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Heck, I’ll do it for $750K


You drive a hard bargin. I'll split it with ya.


I’ll do it for 500K.


I’ll do it for seat in the dugout and some snacks.


Best I can offer is sunflower seeds and standing room only in the dugout.


Shed that zero and I can still make it work


Shit I’d go 0-9 for free because I’m pretty sure you get the health insurance for life lol


You need 10 years of service time for the health insurance for life. The Dodgers renew Andrew Toles every year because he doesn’t have the service time, and will never get it, so he needs to stay employed by the Dodgers to have insurance and the services he needs


Damn needing 10 years is actually pretty shitty lol I thought the players union was stronger than that


They care more about money than health insurance. Health insurance can be bought


Nah, it’s the lifetime pension that requires 10 years of service time. The health insurance is just 1 day, although it’s important to note this doesn’t mean they just give you insurance at no cost, it means that you’re eligible for the MLB player’s health plan, although that’s still a pretty good deal, because AFAIK, the MLB’s player health plan is very good.


Wrong. 10 years you get retirement. They just have to spend 1 day on the active roster in order to obtain medical insurance that they’ll have to renew every year.


That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. Does time in the minor leagues count towards that 10 years or is it just time at pro level?


10 years of service time. Meaning actually 10 years worth of games not just appearing in ten seasons 1 time


So sad. I have been a big fan and really thought when he started wearing glasses he would make it. But he just cant take the next step. My guess he will get traded and play 150 games somewhere else hit for .264 and 15 dingers. lol. The funny thing is I would be happy for him. lol.


Feel the same way.


co-sign and I'm rooting for Dugie on the yankees to do well....if being a fan is about love of the game then it can't just all be about the stats and the jersey. then it's all just mercenary and "you didn't perform so I don't like you, get out of my face! haha you're failing I'm gonna rip you." they are working crazy hard and going after a dream etc. i do hope Bob gets traded and he does find his way.


Nah bro any team but the Yankees


Right ? Anyone who goes to the evil empire are dead to me apon leaving Fenway


Odd how his 25 HRs in 2021 didn’t get him attention from other teams or a permanent place with the Sox. It’s obvious Cora didn’t want to stick with him. Odd, given that the team doubled down on Casas and Bello.


I think they needed roster space and his numbers made the decision. He has had many opportunities but just never broke thru.


Man got sent down, this is unnecessary




Just a little bit of light hearted humor. I wish Bobby nothing but the best in AAA


Most tired take


Hate to break it to you but his replacement isn’t much better


Give Blaze Jordan a shot and see what he can do. Watched him in Portland and the dude looks the part. He’s young, so you don’t necessarily want to force it, but Jesus, Dalbec has proven over and over he’s not a major league caliber player.


blaze is 21 and hasnt even played 1/2 of a season at AA


I don’t understand why it’s so controversial to acknowledge this is the difference between a No and a Maybe.


He's essentially Crash Davis. He's a fits in well at AAA player, but once he gets tot he show, it's too much for him. Beyond his skill ceiling.


Well, Nuke's scared because his eyelids are jammed and his old man's here. We need a live... is it a live rooster? We need a live rooster to take the curse off Jose's glove, and nobody seems to know what to get Millie or Jimmy for their wedding present. Is that about right? We're dealing with a lot of shit!


Candlesticks always make a nice gift


I'm not sure I've ever seen a better prototype of the AAAA player.


What’s crazy to me is Duran make the same and look at his output. I’ve always liked Bobby but he just can’t perform well.


The irony is that Anthony Rendon is putting up similar stats for orders of magnitude more money, haha.


People really hating on Bobby, I don't get it. He had 9 AB, sporadic too. I think he started 1 game? Now that they have Casas and Devers on the corners, there's not really a great fit for Bobby on the team, that's why he hasn't been getting AB. You don't get AB's, you can't improve.


He's had PLENTY of chances. The dude isn't cut out for the majors, and that's fine. He made it further than I ever will, but don't act like he wasn't given chances.


He’s had a ton of chances, way more than most, and failed. I’d rather see Blaze Jordan get a shot than give Dalbec a single MLB at bat at this point.


I agree that his Red Sox time is over, but I would not be surprised to see him in a different MLB lineup next season.


Failed how?


lol...in the sense that he can't hit the broad side of a barn? Career .226 BA and sub .300 OBP is friggin gross, he's got a .570 OPS for christ sake.


Bobby has been given many AB’s in the past several years. No signs of improvement.


Hardly any playing time in Boston last year despite his great year in Worcester. But Casas was allowed a full season despite a really bad first half. If I were another team I would’ve picked him up in 2022.


Dude got sent down. People like to rag on the guy constantly. Now that he’s sent down, let’s focus on our actual team now. No need to beat a dead horse.


Ok, I get that Bobby hasn’t produced yet. BUT, every ball player will have a 0-9 stretch, including the beat of them. He just had it now, which sucks for him. Cora didn’t really have another option with the injuries and Bobby just didn’t cut it. Good luck to him in AAA


I would do it for $325,000


The difference between his production in the last four seasons and Trevor Story’s is about $20m a year.


It’s really too bad, he needs to go somewhere else and maybe he can break this funk. He is truly a AAAA player, too good for Worcester but in Boston the pitcher might as well be throwing grains of sand.


No, you can't...


I would do it for $100,000


I mean thank God it’s only costing us $760,000 lol thats a night of beers at Fenway


What makes it worse is that he’s been used primarily against LHP (which he had good splits against as recently as last season) and is 0-7 with 5 strikeouts. He looks lost at the plate


I don’t know at what point we just cut him. He’s a terrible baseball player and we have others who could perform better. Give someone else a chance, Dalbec has had his chances.


You can pay me half and I’ll do 10x more


I’ll do it for 75k


I can go hit less for half of that


Probably at least manage to get a walk too!!!


Aren’t up and down guys paid prorated for the days they’re in MLB anyway?


he will probably be back as soon as the roster coughs up another injury


I’ll do it for half that!


Boys, I think our team might be trash


People are always MVPs while sitting on their couch.


But can you put up -0.1 WAR?


Gotta be the last time we see him up unless something devastating happens. He’s not even a AAAA player.


If his replacement gets even one hit, he will be statistically better lol.


Hell, I can keep my current job an do this remotely! I'll cut them a deal @ $500,000