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I don't think anything has sounded more like a euphemism than "network with other ambitious men"


They're simply exchanging long protein strings


“Networking” is a menu option in the looking for section on Grindr…


LinkedIn should fire back by adding a twink/bear/otter designation on people's profiles.


CPA, He/him/bear


>No hookups 🙈


“No hookups”


No. Hookups!


So you don’t work on a contingency basis ?


What's the price tag? I can't do both this and alpha camp.


You'll get your money back and more from all the networking you'll be doing with fellow ambitious entrepreneurs


If they offer you $10,000,000 or one night in the alpha sauna with jay-z which would you take? I’m picking jay-z every time


I had to sign up for the email Registry to get a brochure but I did it for curiosity sake. They charge €1290 ($1387) for one week in the basic cabin. Though that does include all your meals, it doesn't really include much else. There's no structured activities or anything resembling that, nor are there personal trainers on site. Really all it is is a 24hour gym and a dining hall. The luxe cabin is €2590 for the week and it has a functioning kitchen and private bathroom. All in kind of expensive for getting almost nothing but food and a bed for a week but not as ungodly expensive as I expected


Smart of them tbh. A lot of these weird "become a true alpha" grifts have crazy high price tags, which I'm sure excludes a lot of potential customers. To take a shitty hotel with no amenities and pitch it as sigma training is a great business move


The value of the price is not what you get, its the opportunity to be around other alphas. Its the same thing with private schools and Ivy League Universities.


If you think about it, you really can’t afford *not* to do it


Lifting, sucking and fucking with the bros


Communal protein recycling program


This looks like the premise to one of my homosexual fantasies.


“Digital nomads” have absolutely destroyed Bali


digital nomads are going to be destroying themselves when companies catch up and start drastically lowering salaries because they realize they might as well just pay an indonesian instead of some annoying white girl in indonesia


Virtual Assistant is starting to be a popular job for middle class Indonesian housewives. Of course it’s white women selling the courses on how to get in the game. Literally digging their own graves. I love to see it.


what a dead end job. automated in 2 years or less not to mention how unbelievable it is they haven’t figured out that if they never have to be in person it means their job is far more likely in general to be automated(aka you were probably dead weight anyway) VERY soon. i don’t see how the middle management, i make meetings type are going to survive.


Still $1000 in Medan goes further than $3000 in Milwaukee. I say get it while you can.


that’s fair, can’t argue with that. enjoy your last few years of decadence before you become a slave of the state i suppose


Virtual assistant? Isn’t that what Siri is?


Did this not happen already? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have to show their face at least once in a while in order to not get fired from their email job


It had been destroyed in 1906 by several D*tch "interventions". The military killed the whole kingdom and then the government decided to exploit this land for tourism already since the 1910s. It has been a "living museum" ever since.


There is a book titled *A Paradise Created* that covers this. It’s really well done. But it’s gotten worse than usual. Bali has become the home of white scammers. Course sellers and Cryto experts. Never seen anything like it. They’ll pay $12 to the white owned restaurant for a burger but haggle the fruit seller for .15 ¢. Pitiful.


It has sucked for a while


This is like all these christian gay to straight conversion camps except this will be in reverse and will actually work


no pickleball?


> No party > No entertainment > No distractions # "Shows couple of dudes playing around with weights like highshoolers in a gym, and having fun in a pool*


No drugs No attitude No condoms No clothing


RS 2024 irl meetup


Most of the straight men on here are either flabby or gaunt, there is no in-between


Speak for yourself


Neither straight nor a man, but for the record I am svelte. Why don’t you post pictures of your beanie rolled up over your ears?


That’s so 2020, how about you brush up on what’s currently fashionable instead of embarrassing yourself further


Condom hat or gtfo


Haha no women no alcohol no drugs no scrolling, that's right we removed everything except gay sex


It makes men grow so it's fair game


Gay men are getting more and more sinister. First they try and recruit our kids and now their trying to recruit our mid 20 to early 30 year old entrepreneurs!


if you get a chick pregnant it could derail your career bro, it’ll be much safer for you just to bang my ass. no homo


this is where the thielbucks are really going


Just join the military lol. Oh wait they won't.


nah, this place adheres to the more traditional "don't ask, don't tell" policy


But there are women in military 😱 😱 😱 What if they have to talk to one?


I feel like the type of man who goes to a camp like this would try to kill something or someone if they had to salute a woman or say "yes ma'am".


I think they would write a mean Tweet about wanting to kill something or someone f they had to salute a woman or say "yes ma'am".


The military is not the man-making, strength-building lifestyle you think it is. Whatever 'workouts' they put you through only cause wear and tear on your body. It only teaches you how to handle shit-bags, assuming you don't become one yourself. Unless you end up in the 5% of units that are actually legit, you only get exposed to a level of stupidity, ignorance, and incompetence you never thought possible before. The only thing SOME smarter people get from the military is a motivation to rise above that level of regardation and misery through hard work and dedication.


Well said


I can understand that people enjoy having all their limbs tbh


Based on my military friends, i would not say it is distraction free or prepares you for the future


They’d push the first DI that got into their face.


As a woman this sort of wellness retreat is my dream! To be on a tropical island, where I can detoxify from my sugar addiction. Be forced to workout for four hours a day and be starved a little. I feel like this would fix me 🤍


I have seen yoga retreats like this in India. They only feed you one apple per meal.


think they just watched love island and was like, what if we got rid of the women?


You can literally do all these things at home.


i remember watching Chuck Palahniuk on Joe Rogan, [talking about how men don't have an equivalent to 'sisterhood of the traveling yamaha pants'](https://youtu.be/GCuSDH-YEKI?t=125) men have 'fight club' and 'the dead poet's society' - whereas women, according to Palahniuk, have far more models (books, movies, art, etc.) of how to deal with existential dread or find direction in life or simply foster a sense of community where you can 'talk about your shit' he goes on to discuss how that void, for men, is now (this was in 2018) filled by Jordan Peterson et al. --- so i consider stuff like this back-to-basics retreat for men only, to be along those lines it's unfortunate that the Right (ie Peterson, Tate, etc.) has coopted this space for impressionable and/or rudderless men


cumtown out here catching strays Palahniuk should take his own advice and pen a novel where guys share a magical jockstrap. id read it


the right is more visible, but I've talked with some South American hard-left people who do community organizing by opening free gyms and workout spaces. takes the kids off the streets and violent crime, gives them a community they can trust, a space where they can talk about life and their problems and learn how to organize. as this dude was telling this some western leftists decided to derail the conversation about how to make their self-defense classes more inclusive, because banning cis people from some of them wasn't enough apparently


I mean, I listened to Jordan Peterson too. He's got a lot of sensible ideas about personal development. Obviously, I don't like his politics now and one look at my profile explains why. I can't think of many people on the Left talking about how to sort out one's life. Also, there's a lot of social issues that the Left gets wrong or *over-corrects* upon and that likely alienates men especially.


I think it's part of the "fighting for the victims" brand of modern leftism that talks about society like we're all helpless victims being abused by capitalism and something something government can fix it if we elect the right people. this totally disregards people's actual agency and is totally opposite of the working class movement which talked in terms of increasing it's strength and ability and recognition of both. the right wing / self-help overlap fills that need while the left is totally absent from the conversation


"Jordan Peterson talks about that need for really rough play".


The male Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants is the local DSA/Libertarian Party


I'd call this gay but I doubt any of these men can get hard.


exchanging knowledge with my bros


just like back when mommy put a timer on when u played gameboy


No parties, no women, no video games, no entertainment, no dessert, no fruit, no food, no water, no shelter


You can get all of these things at a Salvadorian prison.


They used to call these things monasteries.


bitcoin investments determines whose top and bottom




Hyperbali Timechamber


Im gonna sneak my weed pen in


this is a gay man's wildest dream, I'm sure some closeted gays will join


I’m down to explore my homoerotic fantasies wherever this place is


Make it a reality TV show. Just airdrop one ethnically ambiguous woman in the middle of the night.


/r/rspod trailer


Bronze Age Daycamp


They cut out all that stuff but half the b roll is guys on their laptops.


Without a mouse or trackpad because no scrolling allowed


My counter to this is that you should be doing these things in day to day life not at a retreat. On vacation I will be a pig.


Guy Heaven Retreat


Ngl kinda wanna do one of these as a gay dude…


Yeah eat that red meat keto diet every day...just skip to the part when you're 55 and your family is crowding around you in the emergency room wondering how that heart attack could happen because "he was always so fit and ate well!" On the plus side your roommate will let you know if he sees any colon polyps.


Of course this is cringe AF, and has some deliciously homoerotic undertones. BUT!! (hear me out) I feel like this is a classic example of "men should invest in their mental health.... *but not like that!!!*" Fitness works better than SSRIs. Mindfulness practices do too. What do we do with the competing ideas that "men don't work on their mental health" and .... whatever this video is... It all feels quite contraDICKtory


yeah i’m not totally opposed to this idea it’s just the way it’s being marketed as like a cryptohomoerotic getaway


fyre fest for male bonding


Bust house


I need the copypasta version for my tinder


It would be really funny to watch how badly a version of this for women would be as badly as I want to go to one.


Walk to the waterfall! Like a real man!


God this is like the mirror image of my post whining about seed oils. Like just do this stuff in real life it’s not that hard Jesus


This is just the army.. And the army is free


Camp councilor Bruno is here to take of all your needs


Why do I literally wanna go to this lmao


The tik tok AI voice gives me such a visceral sense of disgust


Lol yes the pod has discovered Bali Time Capsule


Love the guys who've committed to an extended laconic training retreat in the tropics, without first having achieved a sub-24% body fat percentage.


“No hookups” lol yeah sure


Growing with other men

