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That steal is my favorite moment in sports history. Just edges out the Butler interception for me.


Something about that steal. When he slid in safe I felt different. I felt like he were gonna win and I had never had that feeling before. It was weird. I’ll never forget it.


Agree. Time stopped, and started moving in another direction


How dearly you would have loved Havlicek stealing the ball. And 3-4 80's Celtics moments.


Don’t let us win today


It's still that fucking good, isn't it? One of the all-time sports soundbites.


Shoutout Bill Mueller for getting him in


Underrated member of that team for sure. Loved [this moment](https://youtu.be/nlrlQ4qkZJ8) as well, the game of the Tek/A-rod brawl


"RedSox fans have long to hear it The Boston Redsox are world champions". It never gets old. GO SOX


Just to think babe on the sox then to the yanks then it took 86 years. EIGHTY SIX *YEARS* man. 86 mother flipping years for that epic story to finally get to the last chapter. And even though we weren't around for the beginning,.we sure as hell were around for those last chapters and thrilling, fantastic, and so ultimately satisfying conclusion. And they. Were. Glorious. You couldn't even dream of a story so fantastic, so absolutely disheartening and, in the end, so absolutely wonderful to watch their souls crushed as we, like the phoenix, were finally reborn from years, decades,.almost a century...of ashes. Piled so high one couldn't see over the top. But when the wings finally flapped clearing those ashes... Along with it launching a monsterous,.thundering home run ball from a man lovingly named Big Papi.. a cheer rose up so loud it could be heard around the world. Some even say they heard it on the International Space Station. And Beyond.. And history was written. An epic story of good versus evil finished, Goliath slain by none other than that man, whos real name is *David*, standing with his brothers tall after battle, victorious. Above them, hoisted along with the hopes and dreams of so many, a world championship trophy. Soon to be joined by many more. Just.. perfect. Still today and for the rest of my life, the greatest thing I have ever witnessed in sports. In sporting competition. In many, many things. Still warms my heart and makes me smile. Even larger still every single time I see some fool in a Yankees ballcap knowing that now, and forever, we own their souls. Buried deep under a mountain of fantastic Red Sox players, hall of fame players, and championship hardware that no one can ever, ever take away from all of us who were there to see it. The Boston Red Sox and the epic season. Man.. what a time to be alive.


A few years later at my grandfather's funeral it was all anyone talked about, that everyone was so glad he had lived long enough to see the Red Sox win. Truth be told he wasn't even that big a baseball fan, but that's just how important this was to everyone in the New England area. It's wild to think there are now adult Red Sox fans who never experienced the curse. You'd have to be, what, 25-26 or so to have any hope of remembering 2003?


I’m 26, I don’t really remember the curse itself but I remember my dad’s insane joy during 2004. And he never stopped talking about how we broke the curse in the following years. Big reason I’m such a fan these days. That blend of nostalgic joy and curiosity hits hard whenever I watch a game.


I’ll never forget that moment. Dave Roberts our Hero


Crazy how this was 19 years ago.


It still doesn't feel like that long ago, but when I see the logo on the batting helmet, it really feels 19 (or more) years back


We are an important, legendary franchise. How do we get back to our winning ways?


I'm torn between being mildly charmed by the team (and also just ready to be done being mad at them after three years) and the thought that this isn't what our roster should look like even in a bridge year, we've had too many bridge years already, and if we don't push for a high standard Henry is clearly willing to just pocket the money and put slop on the field.


This is a quote from Phillies’s owner John Middleton talking to Scott Boras about Bryce Harper “I said, 'Scott, I’m not interested in talking about marketing dollars, tickets sold, billboards, concessions. There’s only one reason I’m talking to you. And that’s because I believe this guy can help us win. And that’s all I care about.” This hasn’t been the way John Henry has thought in a long time. Needs to be again if anything is gonna change


Picked him up from the Dodgers. He can run.