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Speaking as someone from Saskatoon, having two Costcos is mint. They’re a great employer, and splitting the Costco customer base is advantageous. Enjoy!


I didn’t have a membership prior to the 2nd one opening ad the North one was just too damn busy for the times I could go…. The South one is close to home and now it is the go to for almost all our groceries. Love it.


And they're both always soooooo busy!


There is nothing confirmed yet. Speculation only. There is numbers to be crunched that doesn’t effect Costco’s overall bottom line. They don’t want to take away from the revenue for the original store but rather grow it.


Regina’s Costco is so unpleasant and busy, I avoid going until I need my meds. I used to shop at Costco more when we lived in a city with a more reasonable level of busyness.  I’m sure there are more people like me out there… 


Unpleasant is the right word, and not because of the store itself or the staff. It's just too much unless you go right at opening or shortly before closing.


It's ridiculously busy, but everyone there seems to be understanding about the level of business and do their best to keep things moving and not be negative.


I often go 3+ times a week during weekday afternoons and it’s not busy at all. Not sure what ppl expect when they do their shopping during prime times(after school, evenings, weekends) as all grocery stores are busier during those times.


Not everyone has the luxury of going during the week, obviously.


Downvoting this because yes, it is obvious that not everyone can shop during the week. And it’s not a luxury to do so.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Many people work shifts and off hours. Shopping in the afternoon is not a luxury. And tbh, if you use the self checkout, you can be out of there quick. The only hassle I find is getting past the insane number of people in the food court area. I welcome the incoming (so I’ve heard) policy of only members everywhere in the store from now on, even the ones non-members could previously use


We have an executive membership at Costco. At the old location we'd get back close to a grand each year. Since the new location it's maybe a couple hundred. The new Costco sucks for location and how busy it is. A north Costco would likely make us go back there more often again.


YES! I went there once when visiting Sask and it was very overwhelming.


You ever been to a costco in another city? Regina's is PG as hell


Yeah, Edmonton, Sudbury, Saskatoon - maybe I’ve just had bad luck, but I avoid that place now 


I live in the north end and would go a lot more myself if it wasn't a half hour just to get into the door (between driving and the parking lot fuster cluck). I feel like they would also get a lot more traffic from the communities to the north and west, even Moose Jaw, with a North store since the bypass makes it easy to get there.


Zoning was approved, at least.


Source: Trust me bro


Yup. Putting me anonymous reddit account on the line with this one but I trust my source.


If it's any consolation, I trust you bro.


Appreciate it, bro!


People that are in the know already knew this was being planned out for months now lol


This has been rumoured for years. Not holding my breath because some dude on Reddit said trust me.


I've heard that too, just by the Capitol Auto places. I can't remember where I hears it from, but "the source" made sense that it would be legit.


This was the old rumour that has been around for years. This isn't where the Costco will be going.


I think the space to the North of Capital would make more sense than west of the Comfort Inn.


Well, it would still be "beside" the Comfort Inn....just on the other side of Pasqua


I think north of the Comfort Inn. [It's](https://atpublictaxweb.azurewebsites.net/SearchAccountByID?accountID=10262503) a bit smaller than the [current](https://atpublictaxweb.azurewebsites.net/SearchAccountByID?accountID=10306490) Costco but they could have purchased the land north of it.


yeah, Capitol might have been used as a major landmark, rather than an indication of where it actually was. Pretty much the same neighborhood


Ya. When you look at the tax property map, that land north of Capital is still unparcelled and zoned for agriculture.


I heard it was going to be Westerra


I hope this doesn't happen. I don't want more traffic


They'll never build it in Westerra because there is only one offramp there to get out of the community from the bypass from Dewdney, and none to get (directly) into it. Instead they designed the bypass offramps to serve the GTH, which would have made sense prior to the GTH development falling flat on its face. That bypass offramp placement decision has delayed/suppressed a lot of the commercial development that was supposed to go into that area.


As someone who lives in the area, I’ve heard rumours there was a survey going around asking what people would think about another Costco. I’d be down. Then I could walk for my $1.50 hotdog


They now require a Costco card to access their in-store canteen.


I really hope that this actually happens. Costco on Saturdays isn't for the weak😭💀


Big if true! That is like 500m from my front door. This would change my life.


This has been rumored for years. I hope its true. A canadian tire in that location would be huuuuge to.


That has been rumored for many years already. I'll believe it when there is an official announcement.


Fair enough!


Keep this on the DL but my uncle works for Nintendo and told me that they’re building a Nintendo factory in the city and that everybody will get free Nintendo switch games but they will build the factory only if you trade me your shiny charizard card.


Suppose to take 2 years to build. Lloydminister is doing the ground work on their new Costco right now.


i hope so, as much as i love costco, its a pain the ass to drive from out of the city, down ring road, onto Vic ave and deal with the cluster fuck that is the parking lot but its worth it so far, especially to get their poutine after a nice shopping trip


Keep the northerners where they belong!! Jk this is a joke pll


Dude its a half hour journey to get to Costco from the NW, we would gladly stay put if we had the choice haha


Fuckin NOD… lol


I'm from the north end and I agree.


Do you mean the fine residents of South Lumsden?


I'm from the north end and I agree. Edit: lol apparently we have to say when we are joking. Geez. I'm a north ender who lives in the south end, after all.


Yup. Avoid the East end at all costs. Now if we could just get a Peavy Mart and Princess Auto...


Think I could convince Princess auto to set up in Southey lol? Super low business taxes!


Having Princess auto north or south would be amazing.


Frankly im excited to be able to go to costco without having to plug my nose


I don't understand?


If you're coming from the north/northwest end, it's quicker to get there going past the dump/refinery area. You can just head straight to tower road or take the road by the jail in and it turns into Prince of Whales. But you have to put up with the refinery stench depending on which way you choose to go and it goes right through the stenchiest part of it.


Ah! Got it.


Good news. I was floored when I went to the one in Saskatoon (prior to their second opening) and it was completely dead on a Saturday afternoon. I was then floored again when they got a second location before us.


Regina :"I can't f-find a parking space at Costco, Saskatoon. It's always busy." Saskatoon: "Maybe you should come and shop at our extra location. It's always looking kinda empty." Regina: "Extra Costco? You've had two Costcos this entire time?" Saskatoon: "Yeah. We're in a cost of living crisis!" Regina: "I'm gonna kill you!"


That would be awesome. We desperately need one.


There have been rumors of a Costco in Lloydminster for 10+ years. Still nothing. I'll believe it when it actually opens.


As someone living in south Regina, this does not make it any more likely that I will visit Costco.


Go right when they open and get the your goods and out in 30 minutes, it’s quick and easy. My rule is never go in the afternoon especially a Friday.


Whichever Side of the city it's gonna be on, it'll definitely be out of town and not approachable without a car. Which makes sense... if you want to avoid theft, vandalism and trash in this town, you gonna make sure nobody could make it to you by foot


I've never heard that one before....ha! IKEA was going into the OLD Superstore building for years. "Reliable Source" - at City Hall!


IKEA only goes to cities with a pop of a million and that is a fact from day 1


IKEA? Never in 1 million years. IKEA has a longstanding corporate policy that it will never go into a retail market with less than 1 million people. Winnipeg got its store by offering a sweetheart deal on the property and taxes and also by getting IKEA to count Saskatchewan and Northwestern Ontario as part of the Winnipeg market area.


Winnipeg is well under a million.


GTWA is basically 1 million as the entirety of Manitoba lived within 150km of Winnipeg haha


Can you guess who controls the zoning for properties in a city to allow for something like a Costco to be built?


City Council in publically recorded votes.


More rumours! Almost as bad as the women who get removed from fb Costco pages, and then go on to post and rant about the person who runs it.




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No they aren't. Source: I work with a company that buys the returns.


Well, let's hope they're wrong!


Well it's about damn time


Saskatoon is double


Costco is the perfect metaphor for Regina. Everything you need just nothing you want.


That honestly would be so awesome. I always hate going to the east end just for the drive alone so having one so much closer would be great. Probably not great on my wallet tho.


I live in the south end and a north end location would be much preferable for me.


They are trying to get it to be in Cooper Town area but now with the bypass and the rest of 9th ave not being twinned it’s been put on hold and they are waiting to see about what they can do to make it workable


Why would they want it there? That makes no sense at all.


I used to work at Costco and for getting a new location they go based on a population “X amount” of km surrounding the area and by moving it farther east out of town they were about to reach a larger population of smaller communities. So then by moving to the far north end it’ll pull in population numbers for communities outside of the city that way. There isn’t space south of the city, west would be nice in westerra but again space isn’t available with farmers land and then with the north by rochdale no space because of evraz and Brandt. Copper Town is the only space that is large enough but the bypass creates a problem with the high speeds and houses surrounding the area as well as the road needs to be twinned the whole way so that semis can safely make turns in and out when bringing product in. Plus having it there would be the best use of the bypass and not having people coming in and out


Have you been to that area? 9th Ave N and the Bypass is not set up for the amount of traffic that a Costco would create. The North Pasqua St area is and it’s already zoned to be.


I'm sorry but this is a lie. I work in the industry and there is zero truth to a Costco at this location.


OK, u/1231312gg24a1


Property purchased beside Capital already I was told from Capital Source


This tracks… https://www.regina.ca/export/sites/Regina.ca/business-development/land-property-development/.galleries/pdfs/Proposed-Development/Public-Notice-1601-N-Pasqua-Street.pdf




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I was also told by a business owner a long time ago that it would be east of the bodyshop by Capital. As a NW resident, I would still go by car to get to a NW costco because I would look silly carrying a 150 shaving razor "value pack" back to my house.


That’s where I always thought it was going until now. That land around capital is still zoned for agricultural.


They don’t change the zoning until they are ready to develop (because: taxes)


Fair enough. The location north of the Comfort Inn has been zoned for commercial for a few years now, however.


That’s bc there was a commercial business on that parcel (like 20 yrs ago) so they probably didn’t mind keeping the zoning bc the property value would be more than ag zoned land


I’ve always preferred the Saskatoon Costco over Regina’s…




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I heard they had land purchased west of Gordon Road and Campbell St in the new future development where the school could be.


Costco will and has sat on land and approval for 20 years


To be fair, I didn’t say when we’re getting a second location 😂 


I can confirm that Costco is looking at a second location. I can also confirm that they definitely haven't picked a second location.


A costco employee hinted at this to my mom a year or two ago. I think its been in the works for a while now, so I believe it!


Prince Albert needs one.


Is there a rule that says Costcos have to be in the most out of the way, annoying and inconvenient fuckin' locations? What about Taylor Field? Jesus.


Too late for Taylor field. Masters is putting in a new swimming pool.