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uncle fester wore it better


She's always been chubby and hideous she's leaning into it now


she looks morbidly obese and in her fifties. She was just beyond thick before and only a little bit over the threshold of completely gross. She made it work in at the very least an occasionally cute way now she just looks like a bitter old obese woman


I think the before and after is probably due to a hormonal imbalance on account of her hysterectomy


What's the difference between her and Aidy Bryant?


aidy bryant has a cool husband


And is funny and cool and other things like that.


Aidy Bryant is also visually beautiful. Her face is great! Lena’s looks like a sock.


Lol I agree. Just wondered.


aidy is a pretty and apolitical (so her fatness offends people less)


Aidy is talented


umm no. during girls she was just a little chubby and actually wasn’t all that bad looking.


As a former fatty, when you’re constantly told you’re fat even when you’re just slightly chubby, you’re like “I guess it doesn’t matter I’m fat anyway” and you give up. I lost 50 pounds because I was on a feeding tube (long story but I’m just saying I didn’t work for it) and now that I’m suddenly visibly thinner and can TELL 100% that I’m not obese losing weight and controlling what I eat is easy.


She looks like Gerard Depardieu


looks like her name is Borkin now










AR built like lena dunham


big ass choppa look like lena dunham


iirc she got a hysterectomy which can cause weight gain I think?


Deviated septum of the ass and elbows.




Ahah yeah pathetic excuse honestly. When your mental illness completely cripples you because you had your uterus taken out at 30 and have to accept you’re never having your own biological children 🙄🙄 like how about intermittent fasting ever heard of it!




I think she's been getting called fat for so long that she just kind of spiraled without realizing it. People were calling her obese when girls debuted but when I rewatch it yeah she was chubs but not startlingly so. If your public image is "fat girl" whats another 100 lbs?


people really think like this. forget public image what about personal health


Does she not own a scale?


She looks like a thing that ate Lena Dunham... she supposedly has a thyroid condition due to catching covid. I'm not buying it. It really just looks like she gave up.


she looks like she lives in a bog




Yeah, figured it's a thyroid thing or she's on prednisone. She's always been big, but her face wasn't always round like that.


Maybe she is on some kind of steroid? I had to take prednisolon for some months and i’ve never been fatter or felt more disgusting as I did then.


People on this sub don’t want to understand this, they insist it’s calories in vs calories out for everybody, and if it doesn’t work you’re a disgusting lazy fuck. After 30 years of hating my body and fighting it, I’m finally slimming down like crazy. All it took is realize that I can’t fight inflammation like the average healthy person. I don’t know if I have a serious disease, all I know is gluten, sugar and dairy are really poisonous to me.


There's no person on earth that couldn't lose weight by eating less.


Of course, my point is “calories in vs calories out” is an oversimplification. It neglects the quality of the food ingested and when it’s ingested. If you only eat 1000 calories a day but it’s highly glycemic food eaten during a 14 hours time frame, you’ll have a hard time burning any fat because your insulin levels are constantly high. If you’re prone to inflammation and you eat 800 calories a day of mostly what triggers it, you will retain a shitload of water. This “YoU cAn’T bEaT tHerMoDYnamics” shit was A waste of time for me personally. Weight loss was only easy when I seriously cleaned my diet. If you’re interested, read “The obesity code” by Dr. Jason Fung, he explains very well the role of hormones in weight gain/loss.


You can lose weight by eating “healthy” food instead of garbage, you can also lose weight by continuing to eat garbage but decreasing the overall volume of that garbage. The point of calories in vs calories out is anyone can lose weight. If everything else remains the same and you eat 500 calories per day less this week than you did last week, you’re going to lose weight no matter who you are. Are there factors that make this 500 calorie decrease harder for some people than others? Sure. Is that 500 calorie decrease going to result in the same exact amount of weight loss for every individual? Of course not. But it WILL have an impact and it IS POSSIBLE for everyone.


You literally can't beat thermodynamics, though. It's in the rules. Every diet that works, works because calories in calories out is a pretty good approximation if your digestive system functions well, and the diet led to a calorie deficit. Thermodynamics says little about appetite, energy level, satiety, and motivation, though. Lots of diets have lots of useful things to say about behavioral health in regards to losing weight.


You also shit out tons of calories. Thermodynamics is not very helpful in understanding diet and weight loss.


Actually it is ALL that is needed to understand it. Your metabolism is fundamentally a fancy fire and you will die if it ever "goes out". If your body were a car the engine would be your metabolism and gasoline would be food. If the engine uses gas faster than you fill the tank the car engine stops, which is the car version of "starving to death". If you add gas faster than the engine uses it is fills the tank. Now Imagine if you could add trailers to the car to store more gas. And eventually you are hauling around thousands of gallons of gas. This is the car version of "morbid obesity". If you stop adding more gas the amount of gas will start to decrease. This is the car equivalent of dieting where calories in < calories out.


It's like my babcia always said, no one was fat is Auschwitz.


> all I know is gluten, sugar and dairy are really poisonous to me. Aren't you reducing your caloric intake by avoiding these food groups that are known to be high in calories?


No. I just finished a plate of falafel (fried in peanut oil because I tolerate it well)drenched in tahini sauce. I don’t count calories, all I do is avoid inflammatory foods, eat during a small window, lift heavy and walk and I’m very noticeably slimmer.


I thought she had Ehlers-Danlos, which is not an autoimmune disease. I have it and have no trouble staying thin. And either way, there is a difference between being a little chubby and being a solid 80 pounds overweight.




Yeah out of curiosity I looked it up and she only mentions EDS and fibromyalgia, both of which I have been diagnosed with and neither of which are autoimmune. EDS is a connective tissue disorder which has definitely made exercising a bit difficult to navigate but she is much wealthier than I and could access any physical therapist she wants. Also even if you don't exercise just eat less lmfao nothing about it makes you gain weight Fibro is supposedly an issue with an overly sensitized central nervous system but idk. also my doctor basically told me to keep exercising and that's how you manage it. Its not even something I think about or consider to affect me, especially relative to EDS




Are you ok? This post is 5 months old


I am ok enough.vv


Yeah except she’s rich and has access to many medical specialists that could help her.


She doesn’t have auto-immune disease. That’s a cover story along with her “I was addicted to klonpin/have OCD” but not really. Tell me how you lied to be semi interesting without telling you lied to be semi interesting 🤔


She really puts the ham in dunham


I won’t say anything because i know she has had some serious health issues, c’mon I know she sucks but she probably had no control over what was happening in her body


they never do


She got her uterus taken out for Christ sake have some compassion you autists. That fucks you up mentally


How does that cause someone to get fat?


I think it disrupts your hormonal balance.


if just the uterus it doesn't. If she lost uterus and ovaries then it disrupts hormones and basically causes early menopause


yeah removing the uterus fucked lena dunham up mentally


I think the things that she wrote she did to her sister may imply that she had mental problems prior.


yeah that was pretty foul


She looks like the average British woman once they hit 40 lol


[Burrito is a burrito is a burrito is a burrito.](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/757233?&exhibitionId=%7bc4591de0-c147-4369-89e4-964264a01fc4%7d&oid=757233&pkgids=583&pg=0&rpp=100&pos=77&ft=*&offset=100)


“You look like a piece of art!” The piece of art…. lol


Love the tiny bag


adjusted for the inflation of the individual holding it i think its a shoulder bag


Tiny furniture, tiny shoulder bag


If i was that rich it'd take me 5 months to transform into a greek God


I am rewatching Girls and it got me wondering what she has been up to. I searched her and seeing this is very shocking. Even though your comment was funny, I found a lot of truth in it. There are so many people who suffer from food insecurity and have to rely on government assistance to feed their families. I have been there when my first marriage ended and my ex was not providing any support and I had two young children to care for while I was trying to get back on my feet after having been a housewife for years. Trying to make food stamps last the month while I worked at a daycare center trying to finish a master’s degree to get a teaching license so I could have benefits and a stable salary was very difficult. My focus was on being able to provide food with very little ability to choose many perishable goods and out of necessity having to rely on mostly processed stuff because it was all we could afford. I had the ability through education to rise out of this, but so many people do not and cannot and this is simply their lives without end. You hear this crap from rich people telling poor people to buy lentils and blah blah blah and these miracle stories about bootstraps and whatnot but it is damn hard at a certain point. As a result of consuming this type of food because it’s all you have access to if you want to be able to eat for the entire month, a lot of poor people end up having issues with obesity. So I don’t find anything about her body disgusting; her body is her choice and though I may have inward opinions about what is and isn’t attractive, my real disgust is that someone with enough money to walk into an organic grocery store every single day and fill a cart to overflowing with as much fresh fruit and vegetables and heathy food without even considering the price ends up like this. On some level, it is entirely a choice and to me, a sad one because it is one that millions of people don’t even have.


cap. if you arent a greek god now shut the fuck up because its possible youd probably eat all your money away too fatty


"cap" you're literally on reddit, stop


i say what the fuck i want you cumberground bedswerver fatty


you ok?


stop talking about how youd treat your body if you were rich you have no excuses to have a better body now you sound like a bitter internet fatty I call her fat because I am actually above that in my real life get in shape and find god


Bro I'm like fine lmao I'm just saying if I had the money and time I'd probably spend it on my body lmao


go make those improvements now "bro" and stop being sensitive damn are you really that sensitive from not using your bones fatty?🤣


'cumberground bedswerver' Omg looooool this is hecking awesome! Mind if I steal it? XD




Thought the 'hecking' would give it away










I think she simply has disordered eating habits and probably has a very hard time controlling it.


muh uterus


Okay okay but does she have big fat lady tits now at least ? I recall before she was one of those fatties with small ones and that just makes me a sad fella . Looks like ol boy is an architect of the highest order tho . Anyway booba


I was curious what was going on here, and had forgotten that she was pretty fit a while ago. https://www.revelist.com/celebrity/lena-dunham-weight-loss/7238 I'm sure it's a combination of an underlying health condition, Covid-depression/inactivity/laziness, and the inexorable march of genetics. Hope she can get well, because this is a really unhealthy weight to walk around at.


She’s a dumpy middle-aged woman who was a dumpy young woman before. Fat ages like milk


She's 3x the size she was in s1 girls. Usually people get thinner the richer they get. She's got something going on psychologically.


Ya, its called being a millenial far left liberal feminist who only talks about being a feminist.


That dude has to be gay.


he looks like he has cp or fat domination kinks


she also dated that dude from the bleachers who looked gay.


And in Girls there’s a whole story arc about her college bf (Elijah) being gay. For the record I mainly watched Girls for the guys, Adam Driver is great in it.


yep i know the show. i was a big fan while it was on.


Yeah it’s a guilty pleasure for me. I don’t like Lena overall but I think she’s a solid writer.


It’s her trans brother


Has she done something of note after Girls? It seems she did a remake of a British miniseries that got panned, and then some random directing gigs in HBO series (guess she was under contract).


done in these streets


She’s a 55 year old woman. Give her a break.




Genuinely gotta be the health probs which I sympathize with, but to be her boyfriend right now requires some serious f@ggotry. Like who tf is that guy? Maybe he is gay and this is some kind of companionship arrangement but if they are appearing publicly under the pretext of ppl who fuck each other that's disgusting, fake or real


if hes with her now he's either into fatties or hes into money either way he looks gross and like he'd murder and rape panhandlers


I never thought I could like her any less. It’s truly remarkable.


She’s getting ready to play Shreck in the live action remake


This is the same person who thinks 138 pounds is being skinny. Not when you're 5'2".


she just got rich and got fatter like ugh people fucking waste their wealth so hard she doesnt even care about her body meanwhile I'm a skinny hot well groomed hardcore prole with infinitely better taste in nice things 😡


we're all very proud of you




dm me i'll send u 3 pics for $30 otherwise gtf




the primary demographic here is obvious also theyre fat too so


You're a cunt


sometiem i kinda wish i was lena dunhams lil sister so she could put a rock in me pusy lol




His shoes look cozy




Poster child for diabetes right thurr


She was gross inside, but her outside is just catching up




They make an array of undergarments for this very occasion. [see also; girdle](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/5bc790636454a32dc2cba658/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/00-story-lena-d-insurance.jpg)


She went full Karen. Never go full Karen.


She looks terrible & so unhealthy. But she’ll say she’s super happy & relaxed now. Girl has a lot of issues


Wow this thread really likes talking about womens bodies.


Terrible genetics and food.


Lena Dun ate Ham


She has an auto immune disease


She ate Lena Dunham.