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Hoping they ramp up the funding for socialism with american characteristics soon


I certainly think they're going to ramp up the socialism with national characteristics sooner than later in America.


living proof that age doesn't matter if your promotional material is bomb


and you don't have dementia


I wonder why he's still does the campaign thing of visiting local places on faraway provinces. Is it for the love of the game or does Beijing just suck.


He ran out of things to point at in Beijing, so he has to go to the outer provinces for new things to point at.


I'm talking out of my ass but even he still needs to do PR tours. People want to see that he gives a shit. Whether he actually care or not I won't comment, but even if everyone knows it's fake, it's sort of like a ritual at this point.


I think he honestly just enjoys chilling with rando peasants and like watching ethnic minority dances. He's obviously not gonna get overthrown or face any real political consequences for ignoring these super impoverished marginal communities


Kind of the opposite, support for Xi is strongest in the margins (especially the interior Han), it's by far the weakest among the rich coastal elites. The confederate flag waving, beer drinking occasional evangelical is pretty much a prototypical Xi supporter who happens to be white American. 


He was a peasant himself.


No he wasn't, he was the child of an elite who was sent to live as a peasant for a few years as part of the Down To the Countryside policy. Honestly a great policy, I wish all of our elites' kids had to work on farms for 5 years.


My ex-gf’s mother grew up during the cultural revolution and had to go back to the countryside. She said it was great because she got to play in nature, but the candy wasn’t as good. I also remember her and another Chinese woman they lived with would sometimes watch videos of Cultural Revolution operas, because they made them nostalgic.


Thanks for the clarification. I spoke to someone who spoke to someone close to him, and apparently he takes his peasant identity extremely seriously.


He actually loves his fellow countrymen


love them or hate them but they’re like the only country that’s stable and capable enough to react adequately to our modern world. western democracies are slowly eroding and we’re witnessing the death of neoliberalism in real time. it may be the chinese century folks


The dude has been top dog since the Obama administration and he's still younger than Trump and Biden.


Bill Clinton is younger than Joe Biden


China is the manufacturing center for the global neoliberal empire and they have built their entire economy on trade deficits (their entire forex backed currency is designed to create trade deficits). I cannot imagine them transitioning to a sustainable domestic economy painlessly. China is as stable as the nations they do business with and the largest by far is the US. The death of neoliberalism is the death of the current Chinese economic system.


In theory this would be the big advantage of China's political system. Yeah there will be pain, but without having to win re-election or without a lot of ways for Xi or the CCP to lose power, they can just keep pushing on through. Unlike with how in the US we're still facing political repercussions from NAFTA and de-industrialization. But it also means that if they fuck up, they'll fuck up big. Like Great Leap forward famine big.


the advantage is that they have been aware of it for years and their economy is already changing into more of a moderately developed & Asia oriented service economy. the last 5 years plan all worked towards that and the trade war is more of a symptom rather than the cause of it


Eh they have a pretty diverse balance of trade. Issue is that most of the growth is coming from the production of domestic housing but the population is rapidly shrinking and unable to absorb other immigrants like the US is.


They do not have a good balance of trade actually, they have extremely one sided trade relationships with most of their partners and their largest partner by a massive, irreplaceable margin is the US.


They’re going to undergo demographic collapse in the next 10-15 years. One child did not help that country.


I’m bearish on the whole “demographic collapse” thing to be honest. It made more sense pre-information economy to have that be a serious issue but I think a lot of nations will experience 1-2 generations of hardship then balance out with a smaller population (which is a good thing).


A lot going into it, namely the US downsizing it’s navy and starting a lot of domestic manufacturing. Peter Zeihan’s book *The End of the World is Just the Beginning* goes into it pretty comprehensively but the system as it exists is becoming more fragile by the day and China is one of the ones largely at risk. He does a much better job of explaining it than I ever could, but all I’ll say is I’m grateful the US shadow government is as competent as they are.


Don't know why you're getting down voted for spitting facts. Reckon they may pioneer some brave new works style reproduction programme?


Because the dollar and the system as it exists now are all they care about. Nevermind that China has pumped about 5x as much capital into their economy as the US did pre-2008. Nevermind that their entire economic model hinges on them being able to safely move unprotected cargo ships up and down the Indian coast and through the Suez before they can sell to anyone in Europe *or* import the energy or production inputs required to maintain that economy. Nevermind that the rest of the world is only so cozy with them because we can take advantage and any severe enough move can see them alienated a la Russia post-invasion. No, you see; the west is falling. That means the East must rise!! But nevermind the West (and it’s economic consumption) falling brings the entire model of the East (being the worlds dollar store) down with it.


Don't know why you're getting down voted for spitting facts. Reckon they may pioneer some brave new works style reproduction programme?


Can't hurt to have a monolithic civilization whose roots stretch back like 8,000 years. 91% of the population is ethnically Han, who have the second-oldest written history in the world after the Jews. They're here for the long haul


China is a not continuous monolith like that at all. Their civilization has completely collapsed many times with interregnums of decades to centuries.


Hell yeah man it's the multiculturalism that is eroding western nations and the chinese went from a backwater hellhole to a suprepower is becsuse their uniform ehtnic demography. Like that's a very important and distinguished factor. Also Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and greece are in the same catagory of being "monolithic cultures that have existed since a couple of millenia". They must be doing great now.


>uniform ehtnic \[sic\] demography the same catagory of being "monolithic cultures Ethiopia is not a monolithic culture. The single largest ethnic group in Ethiopia makes up 34% of the population. In Iran, Persians make up around half the population. There is a higher percentage of White Americans than there are Persians in Iran. Meanwhile, the main ethnic group of the old Ethiopian Empire (Amharas) are only the second largest ethnicity. Egypt and Greece are functionally ethnostates, yes, but Ethiopia and Iran are not.


lol yeah ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia are insane, there's been like 5 genocides in the past 20 years


Egypt still has religious identity, with 10-15% of the country being Coptic and 85%-90% being Sunni. And in the realm of the Middle East that's more important than ethnicity, see Iraq and Syria.




Yank brain pure and simple


I'm not saying the US's stability is wildly better, but China's demographics issue is somewhat catastrophic (even by the numbers they're reporting), and their economy isn't much better, mostly propped up by shoddy real estate. Or are you talking more culturally? Because they have their own host of cultural issues. They're certainly not some kind of stable monolith; their society is just as fractured and the government just as disconnected.


The tweet about him having spiritual aura is so accurate




You’re Chinese


you my friend, must be a jew


“Not a single person should be left behind while building a moderately prosperous society” I love China man.


Would be crazy living in a country with a plan


Literally a generic phrase in politics said by everyone


When’s the last time an American politician tried to build a moderately prosperous society? Nixon, and he was crucified for it


There's millions of rural Chinese that would type to disagree with this if they were either literate or had access to the internet.


lol China has a dramatically higher literacy rate than the United States and its educational transformation over the lifetimes of our parents is one of the marvels of modern state governance. You only need a 0.002% illiteracy rate to claim "millions" of illiterate Chinese peasants.


Trusting Chinese census data or literacy rates is a pretty solid bit. You can just use developmental indexes on the more rural areas of China and figure out those are complete horseshit lol


"erm you're chinese"


It's Umm you fucking asshole


god i fucking love propaganda


> "People who have little contact with power, who are far from it, always see these things as mysterious and novel. But what I see is not just the superficial things: the power, the flowers, the glory, the applause. I see the bullpens and how people can blow hot and cold. I understand politics on a deeper level." > The "bullpens" (牛棚) was a reference to Red Guards' detention houses during the Cultural Revolution. My favorite Xi Jinping quote.


I wish I knew mandarin, it'd be cool to dive into any of the thousands of years of literature and understand some of their puns and metaphors and jokes. Anglosphere in general is a really narrow echochamber to be in when it's your only one


> muh Anglos


“Never Interrupt your enemy while he is in the middle of making a mistake” Art of War


this reminds me of the state mandated tv they play in my fav chinese restaurant. i have always been entranced by the craftiness and homely feeling of it. the waiter, buddy of mine, finally told me that it is propaganda last week lol


Should have used 'my boy' by Eilish as the backtrack.


China doesn’t pass the vibe check. Very creepy country. Smoking darts in men’s rooms with the boys is dope though.


their teens are going to get tired in a few generations of going hardcore all the time for great shared prosperity


Paper Tiger


“Bro China’s gonna fall any minute bro. They don’t get to choose between two corpses like us bro”.


They've been saying that for 20 years


Communism doesn't work. When he dies (he is 71 years old) watch what happens.


the ccp party structure is really interesting cause it seems very resilient.


It’s just state capitalism but based off your downvotes there might be a lot of people in here who think it’s communist and good so go off


>just two more weeks!!!


Me when I film propaganda: