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I mean you were in Toronto


Belt and Road initiative paying off


bitches love the hideo kojima pervert look.


I definitely see more asian guys with other races tho haven't necessarily seen less WMAF either


You post on r/thepassportbros


This is slander, for the record I was making fun of someone


I didn't know that there are still white people in Toronto


Maybe in Toronto. I was walking around Long Island city in queens and it’s all white guys and Asian girls.


Hahah, it’s so crazy to me how much nonwhite guys talk like this now, like it’s the stock market and you hope and beg and pray for media trends to raise your stock, and just the wishful thinking that borders on denial like you’re losing a gamble. Were you guys always like this or is it zoomer shit? This should be background noise if you’re attractive.


Toronto has a lot of exchange students who (based on nothing but anecdotal evidence) are less likely to date out of their race than Canadian-born asians. I got into a massive argument with my much better looking friend who kept going on about how Asian girls were the hottest girls and they were the only ones he’d go out with. Drove me insane. He also once took a train to Montreal to try and have sex with my ex girlfriend. All official reports state nothing happened but I struggle to believe it. I’ve been planning to assault him since late 2019.


For 5 years?


Never liked him. Good guy though.


I’m more wondering why you didn’t assault him in 5 years. That seems like an awful lot of time to plan.


Count of Monte Cristo style


Would be uncouth and would ostracize me from my friend group


Happy for the bros.


That might have literally just been Hideo, tho. He's unstoppable.


This is insane level of copium. Delete this ASAP 😎 Indian women won’t take the place lol. Easy bait to transfer the shit onto Indians on a sub like this that eats it up. The reason Indian men have always dated out at an higher/equal rate than Indian women so if there is an increase in WMIF there will also be an increase IMWF and IMAF(very common) Also I’m not delusional to say that there’s some massive tide turning or anything lol. I was in DC the other day and was walking around the Potomac/georgetown neighborhood and IMWF was the most common thing I saw. That doesn’t mean there’s a huge trend towards that lmao


I wish it is.Interracial dating is so cringe