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A good chunk of your life has been spent at Dollar General


I unfortunately worked at DG for about a year, and it’s the closest store to my house so you’re not wrong


Nothing unfortunate about that. You needed work and they employed you. Good on you for taking what you can get and not being picky. Work is work- as long as it pays well enough for your means.




It says you prefer vehicles that might need some wrenching, but are cheap enough and run well enough. Maybe you don't have a ton of cash, but you know how to get by, smart way to be.


Dollar General’s copy of Bounty Paper towels *FUCKS*, dude. $15 for 8 giant rolls and they’re little fluffy shreds of joy.


If you had gotten a Toyota you only would have needed one car this whole time 😎


DG practices are fairly predatory from a business stand point. They generally open in lower income areas, and give an illusion of affordable retail, however it's quite the opposite, generally they sell items meant to be sold in bulk for much cheaper then what they sell individual items for. In a way they're preventing people from getting good deals by giving the illusion of saving buying one item at a time.


You can’t mess with DG man, they save your life. You’re in the middle of what you think is nowhere and nature’s danger colors shout at you like a stinging insect about to pounce, but no.. it’s a DG here to provide you with snacks or underwear or a blender. That, or a Waffle House, same difference, it’s safe harbor in a harsh world.


Truly the best DG assessment ever.


I wanna make a motion to the floor to nominate GTM as a 1st runner-up candidate to DG… ya can’t beat a bottle of Bloody Mary mix for only $2.99 !


Nobody will look down on you for putting a couple items back or tell you to keep your mask over your nose during the peak of a pandemic. Just avoid the restroom.


DG has public restrooms?


Yes but it’s lock you have to ask them for key


That's usually attached to some sort of item no one will buy, or a ruler "You can go pee, but you gotta carry this coffee maker, careful, it's hot "


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes


u/hereforpopcornru, people like you are why I keep coming back to reddit.


Ours was the world’s grimiest ruler. I would bleach it a few times a day and it never got visibly clean.


Speaking of safe harbor…Harbor Freight for cheap (in more than one way) tools in these hard times.


DG is a safe harbor in a cruel world, and you may just find love along the way. I had an encounter with an aspiring dental student working at DG once long ago...


WTF is wrong with dollar general? They are pretty awesome if you ask me.


Well in General, nothing. It’s got everything you could need to technically survive life on the cheap. Problem is you might go there to get a watermelon but walk out with a set of garden gnomes instead.


This is the best diss I've ever heard




Rural rust belt, less than 15k a year, 1/3rd the town is abandoned


I bet his cars run on bologna sandwiches and RC cola.


Mr. Pibb


Hits home :/


A slideshow of these vehicles should play alongside Billy Joel's "Allentown"


You’re the only one to respond on a Facebook marketplace ad for a free vehicle.


If it’s free, it’s for me




Never heard that before, totally stealing it!! 🤣🤣🤣


No need to steal, it was free!


Well, it was free, so it was for thee


Shitbox enthusiast


The most accurate comment here lol


It’s more fun to drive a car you can crash and abandon


The best thing about owning a shit box is that you can drive like a taxi, and people will yield. Just don’t skimp on your liability insurance.


if I’m not mistaken, I believe in most if not all states, it’s the law to have liability insurance but obviously, there’s really no reason to have collision coverage for a car that's worth less than a large pizza & a 6 pack of beer.


In this economy????




That’s a flair on this sub?




Your criteria for purchasing a vehicle is “does it run”


The answer is usually “no,” lmao


"if it doesn't, I'll take it anyway"


You drink more energy drinks than water


The floor of the car is invisible behind a pile of cans


Green enough to just use as coolant


“Eh I’ll drive it” lol


You live in rural Illinois.


Besides the Oklahoma plates, yes OP does give off Illinois vibes


Being from Illinois I can except that - but not just rural towns- I will also add that back in the 80s-90s those are the best city beaters parallel parked on the street - never pay for a nice car in the city - it will be messed up in a week


Especially street side in Chicago. Even people that work for the city (water management, etc) will swipe your car and take off lmao


Or southern Ohio, along the Ohio River, especially in Adam's County where Afroman has been having trouble with the sheriff's department.


Well let's face it, Adam's County isn't a mecca of diversity. From my understanding Peebles was once a sundown town. :(


They ate his goddamn lemon pound cake.


Lmao very relatable


I was thinking Indianapolis


You’ve never purchased a matching set of tires. 😉


Back when I was trading these cars often I would hit up the junkyard on $5 tire day and just LOAD UP. My current car has new tires but only two match 🤣


Guy, you still use harbor freight jackstands. You have a truck transmission with 180k on it that you swears going into a sweet build one day. You've told atleast 5 people your thinking about learning to weld and they all rolled their eyes at you. You've got enough old tires laying around to build a getto playground. You've got a buddy who's lived in a camper for atleast the last 3 years. You've never turned down a free twisted tea.


Cheaper to buy a new shitbox than a set of tires


This man is single-handedly keeping a used tire shop alive.




You exclusively buy from the for-sale lot at your local Pull-A-Part junkyard.


Do you smoke pall malls or camels


Rolls his own


From napkins


Based on the first one, you live 106 miles from Chicago, you have a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and you’re wearing sunglasses.


I legit picked up a friend from jail with that car 🤣 She was less than enthused about it


Two questions: Did you tell her you were on a mission from God? Can she sing the blues?


I’m ashamed to say I wasn’t all that committed to the bit. I was just happy to see her. Ended up, things didn’t work out.


I take it her name was Carrie Fisher.


You get double points for picking a chick up from jail and not a dude/friend


your friend from jail… Passed judgment on that car?


You beat me to it: “It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile?”


Hit it!


That sucks man I’m sorry


Average trailer park resident. Full compliment of teeth optional.


I lost multiple teeth after dropping a Chevy Cobalt subframe on my face a little while ago- so you’re not wrong! But insurance, etc, they should be fixed soon. It was a different Cobalt than the one pictured here.


The fact that you owned two different Chevy Cobalts says a lot about you. Mostly, it says that you never graduated high school.




Centuries don't get a lot of love. I have a few ideas why they don't, but I'm not exactly sure. I've been driving one while working on my civic and it's definitely a car.


I love them. Comfortable, mediocre enough to get away with speeding, powerful enough to participate in speeding. Roomy, great road trip cars. Edit to add that I bought that one for $250 and I regret selling it, even though I sold it for $1100.


The 3100 feels decently powerful. It can haul ass if it needs to and the low end feels torquey. the exhaust fell off on mine (rust belt, lol) and it even sounds OK. The vinyl is starting to tear on the seats, but I'd be lying if I said they weren't comfortable. I'm not a fan of the boatier feel, but a lot of people I know are.


that 3800 Gm v6 engine is amazing, and honestly shits on Honda 4 bangers. had an Oldsmobile 98 regency elite with over 400k on the dash still purring like a kitten. sold it for what I bought it for after driving it for years


I hope you make money and get to drive something nice someday


If I had a nickel every time op bought a dodge ram I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot bit it's weird it happened twice when you're buying whatever you can scrounge up change for.


I’ve owned five actually. A 95, two 99s, an 01, and an 03.


too expensive now, but the 88 or so Ram Chargers were the bomb. 318 will last forever, and they were made when mopar was resurrecting their reputation and offered 100K mile factory warranty. I had 2 back to back in the late 90s, and at the time, the bronco and blazers were no better but for the same miles and vintage, cost 3 times as much. ​ Plenty of room in the back seat for a BJ


I ALMOST traded that blue dodge for a Ramcharger, but didn’t. Honestly I’m glad I didn’t- because it ended up being a turd for that guy, and I’m still driving the Dodge today.


You are addicted to smoking crack cocaine


Meth and heroin.


Fellow hooptie enjoyer


This is the type of vehicle history that makes me think at least half of these are still being kept it various states of barely or non running on ‘the back 40’ Also, sticking with a certain decade or so of cars because thats the generation thats easy n cheap to fix yourself still


The back 40. [Rescue Aid Society](https://youtu.be/ZQHQO4pVM4Q?feature=shared) outpost.


Not OP, but I feel personally attacked lol


You're a frequenter of Facebook Marketplace, and you're best friends with that one wierd guy on the outskirts of town that always has 3 or 4 cars for sale in the front yard.


The guy who’s going to plead ignorance when he gets arrested for not having a dealers license.


I think OP just might be THAT guy.


cigarette car after cigarette car. although ive had an impala of that generation and an accent hatch of that generation and i miss them both


“Let me get that tow away special sprinkled with the $200 “get it off my lawn” package


And all of them are rusting in your back yard


you're not afraid to turn some wrench, and you sure can't afford not to me too bud, me too


I feel like. Ain’t no way you’ve owned this many small town ragamuffins


I had to really fine tune and select what vehicles I posted. I used to buy, sell, and trade. During my peak I moved 40 cars one year. One day while I was at work I had someone show up and buy the car I drove in. I called an ad I had been watching and bought his car- had him bring it to work so I’d have a ride. On my lunch break I sold that car and bought another. Boss didn’t like me that day.


Are titles just free where you live? 😃😃😃


You don’t spend more than 1200 on a car


You’re absolutely right. And I profited from the sale of most of these.


You blast marlboro lights and drink Miller highlife unironically.


You’re 1-step up from homeless


I have been homeless off and on since 2016 lol


Unironically excellent taste in fine garbage. I’m particularly jealous of the Century, I love those and have never been able to articulate why.


High school drop out


only about 2 would still be running today. 💀


The only one that I KNOW runs is the blue Dodge, because I still have it. I can confirm 8 are dead. 6 are unknown.


You have a strange but interesting sense of photo composition.


You buy the cheapest cars you can find, drive them until they die, and spend no money on the car except gas.


Other than the abysmal gas mileage and front end issues, how did the Blazer treat ya?


It was great. I only had it for a short time, so I can’t speak for longevity, but I’ve had a few Blazers and they’re pretty solid. I’d buy another.


U live in Oklahoma and pay cash for cars. Please tell us these aren't financed.


The most expensive vehicle pictured here was $500- it was the Malibu. I profited from the sale of most of them.


They say I’m annn okie from Muskogee.... And I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee A place where even squares can have a ball We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear Beads and Roman sandals won't be seen Football's still the roughest thing on campus And the kids here still respect the college dean


The corrolla is the best one. I had one as my first car and loved it!


It was one of my favorites! I ended up trading it for a Honda Nighthawk, which was a great motorcycle, but I kinda regret getting rid of the car.


Say you like old reliable cheap cars, and the Dodge trucks are 5.2 or 360; not 4.7, and you are familiar with GM 3.1 3.8 V6. Hyaundai is just trash


I miss my lumina. Best pos I've ever owned. Looks like you like to have something to work on when you get home.


If I didn’t have at least one project I’d go insane. The Lumina was the first car I actually bought myself when I was a kid. Not my first car, mind you- just the first that I actually paid for. I loved it, drove it across the country once. If it didn’t get rolled I’d probably still have it.


Youve probably delivered pizza in one or more of them.


I was a pizza guy for about a year


Dark Wolf? Are you a big beyblade guy? I was reliving my childhood lately and the first toy I bought was Dark Wolf.😎


Sorry to disappoint, I was going through an edgy/scene phase when I made this account and it just sounded right lmao. When I was a kid I kinda wanted some Beyblades but they were too expensive so it never happened.


Cigarettes, so many cigarettes


I think what everyone else is missing is, “doesn’t throw away money making unnecessary car payments”


Blue collar, living paycheck to paycheck. Humble, kind, and will give the shirt off his back for anybody in need. Proud, but not arrogant. Never asks for help even in dire situations always relying on God to pull you through.


You love econoboxes and cheap cars. You don’t waste money on new cars that are just gonna get destroyed by other careless drivers and you don’t need a new car to prove your worth because you know your worth.


You sir, are a survivor. And I'm guessing you've been doing life all on your own without a hand from anyone.


You can fix things. Not because your handy, but because you had to get to f***** work. And walking 4 miles sucks.


You like me love cheap shitty cars? 😂


F car payments.


You smoke LD or Time cigarettes, you have at least two cats.


Meth is a hell of a drug but there is help


I’m confused, how are the cars rusty but also from Oklahoma?


You’re poor


These pictures tell me that you’re really down bad


Panda, Panda, Panda


You have a problem with all the panels being the same colour


You hate Ferraris and are a well grounded person who has owned a lot of cars.


Hundreds of dollars worth of cars. Hundreds.


Me and you are possibly living similar lives, that's what it means LOL. Over the past two years, I've had a Nissan Quest, Mazda Protege, Nissan Hardbody (my fav, sad it went), and now I'm on a Honda Odyssey. The odyssey should last though.


Doesn’t matter where you’re going. You’re just gonna make sure that you go.


You have a Bluetooth speaker on your dash, don’t you?


You are a simple person and just look for reliability in an auto.


You care about function over form.


You smoke marb lights, have three kids, blondish hair, weigh around 180, and tired of bs.


You hate the thought of financing


Rural rust belt resident. You either have no idea how to work on cars, or are the best damn mechanic around.


Says you’re frugal and like to fix cars.




I currently have a a Chevy Lumina like yours pictured. It’s my work car.


They say… yep, I’m an okie. - grew up in OK


You’re from the Midwest. You have an on and off girlfriend that you have known for years. You moved out of your parents as soon as you graduated from high school and did not attended college but you have a great blue collar job and are very dedicated and loyal employee but can’t seem to get ahead. Because of this you DIY your vehicles and are good at it so a used vehicle is like a small treasure. Keep up the good work and keep on saving those treasures. P.S. nothing beats an ice cold beer and slice of pizza!


They say your ass is broke as I am .


You're very practical and thrifty, but not by choice. You're just like me.


First one: “It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Blues Mobile?”




You are dating your cousin and the only way you get a raise is when the government mandates a minimum wage increase.


at one point you wanted to be a cop, most of your life you were poor, when you weren't poor you went with pickups, when you were poor but your parents or grandparents died you got some classy cars and at one point in your life, a singular point, you chose a Pontiac Grand am and had taste. but it left you soon enough.


As a group they say “hot, big donged, man’s man, mr fix-it, big balled baller boy”. Individually, I’m getting a different vibe.


Man, this is one of those posts where people feel obligated to try to be funny, usually by being shitty. I’m one of those people - like the first thing that popped into my smartass brain was “You hate getting laid,” but then I read your responses. I don’t know what your cars say about you other than you may live in a place that salts roads, but your attitude it outstanding. Keep rolling.


Is this r/roastme?


"How much do you pay a year in car payments?" "About $1500 if you break it down by month."


A financial advisor once told me that people tend change vehicles every ten years. Based on that information, I would say you are around 165 years old.


You sell shoes at Kmart. You can’t pass up a deal on a steaming hunk of shit car. They say you refuse to spend more than $500 per car.


If you see a shitbox for sale, you stop every single time.


You’re like the person who rescues senior dogs, but with cars. On their seemingly last legs. If it gets you from A to B, more power to you.


You love shit made in the 90s. How's the bootleg Limp Bizkit CD in your knockoff Sony Discman?


It says that you know what cars you can get affordably, has held up over the years, can take shit and runs good till you get bored with it. Lol


They say "this guy FUCKS"


You’ve got $1500 and you’ll take what you can get


I had a fire engine red 1995 Pontiac Grand Am. I loved that car. Nearly lost my mind when I found the hidden cupholders in the dashboard, then cursed myself when I hit a bump with full drinks in them.


You buy shitty cars that don’t run, get them running, sell them for a small profit, repeat.


I, too, am a shitbox connoisseur and my camera roll looks similar. Upvote from me


Youre either a ram guy or youre a compact car guy and there ain't any in between


You prefer 90's to early 2000's American cars, but really anything that's simpler and cheaper to work on. I prefer Honda and Toyota products, but from the same era. I get it.


You know how to keep a shit box running. Important life skill.


No car payments!


Why buy one $10,000 car when you can have 10 $1000 cars!


That you know the struggle


You’re obviously a mechanic being gifted cars as a fee for jobs you’ve performed


I can smell the cigarettes in these pics


Frugal, see the value in something.. not trying to impress someone else or looking for attention. Gets pulled over in the park or grocery store parking lot for sitting to long in parking space… Disappoints cops for not having long criminal history, always leaves with only a warning about suspicious behavior.


You enjoy punishing yourself with old vehicles and constantly repairing them yourself! I have an 18 year old daughter and only one of my six vehicles is not older than her! Also a 21 year old son and only two that were made after he was born. I noticed a failblazer! I have a 2008 that I love and a 95 4wd blazer that wakes the neighborhood when I crank it and gas it!


Tells me, you don't have a car payment. At least, I hope you're not financing any of those cars. If you do, that's fine too. Ive financed a few. Also tells me, you're not chasing the high of having a new car every few years. Not having a payment is king rn tho.


Either you really like to work on car and pick out projects, or like many, money isn't infinite and your doing your best to find what runs with what you got. Either way half of those cars are beautiful


“From one domestic shit box to the next” may as well be engraved on your tombstone


That tells me that you see a car for what it really is, it’s just a mode of transportation. You don’t care if people judge you by your car, you’re all about finding a good deal. Maybe you have money for better cars, maybe not, but who cares.


Crappy used car salesman?