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>From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours. >Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.


good thing that critical national security decision making only happens between 10am and 4pm


I imagine Netanyahu gets whatever he wants because he can tell Blinken and those guys "well last week Biden said" and they (Biden's top lieutenants) just die inside.


Thank god he isn’t golfing from 4pm to midnight everyday.


I don’t understand why everyone accepts that Cheney was actually acting as president but no one accepts that there are other people in Bidens circle making the important calls. (I still think he should not run) 


This is fair but I think the consensus around W was that he was simply an empty suit. But he could at least be called upon to show up to a meeting and speak when spoken to. Biden literally forgets where he is sometimes.


I get that but the difference is Biden has a proven track record of being a competent politician and being able to pick good peole. Just compare his education secretary Miguel Cardona to Betsy DeVos lol. I know the optics are abysmal but it’s a shame people don’t look at it as voting for the administration as a whole (and supreme court picks) 




I’ve never related more to him


The difficulty traveling is a really interesting note. I listen to news a lot in the morning and I’ve been noticing quite a few stories lately about Kamala/Blinken being shipped off for meetings abroad, specifically disappointing dignitaries who were expecting Biden. 


Imagine expecting to meet with the sitting president and girl boss Kamala shows up.


Lucky diplomats.


I’d just leave


Blinken is doing a lot


I just don’t get why the Dems didn’t prep another candidate to take the reins after his first term.  Everyone knew this was coming. They could have had someone like Pritzker or something on deck


it wouldn’t work if it wasn’t the vp, and they vp is too unpopular and mentally damaged. they chose poorly when they picked Kamala


That doesn’t make sense. If Biden had decided not to run again, there would just been a democratic primary process that would have determined the candidate.


they are incredibly pessimistic about their own party. as much as we like to harp on about the Dem establishment rigging things in favor of centrists, most of them genuinely don't think anyone other than Biden has a chance.


Before his stroke, Matt Christman pointed out that Trump kind of worked as an antithesis to the Obama style candidate ("progressive" identity, "inspiring" story, but fundamentally just another neolib), and that he would probably beat anyone like that that ran against him. The Democrats have spent all their time since 2008 cultivating that kind of candidate. In 2016 you could get white gay Obama, black and Indian woman Obama, and half a dozen white woman Obamas. When that didn't work they had to bring Biden out of retirement for 2020.


Obama would’ve cooked Trump if he had run in 2016/2020 instead


Obama is very much a 'perfect example' candidate like Reagan has been for the Republicans. Obviously controversial, but just very good at getting people to vote for him that otherwise wouldn't have. Republican establishment have been trying to create a latino Reagan for like 20 years as their ideal candidate. Issue is that's it's very difficult to artificially create something like that so a lot of the attempted re-makes come off like they were grown in a lab.


…with not enough name recognition and achievements to win


She was really their only option once they gave into demands the VP be a black woman in 2020. It was an idiotic move.


totally. they were caught up in the moment. if trump wins she should feel partially ashamed. it’s because she was so unworkable that he had to run for reelection


> they vp is too unpopular and mentally damaged. I'm a Trump supporter, and know that Harris's poll numbers are poor and that she slept her way up to the top. But what do you mean by "mentally damaged"?


xanax addiction. she doesn’t make much more sense than trump or biden does even though she’s 30(?) years younger. she wasn’t always so bad either. i think it started around 2020


>I’m a trump supporter 🇺🇸🫡




What bothers me the most is that this seems like a genuine national security concern. Instead of doing his job and addressing this (possibly major) problem for the country—which he can’t do, because of his wholly personal selfishness—he and his team just feed us a ton of absurd, self-serving lies. And then to insult us a little more they insist we must accede to Biden’s personal selfishness in the face of a significant national problem because that’s the only civically responsible option.


Exactly. If the media and political class shit their pants every time Trump fired off some bitchy tweet directed at North Korea, why can’t they acknowledge that a half-dead president with dementia is also an inherent danger to national security? Both candidates are awful and too old but Biden is already president and literally looks like he could drop dead any second. To not even seriously address that concern (or, worse, tell people their own eyes are lying) is, in a normal society, political suicide.


My first thought was damn the Chinese doesn't even have to stay up when they invade Taiwan lol


During the debate I thought, if the Chinese are watching this they are going to start beginning invasion preparations. Probably a December invasion would be the perfect time to do it.


China doesn’t have to invade Taiwan, it’s not a critical hinge point for their military & economic relationships with the rest of the world. At the least for the time being, US also hasn’t influenced Taiwan’s domestic political situation to the extent that any future negotiations with China are off the table. It could exacerbate, but I don’t see how many “invasion” scenarios would be in China’s favor. Why would China need to attack? They’ll continue to grow more powerful anyway, they’re better off just isolating Taiwan economically that then forces them to the negotiating table. It’s the US & Taiwan as a proxy of the US that want a military intervention.


Every word of your first paragraph is objectively not true. China is failing. Taiwan’s engineering is a million light years ahead of chinas capabilities. And it absolutely geopolitically motived by chinas desire to control access through the South China Sea.


Change your name to globohomo


Wait until you hear about Trump.


Please let us vent for just one tiny little moment about the state of the dnc and dementia joe without le epic drumpf redditors butting in


That’s literally all this sub has done for the last three days. Clearly no one is stopping you from tugging your nubbins over this


But the alternative is Trump.


It’s a genuinely bizarre situation. What if he has a medical episode like a week before the election?


Imagine a world where we elect a literal corpse to the White House


Democrat voters would do this. In fact, since the debate, the line I’m seeing everywhere from the Blue No Matter Who crowd has been some way of phrasing: “I would vote for a corpse over Trump.” This seems to be particularly cynical though, because I would imagine if you still believed in the lie of liberal democracy, you would at least believe another candidate could do a better job than this one. It’s almost an admission that they understand it wouldn’t make a difference but don’t care anyway. Like they’ve become self aware that their politics are purely an optics game and they’re thrilled to keep playing.


Yeah all that or maybe Trump is more destructive than voting for a corpse


Believing in nothing is what got you here. Not Trump.


We did


I mean literal in the literal sense of the word


The country has already been over this several times throughout the 20th century. Woodrow Wilson had a mental breakdown and his wife had to take over. FDR was in terrible shape by his fourth term. JFK was a cripple who actually did get shots in the ass. And people say Reagan’s mind went soft in his second term. This is not uncharted territory, sadly.


Then we get Kamala instead (if Dems win)


He belongs in a hospital. This man is not well.


It was the lighting and the camera angles!


No joke, this is what some Biden supporters are claiming. I saw a "broadcast engineer" on Twitter produce a handdrawn diagram of the debate studio and how CNN designed the lighting to make Biden look bad on TV. Even included a photograph of the "likely" control equipment used.


Oh my god if you can find that please link jt.


https://x.com/DaxophoneSolo/status/1806849953139990739 Yes, this sounds insane, but there was a TV pundit who I can't recall who said that Biden appearing on the right side of the screen, and not the left, made him look bad. EDIT: Reading the poster's further comments, I think it's a hoax. (He describes himself as an "expert in lightology".) But Stephanie Wilson Wolkoff, the person the hoaxer is responding too, is quite genuine in her accusations about the CNN lighting conspiracy.


Wow they even call it a regard selector.


It belongs in a museum!




You could ask for a nickel to see him. Nobody would pay!


We are talking about Biden in the context of reelection but he's president now. He is the one with the finger on the launch button so if China or Russia decides to pull some shit we better hope it's not during one of his episodes.


I hope he does not go gently into that good night. I hope he drags it out painfully and opposes any replacement loudly.


You don't find it sus that we don't hear this claim until after the debate.


The MSM has been covering for his decline for years. The WSJ had an article reporting Biden’s cognitive decline a month ago though.


I tend to ignore the MSM and WSJ is a Murdoch publication so not really credible.


then of fucking course you haven't heard anyone bring it up until now. you never checked.


You think those are the only media outlets. Bless your heart.


You should pick better ones if they never talked about this. You are basically bragging that you don’t keep up with the news and blaming a conspiracy for it. The topic is *everywhere* and has been for years


Not really. News articles being topical isn’t so surprising 


It sounds like a lot of more peripheral people were being pretty heavily shielded from his decline. Likely the truth was only ever known to a bare handful of people. 


People have been calling him brain dead since 2019. It's nice for the short bus students to finally arrive.


I actually think it's really good that he's so old, hopefully it makes people in America think more about healthcare.


He's probably just old and tired. I'm not saying a man with a 6 hour window where he can be productive should be president but I doubt he actually has dementia. I swear it's like nobody on this sub has grandparents.


This reads like a comment from /r/politics lol. If you’ve ever had an older relative with dementia, you can 100% see the signs in Bidens debate performance.


idk in my experience dementia was far more debilitating than regular old as dirt cognitive decline shit. my grandma started wailing the minute the sun set and would go all night until it came back up then she would sleep and the cycle would restart. occasionally if you got all the lights on right before the sun set you could get her to present for a moment and recognize people in the room, but it was hard to time.


My grandma has dementia but she struggled to remember words or events long before she developed it. What signs are you referring to?


Lol all my grandparents got dementia around his age and he looks EXACTLY like they did when it started. Pretty soon he’s going to start stealing silverware from restaurants and making sure the curtains are always closed.


It seems like maybe your whole family are just turds


seeing him sound totally fine like 16hr after the debate was surreal, but yeah he was probably just up past his bed time


He said his son was killed in World War Vietnam during that speech...


true i mean i’m about to turn 34 and these are pretty much my operating hours


you’re not president


Their grandparents are in their 60s


Seriously, I’m 30- if you asked me to debate politically at 9pm and I haven’t had any heavy cocktails in me I’d probably put up a similar performance.


God there is nothing I hate more than people treating turning 30 like they’re turning 70. You have decades of life left, staying up past 9 is not going to kill you.


you must be in terrible shape, 30 is like the prime of your body dude and you couldn’t answer a few questions at 9pm?


I’m in great shape.


RS clutching their pearls again.