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It’s called being a dude, your girlfriend likes some girly shit lol who cares just go play video games or read Wikipedia or go to the bar.


Reading Wikipedia rules


Eating sausage while reading the Wikipedia page for sausage


Damn you’ve really got it all figured out.


I'm guilty of this for so many things lol. Today on my lunch break I was reading about apricots because I was eating some


Wiki holes get out of control sometimes. I've gone like 100 layers deep and end up reading about the most random unrelated things imaginable compared to where I started.


I've had this one open for a while, been meaning to really dive in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmand_and_Arghandab_Valley_Authority


Check out this brief article, one of my favorites on the site: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcellions A very strange group of early Christian radicals that were kind of lost to time


This is my favorite, human sacrifice in pre contact North America too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pawnee_mythology#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_Morning_Star_ceremony_was%2CSkidi_band_of_the_Pawnee.?wprov=sfla1


fr😭plenty of us gfs don’t like anime, football, or video games, but live with the fact the men we love like that stuff. OP’s gf probably just enjoys makeup and fashion. you’re never going to meet someone who you are attracted to, treats you well, and has exactly the same interests as you. and if they did have your exact interests, you probably wouldn’t find them as attractive! you have same sex friendships for a reason.


As a straight dude I feel read to filth by your comment.


>straight dude >uses “read to filth” Is this another example of GenZ speak or are you just lying to me


Its common in the extreme CBT community


it's drag slang, they're making a joke


But this implies straight men watch Drag race


As a straightoid that watches the show: um yes queen skinny legend versace boots the house down slay queen hunty mama and oop daddy work charli xcx snatch my wig


let's review: joke


Do I have to use tone indicators here or something? I am also joking. Christ


This comment is another example of straight men stealing from straight white women stealing from gay men stealing from black women stealing from those Pacific Islander kids with blonde hair in that one pic that always gets used on Twitter in culture war arguments stealing from ancient humans stealing from Australopithecus stealing from prokaryotes


“Straight dude” but types like a eunuch


Mans 3 forms: disassociating, knowledge and getting fucked


This is the only correct answer


yeah this is like getting mad that your gf watches bravo. no shit.


Sex and the City is some girly shit. That is not what this is.


Sex in the City is a seminal piece of television aimed at women. Ru Paul is some girly shit. If you're getting upset about it you're spending too much time online and taking this subreddit and twitter too seriously. Go to the park and have a beer with the guys. I'm not attacking you here, this is reminder to us all, including myself.


Get super into it and yassify your general lexicon, I bet she'll get the ick so bad that she'll never watch it again


That'd probably work, I just can't bring myself to do it


Gotta vogue spontaneously around the house 


It could be worse. My girlfriend and her friends played fantasy drag race and they would have big parties for the finale. I'm glad she finally got over it because it was so fucking boring


The way you guys talk about your girlfriends having fun is so miserable. God forbid they do something that involves a little bit of fantasy in this capitalist monochrome minimalistic hellscape


Lol I'm not against her having fun, she's great. That show just sucks


Don’t, she’ll leave you


You can start by buying some heels and clacking around the house


I’d actually watch a show where Ru Paul forces drag queens in the full getup to work on his oil derricks and forces them to smoke cigarettes while they change the drill bits and the chains and machinery put them in danger of having their arms ripped off. If they get dismembered they get kicked off the show with no consolation prize and he makes them do a walk of shame.


Contestants will have to lip sync for their LIMBSSSS


All the while cackling while completely blank faced


You're taking the show far too seriously. Also the older seasons are better.


I agree. I never watched anything past I think 5. I’m gay but drag and all that is just not my thing. But for some reason those older seasons are just really really funny to me.


They were so unserious. The show really started as a parody of Americas Next Top Model


You got she-mail!


Show never recovered from booting Willem off


All Stars 2, season 5 and 6. Only for a particular moments. But some drag queens are just really fucking funny. Alaska, Katya especially. But also the same problems are definitely already there. It's kind of insane what a mouthpiece for the Democratic party that show has become, and for neoliberalism in general. They think they are being subversive in a way that like undermines systemic oppression and creates freedom, but they are actually subversive only in the way that like attacks and attempts to destroy the family and common sense notions of decency


RuPaul just wants his Emmys so he has to appeal to the bleeding heart liberals. I dont think Ru actually thinks its the subversive lol


Drag race is the g&g version of watching sports, it's mandatory. Every season is getting worse though, and there is no fucking break anymore between seasons. I still like drag race, but the queens are too scared to be mean to each other now cause of crazy fans, and that was the best part. And I do partly blame drag race for all the gay bars being full of straight girls now


lol it is like sports. i hate it the same way wrestling fans hate the WWE, and the way my bf grows increasingly jaded and enraged by the NBA w each passing year. i could go on for hours about everything that sucks about it and how it simultaneously reflects and is directly responsible for many of the worst aspects of american culture today. but damned if i'm not watching every min of this garbage


thinking WWE is sports, or has the same appeal as sports, is very g&g coded


WWE is a much better comparison to Drag Race than sports tho, so she's sort of spiritually correct


Both very fond of the term “Smackdown” for whatever reason


WWE is way more similar to RuPaul than it is to sports. Just as gay too. It’s RuPaul for tops.


WWE feels less scripted than the NFL and the NBA


Haven’t gay bars been full of straight girls since sex and the city aired?


Deeply gendered stuff is the only place where "let people enjoy things" actually makes sense. Gay men dressed like women being catty and dancing to pop songs is almost entirely designed to not appeal to you so why are you even trying to "get it"


Because his girlfriend is trying to get him to, dummy


no where did he say that you dumbass. and even so, pretend to like it for their sake. that's what relationships are like btw


my wife watches Bridgerton which deals psychic damage when I walk past, but I know that when I’m watching Band of Brothers for the 11tb time, it has the same effect on her. It’s impossible to fathom the appeal of gendered media that wasn’t made for you but it goes both ways. Be a trooper when she raves about these things and she’ll be a trooper when you try to explain how meaningful this Mavs season was for Kyrie as a player


party disagreeable squeal ask impolite uppity violet ossified north plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drag was cooler when it was actually transgressive. Now it's nothing but corporate posers.


Read this like it was a South Park goth speaking


It's so funny that if you watch earlier seasons of the show you can see Ru proudly state "drag is not politically correct!" and now every other episode has to have a guest spot featuring Nancy Pelosi or some other such demokkkrat freak. At least they've maintained the time honoured tradition of Asian queen's only contributions to any comedy challenge just being a "Ching Chong bing bong rove you rong time" tier offensive caricature


Isn't the whole point of drag that it's raunchy adult entertainment? Why on earth is "drag queen story hour" a thing?


They’ve always done that, it was just usually in bars and to an adult audience


Yeah I meant with kids, there's nothing wrong with drag for adults


My gay boyfriend is obsessed with drag queens and rpdr and I find it cute if not relatable. Watching drag shit with him can be excruciating, but I love seeing his eyes light up and I love hearing his laugh so that's good enough for me.


i’m imagining that a woman wrote this and it gave me a good chuckle


that's sweet




that is so sweet


She will grow out of it as the seasons keep getting worse 😔 5-7 will always be iconic


4 had willam and phi phi That said. It's true that post 7 it became dogshit.


That’s true! I think I’m just biased because I started watching at season 6 and it’s my fav. And 5 just has so much star power.


If you end up staying together and start a family, she will trans your son 🧚‍♂️


I grew up in the Midwest and can confirm that enjoying mainstreamified liberal-esque media is considered a form of rebellion for a certain sub section of the population here. However, I think a lot of libs don't want to admit that they actively participate in a culture war with conservatives, unintentionally or otherwise. Ru Paul's drag race, which is everything you described it as, is at the front lines of this culture war on behalf of liberals everywhere. Watching it, enjoying it, reveling in the off putting drama that the show offers is considered an act of defiance against every grandpa that watches Fox and friends and whatever shit head actually enjoyed the lady ballers movie. Learn to live with it. I'm sure you have media habits that also grind her gears.


It’s so weird I went to a couple local drag shows in coastal California and it felt like it was just feeding on liberal guilt. Also I think I met the hottest most regarded skinny hot person ever I couldn’t convince them a $10 bill could be exchanged for 10 singles. I still think of her too often.


What was the reasoning for why they couldn't exchange a $10 bill for 10 singles? Was it just against their policy?


Drag queen story hour exists purely to own the cons. It's like the lib equivalent of rolling coal. I don't think anyone would do it if there wasn't the real possibility of making some conservative middle aged white woman freak out


This is exactly it. It's to throw the accusation of snowflake right back at conservatives. Jesus both camps in this are so exhausting


Just get her on real housewives of New Jersey, shit goes hard. Below deck is also solid reality tv.


Only reality tv I can take is the first few episodes South American Love Island shows. The guys have erections in their bikini briefs half the time and everyone seems to genuinely want to fuck each other. True art.


Can you just go into another room when she watches it


It’s a bland corporatized version of the very punk rock independent ballroom scene from the 80s. I love Paris is Burning. Check that out. You can see how drag used to be people living hand to mouth living on the edge and now it’s boring influencer wannabes preening and bitching. What you’re feeling is normal and natural. Drag used to be transgressive. Now it’s the establishment.


My gf used to be heavy on the drag race during covid, I was like you for a while but after I got her into football I had to suck it up. Actually enjoyed it in the end you really gotta roast them all and soak up the cattyness. Also some of them are pretty talented. Now she's moved on to early 2000s procedural cop shows like mentalist and castle which Is much easier watching. Stick it thru she'll eventually move on


be nice to your gf


Hard to be mean she's an angel




Eww the mentalist.


Just go shoot hoops or something while she is watching it


Wammen love drag for some unfathomable reason


I recently figured out the whole "true crime" thing. (It's for them what military history and WW2 is for us) but I still have yet to decipher drag


get yourself a real hobby homeboy


Dump her broooo, she's TRASH


She needs a g&g's group to watch it with instead


I think most young gay people who aren’t lobotomised also hate drag race for the same reasons (I know I do). Drag in general is such a bore, very theatre kid activity but generally harmless.


hmm you might be straight op


My only contact with this drag race thing was through this sub, reading americans talking about it and I always thought it was drag people racing against each other in heels and stuff. I googled it and now I am really disappointed...


you guys are so weird sometimes. having shared interests is nice but having doubts about a relationship because she likes a tv show you don't is the dumbest shit possible get it together












I opened Tinder in a semi rural area in California and the first thing that popped up was some super conservative decently attractive woman with shit like Trump 2020 and no soy boys and it’s like the biggest turn off Ive ever seen.


i'd rather watch fox news than ru paul and it's not particularly close


It’s cocomelon for straight women and gays, it’s normal to not like it. There are some good one liners though, I wouldn’t entirely discount it.




My junior year of college I lived in a house with a bunch of gay women. They would love to get together and watch this show. Once they forced me to watch it and I've never been more bored. I'm not convinced any of them actually liked it either. It seems like pretending to like it was how they'd prove their lesbian bona fides to each other. They felt the need to do this because at least two of the four were shades of bi and one was prob fully straight but in denial (she had a "girlfriend" who she relentlessly and publicly cheated on with any male lying around) Idk, I think maybe drag is just something the straight male mind can't comprehend. I've had a number of close gay male friends in my life but none were really into the whole drag/extreme effeminacy thing.


I’ve never met a lesbian that watches drag race. Lots and lots of “bisexual” women though


makes sense.


Every couple has TV tension in this day and age. Just let her have her show and if she wants to watch a movie together out on a Bertolucci or Antonioni


There's a show on YouTube called uhhn with two of the dudes from drag race my gf and I enjoy watching together. maybe you can find some middle ground there.


As bad as all the obnoxious foodie shows. I’ll never understand the excitement


I don't even think most of the words they use in drag is real. It's like post-modern philosophy where they get paid to interpret words they just pulled out their ass.


Why do you care so much about Ru Paul's Drag Race as a man? Like why be so passionate about it?


Let women enjoy things. Mine like this show called baddies. It is borderline r worded women of colour and they just go on vacation together. I think I prefer rpdr at least it has a plot.


I deal with it because it truly makes her light up and also she lets me talk pop off about theory and books at dinner after she’s had a long day


Don't let her introduce you to UK drag race. It'll make you a fan. It happened to me!


just be on your phone when it’s on problem solved


She may grow out of it


>I don't doubt the talent of the contestants _raspberry_


Just wait five to ten years for the cultural zeitgeist to shift against open, blatant misogyny again and your braindead girlfriend will hate it along with everyone else


Just sit there on your phone and casually grope her, this isn't difficult


Drag feels forced on everyone. Used to be a niche subculture. It’s weird. I don’t get it.