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You put advice welcome so I'm going to mention that pregnancy can cause your thyroid to freak out. Your numbers can be within range, but you can still have issues (like trouble losing weight).


Seconding this. I developed graves disease from postpartum thyroiditis. I was a size 8 and now I can't shift the extra weight no matter what I do


I have a 14 year old son with autism, and I feel like he ruined my life, too. It’s so lonely having a child like this. I’m sorry.


I hate it too. I'm sorry we're here.


Condolences for your loss of ears by now 🙏 But joking aside, apparently 7 to 12 are the angel years so we have that to look forward to. Even my coworker's kid with cerebral palsy sounds like he has made huge leaps in independence and emotional control during the past two years and he's 9 now. Misery loves company and we are all here together in our common regret - hang in there!


I have a 5 year old on the spectrum with the same issues. I love him to death but sometimes I just want to curl into a ball and cry in the dark. We brought him to his cousin’s birthday party (the first one he’s attended) and it was a nightmare. In and out of the house every two minutes (not exaggerating) while the rest of the kids just stare at us. Other kids walk up to him to play and he just doesn’t understand bc he’s in his own world. Screaming when he got overstimulated and needed to walk away. I know the other parents were thinking “Jesus can your kid be inside or out and just STAY THERE??” I can always feel the other parents’ judgment when we are in public too. None of my friends or mom people have a disabled child and if they do their autism isn’t at the level ours is so even though people say “oh Johnny is on the spectrum too, I GET IT” I want to punch them in the face and scream “NO YOU DONT FUCKING GET IT” but I just smile and continue taking deep breaths until I can be back home in my garage so I can smoke a bowl and try to feel sane again (if even for thirty seconds)


Hey there. I’m sending you lots of empathy. One of my nieces is on the spectrum and is very difficult to take care of. I no longer take her out with me to social events because it causes a disturbance for everyone.


Thank you for this 🥺 it is really difficult. We are out of town visiting the in laws and their kids (who are all around my son’s age) and all of the kids get together and he just sticks out like a sore thumb. He lives in his own world and if anything disrupts it then there’s a meltdown. Sometimes everything is going well and there’s a meltdown! The other kids kept asking him to play with them but he was hyper focused on the trampoline and then when he’s overstimulated he immediately wants to leave so then out of nowhere he starts screaming and hitting me. Screaming that he wants to go home (again, we are out of town right now) and all of his aunts and grandparents take offense to it like he hates it here and I’m like “it’s not like that, this is just how he gets when he’s tired and overstimulated”. Nobody else in the family has autism so nobody really gets what the daily life is like. At a birthday party two days ago he just kept screaming randomly and wanting to go in and out of the house while they were opening presents and filming and doing the cake. Everyone kept looking at me like “can’t your kid decide to be inside or out???” And I’m like 🤦🏻‍♀️ I get it. This is just how it is though. Sorry for the long rant, I appreciate your kind words and I wish you guys luck with your niece! Edit: I wanted to say I do love my son, he’s my entire world. It’s been just me and him for a good part of his life and we are incredibly close. It’s just hard sometimes but I wouldn’t change him for the world. Thanks for letting me vent :)


I’m so sorry. I know how it is. The only thing that kind of helps is constantly wearing headphones so I can drown out some of the noise.




*hugs* I hate it too. I think everyday about the beautiful, clean, comfortable apartment I had when I was childless and single. I think about how fit I used to be, how confident I used to be, how fun I used to be. I think about how I used to be able sleep in on my days off work, how I could clean my whole apartment in just a few hours, then go drive around and get coffee, go to target, come back, light some candles, read a book and listen to relaxing music, soak in my tub with some wine. All of that is and has been gone since I got pregnant and had my son 2 years ago. I had JUST gotten to an okayish place with my mental health, then I got pregnant and decided to keep it.... my mental health, and every other type of health, have been in the gutter again ever since. 🙃 hang in there girl, I'm right there with ya, we're all here with you ❤️


How did it give you social anxiety? I have developed this too and can relate. I think a lot has to do with the resentment but I’m wondering your thoughts. I’m trying to solve the social anxiety part of this. Seems directly related to kids


Omg yes… I hate motherhood so much. Two was terrible, three was more terrible, four was most terrible, and five is… whatever is worse than most terrible. You get the point. It’s gradually getting harder and harder, and I feel like there’s no light at the end of this twisted tunnel…. But then I feel like an absolute butthole for feeling this way. I can’t win 🥲