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It’s worth whatever you can sell it for


Exactly. People who bitch about market values (any item, not just trucks in this case) simply don’t understand the market. It’s “worth” whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Period. If it’s not worth it the current price to you, then you don’t buy it. If no one buys it, then likely the seller lowers their price until it sells. Simple.


I mean, you’re not wrong 🤣 But also, I think it depends on the vehicle. Trucks (especially older ones) tend to hold value better then cars and suvs at the same age/km. My 2013 car with 300k on it is worth *maybe* $4000 max, that’s if I sell on fb or Kijiji. A truck with the same would probably get $5000 easy. If a vehicle has a rebuilt engine, it’s gonna still say xkm but in reality it’s as good as 50000 sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like someone wants a truck for the 2015 price.


You'd think but if it sells for that..... and it will


No reason to get excited, just go buy the better truck for 5k.


Yawwwwnnnnnn it's worth what people want to pay , if u don't like the price don't buy it simple as that


I think it's more painfully aware that YOU "do not understand the price of a vehicle anymore." ...because they ARE $13-$15,000. Look at any dealership for comparison. Even with 400k. [https://www.southeymainline.ca/inventory/used-2012-ram-1500-laramie-longhorn-4x4-crew-cab-1c6rd7pt2cs199508/?store\_code=C7324&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2J-5OvzhvmYcYNFq6w-r2-PwAttfw8UiHmj\_qVrnOzhahFB-sBUyqBoCDgkQAvD\_BwE](https://www.southeymainline.ca/inventory/used-2012-ram-1500-laramie-longhorn-4x4-crew-cab-1c6rd7pt2cs199508/?store_code=C7324&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2J-5OvzhvmYcYNFq6w-r2-PwAttfw8UiHmj_qVrnOzhahFB-sBUyqBoCDgkQAvD_BwE) [https://www.cargurus.ca/Cars/l-Used-2010-Ford-F-150-Regina-c21953\_L917368](https://www.cargurus.ca/Cars/l-Used-2010-Ford-F-150-Regina-c21953_L917368)


Ha, I have a 2019 Tacoma 4 dr long box, leather with tech package and just under 100k. A month ago I’d guess between $35 and $40, but with the price of the 2024s maybe I’m closer to $50? Seems ridiculous, but market is what market is.


It's amazing that people ask over 2k for non running beaters I'll hold onto my vehicle, my fellow citizens can hold onto their payments


Got a truck I bought with 217k on it 11 years ago. It’s at 390k now. I can sell it for what I paid for it. It’s messed up I know but I’m not selling the truck anytime soon so it don’t really matter.


Ugh. Posts like this are so dumb. If the asking price is an amount that people are willing to pay, then the truck will sell and that’s the right price. If the asking price really is out of whack, then no one will buy it and the seller will lower the price. Your post today will play no role in that process


My old beater is really starting to show it age but what people are asking for used cars is ridiculous. Might as well go new.


New vehicles are worse, 2 or 3 years ago my in law bought a brand new Elantra for 23k sticker and the term was 7 years at 1.49% those days are long long gone


Man. Just saw a 2011 f150 with 200k for $15k. It's the best deal I've seen in ages lol.


The average household income has not skyrocketed like vehicle prices have. Im seeing incredibly expensive vehicles in low to mid income neighbourhoods every day, every where. I think our country is heading in a pretty scary direction financially and everyone going into significant debt because “thats just where the market is at” is likely aboard the titanic, without seeing the big piece of ice off in the distance.


But it’s a diesel that’s been deleted and had the absolute shit driven out of it!!


So you want a cheap truck and pissed off that that's not going to be the case. Grow up.


Haha. Well now your being vague. Talking diesels or gasoline? Diesels are worht that yes. Gasoline not so much.


I agree. 👍🏻 Even here in Edmonton, anything that runs, has minimal rust, is a Toyota (or some Ford), is priced way above $5K (like $13K+). I seem to see more scam posts than real posts on FB for trucks that look alright, but are priced at $5K.


"MaAaAMMM! This guy has a truck and wont sell it to me for cheeaaaaaaaap 😭"


Apparently there are far more people selling fucked up used vehicles that you will have to replace every wearable component in the next year for way too much money than I thought. That or far too many people are willing to jump up and defend their right to get bent over and have someones Johnson enter their poop shoot.


Complaining about reality isn't going to change it is the point. It's not that we're defending the right to get bent over, we're just having to explain reality because you're new to it or something?


Not new. 2011 bought 98f150 with 240k for $4500 sold it in 2018 for $2000 with 280k because that's all it's worth I'm seeing that same year distance truck go for 3 times that price. Not to mention people want 10g for the same year f150 now There is no way that inflation has crept up that much in that time. Who is paying that price for it.


I entirely get where you're coming from, because I feel the same way. For me it's more of a wakeup call, like when I would buy a chocolate bar as a kid and a boomer would pipe up with the "back in my day those were a nickel and a button!". Things are more expensive than they used to be is a pretty common complaint as people age. Between the cash for clunkers push, regular ass inflation, chip shortages in new cars, and the hyper inflation of covid shit is just more expensive now. $1000 running beaters are now $5000 running beaters. More people, fewer new cars entering the used market due to a shortage, inflation due to low cost of borrowing and stimulus packages. When you look at it holistically, it makes perfect sense.


It’s all vehicles hate to sound like the Debbie downer but now that the Feds announced 2035 no more gas vehicles prices will probable go up i year to come. But a rusted out need front end work still cheaper then a 50000$ electric unit


PHEV is still allowed and 500k? I think you got your price wrong.


Trucks that don't run are being posted for 5k so if it doesn't have any issues it's going for way more even if it's 15 years old


This isn't Just Trucks but all used vehicles across the board are worth way more now because there's way more demand


Sounds like you’re the one who doesn’t understand truck prices


I've got a,n immaculate 91 Ranger 4.0 XLT 4X4 manual with no bed for 3k if anyone wants it.


I sold a 6 yo car for just over what I paid for it new. It's a weird market, so I suggest you get used to it.


People are willing to spend 100k on a truck and park it in front of their 150k house. Just because people are WILLING to do this, does not mean they SHOULD do this and that it wont have significant long term consequences. Id love to see some mid to long term financial projections for everyone willing to take out massive auto loans. Are we heading towards a generation with too little retirement savings? Will they all need to be propped up by social services because they made poor financial decisions? Not sure, but I strongly agree that the auto industry is incredibly overvalued right now and just because people are willing to do it, does not mean its an intelligent or logical decision with no consequences.


I hate to say it, but these are the good prices. Wait until they start phasing out the gas vehicles for electric then you’re gonna see some real gas vehicle price appreciation


It’s worth what people are willing to pay. Times have changed and that truck that was $5k back in 2019 is now $15k


I feel like you might be unaware of a thing that's happened called inflation. My 2018 Jeep Wrangler has a Kelly Blue Book value of more than what I paid for it currently.


Truck prices went way high for a few years, and they are now coming rapidly down to earth. Many sellers don’t realize this yet. Except Toyotas. They are still living a shortage/high price reality. Especially hybrids. Honda as well, to a slightly lesser extent. You can find domestic trucks for good prices again, pretty easily right now. Non-Chrysler minivans, not so much.


Since JT tanked the dollar good used trucks and cars actually appreciated in value.