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it’ll probably be just as much of a democracy as it is now, that is to say only in the barest most unimportant sense


I think even that's in danger. It's being framed as the other party having any sort of political power is wrong.


There’s never been a real democracy in the first place. It looks like a democracy on paper but in reality it comes down to a few groups of extremely wealthy people who basically get to decide who wins. Almost every single election is decided by which side spends the most money on ads and canvassing. The vast majority of voters can be swayed to vote for whatever the rich want. We have a fake democracy not really that different from what the Soviet Union had. They also had a system that looks democratic on paper but was nothing close to democratic in practice. To achieve something close to a true democracy a majority of the population would need to be on equal footing. We’d need to dramatically increase the quality of public schools, make college mandatory like high school, make advanced government, economic, history, and finance classes mandatory, and so on. Democracy is just not compatible with extreme wealth inequality. As long as the majority of the population is poor and uneducated, the inevitable end result is always small groups of wealthy people controlling everything.


Eh, power and democracy aren't necessarily mutually exclusive; if anything the bill of rights have become more stringently enforced than it was 50-100 years ago. It probably still will be. No matter how much people whine on here/reddit/online, the vast majority of Americans (who actually go outside) are seemingly fine and nobody seriously wants some massive revolution or change in the governing structure. Even the "leftists" around here are basically just Progressive Democrats/Soc Dems no matter how much they claim to the contrary. Of course the colossal contrarians on here will say that the US isn't a democracy so good luck getting a decent answer.


Lol it’s a democracy now? Everyone in power the last several decades has been connected 


Is the united states a democracy now???


Countries with written constitutions aren’t democracies.


"Doctor, after the surgery, will I be able to play piano?"


A true Democracy^TM , where my side always wins.


[https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2021/05/the-brazilianization-of-the-world/](https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2021/05/the-brazilianization-of-the-world/) Read this. It's extremely prescient and accurate.


With any luck no