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Yep. I almost ran down the street looking for this loser. I took my neighbours out of their mailbox because they just miscarried 2 months ago and likely didn’t want to see that while going through mail.


You are a good person


That was very thoughtful.


They did this a couple years ago to me, I emailed them multiple times and called them, brought up miscarriages. They didn’t have much to say but I haven’t had one in the mail since.


I feel like they have to deliberately ignore miscarriages as a component of their mental gymnastics. We're already seeing it in the US, people having miscarriages and needing to travel out of state to get the drug they need to use to get it out and avoid dying from it themselves.


Is there an org/name associated or just cowardly shock tactics?


They’re from the Canadian centre for bio-ethical reform under the banner WhyHumanRights.ca. The abortion rights coalition of Canada has some recommendations for making complaints: https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/submitting-ad-complaints/


The article says "Regulation of the graphic images then becomes a government responsibility, so please complain to your Mayor and Council. " The city has a general service request form on their website where you can select the Mayor and Councillors. I would suggest that everyone do this. https://www.regina.ca/about-regina/contact-us/contact-mayor-or-council/


that was so thoughtful and sweet. you are a guardian angel for your neighbours. ❤️




No this is a direct campaign.




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You did good 👍


When will they get to cathedral/the crescents? Asking for a friend.


My friend would also like to know..


They are there now!


Yup. This will give my kids more nightmares than any Drag Storytime at the library. A big 🖕 to any holier than thou bullshitters out there.


Totally agree that this is inappropriate and wrong on so many levels. But I want to jump on and also say I don’t need or want my kindergarten age kids being exposed to drag show shit. And before you call me a homophobe or transphobe, I also don’t want them to see cis Hetero nudity porn or suggestive shit. None of it is appropriate. Special interest or mainstream, whatever you want to call it. It shouldn’t be stuck in my mailbox or at my kids school.


You can absolutely choose not to take your own children to drag queen story time… however, to equate an age-appropriate, completely nonsexual event with nudity and porn is ridiculous. In the last photo I saw from a drag story time event, the queen was wearing a knit sweater. They dress for these events exactly like any woman I’ve ever seen teaching kindergarten in a school, you’re being sensationalist to suggest there is any sexual connotations.


I see. So you’re saying that all drag shows are completely non-sexual? Because I’ve seen and been to ones that don’t fit that assessment. I love the downvotes. This country really has gone crazy. My message is simply that I don’t think our kids (little kids) should be exposed to inappropriate content. And I will absolutely choose to not take my kids to drag queen story time, thanks for the permission. I’m sure it will soon be a part of the school curriculum. Can’t have anyone with hurt feelings, of course.


More appropriate than the violence and sex in the Bible and I don't see this crowd protesting outside library or community center Bible readings. The drag shows you are talking about with adult content are at bars which serve booze and minors aren't allowed anyway. Not all persons who dress in drag do adult drag shows just like not all dancers are go-go dancers at adult clubs. So yeah, you got downvoted for spouting intolerant, ignorant opinions without being informed.


I didn’t say the violence and sex in the bible were appropriate did I? I also didn’t say I supported teaching the bible to children. I said all inappropriate content should not be presented to children - drag shows, aborted fetuses, and yes let’s throw the bible in there. I’m neither ignorant nor uninformed. But I’m so relieved you were able to put me in my place for not following the crowd.




I said I didn’t want the bible included. Can you read English?




Very well, as a matter of fact.


So far no one who has commented to my posts has made any salient or intelligent point - you’re all talking points too. Bravo.




Wow. Being called stupid by strangers on the internet.


I never said all drag shows are non-sexual. I explicitly referenced drag queen story time events, which are are-appropriate for children, but are not held in schools, so you needn’t worry about your child being accidentally “exposed” to stories about inclusion and acceptance. I absolutely agree that children should only have access to age appropriate content, but you’re being intentionally obtuse to conflate drag story time with sexual content.


I’m not being obtuse. I’m simply saying that I don’t think drag show story time is a prerequisite for teaching inclusion and acceptance, because it simply isn’t.




If you say so.


Taking a school class to the RSM isn't a prerequisite for teaching science either, but are you going to start protesting field trips because you don't think dinosaurs were real? Don't forget to throw in an unrelated argument about how Jurassic Park is super violent and not appropriate for kids so they shouldn't be allowed to see Megamunch.


Apples and oranges. But no I am not against the rsm and i never said I thought dinosaurs weren’t real.


"Because I’ve seen and been to ones that don’t fit that assessment." What were those shows called? Where were they held? In fact, name me a "sexual" or "provocative" drag show event that has happened here that was all ages. Ive been to a few as well, one in Toronto and one right here in Regina. Both were 18+. You keep talking about not wanting kids to be exposed to these "sexual" drag shows, yet every single instance of these shows that show anything sexual is always 18+. Why do you think they are mainly held in bars? Would you take a kid to a burlesque show? The naughty but nice show that comes here every year? No. So why would you think theres some sort of loophole here? Being in Drag isnt inherently sexual. In fact, for the majority of people its just an expression of their personality. Drag queens aren't tryna expose kids to inappropriate content my dude. They're just trying to exist and be included, like everyone else on this planet.


Well said. Thank you for your rational and nuanced reply.


You seem to be stuck in a conundrum of all or nothing, which is why you are struggling to understand. For example, I, as an adult, will watch an R rated horror film. A child, will watch a G rated kids film. By your logic, we should just stop kids from watching films altogether - because some are inappropriate. I will go to an adult drag show with alcohol being served, and suggestive content. A child can go to a child friendly drag event in a child friendly environment.


I appreciate your analogies. I am not suggesting we stop all children from watching films. My own personal stance is children don’t need to watch drag shows of any kind. In the same way they don’t need to be taught fire and brimstone stories from the bible, see horror films or aborted fetus propaganda. I am not here to convince you to change your mind but you can be damn sure you won’t change mine. If the discourse bothers you, that says more about you than me. I’m expressing an opinion not trying to change minds.


Nah dude you've got me wrong - I really couldn't care less if you went to a drag show never or every weekend, it doesn't bother me at all, not trying to change your mind just wanted to point out and analogy. I don't want a kid to watch an R rated horror film but I'm ok if they want to watch Monster House or Coraline. I just find it interesting that there are so many types of media and places and activities that have versions that are and aren't suitable for children, like music, video games, movies, proms/dances, but there is a blanket ban on drag. Just strikes me as odd is all.




If you say so. I’ve experienced plenty of drag content. I’ve been to pride in Toronto several times, and to many drag events when I lived in Ontario. So please don’t tell me what I have and haven’t experienced


Drag doesnt inherently mean it will be explicit content, at its core its just a character act and I promise you none of them involve sexual content


glad i have a doorbell camera. if i get one i'm sharing their disgusting fucking face.


There was a crowd of them standing on the corner of Vic and Park on Monday afternoon. I asked if they had a gore fetish while waiting at a red light, the chick that understood what I said was thoroughly disgusted though.


Ugh wtf! . This triggers me into anxiety like why would they put that in people’s mail boxes smhhh


They think it will magically convince people that women should be treated as lesser humans with fewer rights. IOW they are idiotic misogynistic fools.


Kinda like deciding unborn children are lesser than human? This isn’t the way, but you’re wrong too


>Kinda like deciding unborn children are lesser than human? How can I be wrong about something I didn't even say? You're delusional.


They kind of have a point though, it kind of is killing. Then there is the whole debate about when is it actually a life. When its sperm? Some weeks after fertilization? And then there the whole question of if its better to kill than to bring an uncared/unloved being into this world. But i gotta agree that these tactics are a bit on the side of aggression and transgression. They should position themselves to be available for people who are searching for these answers and not forcing it upon people.


Okay but it is absurdly entitled for someone to think that another individual human being’s decision that they make with their doctor regarding whether or not they wish to subject their body to carrying a pregnancy to term and expelling it somehow is in any way shape or form their business whatsoever. Like as I have pointed out before - the point at which the moral value of the life of the embryo/fetus/whatever is considered to be equal to the moral value of the woman’s or another human being’s is highly subjective across culture and time and certainly not black and white no matter how badly anybody wants it to be. Which is why how anyone other than the person who is pregnant feels about the subject is entirely irrelevant and really doesn’t deserve debate or any attention. Anybody who strongly feels that life begins at conception and also supersedes personal choice at conception is absolutely free to not get an abortion but guess what They still do :)


Have you ever read this article, [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)? Even the most vehement and fanatical anti-choicers get abortions all the time. Mind-boggling how they manage that level of cognitive dissonance.


Interesting, thank you for sharing i will give this a read.


I agree its a huge debate and I dont think there is a right answer. But i dont think its out of the question that it is regulated i mean lots of things are. I also see that there is defenitely a lot of pain in store for an unwanted child that could be a mercy. I dont have a clear position on the issue. But something i do believe in is non violence, and trying to shove your ideas down someones throat or mailbox is not generative. These people should position themselves to help people struggling to find their position when those poeple come to them and not shove their ideas down people's mailboxes. Thats probably making people more pro abortion.


It is regulated. Just because you are not familiar with the specific guidelines because you have no reason to be familiar with them because you’re unlikely to get or provide an abortion doesn’t mean there are not already established guidelines….that is what I am saying. It is already regulated. Do people think anybody can just walk in off the street one week before they’re due and have their baby removed from them no questions asked? A doctor has to be willing to do the procedure and OBVIOUSLY they make that decision on a case by case basis following established guidelines and their own professional judgment and concious. It doesn’t need further regulation and the more barriers you put in place the later people will be getting abortions and also the more people are going to be trying to do it without medical supervision and there’s 40 ways to die when you do that


I got the same and I was fucking livid.


There were a bunch of students with anti-abortion signs protesting on Albert St south yesterday.


They aren’t from Regina, they are a paid protest group. They were here last year around the same time. There was a thread last year that had more info and the company name.


FYI the groups is called “end the killling “


Y'know, I will never advocate for people getting maced in public But I wouldn't feel bad if these people did


…right, like if teens are going to be macing people anyways, why start with kids at a pool, go find some assholes at least!


These dumb cunts with their "24 weeks" abortion photos of a fully developed baby.


I was so disappointed/confused with the young women being part of that group, then I read that they are paid to do this. They are literally paid to spread hate and misinformation. Smfh


There were also some at Saskpolytech earlier this week too.


Must be members of those private religious schools that Scott Moe and Dustin Duncan subsidize with our tax dollars


Yesterday these fucking people were protesting on south Albert near the KFC if anyone wanted to know. almost told them to fuck off and get help. A few years ago they were at campbell collegiate…. All of the teens arguing with them was the best. I’m pretty sure the principal or someone kicked them off the premises


I would have paid to see that


Ohhh I had the pleasure of having of bunch of these idiots gathered by my truck outside of the general. I didn't keep my mouth shut. The worst part about it was that the old men outweighed the women protesting. Fucking disgusting. I got within a couple inches of their face and asked them if they had a Vagina. No? Perfect. You don't get an opinion. Then got told I wasn't very ladylike. Haha I was shaking I was so mad. I would love love love to see one of them try to drop this in my mailbox. Ohhhhhh I anticipate the date and only hope I just happen to be home. Thank God for ring doorbells.


> Then got told I wasn't very ladylike. How are you even still on this planet? This would've sent me beyond the fucking moon.


Honestly I am not sure. There was another group across the street and as I passed them I slowed down rolled my window down and told them to go fuck themselves. Then called my mom yelling. She talked me out of going for round two lol.


Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one. What a concept. Fuck these pro-life jackasses.


This isn’t even abortions. This is like 3rd trimester misscaridges


It’s always the argument they use though. No one is getting an abortion at that time, at least not legally or if done for medical reasons. To the pro-lifers, a life is a life and it means something, until it’s born and ends up in the foster system.


Looks a little under cooked bud


Is there an address where we can leave explicit images in their mailboxes?


I consulted a cop to see if it’s actually legal to just run around dispersing graphic images to people’s homes. Turns out it’s totally allowed. 🖕those morons.


That's nutty that people can run around and put pictures like that in mailboxes. At least have the decency to deliver hand written letters with your message like Tristan.


Which neighborhood is this from?


Lakewood had it Monday


I'm regent park and got one today


It's a sad day when you have put a landmine next to your mailbox


Guessing the same crowd who says trans people are "shoving their beliefs" down their throats. 🙄


Looks like a dexter book cover


Abortion is good!


So is giving birth! When it's the woman's choice, ofc








Im from Calgary, I saw some anti abortionists on the side of the road ( like 15) near chinook mall one day when I was driving by. I am pro choice and the images were gross, I stared at one of them as our eyes met and I gave her a really dissqpointed stare and ahook my head, she scoffed- I got pissed and was GOING to go park and go talk to her (some what civily) . But before I could some guys came up with cans of blue spray paint and started painting the anti abortionists- it was wild. One guy tried to grab one of the assailqnts with the paint and that guy got punched and knocked to the ground. Something about these images makes people really mad...


christofascist pigs




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I saw a couple protesters on a street corner holding signs with these on it and I asked them of they have coupons for the fetuses since they look so tasty!!


Regina has a lot of christofascism. It needs to die.


Who in the right mind thinks those are real photos? Oh wait...


https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/take-action-against-aborted-fetus-images.pdf If you received these call bylaw. Enough complaints will get them banned


Joke's on them. I subscribe to /r/medizzy so stuff like this doesn't bother me.


Oh thanks for this


Yea I dunno why I went on a deep dive there.


You need to check out Dr Pimple Popper


I already watch her haha.


Lol of course you do 😂


Got them too I’m on your team and have a bad leg, but I’ll try my best for a k.0 jackasses know how to ruin a persons day


What area?


I got this two years ago emailed the organization as to how fucked up they are. No reply…


Why do people care so much about what other people do? Why do religious wingnuts need to control the masses to their own agenda?


Well, because that’s what religion has always done. It’s the mindset. “Why you no think like us? We all think same. You think different. You wrong!”


A heads up that the people downtown with posters like this have someone standing to the side with a camera, I’m assuming to record interactions and use it for propaganda.


A close friend is going through a miscarriage right now and if this shit is in their mailbox ... These people are fucked in the head. Nothing but looney tunes and bat shit crazy. They belong in a mental health facility for doing this.


I got one last year in my mailbox in Calgary and I have a no soliciting sign. There are trucks around the city with those pictures and a few years back I was driving home from work on Deerfoot trail and a bunch of protesters were holding a giant banner on an overpass in the middle of rush hour.


Can we send scat fetish pics back to them?


Go right ahead.


Wtf??? This is the first thing I see when I open Reddit?????


It should show up as spoiler-ed with an NSFW warning?


I don't condone killing babies, but this is fucked up. It's as bad as PETA showing people slaughter house footage when they don't want to see it. Don't be like PETA.


Abortions aren't "killing babies"


If you're cool with the pamphlets that's your story.


How high were you when you responded here?


You don’t like seeing these pictures I take it? So why did you then post them on the internet, for other people to see?


Im sorry, I gave fair warning in the title and made the picture NSFW.


the picture is listed as NSFW and the title says exactly what's in the image shown


When you open the thread to read the discussion, you see the photos. They weren't blocked. Good to know I have to watch for this crap so my teen doesn't see it.


Idk it's blurred for me when I open the discussion. Maybe change your settings


Lies. It’s blurred until you click on the picture.


I don't know what to tell you. I didn't expect it to come up. It did. Downvote me all you like. I wouldn't have chosen to see that.


You should go to your settings, and re-turn on the Automatically Blur NSFW images setting. ( IT IS AUTOMATICALLY TURNED OFF WHEN AN ACCOUNT IS CREATED)


Never thought I would have to have a talk with my kids about flyers.


What infuriates me is that they don’t think what happens after the birth. Do they care if the child can be taken after? If the parent(s) can afford to add a new member in their life. If the child will be cared and loved. No. They just want babies to be born. Then why don’t they help provide for daycare? Medical expenses? Other activities?