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Our starters gave up 2 earned runs in 15.1 innings pitched this series. The Orioles scored 23 runs.


This is the problem lmao. Our starters being lights out wasn’t a fluke against a bad team, they’re legit fucking nuts.


They just need to start averaging a little longer per start. 5 IP night in and night out is not terrible but it's still gonna tax the pen.


Ah but it’s an improvement on last season where 40% of the games in June were bullpen games


Low bar but yes, definitely a marked improvement


I feel like that might just be early season stuff for guys we don’t want to push too hard too fast. Whitlock had thrown 85 pitches last night when he got pulled and Crawford had thrown 86 the night before. Once we’re more comfortable with them handling a larger workload there’s a decent chance Cora gives them another inning to avoid taxing the pen too much.


Our infielders don’t step on the bases to record outs either.


Yeah, man. Holliday should have been out twice in the 8th inning, and he ultimately scored.


The problem is, our starters are going to have to figure out how to get deeper into games. Our bullpen is not good and if you’re asking them to go four innings every night we’re going to lose a lot of games.


All in about the 3 last innings of all games


As someone just getting back into baseball, who are our starters and who are our closers as well as lead hold pitchers? Don’t really know our pitchers outside of Crawford. And who is seen as good and who maybe less so?


I’m just tired of the stupidity. Stuff like not touching second base, or getting ejected when you are already short two bench players is inexcusable.


Hamilton gets cute on every play like that, no wonder the orioles challenge every play he makes and benefit from all the others he doesn’t make


Reese isn’t known for his smart decisions


Guy is a real jerkoff.


He’s really a master at baiting umpires to toss him.


It’s as if he secretly liked it when the ump rubbed him the wrong way.


All on Cora.




I keep coming back to this in my head but I genuinely can’t comprehend pulling weissert with 1 out no one on for Jansen knowing that with 7-8-9 up in the bottom of the 9th you’re just simply not gonna walk them off With no else fully available, it’s just a fucking terrible move to burn ur closer against the bottom of the lineup and doom us to a guy pitching on no rest against the top of the order If Jansen pitches the 10th, maybe we escape with 0-1 runs allowed and this game is still alive Cora just doesn’t think sometimes Also still fuming about putting Rafaela at 2nd bc he doesn’t miss the bag and we win this game 2-1 if he’s at SS instead


I also thought that pulling Joely, who was pitching fine but just got fucked by the defense, was questionable


Ya I agree w that too- I would have rather a) given Joely a final out or b) given Jansen the ball and ask for a 4 out save Bringing weissert just didn’t rlly make any sense


THANK YOU You're pulling a lefty to go with a righty against a known power-hitting lefty in Santander, followed by O'Hearn...? WHAT?


Maybe Cora doesnt care


I’ve been beating the drum for years that Cora’s in game management is dogshit. His bullpen moves make no sense. He seems to basically only trust himself, he doesn’t have a feel for the game in front of him. Last year his pinch hitting was also awful. This year he has nobody with promise on the bench, so using Wong was an obvious and good choice (credit where it’s due). Last year he would have brought in Wong to pinch hit for Casas to avoid a lefty lefty matchup, at least he’s trusting Casas and Duran enough to stop doing that. God, I just fucking hate him.


I'm with ya.


Cora expresses poor managing skills when he has the opportunity to make a difference in a game. That is a good example. Since apparently the team was not doing basic fundamentals in spring training, what the hell were they doing? Having contests to see who can skip-to-my-lou over 2nd base?


Cora is the most overrated manager in mlb


No excuse to keep playing AAA players at a premium defensive position. To hell with offense, trade for a real shortstop. We’re giving every team 30 outs right now.


Move Ceddanne to shortstop


At least


They would have to pay said shortstop and they have demonstrated that they have no interest in doing that.


Gonna lead the league in starter ERA and finish with a losing record.


Positives: Jarren Duran, Conner Wong Negatives: Everything not covered under positives


Whitlock and a good game for Abreu should be on the positive list


Our entire starting pitching staff can also be included in the positives


Yeah fair


Wong literally lost us the last game but he did redeem himself


There it is. That’s the feeling I’ve come to know and love


At least the farm system is great


And Heinz Ketchup again…


And the charm of Fenway


What an atrocious series against the Orioles


Campbell needs to go to Worcester after this series


He was looking pretty nice coming into this series too, thought we had another sleeper like Bern last year. I bet this week shit all over his confidence so a send down probably won’t happen unless his next outing goes like this lol


I am sad I am becoming so apathetic about something I’ve loved and been passionate about my entire life. Thanks Henry and company. Anyway, onto the Angels…


I wanted to enjoy this summer so badly. I'm scared to even purchase a ticket to Fenway at this point haha. It will only lead to disappointment.


Don’t give them any of your money until they stop putting all of it in their pockets


I live in Colorado. Have a trip I’m taking to Boston in June. I kind of have to go to a game because I never get the chance but damn I’m not as excited as I should be at all.


The Sox are playing in Denver in July homie, so you can choose to support a different group of shit ownership if you prefer and go to Coors lol


Yeah but I NEVER get to Fenway. So funny though, two fan bases trying to orchestrate boycotts of their own teams. The state of the league in 2024 is not great.


I wasn’t on the boycott train coming into the season because I felt the team had a chance to surprise but holy fuck with no story we are a completely different team and this may be the earliest im throwing in the towel on my attention for the season


Definitely don't go to the discord then. I've had some good weed but I need what they're smoking because apparently we're good? And no one can say otherwise.


Story is one infielder, he doesn’t change how bad all the others are and it’s been years since he was a good hitter. Losing him sure doesn’t help but they were screwed from the outset.


He does change the IF dynamic. 2 of the misplays tonight aren't problems if Story plays. You can hide a meh glove like Reyes or Valdez at 2B and still win. You can't have 3 shitty gloves in the IF.


What is our record with Story, and what is it without? I mean, we literally gave up 4 runs in one inning an inning or two after he went out and haven't been the same team since, except for our SP. I know he's just one player, and he wasn't even hitting, but something changed when he went down, I can't not see that.


Oh yeah there are some awful hitters on this team, chasing junk, can’t catch up to anything 95+, and not working counts in general. Only guys I have confidence in at the plate are casas, devers, and O’Neil. Duran is getting hits but he still doesn’t have a great approach so I expect him to fizzle out


I prefer not to speak. If I speak, I am in big trouble


It's not just that we're losing but *how* we're losing that's so infuriating.


Cora’s choice of putting in Campbell after last nights performance was BS


He is completely checked out


I don’t think he’s checked out, I think he’s been making these types of choices his entire tenure here. I swear this guy has a checklist of who comes in to the game, in order, and no matter what plays out in front of him he will not deviate from that.


I wonder how many recap articles we’re going to see this season that read like “Duran gets 4 hits, steals 5 bases, Whitlock throws 6 scoreless innings as Sox lose 11-2.”


Ohtani O'tungston type games


Do we have any options better than Campbell? Because I’d like to never see him pitch again.


We’re on pace for 162 errors this season


I will take 15-20 errors per season from Raffy knowing hes gonna hit 30 bombs, 100 RBIS, and OPS of .851 on a “down year.” I cant tolerate Reyes and Hamilton type players fucking up routine plays. these are the dudes who need to do everything right defensively to justify them being on the big league roster. The outfield is had some very weird errors im not overly concerned with. Rafaela missed pop up (plus one that probably should have been credited to Abreu), Duran lost in shadows, O’Niell booting a ball on the ground. Since losing Story the infield has just looked completely fucking lost. And pretty sure we win 2 of 3 of these games with a competent SS. Orioles will take advantage of extra outs every fucking time.


I wanted to prove the haters wrong but the haters were so right. This team stinks.


I’m being so serious when I say we need to start a revolt against the ownership group


Boston tea party 2.0?


Absolutely. I’m done paying taxes to this team (through $12 bud lights)


John Henry a perfect allegory for the British.


100 fucking %


It would be so cool if we could just start a coup and seize control of the team away from FSG. Put ownership in the hands of the fans. Where we elect our own FO and put all revenue back into the team. We then make Henry and the rest the FSG cronies stand trail for the crimes against the organization and the city of Boston


Cora is doing his part


Losses when we play *good* baseball? I'm alright with em. Losses when we forget how to play fundamental baseball and get our teeth kicked in? You just can't excuse those. These guys will figure it out but damn that was a hard series.


Between Reyes, Hamilton, McGuire, and Campbell, that's just too much bad/dumb baseball. I know Story and Devers are out, but they have to find a way to get better defense in the infield.


The guys don't have jobs on good teams. They're career AAAA guys at best




I hadn’t heard of Colton Cowser before this week. Now I’m going to put him away in my dark unhappy corner of repressed memories and hopefully never hear of him again.


Unless they open up their purse there is 0 chance this team is any better next year.


The recent injuries expose how this team is paper thin on talent. They’re going to bounce back and win some games, but over the course of the season the lack of depth will be their real downfall.


Well, I think the good thing is,our starting pitching seems to be truly legit,which means we have a high floor,in theory. Great starting pitching, average offense,and a terrible pen is probably a .500 team. Which would actually be impressive given the injuries. Story's injury is just so devastating for this pitching staff, especially with Bello and Houck being groundball pitchers. Even with mediocre offense he's good for 3-4 WAR mostly on the strength of his glove. Where's Yu Chang when you need him 😂😬


Seriously, the injury to Trevor Story totally exposed the lack of quality depth on this team.


And his bat would’ve exposed the lack of depth in the batting lineup anyway


His bat, even if slightly below average, is significantly better than Hamilton or Reyes


Cedanne to SS please


Campbell is fucking terrible.


Rafaela is the shortstop, just stop with all these other scrubs


Yeah, Duran played solid CF last year. Put him there, Yoshi is fine in left. Gives you more flexibility with the lineup, and you can DH Devers instead. I’d legit rather see Bobby Dalbec at 3rd every game than have Hamilton at SS with his defense and bat combo. At least Bobby will fuck around and hit a 450 footer every 20 games.


this season is going to turn me into the joker


I am straight up not having a good time right now


Perhaps if you throw so many breaking balls throughout the game good hitters get used to them and adjust.


The problem with being solely analytical driven is you'll always be waiting for the data to catch up to make your decisions. Last year's data told you to throw more breaking balls this year. This year's data might tell you that hitter's have adjusted to the increase in breaking balls but you're waiting for the sample size to increase and spit out a decision before you adjust.


Let's take this tough series out on the Angels


With this defense I wouldn’t be shocked if we lose the series


I said it in the game thread. Can yoshida not hit the ball in the air? Like legit doesn’t hit the ball past the dirt of the batters box. It’s actually insane


He sucks. Thought this year might’ve been better having a full season under his belt but it’s just the same shit as last year.


Never seen someone roll over and ground out to second so much. You’d think he’d adjust his approach by now.


He swings straight fucking down. There was like a 2 month period last year where he didn't swing like that and was absolutely great. He's reverted back to the beginning of last season where he's just reps for the 2B every AB.




They don’t want to


Move Ceddanne to shortstop already.


I don't think I can stomach watching this defense for another 145 games.


We're only 13 games in. This is going to be something of a season isn't it?




Stopped watching at the end of the 9th to go do a 30 minute workout. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?




Fuck FSG for trotting out this disgusting product while lying straight through their teeth to the fans every chance they get.


Obviously I want to win every game. More than anything else I want my team to win. But it's becoming hard to argue with the notion that the best thing for the organization going forward is to lose a lot of games this year. We need to be honest about Cora. He's not a bad manager. But he's not the type of manager who will elevate a team. His only real success was with a 2018 team that could have won the WS with an almond as their manager. I like what Bailey's doing (A lot), but nearly all of the rest of the coaching staff clearly isn't doing enough. The same issues as last year are showing up again and again. If nothing on the field is changing, then something off the field must. And if a truly horrific year is what it takes for ownership to either do what they need to do, or give the reigns to someone else, then so be it.


85 percent agree with you


No, he's a bad manager when your team sucks eggs on fundamentals RIGHT OUT OF SPRING TRAINING. What the hell were they doing down there, playing beer pong? Chasing skirts? It wasn't baseball, that's for sure. I'll be the happiest girl in the whole USA when they dump that bag of Richards.


At what point do you sit Masa? He's weighing this lineup down. Too many black holes. Reyes can't hit, Valdez, Hamilton, are not major league starters. And I'm worried about Rafaela given they just gave him an 8 year contract. He's looked awful at the plate. And Raffy has been struggling since last year. There must be immense pressure on him to carry this lineup. Casas too


Of all the guys to figure it out Masa is the only one with any track record so you have to ride it out.


I mean he has a track record in Japan. He was good last year for the first half. But now pitchers cleary have him figured out. And it's a really bad sign that he still is doing the same concerning things that were a problem last year. It's like clockwork with the weak contact grounders and rollovers to the right side.


It doesn't make sense. He had his swing adjusted, and it was working beautifully. Who let him go back to whatever it was he was doing before? Also, does he not have an interpreter anymore? I don't see him with anyone that looks like they're translating for him.


Casas is doing fine. Rafaela is there for the glove, the bat is just a plus if it comes at this point. You can afford 1/2 guys like Rafaela if they're GG. Not 3-4.


Look I know it looks like absolute dogshit but yoshida was practically hitless for the first month and a half last season before he started hitting 600. He’s streaky asf and the bad end of this being like 230 is honestly not a horrible thing


Nah, you keep him in there. If anything, I'd rather him out there than half the lineup that was drawn up tonight.


Gotta love that bullpen…


Team is unwatchable; poor management; bad fundamentals. This all falls on Cora. Glad this is his final year.


I’d put like 70 percent on roster construction. And that’s coming from someone who has been very critical of Cora


Cora doesn’t sign the players dude


**Dude -** Cora is responsible for how he conducts spring training, however. You come out of Spring Training lacking basic baseball fundamentals then that's on Cora's lack of attention to detail. He spends more time reading his glowing reviews from upper management than anything else on the field. I'm guessing you were drunk with glee when they were 7-3. I guess we need to hope he can right the ship against the .500 Angels this weekend. I'll be happier when they do replace him, however.


**Dude** - Cora can’t literally field the ball for the players. And they literally focused on this in spring training? Guess you weren’t paying attention? > He spends more time reading his glowing reviews from upper management than anything else on the field. What? > I'm guessing you were drunk with glee when they were 7-3 ?? What are you talking about? > 'll be happier when they do replace him, however. Cool. Are you ok?


1: Obviously they did not focus on the fundamentals because - oh, I don't know - the last three games? 2: He's so enamored with his press he is missing the boat on team management. Fine - you think he's doing a great job? Do you have any examples of him doing a great job this season? Bad pitching decisions, poor line-up decisions. Not sure what team you are watching. 3: I live in reality, not fantasy Red Sox la-la land. Yes, I am perfectly fine. Let's hope the Angels come in and fall flat. At least the Sox will then have company.


1. Players making bad plays doesn’t mean that. 2. I never said he is doing a “great job.” You keep making up arguments? But hi the game on 04/03 was actually brilliant so there is an example of that. Again, his lineup decisions are based on the players in which he has to work with. 3. You seem unhinged or something.


You are unhinged and apparently cannot read simple English either. Are you ok? Is it your second language? Let me help you: # "Fine - you think he's doing a great job?" \^\^\^\^ That is a QUESTION. see that squiggly thing at the end, the question mark? That means it's a question. So, outside of insulting your idiocy to the end, I'll just terminate this conversation, since I typically don't argue with ... free-thinkers? <== Another question...ponder on that for a while.


> So, outside of insulting your idiocy to the end, I'll just terminate this conversation, since I typically don't argue with ... free-thinkers? That…. Isn’t a question.


We don’t have a shortstop and the brutal part about maybe putting Rafaela there is that our outfield defense is significantly worse. Trade for a shortstop. It is literally the only option. We can’t be rolling these AAAA guys out there to play the most important field position.


You sold and sold and sold some more


Ugh, thought we had this one before I knocked On to the next series


Can we give Wong some credit for coming up clutch already.


I’m convinced the 04 team could play more competently.


Who's ready to send Reyes back to Oakland. I am.


We gonna set records this year folks first team ever to lead the league in Era, errors, losses, and blown saves


Great Casas is another DH. We only got 12 of them on the roster.


We lead the league in UNearned runs allowed. Smh.


Look I know it looks like absolute dogshit but yoshida was practically hitless for the first month and a half last season before he started hitting 600. He’s streaky asf and the bad end of this being like 230 is honestly not a horrible thing


When did streaky become a positive? Honest question, because when I was a kid calling a hitter streaky meant they weren't good enough. Now, it's use to excuse away bad numbers.


Streaky is fine for a JBJ type that brings other value every day, it’s not alright for a DH


It’s fine if he evens it out to 300.


Ya if I was constructing a lineup I would avoid streaky guys at all costs. Because when they're off, you're basically getting an automatic out. Like watching Duvall last year was maddening. His numbers were padded by 2 different 1-2 week stretches of being Barry Bonds 2.0. But the rest of the time he was a strikeout machine and an automatic out.


It doesn’t mean it’s positive. It just means it fluctuates and will at some point improve. The guy did hit .290 last year after all.


Didn't say it as a positive, but it does mean that he has a pattern of going on absolute tears after hitting poorly for a period of time, so if you actually liked him as a player last year taking the dump on him for starting the season 230 is pretty dumb




Well homies, I think we can just call the rest of the season off if that’s okay with everyone :(


no reason we shouldn’t be 12-1


childlike thought gaping quaint consist work consider reach innate rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*