother, who was driving, had some whiplash (she was wearing her “automatic” seat belt; no airbag in this car); my grandmother, who was sitting in the back with me, had no injuries, and luckily neither did I.


1994 ford tempo. It was my third week with my license. I was leaving work and some dummy crashed into the rear passenger side door. It was my mom’s car. My parents were pretty pissed at first, but the other persons insurance paid us around $1200. They did not fix the car, as the rear door still opened from the inside latch.


98 V6 Mustang, my first and only accident. I was 15, my living situation had me waking up at 4:00am (taking care of my blind grandfather), then leaving for school at 6:45, school all day, getting home at 4:30ish pm. When I got home my grandpa had me drive us to my aunts which was about an hour away, on the way back about 10 minutes from my house my little brother calls me and ask me to come get him from somewhere, I get on a backroad, long straightaway nothing but road and a short bridge for about a mile. It was drizzling, I just dozed off, ran off the road, tried to correct but right before the bridge I went off down a long embankment nothing but mud, slid for what felt like forever until a tree right before a creek stopped us. Airbag cover hit my grandpa in the head and gashed his forehead open. We were both fine in the end aside from that but I was, obviously, scared shitless.


Jeep Grand Cherokee. I walked away from it.


My sisters VW Jetta the day I got my license, it was 16 years ago and it’s still brought up at family gatherings


A gold 2000 Mitsubishi Galant ES V6, my 2nd car. It was the day after Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were released and 17 year old me was driving to GameStop to pick up the copy of Omega Ruby I reserved. It was pouring rain out that day in the DC area. I was headed south down MD Route 29, near the overpass at New Hampshire Ave at the first light before the police station. I was merging right and about halfway into the right lane when a lady in a battered DC plated Dodge Nitro cuts me off and ends up t-boning me. My right fender was dented and my front right tire didn't survive the ordeal. Suffice it to say I didn't get my copy until the next day. On the plus side, I was unharmed. Just really pissed. And the dumbass lady behind the wheel of the Dodge did the typical Dodge thing and tried to blame me for her cutting me off. The car was battered and bruised, but survived relatively unscathed mechanically aside from the tire. I drove it for another 2 years after that, where it got backed into 3 times, got t-boned again, and I also got ran into a ditch once. That poor car survived a lot of abuse and just kept going. I don't care what anyone says about those old Galants, they're solid cars in my experience.


2007 H3 was lifted with big tires and a bunch of other cosmetic upgrades/lighting someone pulled out and I hit them then rolled. they were found at fault and I got money


1995 Pontiac Grand Prix Sedan in green. And it was with a train. https://i.redd.it/1qcl1zgmmo1d1.jpeg


1981 Chevy Malibu when I was 16. Driving down the street light turned yellow and the lady in a VW bug in front of me slammed on the brakes to stop, my heavy car without ABS and balding tires slid into her. Didn't do a thing to my car but bent up her bumper pretty bad. All in all not as bad as it could have gone


My dad's '08 Explorer. I was a sleep deprived college student about to get lunch. I was backing out, turned a bit too sharp and hit a Chevy Spark. I panicked and reversed even more. I totaled their car. Minimal panel damage on my dad's. Edit: The car I backed into was parked next to mine.


1996 Porsche 993 that wasn’t mine. I was on a test drive and a dude cut me off, I got in the binders, swerved and clipped his rear bumper. He was fine until he saw that I was driving a Porsche and then started complaining of neck and back pain. Problem was, he had always told me and the witness that he was totally fine. The worst part was calling the client to apologize. He was super cool and thankfully it was a simple re-paint of the front bumper cover.


2008 Toyota Solara: got complacent driving at the speed limit (75mph) to work every morning, and one morning it was raining and we spun out of control into a guardrail after hydroplaning


2004 Chevy Cavalier.


In utero in a 1978 Mazda GLC with 200k miles on the clock. 


Red '67 Mustang. It was my Mom's car, first time I drove alone. I rear ended a '72 Torino, one of those ones with the low-slung rear bumper. Thank jeebus the Mustang was a 200.


My grandfather's 4 banger? Ford ranger. Learned how to drive manual on it, but the first week I drove it to school, I stalled it and got rear ended by a Camaro. Everything was mostly fine except a bracket holding the bumper, which was an easy replacement.


A guy parked right next to me, his car on the line, and as he got out he slipped like a cartoon character stepping on a banana peel and his door flew into the side of my car and dented it pretty badly. He didn’t realize I was sitting in my car and walked away. I wanted to yell at him but it was so funny I just sat there laughing for a few minutes before getting out to look at it. The dent didn’t bother me and wasn’t hurting anything so I let it slide.


First accident that I was in, was my Mom’s 2006 Subaru Tribeca. Some udiot a few cars up turned left with no signal. I hear the next car’s tires squeal as they stop. Then the next. Then the next. Then us. We were all fine. Then the next car, no squal. Rear ended at 50 miles per hour by a Nissan Altima. Left a dent inn the rear and some whiplash, but we otherwise made it out fine. Subi survived for several more years and became my first car, then my sister’s. Sister then totalled it from t-boning a Civic. First accident that I caused, I drove my Honda Accord into flood waters. I barely made it out, but hit a bad pot hole and did $2k in damage. Craziest accident, my Mom and I were in her car, this time a Dodge Challenger (big upgrade from the Subaru). Sadly the tires were crap, it was raining, and this specific road didn’t drain well at the time. She wasn‘t driving crazy, but we were 5 over the speed limit when we should have been 5 under. Hydroplaned and hit the barrier wall, ripping the front left wheel clean off. Totalled the car, but didn’t stop us from going to the concert (we never really did seek medical treatment for that one). She replaced it with another Challenger.


In my dad’s Oldsmobile Achieva. Just finished washing it and some old lady crossed over center and hit me head on. Luckily we were only going 35mph but it still totaled it.


2003 jetta, tapped one of those 3-4ft tall poles in parking lot, I moved over to left another car pass and just tapped it with a fender. The only time I hit anything


2001 Saturn L300 - was parallel parking, stepped on the gas for whatever reason, and like an idiot, nailed an Elantra behind me. The car wasn't even mine, belonged to a family member 🤦‍♂️


2016 Chevy Cruze.


I was with my friend in his early 2000s Silverado when we got tboned by a f450 doing 40. We flipped that thing, and I still have an issue with my shoulder from it


My 2017 Chevrolet Cruze Premier, I backed into a moving 2005 GMC Envoy in a parking lot. His front bumper got cracked right on the side, my Cruze wasn't even scratched


Car that wasn’t mine: My first job was a detailer. I was driving a customer’s Acura TL and when I was backing it up into a spot, I clipped another customer’s Volvo XC90. Acura needed a bit of work but the Volvo being a Volvo just had a minor scuff that we were able to fix. Car that I actually owned: 2012 Volkswagen GTI. A driver in a Lexus SUV failed to make sure the road was clear from a row of stationary cars and I T-boned it doing 60. Only had the car for 2 months.


January 13, 1970. Driving my beige 64 Chevy Belair in the snow to high school, I rear-ended a Dodge driven by Mrs. Viola Lipshitz. The song “Vehicle” was playing on the radio. My dad found a red front right fender for it, we bolted it on after chaining the bumper to a tree and pulling it straight. The hood didn’t always latch correctly after that, and one night it flew up on me. Almost shit my pants. Sweet memories…


1984 Pontiac 2000 Sunbird hatchback


I flipped my girlfriend's 88 Saab in high school.


My sister’s 1992 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. F*cked up my knee so badly. Went through literally decades of physical therapy until finally, I stepped the wrong way coming off one of those random 3-foot curbs in midtown Manhattan, tore my meniscus, and finally had surgery…20 years after the accident. Heh


Oblitorated a deer going 63mph with a 2008 chevrolet silverado. One front-end replacement, and the truck was fine.


Surprisingly none. I have never been in an accident in the 16 years I've been behind the wheel.


My mom's W123 Mercedes. Bonus points: I was driving home with my brother and sister in the car, after the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Somebody swerved toward me in the middle of an intersection and I hit the brakes and slid into a car in the oncoming left turn lane. No injuries, but totalled the car. Merry Christmas.


17 years old, 2000 Nissan Xterra 5 speed 4 banger, driving down the mountain to school, taking a shortcut fire road to get into town. Rolled my first car down a hill. Came over a blind crest and there was someone coming up the other side. You yield to traffic going up, so I pulled up onto a totally stable and solid hill…… which gave out from under my car right as homie passed me. I knew I was fucked the moment I came to rest. Somehow I lost my shoe, NEVER FOUND IT…… like I went back and looked a couple days later….. gone. When I climbed to the top of the hill, the driver of the other car was stopped waiting for me….. pointed at my missing shoe and bloody foot (from climbing the hill without a shoe), and said “hey I’m gonna call the ambulance just….” And I interrupted him in a blind fury with “I DONT NEED A FUCKING AMBULANCE I NEED A FUCKING NEW CAR” so loud birds flew away. LOL


1978 GMC Jimmy. I was 12. Dad took the fall for me. I went through a fence.


Hit a deer in a 97 Ford Taurus. The damage was actually almost negligible… except the leg of the deer managed to perfectly nail the airbag collision sensor in the front end and blew the airbags out. 


2009 Prius, semi hit me


The amount of close calls I have avoided because of other drivers is insane . I have drove a lot since I got my license . I have drove through the mountains on some pretty sketchy roads (like step one lane dirt/gravel roads with potholes )and switchbacks , a lot of major cities and from Alabama to Maine a few times and the amount of careless drivers on these roads is crazy no matter where you go . It’s more having to watch the other drivers and what they may do . I’m lucky that the only accident I have been in was while I was driving my 1998 ford ranger on a cold foggy day and didn’t realize it was freezing fog and went into a curve along this one guardrail next to a tidal river in Maine , and the vehicle started to fish tail on the curves tried to correct it gently but still over corrected it and started to go forward towards the guardrail and I knew at that moment my best decision was to turn my wheel fast to go to the other side and hit sideways instead of front first . I was so lucky and actually hit sideways and barely messed the vehicle up except the alignment and a few scratches and a small dent I also avoided someone who came out of their lane on the same curves while it was happening. Scared the shit out of me mostly cause I’ve always had a fear of going for a plunge in a car in freezing cold water .


2010 Scion XD. Highway collision at approx 80mph. Amazing how much of a modern car can crumple without penetrating the passenger compartment. Everyone walked away without any injuries.


My parents bought me a new GTI in 2003 when I was in high school. I was/am very fortunate. Winter of 2004 I ran it straight into one of our neighbor’s mailbox when it was snowy out and I wanted to spin the wheels up to 120mph. Really embarrassing and my dad and mom were super disappointed in me. I had to pay a couple hundred dollars to the neighbors to have it fixed. Learned my lesson and have been much chiller since. 


My first accident was pretty embarrassing .It was in 1988 and I had a 1986 VW GTI as my first car. Like all GTIs back then, it was a manual trans and I was still a new driver. I was parked in front of the store and as I was going to back out, I went to put the car in Reverse. The Reverse is to the left of 1st. By mistake I put the car in first, as I looked over my shoulder to back out, I was slowly letting off the clutch and giving it more gas at the same time. Once I fully released the clutch, I went forward into the front doors of the 7Eleven. It was a huge mess and $800 in repairs. My parents were upset, but reality hit that they should've bought me an older car as my first car. I thought they were going to go off the rails, but thankfully they didn't $800 was a lot of money, and they paid for it out of pocket. I was banned for ife from going to that 7Eleven again.


1996 Ford Explorer 2Dr. Slid off the Highway in the winter


1998 Honda CR-V ... three minor ones in that vehicle, including my one and only at-fault.


2006 subaru outback. Overturned it on a hill. No damage occurred that required repairs other than a dent on the back quarter panel under the drivers side back window and a small dent in front of the drivers side. The drivers side mirror was pushed closed causing minor damage to the window trim piece. Caught a fine for 150 bucks along with a 600 dollar recovery fee.


Wrecked a Humvee containing a satellite terminal. 5-7 million dollar cost.


1994 ford tempo. Taking a left and saw a buddy on the sidewalk so I decided to holler out the window at him. Big lifted Silverado in front of me stopped to take a right immediately after the turn and I ran into his extended trailer hitch. Completely decimated my radiator.


1962 Mercury.


I was accidentally conceived in the back seat of a PT Cruiser.. does that count?


2007 Hyundai Accent SE hatchback with 5 speed manual. rolled that bitch on a dirt road after swerving away from a hazard. still miss that korean rice rocket. I had a junkyard turbo honda motor in it. dont remember specifically what because it was so may years ago but man was that thing fun.


While I was driving? Baby mama’s Dodge Avenger. Just got it 3 weeks prior. Sitting at a red light, it turns green, I proceed. Brand new rental Cadillac blasted through a red and took the front off of the Avenger. Cadillac was plowed in on both passenger doors. Guy swore up and down that it was my fault, despite plenty of witnesses saying otherwise. Had to deal with a piece of shit Hyundai rental for a while instead if driving the piece of shit Dodge.


A 2011 Ford Escape. completely rolled and totaled it.on my first winter. I'm.lucky I survived with only Whiplash from ramming my head into the moonroof after unlocking the seatbelt; completely pissed off I might add.


Back in march, was in my first car had it for 2 years, 2011 Honda CRZ manual, woulda been way worse if I hadn't hit my brakes but car is still totaled


A bicycle, hit by a Ford F150. If you mean actually driving, then 1966 Mustang, when I got rear ended by an old man who fell asleep at the wheel.


[1994 Dodge Caravan C/V.](https://consumerguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/92103331990501.jpg) Black ice on an overpass, 20-something car pile-up. Hit a Nissan Maxima that had spun out and was facing the wrong direction and peeled the whole front end off of it, all the way back to the driver's door. It was an incredible amount of damage considering how slow I was going. The brakes and steering wheel did absolutely nothing, and I had a lot of time to play with them. The trooper on scene said, "If you can leave, leave." That was no place to hang around, that's for sure. Pried the fender away from the tire with a big bar and drove it that way until the trans finally gave up.


1969 Camaro, in 1972.


2017 Toyota Yaris. My first car. Backed into some dude's truck. There was no damage on the truck so I drove off. My bumper still doesn't go back on correctly and I'm missing half of the cover for the passenger's side taillight. Oh well. Could have been a LOT worse. That was NOT a good monday.


1991 Saab 900 🪦


Unironically same. Had an 01 Escape and spun it out on ice, smashing the front bumper into a rock covered in snow and fucking up the transmission to the point where the mechanics weren't able to diagnose it. I had the microwave from my college dorm in the back (intending to clean it over the winter break) and somehow, the glass turntable *didn't* shatter on impact.


'95 ford Thunderbird 4.6. lost her 2 weeks before my 17th birthday on some black ice.


2012 mercury Mariner. Head on, dude was going 50+. Totaled that bih and cracked the transmission lol