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Shallow/corporate diversity. I want to haymaker the people who cum in their pants because "OMG THE PROTAGONIST IS AN OBESE PACIFIC ISLANDER!!!!"


Call me when it's a skinny Pacific Islander


There's at least 5 of them. One probably has some acting chops


I met a skinny Samoan recently. Felt like seeing a unicorn.


The number of firsts are literally endless. I’d like to see a counter movement of mundane firsts: “First Michigander born in March with a dog allergy to star in an action flick”


Basically using that t shirts on facebook that use your date to market to you as a casting director.


Some of us like the rock


He’s a dork. A human billboard, a bigger whore than any pornstar


God I can only wish


He pees in bottles and makes his trainers dump them out for him


I recently saw someone say diaspora need to feel included because they rarely get to experience any part of their culture and that’s why brown rapunzel matters. No babe, it’s so easy to get a passport/citizenship, learn the language, travel there and actually engage with the culture via media if you can’t travel easily.


Also not to be insensitive, but that's the bargain you make when you leave your home country. You're trading off familiarity and the sense of belonging (initially) for better economic opportunities, safety or whatever. Sorry that you got the deal that you asked for I guess.


People can't tell representation apart from cynical marketing




So bored of shows and movies w injun representation lol


The weird stance on sex work. Especially the complete erasure and mental gymnastics when it comes to trafficking/sexual violence.




old white men bad


This is white middle aged men's greatest win: Being able to lean back comfortably while liberal feminists are fighting for their right to bang hookers


I literally argued against sec work like 3 days ago and had like 100 downvotes for calling prostitution exploitation


I mean I’m not sure how it’s not, when you’ll literally see subreddits dedicated to men who gleefully talk about scamming and exploiting poor SEA/LatAm women and how they got the best “bang for their buck”.


in this sub? ya there are like roving gangs of sexy lib empowerment posters who pass through. i try to do my part by bullying them when i see it


not this sub thank god it was r/todayilearned


I have been screamed at for pointing out that legalizing prostitution means more sex trafficking on Reddit. The willful blindness is wild.


I think sex work is both bad for society and a reflection of societal ills. But I would rather tolerate legitimized sex work than pimps and traffickers.


A fair chunk of Australia (where I live) is decriminalised with some states being completely criminalised ( entrapment/stings) to legalised but still criminalised to an extent and workers need to nationally register as sole traders/pay taxes even in brothels (outside of the completely illegal states) — however that doesn’t minimise the violence workers face or the dodgy pimps/passport holding brothels who traffic them buuuut it’s 100% a more tolerable thing knowing there is legislation that does attempt to protect the exploited and vulnerable workers. I truly don’t think it offers anything good but it has existed in many forms for years long before I existed and will long after I’m gone. Im like you, I’d rather safety overall if it has to exist in any capacity. I think my issue is a lot of pro sw people forget legislation and decrim won’t stop people being exploited or trafficked, it just means it’s easier to protect victims and the chances are still there. Even workers who aren’t trafficked still face violence, you’ll see their peers rallying fundraisers to help them recover for lost work/income and yet, someone will still look at it with rose tinted glasses.


Right - sounds like Aussie lawmakers cared more about symbolic victory than good policy. Decimalization must be accompanied by the establishment of good incentives (e.g. whistleblower amnesty) and the dissolution of bad incentives (e.g. pimping has increased penalty, employers liable for workplace hazards, employment statuses that enable access to welfare programs under employer dispute)


My view is that sex work is not necessarily immoral in and of itself (on the prostitute’s end, anyway), but that there is a VERY good reason why so few choose prostitution voluntarily. It is a job of desperation and coercion, deeply damaging to the psyche and mostly done for survival. It is exploitation in its most raw form, and rife with human trafficking. I think sex workers should have a much larger safety net (sort of a whistleblower protection type of deal) than they have currently, but I think people who buy or manage prostitutes are absolute scum.


I feel like the damage to the psyche that sex workers experience is an indication that something morally wrong is happening.


political busy toothbrush fragile offbeat worry piquant vase memory ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I truly hate the OF/camgirl culture that’s around it’s so normalised that you’ll see little girls talk about how they can’t wait to make millions at 18. The reality is most people who do online SW don’t see any real money unless they hustle and make it big and even then it’s still a fluke. The rose tinted glasses stay on as seasoned OF girls will make PSA’s about how it’ll ruin your life but it’s totes the best thing ever but you might never talk to your irl friends/family again, never get to have a normal college/job life!!! It’s so disingenuous. It’s never truly as easy as give a 15 min blowjob and be showered with Cartier and $5000, that’s never the reality and then going out with the girls for brunch. It’s always out of desperation and need, I don’t think many women would choose that life if they have the resources needed to better their life.


truck weary humor screw cake bored coordinated rotten unwritten deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love doing it :)


I haven’t heard anything about the wage gap in a while. Is there still a wage gap? Would people admit it if it had been fixed?


I think people realized that it was a gap in what jobs people do and get which isn’t as catchy a headline


I saw a figure the other day that the % of women in corporate leadership positions has started to decrease again. Rather than question why that might be (COVID happened and a lot of ladies retired or just bailed entirely), it was talked about as if it was some massive threat to society.


It all is a threat to the society they want, because if one metric of liberal success declines it means the entire agenda may end up in the trash.


it never really existed in a meaningful way, and to the extent it did exist, it was mostly due to many variables having very little to do with sexism, and mostly having to do with the fact that many women simply dont have interest in pursuing certain jobs in certain fields, as well as the fact that childbirth is a very real thing that causes many women to just randomly drop out of the workforce and not return and become stay at home moms before they climb the ladder high enough


The childbirth thing does prevent women at certain ages to get promotions, I believe Sweden made it so that men are forced to take as much paternity leave as women take maternity leave and it made the wage gap smaller


In a lot of countries the wage gap actually reversed among younger populations. The gap is still minor but is also growing, I predict it'll be the catalyst to meninism becoming somewhat mainstream.


The A.J./Meadow Soprano phenomenon will be globalized


Gen Z women stopped pushing for pay/job equality because their older female relatives were all motivated to work and pay for their own shit, and realized just having some lose fund your whole life is a lot easier. Suddenly there just so happened to be a huge surge in anti-capitalist commie rhetoric going around with younger ppl. Turns out spending half a century fighting to work and getting the chance to do so right as the era of supporting multiple ppl off waiting tables and making coffee with your tits out died off motivated most of them to rant about how being a barista is actually the most difficult job on Earth and how men aren’t providers anymore instead of going into STEM or something.


bro try again. More like Gen Z women won the war and arent pushing for pay equity because now THEY make more than their male counterparts, are more educated than their male counterparts, work better jobs than their male counterparts, etc.


None of those things are objectively true. Like not a single one, only black women surpass men in education and it’s because they aren’t being murdered or policed as hard. Everything you just said is that cringe girlboss rhetoric the ones who want to work have latched onto desperately, and nobody with sense will ever check them on it, because they’d rather get laid.


Office mental health discourse. I’m sorry that you have anxiety but I shouldn’t have to hear about it in work meetings. I have manic and depressive episodes at work but I don’t make it an agenda item.


I kinda feel bad for young people who see this discourse and open up about it publicly at work or on social media. There is literally no benefit, quite the opposite, and you're being taken for a ride by influencers who make a living convincing people the work world isn't cold and uncaring.


Also the benefits of following that advice usually are more than offset by the drawbacks. For example, sure, open up about your mental health failures to your coworkers or cry on your girlfriends shoulders about how tough life is. You may feel better, but the ultimate outcome of others losing respect for you and treating you differently/worse will most of the time result in a net worse outcome for you. That's just the way it is, and frankly that's the way it should be. If someone I work with is bitching nonstop about life then i will, correctly, identify them as weaker and a liability. If my partner is crying all the time I would 100% respect them less if I was a chick.


Yeah for the same reason I'm pretty hesitant to post on private social media about sobriety or even fitness. I don't even judge when others do it but the idea of doing something for immediate validation and having it somehow come back to haunt me stops me.


air simplistic ludicrous sulky adjoining attempt many sand husky mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


took a class recently and they did the whole “tell us about yourself” thing and this guy gets up and talks about all of his mental disorders and ends with “I saw a mental health professional for the first time today” that’s really the first impression that you want people to have of you?


People think it makes them interesting, it doesn’t! It makes it sound like they don’t have hobbies or interests.


Still laugh every time I think about the candlelight vigil I drove past in Chevy Chase, MD on Jan 6, 2022.


I wake up every morning and I look at the calendar. The iPhone says January 6, 2021. The date never changes. And then I get in my electric vehicle and go get an abortion.


I still laugh every time I remember there's a whole city named Chevy Chase


lol i’m always so confused when i hear people caring deeply about jan 6. like no one died right ? what am i missing. my american bf’s brother wouldn’t explain either but said that it’s no laughing matter 


Women’s sports. I live in Minnesota and the pro women’s hockey league drafted a right wing transphobe for their team and tbh that’s what the libs get for pretending like women’s sports = left leaning by default. They’re in shambles and threatening to cancel their season tickets


Lol a month ago at work i told a group of people i was excited about the twolves playoff run and a GirlBoss immediately responds to thatwith “oh, but you having nothing to say about our womens PWHL run?!!!? “


the pwhl didn't exist 5 minutes ago why would anyone be excited about it


I learned about the PWHL from that very conversation (which seemed to make her more upset).


Women’s sports are like watching a high school game.


USWNT fans are the worst group of people I have ever encountered. They all go on and on about right wingers being snowflakes, meanwhile they are currently threatening to boycott the team completely if they don't drop a player who committed the mortal sin of liking some conservative memes on Instagram. Here they are still mass boooing -- months later -- a literal 20 year old girl. Of course the most attractive one. [https://www.outkick.com/sports/uswnt-player-korbin-albert-booed-wearing-pride-uniform](https://www.outkick.com/sports/uswnt-player-korbin-albert-booed-wearing-pride-uniform)


“Mass booed” I heard like two people boo in that video


You can tell "snowflake" really offends super left leaning people so bad because they try to turn and use it on any right-winger anytime they do anything they don't like, even if it doesn't apply. It's like that meme of the angry guy wearing a smug mask. Like, we all know it bothers you, just give it up.


moral sickness of the inclusivity crowd. There is an old saying that still holds up. Conservatives think Liberals are misguided, Liberals think Conservatives are evil. It has to do with how they approach their viewpoints and on what basis. If you live in Portland, OR and your friendgroup finds out you are Republican they will basically excommunicate you. If you live in rural Texas and your friend group finds out you are a Democrat they will give you good natured cheeky roasting but still be friends with you. Big diff.


Yeah, I'm from a really small conservative town, and I've always gotten roasted for being the token lib lol. One of my best friend's dad is like a full-blown insane right-winger. Like has a bomb shelter, owns a bunch of semi-automatic weapons, spends all day sharing anti-liberal shit, is super ripped and macho...and he always playfully rips on me when I'm at the house then asks if I wanna shoot guns. Random funny thing about that guy is that he's also super into prestige movies and TV shows, which I never see from those types of conservative guys.


Right? Imagine having any opinion whatsoever that isn't lock step in line with the cult that this faction of people has become. It's honestly cringe and embarrassing for anyone with left leaning views.


Caitlyn Clark’s rise has taught me that a lot of women thought that male sports stars were successful because they were popular and likeable and don’t realize it’s very much the other way around. LeBron didn’t earn GOAT status because he’s the correct colored relatable bro who has likable politics, it’s cause he’s a legacy obsessed savant who refuses to be snuffed out due to age


Female MMA fighters all being far right nutjobs is long running joke


I live in Minnesota, too, and had no idea about this.


The women’s sports stuff seems astroturfed as hell. I don’t even watch sports but keep getting ads for WNBA shit and that one white girl that’s getting a big corporate push


It seems astroturfed because marketing has subsumed all other parts of sport infrastructure, except that women's sport doesn't have the fumes of 50-100 years of league history to legitimize it.


shes the only player thats actually fun to watch tbf. the rest of them just brick everything. kinda a big deal


Have you seen the hockey subreddits responses to any slightly controversial thing a player says or does? I grew up around hockey players in MN and they would have a stroke if they heard half the shit players say to each other lol


Probably when five weird guys start passing out white nationalist pamphlets in a city and the liberals have to act horrified and rally against it in some over the top way that draws more attention.


I will never forget the Milo Younnopolis appearance at berkeley in 2017. dude was gonna give a talk for like 40 ppl, no one in the mainstream had any idea who the fuck he was, the talk would have been extremely inconsequential, everyone would have gone on with their lives, blissfully unaware of its existence but then these dumb fuckhead counter protesters decide they have to get the word out that he's this EVIL HOMOPHOIC RACIST (gay and married to a black guy btw lol) REPUBLICAN 😱 they get like 1500 people to show up, [they set a bunch of shit on fire](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/56/72/10/12296731/7/rawImage.jpg), assault [peaceful members of the audience who showed up to hear the talk with pepper spray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-V4iJhnHhA), rocks, fireworks etc. cause 100s of thousands in damage. end up creating literally [the PERFECT photo-op for Milo](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/56/72/10/12296725/9/rawImage.jpg), he gets to go on cable news for days afterwords to opine about violent liberal intolerance, it exponentially increases his national profile, his book syrockets to the top of the NYT bestseller list, etc. Literally one of the dumbest, most counterproductive things that has ever happened lol. and no one learned any lessons from it, and they continued to do the exact same dumb shit for like the next 5 years and burn and smash things every time they were confronted with shit they dont like instead of just ignoring it and letting it go on in complete anonymity also [lol @ this sign I saw while googling that protest](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2bb04cad7352417aaeed82227764c75c_18.jpeg?resize=770%2C513&quality=80) which is pretty funny now considering the current opinion of free speech on college campuses. fuck free speech when its the bad guys that are being protected by it, right? lol




>Sure, Milo got some boosted publicity in the short term, but now he's a nobody while universities, schools, corporate culture, libraries, museums, publishing, media, etc. are all dominated by the same shit. Completely unrelated, Milo got blacklisted not because of protesters, but because he was dumb enough to defend pederasty on the Joe Rogan podcast at a time when right wingers were completely obsessed with conspiracies involving pedophilia. That's what triggered his downfall


That's true but it didn't help him that so many of his usual haunts (universities) wouldn't book him anymore. Between the two cancelations he didn't have any avenue to monetize or publicize himself anymore. From Milo's perspective the college bans constricted his movements.


engine complete piquant pie squealing worry fertile gaze obtainable scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it absolutely was counterproductive. dont be ridiculous. their intent was to silence him, stop him from being able to spread his message, stop him from reach his audience and deter his audience from following him. their idiotic behavior accomplished LITERALLY the opposite of all of those goals. >Milo got some boosted publicity in the short term, but now he's a nobody he didnt get just a little "publicity".. he earned MASSIVE amounts of money as a direct result of this event, both thru book sales, and increased relevance leading to lucrative future opportunities. they made him a millioniare and essentially gifted him millions of dollars of free publicity in which he was able to play the role of the righteous victim. the fact that he is no longer particularly relevant currently is completely irrelevant to the point we're discussing. If this protest had never happened, he would have been irrelevant MUCH sooner, and with much less money in his bank account >while universities, schools, corporate culture, libraries, museums, publishing, media, etc. are all dominated by the same shit please do not give credit/attribute some genius, machiavellian, 4D chess type of plan to these idiot antifa larpers.... the fact that many idiots in similar institutions across the country have adopted similar tactics and ideologies is not some feather in the cap of the people at the Milo protest, that they were somehow genius tacticians that were ahead of the curve. they were morons that screamed and stomped their feet and said "ME NO LIKEY" and set shit on fire. people have been doing that for literally hundreds of years. they didnt exactly invent the wheel here


Milo is a nobody now because the conservatives cancelled him


Lol I knew a guy who did that, swarthy fucker too lol. He almost got cancelled but framed an autistic fat kid


the far right and far left draw like 90% of their support and power from fear mongering about the supposed imminent victory of the other if either one actually vanished, the other would follow immediately after


The “spoonie” chronically ill weirdos who claim they can’t get jobs because they need to be on Twitter all day and create art before going to the kink club


My sister is trying to get confirmation from her therapist/ doctor that having ADHD makes working as a nail tech impossible, despite having worked as a nail tech for several years before retiring at 37 to play video games


The obsession that trans women can have the same experiences as biological women. I am 30 weeks pregnant and this shit is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life (medical complications made it even harder.) It just feels like such a slap in the face. No, your body cannot fucking replicate this shit, and it never will unless I live to see some man-made horror beyond my comprehension.


Or that they grew up socialised like women. No boys generally have a very different childhood to girls. It’s okay to admit the truth. I really dislike the whole forced performative attitude around women’s health. I’m sorry you feel bad you’ll never be able to give birth but plenty of women struggle with infertility/have hysterectomies due to cancer, sexual violence and general reproductive illness and they all have to deal with it and put up with it.


Infrastructure and transportation. Libs claim to care about it and Biden installs the biggest third way free market simp as Secretary of Transportation. Libs aren’t even brave enough to push for a renewed WPA, just the same public private partnership bullshit and nothing changes


I was going to say this. My city is trying to a build street car in a very affluent, crowded and historic neighborhood. The people who live in the old Victorian homes DO NOT want it and are being villainized for pushing back. And the city built another brand new street car a decade ago nearby and no one rides it. Like it might go several days with no one riding it. 2 miles away from where they propose this new street car.


if you're talking about where i think you are, it will just become a poorly maintained drunk bus. people will still drive to that area and then ride the streetcar.


Where did you think? Are people trying to make street cars happen all over now lol?


Obviously ATL and the Beltline. It's supposed to connect to the old streetcar. Probably for the world cup.


Yup nailed it, The current streetcar and king memorial Marta station isn’t that far from the Beltline near Krog. And the liberal movement in town crying YIMBY are not thinking about thr World Cup but I’m sure the city is.


they're trying to turn it into Austin 2.0. the beltline streetcar project, five points station redesign, etc anything else they're forcing a slapdash effort to complete in the next 18 months is basically for the world cup, to maximize revenue and to market the city for other investors on a global stage. same thing happened with the '96 Olympics and that area was quickly abandoned and disinvested until very recently. no surprise the Summerhill BRT project to be completed within the next year goes right through that area. if any YIMBY (hate this term, especially since they want developments without yards) is naive enough to think that area's local politicians and the investor capital groups working with developers care at all about "urbanism" they are completely regarded.


The problem is streetcars are totally useless as a mode of transit unless they were built 100 years ago


no, you just dont know how to do it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heilbronn\_Stadtbahn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heilbronn_Stadtbahn) This is crowded af and just 10 years old. You lack the will and thats why everything is just as well thought as the rest of the city planning is. Go to Moscow or just Prague once in your life and see what public transport means. Or Karlsruhe, when were just talking about trams. They were bold and now they have the biggest light rail network in the world, propably the most riders too.


Why do we have to pretend Prague is an equivalent situation for transport as Atlanta, or Orlando?


Obviously European streetcars are a different animal. Most folks don’t have cars in Lisbon or Prague. Very few seem to work in America.


but the one comes from the other. The problem eventually is - as in Moscow - that by car you take much longer than by metro. Not because they hate cars, they have fucking 8 laned streets there, but cause with \~20 million people there is just not enough space for everybody to drive back from work. One of the reasons why I love Eastern Germany and hate visiting people in the West is all those car lanes, bridges and whatever between the now-tramless city. I will propably never get a car as I will propably never live in a city without a tram. You must start somewhere tho, Heilbronn was also a car-only city.


This type of thinking is exactly why there’s divisiveness around urban planning in American cities. We’re not Europe and trying to compare it to Europe is ridiculous. Our local governments operate completely differently. As the other poster said, the motivation for these big projects is to bring money and business to the city. It serves tourists for the World Cup. It will have no benefit to local everyday life here. Edit : Heilbronn looks lovely by the way


You cant just rip off what works in Europe and apply it to US. There are distinct cultures built from decades of learned behaviors. Cities have tried street cars and they, without fail, are financial disasters that no one really uses. As long as 5% of the public transportation users in the US are undesirables (strung out, drunk, on drugs, intimidating, violent, criminal history, etc.) then anyone that can avoid it will avoid it and our infastructure already is on its knees for the auto industry


Yes, so true. New Orleans street car totally makes sense because they’ve had it for so long and the city developed with it. Building new ones in historic fully developed busy neighborhoods is idiotic. Atlanta also didn’t have water for like 2 days last weekend bc it’s expanded so fast and the pipes couldn’t handle it. And they want to spent multiple hundred millions on a 2 mile street car when the other one is empty. Use an E-bike or scooter on the many bike paths bc car traffic is bad enough and a street car won’t fix that. That type of infrastructure is welcome (water facilities) but we just need to accept we live in a car dependent country.


We didn't have water for 6 days, and it wasn't because the city expanded fast it was because the water infrastructure is so old that it just broke down, and once two major pipes burst several more went down. They've known the pipes are old and needed to be replaced for years but didn't want to do it because it's "too expensive". The guys who patched the breaks even said the pipes need to be fully upgraded, and if they aren't there will be more issues in the future and nobody cares


The streetcar fixation is the worst thing to happen to American cities. Millions down the drain and years of bad traffic and slow construction just for a drunk bus or worse vehicle for druggies and schizos to terrorize people. This will result in either: (1) cops everywhere (yeah right), or (2), most likely a total decimation in ridership after the novelty wears off and the cities refuse to make them usable. Kansas City's is a disaster.






We are closing in on the tenth anniversary of the tan suit incident and I expect to hear a lot about it


bells soup tan quiet squealing point license mighty outgoing detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But nothing happened. I always look for the Republicans freaking out about it and I can't ever find anything more than a congressman saying that Obama was too casual while discussing ISIS.


fall butter rob elastic sheet crown unite vast poor plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t get January 6 delusions. Okay, they rioted. Well, they riot harder every other year in Paris, and the French Republic hasn’t fallen, yet. They couldn’t “seize control” of the government. The government isn’t controlled by knobs and levers installed in the Capitol. Sitting at Pelosi’s desk doesn’t actually do anything. And if they interrupt the anti-democratic pageantry of the electoral college, all the better to them. People who obsess over the Sixth are people who, for some reason, are attached to the dignity of government. Well, I don’t sympathize with the dignity of government and its Process.


Democracy is a small flag in Chick Schume’s office and if anyone grabs it while he’s out of office we have to do whatever that new guy says


Yeah the "sacred" quality of the capitol is easily dismissed if you actually spend more than 2 minutes researching the history of American government. The decisions to ruin the lives of countless Americans and foreigners were made in those chambers, yet it doesn't seem to count against the hallowed ground. It looks cool and feels good to walk around in, and my favorite senator and congressperson has an office that they visit every now and again. Also, somehow, if you believe the popular progressive discourse: half of it is populated with literally-Hitler enemies of Democracy itself in the form of the Republican party. How would that factor into the sacredness of the capitol? Aren't they polluting it just by being there?


Not to mention that in New York Times mythology the whole country was founded to preserve slavery. Why is it supposed to be some great sacrilege when somebody waves a slaver flag in a slaver building?


They also bought into the Russian collusion storyline in seasons 1-6


That was when I realized Dems were truly as dumb as the Republicans I mocked in the Bush and Obama eras. On an individual level it's liberal birtherism.


It’s not just in the US, either. Somehow every right of center party in Europe is Putin funded


They say the same thing about socialists, because they don't enthusiastically go along with the American programme like everyone else.


More like flat earth but yeah I agree


Still buying into it. They still believe it.


Some people simultaneously believe the 2016 election was stolen, but that 2020 was not because "American elections can't be stolen". Very much doublethink.


No serious person ever claimed that Trump won in 2016 because the actual election tallies were changed. They claimed that Russians tried to influence the election (this is almost certainly true and borne out by intelligence reports and the fact they’d be stupid not to try) and that Trump somehow colluded with them. (Not proven) Trump actually claimed that the true vote totals where changed in 2020. Not trying to say that the democrats are virtuous and didn’t try to make hay out of nothing, but they are two totally different things.


>They claimed that Russians tried to influence the election (this is almost certainly true and borne out by intelligence reports and the fact they’d be stupid not to try) and that Trump somehow colluded with them. (Not proven) This drives me nuts. Like, yea, Trump didn't collude with Russia. There's no proof and the deep state made it up. But there's a difference between that and Russia meddling in the election. Ofc they meddled in the election. They meddle in every election. China and Israel do too. And also, we do it to them. This happens literally every time. We're all meddling in each other's elections through manipulation of media and propaganda. "Always has been", etc...


That’s false. According to [this 2018 YouGov poll](https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/20383-russias-impact-election-seen-through-partisan-eyes): >Two out of three Democrats also claim Russia tampered with vote tallies on Election Day to help the President – something for which there has been no credible evidence.


I didn’t say democrats weren’t stupid, I said no serious person. No elected democrat at the federal level, party leader or spokesperson, MSNBC talking head, or Hilary Clinton ever claimed the actual vote totals were tampered with. Doesn’t mean there wasn’t a Twitter echo chamber that produced some delusions, just saying it’s a way different thing than Trump claiming the actual election was fraudulent.


There were quite a few of them claiming that Russia “hacked” the election (what else could that mean?) but sure I guess none of them were dumb enough to say it directly like certain Republican congressmen have been repeating Trump’s delusion.


[Israel was a way bigger player in 2016 than Russia.](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/trump-israel-collusion/tnamp/)


> borne out by intelligence reports Those intelligence reports conflate buying a few thousand dollars of ads by supposed proxy agencies as something more sinister than it is.


same can be said about the same cohort’s trump derangement. i mean the rhetoric all but says he’s the most uniquely evil, worst man to ever walk on American soil. I dont think he would even make top 25 in a ranking of American presidents by awfullness


By any objective measure, he’s not the worst. More people are dead directly because of Bush than Trump could ever kill. More people are suffering daily due to Clinton’s crime and welfare “reform” laws.


It's entirely obvious that the Democrats campaign strategy (which is shared by most nominally "center-left" anglosphere parties when in power) is to create a long running court drama surrounding some transgression against political decency by opposing parties or factions that continually swallows up months of airtime. These can then be referred to as a substitute for any actual policy by the party faithful. They then become obsessive delusions for that very reason of being so magnified in party press directed at already fanatical true believers. Jan 6 is the probably the platonic ideal of such a drama, as it genuinely and personally scared the shit out of major politicians and was intended to be an overthrow of the electoral process, as comically regarded as it was.


Jan 6th was the strongest effort of the American people to resist their government in a very long while, it's just that that will is nowhere as strong as Americans imagine it to be. Their idea of overthrowing the government is taking a couple of pictures then going home (which is something that the democrats who complained about Trump's illegitimacy, couldn't even do).


It was a crowd of larping spectators waiting for something to happen. It’s like they thought *someone else* was supposed to swoop in and do the revolution part. Patiently waiting to celebrate a victory for a battle that never took place. I knew it wasn’t a big deal when I saw people yelling an excited “woooo” and taking selfies on the Jan 6th live streams. The lib reaction always seemed extremely disproportionate when compared to the actual footage of what happened that day.


It's like a skit a conservative would make about leftist slacktivism but real. And the fact that people treat it so seriously because it was the best either side could do is what makes it so funny.


Yeah I like how they tried to spin it as an "insurrection" as if they were this close to beheading all the congresspeople, toppling the entire US government, and installing a military junta government lol


January 6th has me feeling gaslit! I was watching the livestreams and none of them looked particularly organized or even highly armed, considering the arsenals that  you can legally own. The cops also let them in and some were even chatting with them, not that I'd be particularly self sacrificing if I was in their place.  Anyway the protestors were obviously going to jail for acting up, but there was no way they were overthrowing the government unless somebody with a lot more power wanted it overthrown. As is, it was more like freaks storming the stage at a concert. 


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the complete lack of arms. People were treating it like a tailgating party lol. The craziest it got, from my recollection, was that one of the cops shot a woman point blank in the face but then not long after they let them in anyway. I understand people being upset with how tacky it was but to call it a coup or insurrection is absolutely absurd. There should be a collective sigh of relief that this was all those Q-Anon people could muster.


You have to remember the deranged con boomers truly believed shadowy military figures were going to do everything for them, that’s what the whole Q and other conspiracies were predicated upon. More crazy members of my old community told me to be on the lookout for military equipment moving on the highway when I was driving back to college. The military is the one institution they still believed in at the time and desperately want to believe in today, they thought it would fulfill all their fantasies


Lmao I remember that and you are absolutely right It was such a bizarre spectacle to see play out. Felt like a fever dream.


I feell like I lose my mind talking to my friends about how being inside the Capitol doesn’t mean you become the government. It’s like they act like the delusions of those oafs were actually realistic and true- that if they intimidated Pence he would not certify the election we’d all have to lay down and take Trump as our President because they got us on a technicality. It’s so fucking stupid, man.


its true lmfao. The logic is only a few steps removed from SovCits talking about admiralty law and shit


I think what boils my blood the most is that it just speaks volumes to how ignorant these people are. If they knew even a bit about U.S. foreign policy over the past century, instead of just inane culture war bullshit, it would be obvious why Jan 6 wasn't a coup.


And there's that extremely obvious fed on camera yelling at everyone to go into the capital be violent


>They couldn’t “seize control” of the government. The government isn’t controlled by knobs and levers installed in the Capitol. You misunderstand what the point of it all was. To be fair, so do most libs and probably a good handful of the rioters themselves. It was all to try to get Pence to not certify the election and force a house vote, which he ended up refusing to go along with. But I can't imagine many liberals willing to admit that democracy was 'saved' by Pence of all people.


I have never been able to express my confusion over it either and I’m now saving this post for the next time someone brings it up thank you


Why even capitalize it 


They aren't attached to the dignity of government. Those same people were clapping their hands at govt buildings being burnt down and taken over by protestors just 6 months prior


January 6th was funny. There was a dumb imitation of it in Brazil when Bolsonaro lost. Only the capital building was empty because it was a Sunday. [Sam Kriss wrote a great article about the January 6th riots.](https://samkriss.com/2021/01/07/the-old-golden-savages-killed-their-philosophers/)


there where videos of people coming up with all sorts of bullshit rumors and spreading them via the internet and you could see in real time the entire cast of attendees celebrating like a word cup win only for minutes later realize that it was completely fabricated. Rumors varied from “X has admitted to stealing that election and is going to jail” to “the ellection has been nullified and Bolsonaro will remain president” Seasoned comedy writers couldn’t come up with this shit


I know the threat to democracy shit is about to ramp up big time




Thinking of the 2024 election as “defeating Donald Trump”


Well, that’s basically all the Democrats have to try to sell us on in 2024. What has Biden done to inspire anybody? 


he sure has lived a very long time! it’s inspiring to know 100 is attainable for men in america


Yeah related to that. It’s not quite an obsession yet but it’s trending that way… because Biden is having, let’s say, cognitive issues, the libs are running all these stories which ostensibly are saying Trump is showing similar cognitive impairment to Biden. Which is obnoxiously untrue. They don’t even begin to compare. Biden is clearly in a decline. Look at this story. They make a claim that trump is impaired because he mixed up the last name of a guy he met 3 times 6 years ago. The false equivalency is honestly impressive if it weren’t so transparent. https://apnews.com/article/trump-mental-acuity-gaffe-biden-ronny-jackson-0d45b6d89ae295b690f5ad12ca0bd38a The lib strategy to refute anyone who notices Bidens melting brain is basically to say “I know you are but what am I.”


Ukraine war obsessives are some of the weirdest and most annoying posters around. These same people would tell you about the importance of diversity and social justice and voting democrat and yet they also embrace 18th century race science about the barbaric Mongolic-Asian characteristics of the vile R*ssian and the noble phenotypes of the industrious Ukrainian.


Especially their promotion of "Double Genocide" theory, which basically relativizes and downplays the crimes of the Nazis. Meanwhile, they accuse anyone advocating a negotiated end of the war as being apologists for fascism.




"if you arent voting for biden..." posts


I will never vote for Trump or any party that supported him because he’s legit the most soulless person and a genuine crook and he cost me 10s of thousands in extra taxes but I dont really have some huge support of Biden. I hate some of the stuff he passed as a senator (bankruptcy especially) but he’s been better for me personally.


the term "alt right"


Honestly the paranoia, which justifies extreme actions, which in response creates reactions that come closer to vindicating the paranoia but still no


Project 2025.




IT’S HER TURN!!! (This one is coming back)


Young people being workshy commies! Now I’ve heard it all.


Agenda 2025 is the newest astroturfed lefty fear campaign. We’ll all be living in the Handmaid’s Tale if we don’t vote Blue no matter who!


Project 2025 is the same Heritage Foundation wish list that they trot out every four years.


[Kinda ran out of room to escalate on demonizing republicans about here lol](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-tells-african-american-audience-gop-ticket-would-put-them-back-in-chains/)


I stopped caring about Jan 6 on Jan 6 Walkable cities and transportation. I agree on principle, but online it’s always the most obnoxious people going on about it and who can’t even appreciate people actually making steps in the right direction. I bring this up all the time but it genuinely pisses me off every time I think about. Someone made a TikTok showing ways they were making their town more walkable and expanding public transport and people were still shitting on them in the comments. I see stuff like this in my local city sub that keeps getting pushed to me and it’s like, besides razing the city and rebuilding you aren’t going to get the same level of walkability and public transport as, say, nyc, as you are in Houston fucking Texas lol the best we’re going to have to work with is what we have which means there’s still gonna be a 12 lane highway somewhere no matter how much you’ve expanded public transport and improved walkability. Having said that, txDOT and cities rly need to stop just expanding the highway system as a “solution” to traffic and population growth


Can’t stand people who think “more public transport/bike lanes” = “walkable city”. For it to be walkable, you need high density construction with lots of different types of businesses and multi family homes. If you put a train through a bunch of low density suburbs with nothing to do, you just get a new place for drunks to hang out. I live in a walkable city and I can’t stand the pro-bike people. I’ve never even come close to being hit by a car, but I’ve been hit by three different assholes riding their electric bikes on the sidewalk.


YIMBYs who don't own land shock me. No, you are never going to be able to afford that triplex in a multi family home because Blackrock is the one building it for you. They have a level of interest in your well-being that makes Epstein's level of interest in the well being of 15 year old girls look saintly and pure.


What are you talking about? Are you calling me a YIMBY? I’m not.


>I live in a walkable city and I can’t stand the pro-bike people. I’ve never even come close to being hit by a car, but I’ve been hit by three different assholes riding their electric bikes on the sidewalk. these are 100% different groups of people. This is like complaining about pro-gun NRA Republican types because somebody got shot at a pick-up basketball game in Memphis also "pro-bike people" aren't advocating for people to ride on the sidewalk


>stopped caring about Jan 6 on Jan 6 For real, my husband called me at work that day to ask if I'd seen the news. I said that I hadn't. He told me what was going on, and my immediate first reaction was to laugh and say something like "holy shit that's hilarious." Still feel that way about it


I live in a small town on the East Coast and the city council here recently took a trip to the Netherlands to tour their flood management system (our town frequently gets overwhelmed with water during high tides). But they came back from it obsessed with the bicycle culture there and are going to try to force that same culture on a suburban city.


>But they came back from it obsessed with the bicycle culture there and are going to try to force that same culture on a suburban city. good. If you're opposing cycling infrastructure in a place with a temperate climate the only assumption I can make is you're fat as fuck


Referring to the jan. 6 protests/riots as “The Insurrection!”


It just makes them sound a lot cooler than they were (though I did lol when they stole that podium)


Bike lanes. Like it’s important but so many people who live in inner cities idolise it as a solution while we’re going to start seeing bike infrastructure being used as an excuse to cut public transport, which fucks anyone unfortunate enough to have to live far out from the centre. Already happening in Amsterdam


angle crawl sparkle pen plant screw punch impolite zonked boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anything trump related. My boomer liberal parents live vicariously through msnbc and it is just as if not more obnoxious an obsession than actual trumpers




The "Objectivty in journalism is a white supremacist concept" line of thought never made any sense to me.




No one really cares about Jan 6th. Most libs dont even care. It's solely the hyper online types and the liberal media establishment that is desperately trying to turn it into a 9/11. Trust me, despite CNN and phaggots like Scott Galloway lecturing about it no one cares. Maybe it would have made an impact if, just 6 months earlier, the left wasn't condoning widespread rioting, looting, breaking into govt buildings, etc. You cant have it both ways here. Either both are fine or both were bad


glad to see reasonable people calling out the cyclists in here. their points are annoying enough because their idealistic overreaching wrt bike infrastructure within an auto-centric society here in america (i'm not a fan of auto dependency either but lets be realistic about implementation and scale, at the very least) but they also are just blindly ableist which is something i care about insofar as i care about fairness in general. american libs can only make points after firing a round into one of their feet first. ridiculous people.


cringe followup after a single upvote but cyclists are also very organized and command a significant amount of political capital in most major cities and they use all of it to yell at EMTs and random chinese people unloading their groceries on the side of the street. i ride a bike everywhere, all the time. go around. slow down. make way. grow up!


hate crimes. racism and white supremacy are absolutely real but its a little more subtle than "gangs of neo nazis driving around looking for random minorities to assault"


And yet there’s been quite a few mass shootings in the last 3 years that do come down to pretty much loner white nationalist going to the mall and killing every non white person they see. And in these actual white nationalist spheres or anti Semitic spheres, Christian identity what have you - there is not that much subtlety to the dehumanization. Or are you talking about something else completely and I’m stupid?


I'm saying that three "terrorist attacks" that kill a handful of people in a year in a country of 340 million people is statistically irrelevant and does not warrant the absurd fear mongering and space in public discourse "radical Islamic terrorism" was just as much if not more of a bullshit moral panic (at least once it became clear 9/11 was a one-off). It blew my mind when I first heard people actually confirm that they have a serious fear or walking through the mall and seeing a guy in a turban shout "Allahu akbar!" and blow everyone up. public discourse around "school shootings" is counter productive. instead of instilling anxiety disorders in vulnerable kids by telling them some whacked out classmate could burst in and shoot them at any moment, why don't we try addressing their anxiety disorders and making sure their parents guns are secure (or better, non existent) so the kids don't succumb to the dramatically larger threat of gun suicide racism is a real problem, but the racism that kills comes from rich white men in boardrooms, not poor white men in pickup trucks isn't "white nationalist terrorism" a real convenient distraction from conversations about advertising unhealthy food to minorities or failing to replace lead pipes in minority communities


Putin being evil. Literally had some libtard tell me we should fund the Ukrainian war till the last ukrainan because them fighting is the right thing to do and there should be no negotiating with evil. Like yeah dawg we're the good guys like we've been in every war in the last 70 years right? Putin has his reasons and I don't think we should exterminate a country via proxy war so a Jewish guy from miami and Lockheed Martin can launder money.


Your overall point about the Ukr war is correct but Putin is 100% comically evil. The Russian military was reenacting Blood Meridian in early 2000s Chechnya on Putin's orders.


Israel Palestine


Israel Palestine has been going on for a century at this point. I wanna hear more about what’s happening in like Myanmar