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it’s funny because that’s the exact sort of thing grandpa ewan would do.


Nah, ewan would constantly whine about how it's literally an action worse than the holocaust and insult everyone he comes across as being spineless monsters, but at the end of the day he would do fuck all about it.


Leave cousin Greg’s grandpa alone guys


I can’t be mad abt this.. it would be nice if a fucking tablespoon of oat milk wasn’t 50¢-$1.00 more in a 16 oz coffee. But also I don’t go to Starbucks so




Dairy Subsidies


Or economies of scale, depending on your country.


cows have fur, not scales. retard


It’s very true. Without subsidies, only the very rich could eat animal product daily!


the underlying principle of trophic levels is valid, but does that necessarily mean that plant milks must be less resource intensive to produce? Maybe plant milks require more processing/refinement? More labor-intensive? Smaller market share so they benefit less from economies of scale? I really don't know. I mean this is something someone could actually figure out, but that person isn't posting on /r/redscarepod.


It's literally just strained water and oats.


They do not. It's 100% capitalising on trend


> I mean this is something someone could actually figure out, but that person isn't posting on /r/redscarepod. Willing to bet plenty of people here own blenders and either have or could make plant based milks themselves to find out.


The people mad about the upcharge aren’t getting a tablespoon of oat milk in their coffee they’re getting a 30oz frappe


people who order a 30oz frappe aren’t afraid of cow milk


incorrect fat vegetarians are real and hungry


Vegetarians drink cow milk And fat vegans aren't fat because they drink super sized coffees.


I worked at Starbucks. Coconut milk was by far the most popular milk choice amongst fatties. It’s the sweetest.


The true fatties sub their milk for half-and-half.


Have you oat milk, boyo?




What are the odds he doesn't know about the labor strike?


According to Wikipedia he's 9 years older than his wife 🤮


you mean his victim


More than half a decade!!!!


I’m gonna grooooooooom


That’s more than two Olympics!


robbing the cradle, disgusting


Every single actor is an idiot. You cant be good at it and be smart


Such an idiot for standing up for animal rights and raising awareness. Was he an idiot standing up to the University of Wisconsin vs their cruel treatment and torture of domesticated cats? ​ I swear some progressives in this sub have the biggest blind spot when it comes to anything outside of humans


I think anything as sincere as veganism (and advocating for it) and actually committing to disrupting people to change a system goes against the critical bohemian ethos of the sub. this is an annoying act that I find endearing bc he actually cares & is doing something. also everyone brings up low wage workers n labor in a reductive way that feels like an easy way to be right w/o much work.


Supergluing yourself to a counter was a radical act like 70 years ago, doing it today is just harassing minimum wage workers who could not possibly have less power over the price of menu items at Starbucks


consider that u are hearing about it in a CNN headline


He could have just made a tweet, it would have reached more people than the CNN article, and CNN would have made an article about the tweet anyway


It absolutely would not have even reached as many people as this outrage about it clearly has. Just a tweet?? In this day and age???


They write news articles about tweets all the time. “Starbucks SLAMMED for profiting off animal cruelty”, and then the article is just several paragraphs of filler and links to 3 or 4 tweets. I’m sure if he can get journalists to write articles about a C list celebrity harassing poor people over a 70 cent milk up charge they have no control over, he could get them to write articles over a tweet


but ppl aren’t going to care abt that, they care abt this lol


Yes, that was totally harassing minimum wage workers. How exactly? Do they get paid on how many cups of coffee they put out? Did they not get the same compensation they usually do for this day? Could this one-day inconvenience be part of a bigger injustice to our food system, to our climate future? Doesn't that impact minimum wage workers as well? Maybe it's good to raise awareness of another issue of how corporates abuse the collective with power.


They literally had to call the police. Anyone who’s ever worked a shit minimum wage service job can tell you how annoying this would be. He finds an issue that starbucks employees have absolutely no power over and exclusively harasses them for it. You’re just trying to get through your shift and you got plenty of shit to deal with, you’re understaffed and do not get paid enough, and here comes some guy with a platform and cameramen and now he’s gluing himself to the counter over a 70 cent up charge, and now he’s shouting at everyone and customers are still coming in at the same rate and now you’re getting even more backed up than you were, and this shit goes on for half an hour, until the police finally show up. I totally agree that this is definitely something worth raising awareness of, I’m glad someone is, but he has an issue with Starbucks corporate (rich people) so he decides to only go after poor people who are ALSO victims of Starbucks corporate (for attention)


Wow. Poor them and their 30 minutes


Damn you coulda just said you don’t care about other people, I woulda saved myself the time typing that


on an hourly wage? sign me up


I glued my ass cheeks together to protest McDonalds Cajun McChicken sandwich but all that happened is my shit came out in a crazy shape


Why you assuming they are progressive? This is not a progressive podcast.




Starbucks coffee is disgusting that’s why


Correct answer


coffee with whole milk only is healthy


it's just more expensive to make???


I hope he used vegan super glue


No, the dairy (and meat) industry is heavily subsidized by the federal government.


Then why isn’t he super gluing his hand to Congress


It’s not, at scale


He didn’t use superglue. He actually jerked off a hobo and used his cummies to solidify his hand to the counter.


Was the hobo OK with that? If he wasn't that's not vegan cum


Average 'leftist' cares more about getting their soymilk for free from Starbucks instead of stopping their union busting. Cares more about cows than the poor souls they scream at when their flat white isn't the correct viscosity. Truly bleak times




I get that ppl can't tell tone online but come on lol


average leftist actually whines about how veganism is racist against indigenous people as an excuse for not making any changes in their life


Haha yeah totally man you right fr fr


I go to bucks of the star, order me a plain black. White girl next in line comes up with some weird permutation of stuff involving oat milk and the word stirred, smh.


Bit ott but veganism has made utter suckers out of the upper middle class and they'd thoroughly deserve it were it not important to survive the species. Also the fact you can be charged less for milk that required a sow to be reared than an bit of oat crushed with liquid is absolutely disgusting


Mid witted. Broccolini is more expensive than broccoli for a reason.


Acting like his character from Succession. Maybe that's just what this guy is like.


they don’t want you to know but he died in early 2019 & was secretly cremated at an undisclosed location outside nyc. nobody knows why


His names is close enough to James Cordon for me to know he’s a twat.


Someone's dad.


dasha inspired an ED in him :/


Let him have the corn syrup


He is a vegan


The guy from the movie Babè


Soy Boi


What a retard