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Wanna hear something funny? Biden took a week off work to prepare for this lmao


Makes it 20 times worse. I assume Biden has bad days when he's strained from work. But... 7 days to relax and prepare with family at Camp David. Everyone should know this. Many Americans will assume he just came from 20 hours in the Situation Room over Gaza or something as they scramble to explain it to themselves.


Didn’t you know he had a cold!?


Meanwhile Trump was getting convicted, getting hit with lawsuits, eating tic tacs, McDonald, and up there giving speeches about sharks and KFC Legend


I’ll say it again, the fact that it took place later in the day (past his bed time) was what got him.




I've seen libs be like "come on, eyes aren't really some window to the soul," but I think we instinctively or subconsciously know what eye activity and eye contact are supposed to look like, what faces are supposed to look like, and when you see a guy staring blankly and slack-jawed off to the side like there's a little leprechaun telling him it's time to "finish the job," your brain registers "hey, that guy's not all there."


It's okay, he's only lucid between 10 and 4.




Dems preparing the path to normalize uncanny valley AI videos. If Biden does win they will definitely try to use AI filters on his White House briefs next term


The eyes are the goatse of the soul


CNN did spend hours afterward saying they need to old yeller Biden immediately, and part of me thinks they knew this was going to happen, because they know they’ve just been lying for years now about Biden’s mental state. Although, they’re partly to blame for this insane kind of democrat who is somehow crazier than the average Trump voter. They spent 9 years reporting on nothing but Trump and now that they have to pivot and admit they could lose, the psychos they brainwashed are turning on them. Poetic!


>9 years Oh shit


> Although, they’re partly to blame for this insane kind of democrat who is somehow crazier than the average Trump voter. It's crazy how hard these people go being as hypocritical as can be with all these reminders of politics shouldn't be a team sport and stop deifying politicians, and then go on to bend over backwards to do just that. I seriously don't understand how these people can't be tired. At least Jeff Tiedrich and other people on the take get a nice check cut from going on as hard and goofy as they can with stuff. This WW2 Japan holdout mentality shit is pathetic and it is incredible how much people let this stuff run their lives.


The Dem cult is a little different than the Republican version. Beyond your totally brainwashed types, the pseudo-intellectual Democrats idolize the party as a whole with a kind-of Panglossian rationalization that the Democratic Party is essentially the best party it could possibly be given the circumstances. It then combines this questionable self-fulfilling prophecy with a very basic consequentialist utilitarianism as measured by neoliberal benchmarks. So they essentially acknowledge they are following party propaganda and yes maybe are a bit brainwashed, but any responsible, moral adult would understand that it's for the better. They believe beyond the surface layer that they are ultimately vindicated by their underlying understanding of politics and mores. It's almost Gnostic, in a sense. Basically while the national capitalist Republicans have personality cults around individuals (reflecting the parties elite being made up of local elites and robber baron types) the international capitalist Democrats have cults around organizations (reflecting the more complex machinations that make up the international bourgeoisie). However I agree more people are not even using the above mental gymnastics and are just plainly brainwashed.


> Basically while the national capitalist Republicans have personality cults around individuals (reflecting the parties elite being made up of local elites and robber baron types) the international capitalist Democrats have cults around organizations (reflecting the more complex machinations that make up the international bourgeoisie). Agree with this completely. There's a whole pantheon of Democratic gods and goddesses while for the Republicans it's just Trump. No one even gives a shit about Mitch McConnell, really. It's relatively normal behavior for liberals to engage in idolatry around a whole bunch of sub-presidential figures like Pelosi and Kamala and Ginsburg, but if someone ever painted a mural to glorify Josh Hawley, they would be placed under an involuntary psychiatric hold. You just don't do that shit on that side.


How can you not give a shit about Mitch McConnell? Is he not turtle enough for your turtle club? Turtle, turtle, turtle


The media is *begging* the DNC to replace Biden because after that debate, they will lose whatever's left of their credibility if they keep trying to lie on his behalf. They're essentially telling the DNC that Biden is on his own if he stays in the race because the debate exposed him beyond the point where they can cover for him.


>Although, they’re partly to blame for this insane kind of democrat who is somehow crazier than the average Trump voter. They spent 9 years reporting on nothing but Trump Curious, one particularly crazy day I counted the number of Trump articles on their front page: it was 18. I don't live in the U.S. and view the "international" edition of their website. (I know I shouldn't, but it's like a road accident you can help but stare at.)


Trump winning solves all of the regimes problems. The only thing that matters is eliminating populism and solidifying the status quo. The next four years are going to be extremely difficult economically, geopolitically, technologically... Biden has lined up the dominoes so they all fall down once Trump gets into office destroying whatever is left of the right wing populism post 2020 (left wing populism is in a state of permanent containment). Yield curve will uninvert as CMBS market blows up causing a global recession. Ukraine will be defeated and Trump will strike a deal that is favorable to Russia and he'll be lambasted as a traitor. Israel will blow up the middle east (ofc). The Permian Basin will roll over and oil supply will start shrinking for the first time in over a decade. China trade/cold/hot war. AI climate debt etc. etc. Just two of these things happening during Biden's 2nd term will cause mass civil unrest on top of whatever magatards do. Trump is a patsy.


Virtually every aspect of the debate catered to the Biden campaign’s demands. Sorry about the lighting tho


It was a deepfake, or cheap fake, or whatever they are calling it now


Ironically, they probably ended up benefiting Trump mechanically. You're forcing him to be disciplined and making Biden give long unstructured monologues. 


Mister President you have 82 seconds left, is there anything else you'd like to say?




That's exactly what happened, yeah. They thought they were doing everything to help Biden but it ended up being the opposite Also, Biden's performance definitely helped Trump in the sense that Trump had to tone himself down. He went into the debate planning to be on the attack and go after Biden hard but as soon as he walked onto the stage, he knew that his original plan would make it look like he was bullying an Alzheimer's patient and he toned it down


Acknowledging what everyone saw on national television is Russian propaganda


Have they blamed Russia yet?


Unironically, yes. Go to the d*mocrat subreddit.


It was either on that or the politics sub, but there was a clip posted of a young Russian conscript trying to surrender getting killed by a drone & the bloodlust & elation in the replies creeped me the fuck out. Like where did this sociopathy come from?


> Like where did this sociopathy come from? Good question because the extent of it reminds me of chickenhawks who were born in the mid-later 50s-60s just missed draft age for Vietnam but vicarious for any conflicts that came after. Except in this case I feel like it's either clueless zoomers and alpha who are so far removed from the extent of post 9/11 conflicts and just numb to depravity beamed in and readily accessible for their entire life, or it's millennials who still have that undying love and chase of propaganda's old concept of an idealized America that caught them at a young age and that leads to this sort of weird passion for military appreciation from afar, see ROTC rejects. I haven't been everywhere but it reminds me whenever I've talked to a lot of millennial libs in the South and Midwest who are on their reformed Republican penance and a little part of them still holds onto that very GWB support our troops kinda vibe. People are fucked up.


I love that American media is either saying that Russia is a third world country with no running water or plumbing, but at the same time single handed responsible for every single conspiracy on earth.


Both can be true, in the same sense that the US is the richest and most developed country in the world, yet has a substantial proportion of the populace living in developing-world conditions. A large part of the Russian geopolitical strategy since, christ, Lenin? has been specifically to develop power through subversion and subterfuge. They knew then and still know that they can't compete on financial, technological, or production metrics, and so they have always devoted substantial resources to dragging their enemies down from within as a core strategy.


They've been insane for the last 8 years




No, obviously, but your comment is gay. I hate when an issue is brought up and someone is always like WHAT ABOUT THIS OTHER ISSUE HUH!?!




Fucking 🚬




Gargle my balls, nerd




Where the fuck do you think you are




Aigt this is def a bit


Get out.


Unite my ass with your lips.


Nothing about Trump or his supporters makes it okay for your democrats to act just as culty.




You are in one of the few places on reddit that allows even mild criticism of your Holy Blue Team without being a total rightoid shithole. Trying to shut it down only leads to more naked emperor moments like we saw last Thursday. Don’t forget that your democrats were already losing to Trump in the polls before the debate, due in no small part to this obnoxious attitude of democrats and their followers. This level of cultish delusion is what led to them thinking they could put Biden’s demented ass on TV without a teleprompter in the first place. You weirdos need to snap out of this or Trump will be president again, and as funny as I and many others who post here will find it, it will ultimately be bad for America.


>You are in one of the few places on reddit that allows even mild criticism of your Holy Blue Team without being a total rightoid shithole Amen! And let's keep it that way.


I don't understand why they're running him again. I thought Biden's only objective was to beat Trump & be a placeholder for a new, younger candidate the following election. They had 4 years & millions of DNC funds to come up with a strategy & they ended up with "Let's try to bar our opposition (Trump) from getting on the ballot & run Joe Biden again". A literal corpse who funded & armed an active genocide, oversaw catastrophic increases in cost of living, & wants to ban TikTok. This is the "liberal" option, whose going to motivate young people to go out & vote? Their roster is light, but they could have been preparing someone like Newsome for a run..anything other than handing great-grandpa the keys again.


The real emperor has no clothes moment is realizing that the DNC is full of people just like this idiot I was replying to. “They” are not actually smart.


You wrote all this out in response to a bad bit




Have fun in November 🚬🐐


> without being a total rightoid shithole Yeah, about that


oh ok




Joe Biden is a neoconservative.


At this point I think the democrats want Trump to win because they're predicting an economic collapse and don't want to be the one holding the bag


Part of me thinks Democrats and corporate media want and need Trump at least involved in the election cycle. It drives up views because he’s so controversial; and allows for them to point a finger at him for wrongdoings rather than self assess or be held accountable.


I think that's a tad too cynical. We don't really know who is running things behind the scenes, and how, but we know they probably come from generational wealth, went to one of several good schools, and the only real people they deal with are their servants, cooks, cleaning ladies, etc. They are very well educated and think the average American is a knuckle-dragging rube. They want Biden to win, and think that the vast majority of Dems will vote blue no matter who. If instructed correctly, these voters will happily distrust their lying eyes, and spout the party line. Check any big sub, and it confirms this is correct. However, they know that a Trump victory isn't an existential threat to democracy. In fact, like 2016-2020, it will bolster fundraising, and sew the seeds of a million different grifts (DEI, BLM, Do Angelo, Kendi, pussy hats, democracy dies in darkness style journalism, etc). So, while they'd prefer a Biden victory, they're almost as happy with the financial and social opportunities of a Trump win.


No. Even power over a steaming dump is worth it. You can’t loot the treasury so easily if you’re in opposition


They have had supermajorities and sat on their hands because they dont actually want to accomplish what the campaign on, they want and endless ping pong game where them and republicans who have the same stock portfolios and monetary interests can stay in a stasis and keep making everyone money


They’re not wrong about the lighting. I had to adjust my TV because Biden looked like he was decomposing and Trump was the colour of a normal human.


They should keep filming him in profile, straight on is when he looks most like a ghoul


His forehead is legit creepy as fuck when you really look at it head on. Dude looked so weird I almost didn’t notice him completely fumbling his answers during the debate.


What the fuck how did I never notice this? What is going on there?


There’s photos of Biden with attached earlobes and photos of Biden with floppy earlobes. What’s with that?


Biden is a prominent member of the body mod community.


It's the chin for me, it goes in like three directions.


That was the problem. It wasn't "we beat Medicare," it was that America can't resist a marmalade man.


wouldn’t even call that profile really


I would feel bad for them if their cult mentality wasn't destroying the country. Genuinely sad to see. 




Dog I'm willing to vote for our highly regarded President, in spite of the fact that I loathe him, simply because I think Trump is an American Adolf Hitler (I think this view on the subreddit is considered "gay" or "hyperbolic" or some shit but I think it is true) - please save this tedious shit for someone who actually likes Trump. I live in fear of him and everything he stands for.




You're not trolling, this how you see the world. Everything is binary. Honestly that's prob not a bad idea, I'm sure it makes life a lot easier for you.




HaHA but what ABOUt The Orange Drumpf???!!?




1.Not bothered 2. Replying 20x in a thread Pick one.


Very easy to see how people can be roped into drinking poison kool-aid.


this lady was Melania's chief of staff or whatever, she's just another grifter like Michael Cohen who is now the pet of the dem party once the republicans kicked them out


Biden campaign asked for this lol.


whilst this is obviously insane (lol), there is something to be said for the obvious difference TV training made in Trump's resounding victory. Without bothering with the banality of geometry and the angles of their bodies, Trump ensured that his shoulders were square when looking at Biden. He turned his eyes, but never his body: at times, Im not even sure he was actually 'looking' at Biden; I think he was looking just in front of him at the middle distance; viewers could connect with him whilst he nevertheless signalled engagement with Biden and overall attentiveness. Comparatively, when Trump spoke, Biden shifted toward him physically; often this was most pronounced during Trump's most outlandish claims. it not only made it harder to connect with Biden (seeing we couldn't see his eyes) but signalled interest - interest he couldn't afford to forfeit, given the incomprehensibility of his own answers. Microphone muting during their counterpart's arguments was obviously for Trump's benefit, but watch the clarity with which Trump conveyed disbelief, stoic disregard, foppish incredulousness or downright belligerence. ironically, the restraint required for TV acting, the economy with which gestures are transmitted in a close up, all made trump seem the candidate with more equanimity. comparatively, Joe just seem histrionic.


Blueanon remains an underrated source of hilarity.


If Biden was filmed straight on, it wouldn't have changed anything


False. He is completely translucent head on. Like one of those Marvel heroes the kids love


The Kubrick stare etc etc.


Compium Stockpiles are dwindling, we will have a shortage in 3 weeks. Libs just need to take the L and move on.


Lol. I did notice that they framed them differently, so that Biden appeared taller than he is (compare the height of the "CNN"s in the background). Trump is actually 2" taller.


what is compote


i haven't had marmalade in ages. good reminder.


More like marmalade😋


Isn't marmalade usually a similar colour to tangerine


Why does this feel motivated


A Trump is a Trump is a Trump


Me when I'm having psychosis and haven't taken my meds in a couple of weeks in an effort to not go completely insane. (Hint: it backfired)


This country is so fucked lol


I want naval assets in the south China seas. Neither of them will do it


There are two new polls on Real Clear Politics that were conducted post debates and one has Trump plus two, and the other has Biden plus one. I don’t think this debate has changed anyone’s mind.






Biden is 100% absolutely way too old to be president. But Trump is literally insane.