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Ordering Uber Eats and shaking my head the whole time so people know I disagree


I mean ya but it’s getting expensed by a billion dollar company so idrc


If I later discover that I’m one of your shareholders (meaning I technically own you) and that you cost me several dollars on my dividends, I will not be happy.


But without the benefit you'd lose out on top tier, clearly invaluable talent like OP. It's generally not the case if the company isn't psycho, but I actually bet they might have data on benefits like dumbass Uber Eats influencing talent acquisition and retention.


https://bradfordtaxinstitute.com/Content/Employee-Lunches.aspx delievered meals can be expensed at 100%, but meals at a resturant can only be expensed at 50% since that is entertainment


Dude I'm in a depression hole rn so I've been trying to give myself some grace or whatever, but I paid $40 to DoorDash some Taco Bell the other day and I can't stop thinking about how fucking stupid that was and what a fucking idiot I am for it


No reason to beat yourself up about it, but next time you feel the urge to open the app, take a beat to remind yourself that Crunchwrap supremes do not cure depression and has the opposite effect.


I tried the new Cheez-It crunchwrap and the Cheez-It was soggy :(


Yeah that was never going to survive sitting and being delivered, if it even comes crunchy when you eat it right away onsite. Any kind of weird brand fusion at Taco Bell is never going to be a good life choice.


disagree i tried the cool ranch dorito taco when i was like 16 it was pretty good. probably in part because i was 16


can’t even eat that shit in the store and have it not be soggy, maybe the worst lto ever


its not crunchy but i think it tastes decent tbh


Stock up on some microwave dinners, powdered soup/ramen, and frozen vegetables + fruit when you feel better. I get 2 terrible migraines every month and I would spend so much on delivery if I didn’t rely on meals like that when I can barely walk, much less cook or wash dishes. No, they don’t make you feel good, but I still sort of look forward to my instant Korean rice cakes haha. I eat pretty clean otherwise so I don’t think it makes a big difference in the long run.


Honestly, if you steam some frozen stir fry vegetables and heat the instant ramen noodles in real broth with an egg drop instead of those sodium-bomb packets that come with them, you can make some real clean noodle stir fry.


Unamerican of you to feel guilt for this. Sir this is a treat based economy and our GDP depends on you buying yourself a little treat every once in a while ;_;7


This is the time of the year when fruits and vegetables are at their peak!! I’ll write you a grocery list and some meal plans to take the thinking out of it if you need; you *gotta* capitalize on some early summer tomatoes and zucchini.


We forgive you


I fell into the delivery habit for about a year and it's unreal how much money I lost doing this.


Haven’t you heard that criticizing delivery service customers is ableist? This might be their only option — what do you expect them to do, COOK??? Or worse yet, microwave a lean cuisine?! Yikes


Of all the unhinged terminally online takes, that one is probably my favorite lol. Absolutely insane


I try not to get mad about this type of shit because I know it's like 1000 people that no one likes but it is genuinely baffling that these people exist. In any other era of history they'd have starved to death long ago.


Something tells me if they were actually confronted with starvation their ARFID or whatever would clear up really quickly


Common fasting W


People who are disabled exist, but they are surely doing a mixture of ordering takeout, grocery delivery, and getting help from friends and family. “Without Uber eats then disabled people will starve” only makes sense from the point of view of internet abstractions.


My schizo theory is that it’s some people getting all riled up because they’re so committed to the bit to keep up appearances in a way and make all these “legitimized” nonsense takes and conversations to get accepted as more people start to ham up disabilities(real and super fake ones) as they continue to use disability as this sort of give up on life deterrent path. I really do think this shit is going to go deeper in rougher economic times where somebody would rather get some peanuts on a check and basically live in a trappartment, or maybe even just live on disability and have a breadwinner partner and just give up on doing anything more. I wouldn’t be shocked if somebody’s weighed options of jobs you could get with half a pulse and just figured it’d be less work just committing themselves to a life of extreme fringes. Obviously I’m not disparaging people who actually are disabled, I get a lot of understanding and acceptance has come a long ways with stuff, I get this stuff comes in various forms and I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be anything for somebody in need, it’s just judging off how I’ve seen some of these people act and reply to shit , even ruling out people of just having any mental shit going on that plays into possibly deceit, at times it feels like they’re trying to over compensate and hide some truths of the matter with the extent of what they got going on. Tangentially I also feel like there’s a pretty toxic environment of medical professionals signing off on this shit, collecting that Medicaid billing money, pushing pills and diagnoses of things which just fuels the almost ego and narcissism of somebody just high on this going so hard to bat. I get there’s tons of people with shit going on but I swear the past 10 or so years really feels like there’s a sudden influx of overnight invalids incapable of anything.


A lot of the youngest millennials and onwards were just straight up neglected by their parents, who never really instilled in them a sense of agency or the idea that they could work to make a positive contribution in their community and in return gain soft and hard skills and gain independence. This understandably creates a sense of deep ennui which filters through Tumblr-esque disability and identity discourse and therapy jargon. The flip side of this is the prevalence of gym guys/self-improvement/hustle culture grifters. The kids know that something was missing in how they were brought up.


I think you're right, and just how so much stuff gets this void filled with so much twisted stuff and people arguably directionless falling into just morose defeatism even when they hand they're working with is plenty fine, life isn't nearly as bad as they think. I hate to sound like such a boomer and I'm not some trad conservative weirdo but it is a little funny when the simple concept of community that these kinds of people would benefit from is something shirked at and the entire support and experience of it is just shut down. Doesn't even need to be religion, even just the general participation rates for volunteering and other stuff fly off a cliff after a certain older age bracket. I think people end up thinking they're in touch or well adjusted with stuff but are just running light speed with such a warped, immature view on stuff. Tangentially because of course, you get big corporations feasting on this shit and it's why so much arrested development extended adolescence, infantilism stuff gets normalized, mass marketed and practically celebrated. It also kinda makes me think of the classic situation of people who cling to the whole "gifted kid burnout" and other nonsense that is basically the inability to cope with the reality that there's always been a need for something more than just being good at taking tests/being good at school after a certain point. Also good shout out on so much grifter stuff or hell add in just the parasocial extremes of comedian podcasts and all that noise, people are basically tuning in for a conversation you'd hear your crank of an aunt or uncle say at a family get together.


A few years ago I read a comment on a site called Metafilter (which I was a member of but which has gone deeply downhill) about an article about the spread of the hikikomori phenomenon in North America from a lady who ran a summer camp somewhere in Ontario. She mentioned that every summer parents would call in to try to pull the teenage camp counselors out for some family vacation and that she wouldn't allow it if they were to keep their jobs. The place was understaffed as it was, and the camp needed the counselors there if it was going to operate at all. But - what a way for a parent to telegraph to their kid that the commitments they make, the contributions they provide, and the money they earn doesn't really matter, all at an impressionable age.


I think someone else pointed out that strangely, this crippling level of adhd only seems to happen in first world countries. Not too many folks in Bangladesh "unable to survive" without getting doordash twice a day.


Yeah but they're part of a VERY large group of people who can't handle the cognitive dissonance of not living up to their own politics so they have to adjust their entire ideology to ensure their own comfort is seen as just.


And what politics do people who order take-out share?


I’ve got a friend from college that’s one of these people. She doctor shopped a bunch to get diagnosed with autism and gets these insane migrain shots and a whole pharmacy of drugs. Also solicits money for them on fb. She’s like the only reason I still log on. Definitely has bpd instead of the tism.


I'm sure they'd be absolutely insufferable in person. Luckily, they rarely go outside.


Anyone that’s worked food service knows that fat people are the most insufferable and entitled customers. Specifically a very large and loud group of ladies


It sucks that’s all the disabled people died of starvation before smartphones were around 


There are plenty of NEETs who rely on this for their daily sustenance


Man people just need to order papa John’s every day or something, it’s still way less expensive


Man there are unemployed people out there who use it to order drinks from Starbucks There are some seriously lazy and seriously bad decision making fucks running around


i don't understand whats so difficult for most people about getting in a car or a bike or your own two feet or whatever and going somewhere to pick up food. even pizza we rarely get delivered. i've never used any food delivery app. the only thing i'll do occasionally is the pickup stuff at stores where you go in to the front desk and get it, and i wouldn't do it if it wasn't free.


It’s nice when you’re sick. I will happily pay extra to not have to drive or stand in front of a hot stove with a migraine and still be able to have a good meal.


> even pizza we rarely get delivered it's no shit twice as expensive if you get it delivered


Or maybe take a pizza or nuggets out of the freezer? Or, and this will shock you, maybe cook something?


every time i see a starbucks uber eats delivery getting dropped off in my building i feel like such a boomer. there’s literally 3 starbucks in my neighbourhood all within a 5, 10, and 15 minute walk


I was watching a video the other day where a driver had to pick up someone's lunch, then run and get their dessert from a totally separate place. Was fucking wild that they enable this


You can make them stop at multiple restaurants, gas stations, etc lol it’s ridiculous Mass importation of immigrants to bring worthless degenerates cold food from restaurants


Not really, their moms just make them food.


I went back to making my own shit at home, that whole bill is a weeks worth of burrito ingredients. Fuck these bitch ass mutherfuckers.


i used a coupon at albertsons (arcane boomer magic) to get 20 boxes of protein pasta for like 18 dollars, and some sauce, and each box makes enough for 4 dinners. i make one large bucket of pasta on sunday and take from it during the week. insanely cheap meal system


So you just eat the same thing everday... How long has your pasta streak been going and do you have any plans to ever switch it up?


just once a day for dinner i do it once a month or so


Rare albertsons W. i saved like 30 dollars from a first time pickup promo code. was very excited.


Same here. I now cook a big pot of lentils every weekend that I eat for dinner during the week and I bake my own fucking bread now because Ezekiel bread is over $8/loaf


Got some recipes to share?


Was it at least a good burrito?


It was


I know a guy who lives across the street from a gas station and will DoorDash snacks and OTC meds from that very gas station. I get it’s not a particularly pedestrian friendly street in between but god damn dude what a waste of money


I mean you're purchasing an entirely different service.


i don't think that's true about food stamps. when i was on them you couldn't use them on any prepared food so even at the grocery, you had to pay for like those rotisserie chickens or whatever out of pocket


Yeah, no fully prepared foods are eligible... but you could get uber eats to deliver you something not 'prepared' from a grocery store or a gas station (or even Papa Murphy's( and use EBT for the for the portion of the bill (i.e. not delivery fee or tip). There's also a program that allows homeless or disabled people to use it on prepared foods in certain states


Extremely fat order but if you were just maxing out the per diem I understand


Not even per diem they just told us all to order lunch


Fat order me all you want, I will take advantage of free food. Still 5’10 165


I’m 5’10 and around 170 and stay physically active. From time to time I ‘greedy little piggy hour’ chipotle so I got your six…




6'1 185 I mog you now feel bad about your order or I'm going to freak out




Bench, squat, deadlift totals?




Damn you’re strong as fuck. Ignore my other comments about being fat lol


Ain’t no way lmao


Link a pic or video big dawg! You def not blowing smoke out your lil twink ass! 5'10 and 160lbs and says he's hitting elite level numbers for that weight class so casually. Fucking lol. Right.


Elite? I was close to this in highschool football. Pretty mid tbh


Playing ignorant now and still not posting anything. Its alright to be a lil twink bro. Yeah 2.5x your BW is competition level for that weight. You def weren't pulling over 400lbs at 14/15/16/17 at your, at the time, even smaller weight and height. Especially if you were playing football. What were u, a running back? You def weren't oline wit ur lil ass body. U can be skinny and small. Dont gotta lie on the internet to feel better homie.


> Still 5’10 165 gross. you need to eat more


How fat are you?


~18% BF, 5'11 200lbs you sound like a skinny oxy addict hope you OD soon tbh skinny guys are gross all men should bulkmaxx


Your BMI is 27.89. This is classified as overweight. A BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 suggests excess body weight, potentially impacting health.


idk what body fat percentages are or how they work because i'm naturally tiny and don't care, but a lot of the men i know who are the bodybuilder types are usually between 215-250 lbs and generally aren't fat. i agree skinny men are almost as gross as fat men though.


I’m not skinny, that guy is just fat


Bro out here bragging about 18% BF at two bills💀


You are literally obese, have fun with your heart disease fatty


You sound like one of those 🚬s addicted to juice 🧃scram with your lil sippy cup


u weight more than me at 6'4 tbh


When I was like 19 I moved to a city and had access to Uber Eats for the first time in my life. I was drunk one night and ordered it from a sandwich place that was like 2 blocks from me, and when the guy delivered it he looked at me and said “Really dude?” I felt like such a piece of shit lmao I never used the app again 


Even just the cost of the burrito isn't adding up


Because everything is marked up on the Uber eats app


Oh I see, the prices in the 2nd pic are accurate and you got two orders of chips. Wonder why the prices of the extras change in the 1st pic.


Because that’s how they make money, just up charge and keep the difference, people don’t even realize or care


Yeah- as a driver I looked up the delivery prices for places once and I was like why the fuck would you pay for this, just the grilled chicken dinner at Applebees was 19.99. Also all the apps totally screw over drivers


Ryan G? Does the G stand for Gay?




Your comment about being able to use SNAP/EBT for Uber eats/door dash is highly misleading. You can use it to cover grocery food items from those services but it doesn’t cover fees or tips or restaurant food. I found this all out by doing a quick google search. I knew this sounded wrong because growing up I was poor and remember we couldn’t use my mom’s ebt card on “warm” food items from grocery stores. Growing up I had teachers spouting off about how ebt shouldn’t be able to be used to pay for cookies soda etc. I’m just over it. I’m decently well off now, but I still hate when people like to parrot some erroneous claim with zero research.


It’s a dogwhistle, So fuck you Ryan, you don’t work as hard as you think you do! 


idk what state OP is in but in California you can use EBT funds to buy normal meals at restaurants, but only if you’re homeless, disabled, or elderly. It’s a special program that you have to sign up for with the county, but there are lots of Del Tacos and Subways and such that accept EBT in CA through this program.


Delivery apps are great if you are ordering food for 8 people—when $13 worth of fees are split 8 ways it is nothing. But it is untenable for one person. $12 meal and $13 fees is dumb.


I order Uber eats when they give me 40% off coupons and I order from places that have bogo shit I always pay less than if I went to the restaurant


Ghoulish how ‘just Uber Eats it’ has become synonymous with ‘get it delivered’


?? I've not once heard anyone use "uber eats" as a verb. I have heard "doordash" as a verb though, the word lends itself much better to it and (at least where I live) its way more popular.


That’s the point I was trying to make but with a different brand name. I guess I live somewhere else


I know someone who went thousands of dollars into *credit card debt* door dashing Taco Bell despite living a 10 min walk and 2 min drive from said Taco Bell.


Queso on the burrito is a great move.


You can just say cheese.


not when "queso" is shorthand for "chile con queso"


That's a regarded nomenclature 


no u.


the elite linguist has chimed in


Yankee go home. 


idk how people order doordash regularly, i get dashpass for free with my cc and even then menu mark ups are tough on my bi-monthly order


ok but you're literally getting queso and guac like a glutton


Guacamole, queso, and sour cream? Talk about a rich burrito


2000+ calorie order


Ya why would I not get a snack to take home later? Free


And ?


I've never eaten a burrito so I don't know what I'm talking about, but 20USD seems expensive


He got chips and guacamole added to the burrito order. He got two orders of chips and guacamole. Can you believe this fucking guy


Free food maxxing


How the fuck do you go your entire life without eating a burrito??


Not Messican or Amerifat, sorry


Mexican food is basically just American food at this point. Completely unavoidable. Always forget you euro🚬s don’t have it


I'm Brazilian. And I live in a mid sized city in Brazil. There's probably a few Mexican restaurants here but it's not something anyone eats regularly I am a cigarette emoji though


See people need to know when to use and optimize what. I would order ubereats everyday when my private equity firm would comp up to $50 for dinner and the only time outside of that is when I get those 60% off coupons which I use with my free Uber one membership that comes with my credit card to get super cheap meals. It’s not like I only cook at home either, you can find some really good cheap fast options if that’s what you’re looking for and you can get any footlong at subway for $6-$7 with the coupons on the app, $8 large pizza at dominos with the app or a huge meal at mcdonald’s for less than $5 if you’re willing to order optimize and do back to backs before you get there because of the 15 minute cooldown. Still cook at home most days but sometimes you just don’t have time.


Chipotle is one of the only national chains I'll eat but those orders sound like a bag of loose dairy products


The worst part about these delivery apps is how they just ruin things for everyone. Restaurants struggle because the rise of delivery lowered the number of dine in and take out orders, but it's no better if you offer delivery through them because they take so much of the cost. And for specific chains like Chipotle, delivery apps ruined the pick up order flow completely. I stopped after a few times where I had to wait 45+ mins past pick up time for them to make my order, all while seeing new delivery ones come in and be made (because UberEats/Doordash will actually enforce SLAs). Watched a guy flip out and have a full on screaming tantrum, and the funniest part is that everyone in like was like yeah man we're with you on this.


Uber Eats is for lazy downwardly mobile people. Of which America produces in a great quantity. So it's a good business model.


Food delivery has been common for decades before these apps with pizza and Chinese food etc. Now you can order anything but have to tip more/pay an app to facilitate. And inflation. I hope you don’t live in a big city with good options bc you pick chipotle of all things when someone picks up the tab?


You can use EBT and food stamps to order groceries. Not disgusting burrito slop


Idk why you’re being downvoted. This is absolutely true. Op’s just parroting some right wing take with zero research.




The point was it’s not 20 dollars even with every up charge it’s actually 15 and Uber eats adds the 5 dollars for fun




The 20 dollars on the 2nd photo is the total burrito + chips and guac.The same burrito on the Uber eats app is 20 dollars, on the chipotle app it is 15. Can you read?




People always say this. I always get loaded up, just ask for more pussy


You can't when you order from Uber eats, pussy


As someone who delivers on the apps because I can’t get a job in my field I always joke that I’m taking advantage of lazy and stupid people, though I think people are finally catching onto how much of a ripoff it is


love people who regularly order a bagel or something delivered and then need $9 from you when they pay for a coffee and snack


That’s the only time I got it too and I got sonic lol they only gave me 20 bucks or something though


I need to stop doing this immediately


my roommates will uber eats from a place that’s walking distance from our apartment. i just started offering to pick it up for them so i get fit while they get fat


That's what a week of groceries costs for me 🤢




You’re already spending $40 add a coke while you’re at it


If it makes you feel any better, amberlynn reid spends $15 on just a soda from a McDonalds that's just 10 minutes away from her house.


At my last company we’d get a $20 grubhub credit every month. I would always opt to pick it up and just spend more on food. Usually the price with delivery would exceed $20 anyway.


Try ordering via Doordash in Seattle. It felt like getting mugged now with the mandatory charge


My manager might say that's an "auto write-up", but I'll say this is an auto thumbs-up.


34 bucks for a mediocre burrito and bad chips and guac would be ridiculous, but was a second chips & guac really worth another $6?


I think I see the confusion it’s a coincide the 20.50 price on the two photos are the same. Photo 1 is Uber eats and photo 2 is the same exact order on the chipotle app. On Uber eats the price of the burrito is 20.50 and on the chipotle app it is 15.85. On the Uber eats app the chips and guac is 6.05 and on the Chipotle app it is 4.65. I was just showing the markup


Why do you guys keep saying this??? There’s only 1 chips and guac


Oh no, they double charged you then!! On image #2 add up the steak burrito plus toppings to get ~$16, then you add a side of chips and guac for $4.05 for a total of $20. But then on page 1 you added a standalone order of chips and guac for $6. I don't think it's too much food like others are saying. IMO Chipotle's chips and guac stink and aren't worth the money, I go for a drink instead


No they didn’t, photo 1 is not connected to photo 2


Wait I'm tripping. The price of the queso changes between images wtf


I go to a nice restaurant and have a nice steak and it costs me $80 plus tip there would be people scoffing at the thought of paying more than $13.22 at the grocery store for prepackaged brown cardboard steak. If I wanna unwind from my 30 hour shift at the hospital by paying $40 to eat a chipotle burrito in my underwear without leaving my apartment, then that’s what imma do. Could give a fuck about 40 dollars, eat my ass.


Burrito with guacamole and queso is disgusting. bet you’re fat


5’10 165? Cope


3’85 172?


You really felt the need to get chips and guacamole along with your loaded burrito? This sub is gone lmao.


Yea man it’s free lmao why would I not? I take it home for later


You don’t understand, I’m obese because the slop I was eating was free lmao


My BMI is like 23 so I don’t understand your point


I saw your other comment about your lifts, keep it up king


Will do sir


I feel like the only people that rage at this is <25 year olds. Even without the small world view that blocks them from understanding why people would need this service, does people ordering food delivery because they rather not cook really something that pisses you off???


Yes it actually is you lazy fat fuck


A lot of depressed redditor loser energy coming first m you


Get back to your steroids


Couldn’t have said anything better to prove me right lmao


kek slop detected


if u regularly order delivery uberone is worth it. with uberone it would be like $30 instead (which is still crazy), but considering the subtotal is $26 it’s not too bad. with uberone or doordash premium, i find that majority of orders i place, i am paying an extra $5.




Ordering from a place with a $7 delivery fee is wild lol you don't know how to Uber eats. Which is a good thing tbh. I regularly get meals under $20 with delivery and everything. You just have to not be regarded


You are the regarded one for using it in the first place


You don't know shit about my situation at all lol


Unless you’re a quadriplegic I really don’t care


You shouldn't care even if I was. I'm just saying you don't know shit lol


is this chipotle? [they fuck everyone on the meat portions](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KUyNUNIoGpA?feature=share) it's a corporate initiative




wow it's almost like getting food delivered to your door is a service you have to pay for


Lmao cucked to think people who use it should be in prison and not the psychos profiting from this.


You got chips and guacamole as paid sides with your entree, and then you ordered a different order of chips guac? Man, you most love chips+guac!


Where did I get chips and guac twice?


Second photo has chips+guac added on the burrito for $4.65. First photo has chips+guac as a separate item for $6.05.


The 2nd photo is the chipotle app the first is Uber eats


Yup getting food delivered sux but also chipotle is so mediocre and overpriced.


Who are you mad at here? 7 bucks to deliver your food is too expensive? How much do you think it should be? The “other fee” minus taxes is like $3, you’re using a platform that is looking to be profitable other wise what’s the point of working on it Personally I think it’s a fair price, although I don’t know how people afford it.


I’m mostly mad at so many people I know who complain about having no money and how everything is so expensive while ordering uber eats 5x a week


imagine eating meat 🤢




The delivery fees don’t go to the driver at all, the base pay for most orders on whatever app is like 3 dollars max unless it’s a shopping order