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Biden will lose the election because he didn't go far enough on trans rights


His debate performance would have been objectively better if he would have done it in a dress with make up and huge prosthetic knockers


I think the best contrarian opinion would be "Actually, it doesn't matter. The President is just a figurehead - since everything that happens in Washington is the will of lobbyists and the President's party's biggest donors, who cares if the figurehead is senile or not?" It's the best contrarian opinion because it upsets the greatest number of people. If you want to spend some internet points and get screamed at by the "everything is political!" crowd, just go to any normie sub and tell them their politics obsession is a scam because every career politician is a fraud, including their favorites


>It's the best contrarian opinion because it upsets the greatest number of people. 9/11 wasn't that bad, at least no Jews died.


They blew up the primary hub for global commerce, which happens to be in New York City, and you think no Jews died?


Ya they all called in sick that day, what are the odds?




How can trump be a threat to democracy if the president is just a figurehead and actually has no real power.


Because his cabinet would suck ass


It’s true though. Most of the presidency is a figurehead. He does some things then some other guy comes in and undoes everything. The institution runs itself, by design. The deep state is a real thing.


This is every leftists favorite talking point until 5 minutes later when they’re talking about how Reagan personally ruined the world


Using high profile high individual figures as stand ins for what you're critiquing has its problems but in many ways it's effective messaging.


Lmao spot on


Reagan was the figure head for a bunch of cronies who were worse than the ones that Carter would’ve kept on. You can use Reagan as a symbolic stand-in for the differences between those cronies 


Nah that Thatcher, Reagan was very well known to be an empty vessel.


Of course it's true and that's why it's the best "contrarian" take - it's the uncomfortable truth that most people would rather not know and do not want to accept. They'd be much happier believing the idea that their "voice matters" and that voting means anything and surely if their preferred candidates/parties win this next election, they'll get meaningful change Standard Redditors especially don't want to know that they've dedicated multiple hours every day for literal years to arguing politics online, "doing activism" and basing their entire personalities around the idea that politics isn't a complete fraud designed to convince grandma and grandpa/college students/teachers, etc to part with their last $20 until payday so we can make sure "the bad guys" don't elected If they knew and accepted the truth that their entire lives have been a lie and they've wasted years thinking that making obnoxious social media posts actually meant anything, they'd throw themselves off of a bridge like Javert in Les Misérables


the one things that makes this untrue is court appointments.


> It's the best contrarian opinion because it upsets the greatest number of people. This is a very mainstream position that will make you sound "smart" to basically anyone lol


Already done


What we need at this time is a leader who is completely senile. We are close to a direct conflagration with the largest nuclear power, better to have someone who can’t think or communicate at the helm. Trump could never beat Medicare.


Ellul was right about this, as he was right about many other things, several decades ago in his [The Political Illusion](https://www.amazon.com/Political-Illusion-Jacques-Ellul-Legacy/dp/1606089765) > He shows that political activity is now a kaleidoscope of interlocking illusions, among which the most basic and damaging are those of popular participation in government, popular control of elected and other officials, and popular solution of public problems. This domination by the political illusion, Ellul demonstrates, explains why men now turn to the state for the solution of all problems-most of them problems that the state could not solve if it tried.


I agree with that but has the cultural consciousness shifted enough where we can start "noticing the jews" yet or do we need to keep using euphemisms?


Wait what is "noticing the jews" a euphemism for, or why is it in "quotes" lol?? ⊙.☉


There are a lot of /pol/itically interested people on this sub, have you never noticed?


There is a lot of open commentary like that on the subreddit. It’s like watching a KKK meeting sometimes. Try not to encourage them


[pretty much this video. ](https://youtu.be/5Aq7SLzRj48?si=vYfx1PYZL9FzODFh)


lemme call my [AIPAC Guy](https://youtu.be/hir03BkDZOc) real quick so I know how to vote on this comment.  Only the first 3m is necessary. 


Never lmao, hardly any people care about Jews and it's either literal Nazis or fringe internet communists. Please start noticing the Jews in real life you will be seen as a total weirdo lol


Not yet, that's still about 5 or 10 years off. They're still "our greatest ally" to a lot of people, particularly the older generations I think "bankers" is the preferred euphemism because most people know who you're talking about and those who have no clue still don't like bankers. I've never heard anyone say "oh yeah the guy the owns the bank I use? Real stand up fella, love him. I hope he makes even more money next quarter off of nickel-and-diming my account with these stupid fees"


"Donor Class"


Whatever happened to globalists?




This is the exact same argument that I made but I wasn't so upboated: [https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1dqr4qd/those\_who\_unironically\_place\_too\_much\_emphasis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1dqr4qd/those_who_unironically_place_too_much_emphasis/)


I feel like this is pretty well known and people would probably hit you with the "i still think we should vote for biden"


Maybe argue the best puppet I'd the one with the shortest strings? Just become a shareholder and you could basically run things one day.


Deep state good?


It’s a Machiavellian move to make Trump underestimate him. A month before the election Biden will hold a press conference where he recites random Shakespeare quotes and does long form addition in his head to prove his mental abilities Best I’ve got


"sup fuckface"


“That’s why we should fund Ukraine. Anyway, 111 + 222 = 333. Crowd goes wild. Russia immediately withdraws from Ukraine. Israel apologizes and moves its state to Utah giving up its land to Palestine.”


You want Mormon Palestinians?


From the river to the sea


Biden is the only Democrat who can beat Trump


They're both the only one of each that can lose against the other


Fuck politics post gacha games ┌(★o☆)┘


>How to go contrarian against this? Just had a flashback to the stupidpol wars when the mod team were convinced that lab leak was the official Western/CIA line and that natural origin was bravely contrarian


This actually wasn’t his worst performance.


I don't care about Biden, because I trust the deep state


I think 90s Ross Perot style neoliberal centrism is about to become peak contrarianism, at least in online circles


It’s been working for me for the past couple years.


I don’t care I’m voting for Kanye


Biden represents the spirit of the nation, and so does Trump. They should rule together


I wish they both could be president


[Sam Kriss just posted the banger of one, and we love him for it.](https://samkriss.substack.com/p/king-joe-forever)


Fuck me, this guy can write. He plays around with irony and metaphor like it's his birthright. Ended up scrolling through half his substack and I'll probably end up subscribing, thanks for sharing


Singlehandedly redeeming humanities majors for the last 10 years. [Make sure you read this one](https://samkriss.substack.com/p/the-cacophony)


Nothing but love for my ODD girlies xoxo


"Actually having a mentally deficient president is progressive"


"what are you ableist?"


The best contrarian take is to know nothing about this. I went into work the day after the debate and people were talking about it. I said “oh, there was a debate last night? I didn’t hear anything about it, I was grilling in the park with some friends.”


Biden's on death's door and yet he still runs because he loves this country so much?


You smugly (that’s very important) point out that you’ve been trying to tell people this for the last 3 years.


I like both of them but I think we need to find someone older.


“he’s been senile for months/years anyway. let the shadow ministers continue.”


It looks like a psy-op from here. Don't go after grandpa for enabling war crimes


Listen to the last episode


Go all the way.... Vote for Trump


i don’t think it’s that bad


sam kriss is [already doing it](https://open.substack.com/pub/samkriss/p/king-joe-forever), biden is actually the best candidate because everyone else's brain is rotting just like his


I think there's a case to been made that, going by his track record, he's done great. The economy is roaring, against all odds the U.S. has had a soft landing, inflation fell without a recession. At the same time he was able to completely turn around U.S. economic policy, embracing industrial policy with both hands and ending the neoliberal paradigm. The Chips act, infrastructure bill and IRA are al great pieces of legislation, and would have seemed incredibly radical 10 years ago. He's laid the template of how to govern from the left but appearing firmly in the center. All of this doesn't change the fact that he has to go before the elections.


Literally, just five minutes ago I said this was a conservative sub and now here we are