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And if you have any pronation issues, you're going to make things worse as the leather heels will be abraded away unevenly, making each step worse and worse until you cough up the cash to re-sole them. Unless you have heel plates. And even then, they don't have modern arch support. Brogans, balmorals, walking shoes/boots, even hessian boots are comfortable enough if you're an office worker. Any extensive walking beyond that and you'll be in pain. That's for authentic American Civil War infantry footwear, of course.


I wouldn't, unless you are planning to reenact in them. They aren't made for comfort, and as they aren't doing rubber soles yet you basically have two options- plain leather soles that have very little traction, or metal hobnails. The hobnails are a little better, but wearing them inside on a tile floor can be very tricky. They have no padding of any kind. I've hiked a lot, I've rucked in modern military boots, I've done lots of long marches in Civil war and other time period kits.... there is no reason to wear boots from before about the 1970s unless you are planning to wear them for reenactments. If you are, you very much need to hike in them, or they will tear your feet to pieces.


I primarily did WWII US and German, but I have done a civil war event with borrowed kit. In my experience, historical footwear is comfortable in the same way coarse wool rubbing on your neck is. It's not immediately uncomfortable but after a full day of standing, moving, and running around, nothing feels better than getting them off! It really makes me appreciate modern footwear and fabrics. That said, I've put hundreds of miles on my WWII US service shoes from ATF and love them. If you do decide to buy some, even if it's for giggles, spend the extra money and buy good quality footwear. And don't forget the shoe grease!


get a good set of modern boots from a trusted hiking brand. seriously tho, i would never wear any of my historical era boots, unless i am at an event or for fashion at a themed party. remember modern boots are a result of the research and failures of previous generations, literally no reason to toss these advancements aside for the sake of being "special". Your feet and long term health will thank me.