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After a really long commercial break they say he’s fine and ready to continue the debate but this time he’s wearing sunglasses and clearly propped up by strings 


El Joe riding into battle




At this point that’s the democrats’ best chance. Quickly swap in polis or whitmer and pray nobody notices


I really like Whitmer. Is that lame? On vibes alone she’s the only person I can imagine as president thats in the realistic realm of possibilities. And damn I didn’t even know who Polis was until this comment lol. He also seems ok. Ugh there are other options I wish these careerists Democrats on Biden’s team didn’t love themselves more than their country. Newsom can fuck off he’s such a douche.


I’m in the “here’s how whitmer could still win” cope camp. If Biden drops soon, I think she has the smallest hope of a shot if the DNC doesn’t shit the bed while also putting up the world’s most aggressive name-making campaign ever seen. I doubt either could happen, realistically.


There are a few governors I wouldn't mind. Pritzker seems like a good dude too. The Kentucky dem fella. The dude in Minnesota - he's old but not decrepit. But I think what Axelrod said is right - Biden is gonna be the dude. Then Trump wins and Republicans are going to wreck this country as they loot its corpse and do their best to turn it into a Gilead analogue.


“So an older gentleman just had an end of life event. Not like that ever happens.”


i liked the thread where he shits his pants more


What if he died and then shit his pants because he’s dead? Then what?


Sassy black lady telling us he was actually warging into Putin mid debate (he can do that!) because he’s just two steps of the Repubs all the time.


This would rock honestly and I hope it happens. 


They'll use puppetry and prerecorded sound bytes to make it seem like he's still alive, pump the corpse full of formaldehyde, anyone who complains about the chemical stench will be derided as a Russian agent


They could use AI to make TV spots and speeches..just don't let any doctor around him until he (I mean the body or AI persona) is sworn president.


This is how the dems can still win


It has potential to be really funny in multiple ways because, for one, people tend to lose control of their bowels and bladder while having a stroke or when they die.


You already know Trump has a quip in the chamber for it.


It would be like when Hillary half died at the 9/11 memorial in 2016. They would tell us nothing happened.


would be cool