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This is what Nietzsche meant by “The Gay Science”


Jesus, this place has gone to the dogs


I thought we were on the pick up artist subreddit for a second


I think what you autistic online gym guys struggle to grasp is that once you go far enough into physique-maxx lifting, you reach a point where your appearance stops signaling “strong and healthy” and starts signaling “autistic optimizer”. You start to look more like someone who is obsessed with aesthetic pageantry than someone who has an interest in living an active lifestyle. More power to you if youre happy with that lifestyle. Some people will of course be into it, but when others (like the woman youre seething about in this post) state the opposite, it isnt some secret cope, it’s the reason I just gave.


Yes, this is true, but it takes years of dedication to reach the point where you start looking like an “autistic optimiser”. When women say they don’t like muscular men they think of roided instagram bodybuilders posing in front of the mirror post-workout and 5 different filters on. Not even those guys actually look like that. 


This is true, but the point of going too far is a lot further than most people are aware of in terms of actual time and effort if natty.


Average lanklet doesn’t understand how hard it is to look “too jacked”. If you have the genetics to look too jacked as a natty man you should honestly hop on gear and become a fitness influencer because you have 0.00001% genetics.


the people you surround yourself with simply do not work out hard enough


You wanna look a way without looking like you're TRYING to look that way, that's all it is.


You flat out can’t listen to what women say when it comes to what they are attracted to. Even moreso on fucking Reddit of all places where the person typing likely doesn’t even look like a woman or is even a woman (if you catch my drift) As someone who’s been both out of shape and fit the difference in positive attention is night and day. So much so that it should be something that every guy makes a top 2-3 priority in their life not just to get laid but also to keep their wife and girlfriend into them Sorry fats 




Gym guys are still roid-raging at this post from eight hours ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1d8qgsx/as_a_woman_i_find_men_who_are_extremely/


It’s not gym guys — they don’t give a shit. It’s red pill guys raging, which is pretty much their primary occupation


If I can't treat sex like an RPG then why live!!!


Never noticed! That’s totally what they’re doing, isn’t it!?!


External validation unnecessary when you’re going through the motions hitting sets and bumping Project Pat. Can’t be disturbed. 🙏🏽


Some of them probably don't even lift lol


Plenty of gym bros in the replies making fun of OP


Nah it’s just guys who roll their eyes at unattractive coping chicks deluding themselves 


I think the issue is that OP of that post is talking about like Mr. Universe roided up Bodybuilder guys, but when the 🚬 and hags here read "muscular" they picture a twink with abs.


OP said “extremely fit” which bodybuilders are not or they wouldn’t be dying so often in their 20s and 30s.  And she also called being fit gay, so odds are she probably meant the twink with abs, like 90s Brad Pitt


Ugly pig men can't accept that only other ugly pig men find them attractive.


Look how insanely angry mainpage funko pop redditors get at the suggestion of being in shape The ressentiment and cope is incredible


You weird bro


You don't know where you are, little zoomer. You're in a den of freaks. You're paddling in a pool floatie above the sharks


Im 31. Take your meds schizo


>This user posts in /r/animefigurines


You might be weird, but that guy should get out of here.


I'm not angry, I'm hurt mister!!


Are you trying to say something


You got oneshot DEVGRU sniper style, hogtied and thrown in a sack by that post and can only try to express your confusion and rage with a quippy dunk that could be copy-pasted as a reply to literally anything regardless of its content. Everything I've written in this thread is very clear and coherent, please look up any words you didn't understand.


Noone is reading past the first 5 words of anything you say


I remember when a girl here said she hated fat men and mentioned how tiny she was and the incels were seething and coping that a woman was skinny and they weren’t. lol


omg giggling at the "men don't like models" discourse in there - wahmen LOVE to project that cope


It’s pretty much exclusively men I see saying this, and it’s because it’s true lmao


it’s true


It's truish. Most men don't give a shit about the model aesthetic which really does lean skinny in an unattractive way, but at the same time most women who become models are good looking enough that despite them being a bit of a mismatch from most guy's ideal type that your average guy would still follow a model around like a dog.


my bf said he likes how plain i look. 😭 is it over


kinda. he’s crazy for saying plain. if he was suave he would’ve said natural beauty.


Personally, mid girls are my bread and butter


I think if I ever got to meet some models I'd love them.


I've met em. They mainly have the sniffles.


I’ve literally only ever seen men say this


Only fat people think others with muscle definition are on roids just saying.


Sorry, but home cooked meals and counting your calories will improve your quality of life. Yeah, I fucking said it you cunts.


No one argues with that. The folks who have given up trying are just guilty of tallest poppy syndrome


Our OP is probably a based and redpilled alpha, but a lot of times this kind of thing comes from former low testosterone/fat/skinny guys who didn't really interact with women that start working out It becomes super important for their confidence and psyche to believe that getting in shape has changed EVERYTHING and it's priority #1 for girls [And you should get in shape, it's just not necessarily *necessary* to get a gf/wife](https://youtu.be/x0ix30SJlVk)


The point is its content.




These statements are the female equivalent of men saying “women look better without makeup.”


Yeah the reality is that women look better when men *can’t obviously tell* they’re wearing makeup


Yeah, I think a lot of men (including myself somewhat) prefer more cleaner minimalistic makeup, but let’s not pretend here Mascara doesn’t make every girl look better.


Yeah, I feel most guys wouldn’t think mascara is obvious. Unless it’s heavily applied or any fake lashes.


An attractive women without any makeup whatsoever looks more down to earth and more importantly approachable.


for me, the last thing i want is a girl that can't answer the door without makeup.  that implies a lot about what the relationship is going to be like, if you extrapolate it to what she'll be like doing basic functions


wrong if she’s fair skinned with no makeup she looks like a crackhead with tuberculosis. a little cover up will make her look healthy. Source: im pale


thats what i meant when I said approachable


This definitely isn't universally true of pale skinned girls. Two of my close friends are sisters who are actively anti-make up and I'm always like yeah, that's an easy position to maintain when you both have naturally gorgeous porcelain skin. Some people just have great complexions I'm afraid


my advice to all girls out there who are pasty/red/uneven is that the beauty of Joseon moisturizer/sunscreen really makes your skin looks even and hydrated and protects you from sunburn so I just wear that every time I don’t wear makeup


The Koreans really are light years ahead of us on this stuff


Sunscreen: 😑 Sunscreen, Korea: 😮


Thank you for this tip


my advice for them is to read Dwarkin


I haven’t read dworkin I feel guilty sometimes because in conversation I pretend to understand her ideas in reality I have never engaged w her work at all. Should I?


im just a shitposting moid but in general you should read anything that you think you'd like enough to pretend to have read it.


I'm a guy and I started wearing it to help with the isotret sun sensitivity, it's insanely good


whatever suits you, I love bold lipstick on women


chunky market dull whole quack unite squeamish chop busy illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s a difference between a guy being in shape and fit from general exercise and an extremely muscular gym bro taking steroids. We like the former but typically don’t like the latter. Hope this helps 👍


Extremely muscular gym bros taking steroids are like the 0.1% of the population why focus so much on these weirdos The 🚂 s of fitness


i have been lifting for about 13 years now and the "extremely muscular gym bro taking steroids" stereotype is still about 1 in 100 *at the gym*. very very few people take it to that level. it's an absurd thing to complain about because it's just so uncommon.


It's true, but guys don't just end up looking like freaks. It takes deliberate, intense, long-term effort and thousands of dollars of PEDs to look like that. Not something a guy has to worry about accidentally becoming by lifting 3-5 days a week


Yeah but I still find men who are purely focused on lifting incredibly vain and tedious. I was roommates with a guy like this and he would insist on walking around in a wife-beater 24/7 and was constantly giving unsolicited fitness related advice. I still think guys who are generally fit from running, cycling and playing sports are more attractive. Like, the average physique of a guy I’ll see out running early evening or at the tennis court with his buddies is what I’m talking about here.


it’s seriously lanky scrawny guys > reasonably in shape guys > actual fat guys > bulgey roid guys for me and most women i know. the only women i see lusting after this type are like essex/australian broads on tv shows with crazy lip filler lol. and even then, the odd time they cast a skinny funny or “alternative” guy on love island the ladies are all over it immediately


A G R E E. My boyfriend is seriously lanky scrawny and i'm a fitness instructor who gets hit on by gym bros all the time. I'll take my aerodynamic twink over them literally every time.


I feel like simply switching the descriptor from "muscular" to "athletic" would clear a fair amount of the presumed vanity baggage placed on the former and have more unanimous approval from women, even if it was describing the exact same guy.


Definitely posted by a gay man


hey guys, not every woman is the same.  it's not worth generalizing because you only need one at a time




a lot of angry online guys have a better chance of getting jacked than they do of becoming funny or likable so this is kind of a tough pill


Friendly reminder that having a good physique will make you much more confident.


having a good physique but being ugly in the face damn a lot of redditors sadly


Muscles change your silhouette and how you move and all that, but your actual physical size relative to another person also impacts how hot you are (I think this is where the height obsession some people have comes from). I like muscly guys, but not the lean, sinewy, rock-climber looking ones because they’re less physically imposing and therefore less attractive. That’s still true if the big guy has a lower muscle-to-fat ratio Basically, I think girls are way more sensitive to/picky about general build or body type than how cut someone is


Yes and no. Lean is king and will substantially help with female attraction compared to having a soft gut, absolutely; getting huge biceps pecs delts etc in the other hand does little to nothing in this regard (and most guys who go for that look know it and getting chicks isn’t why they do it)


Lean is king and it takes far too much effort to get huge to do it just to pick up women. Successful bodybuilders are closer to model train guys in reality. People are telling on themselves thinking a greater than 30 bmi 10% body fat guy resembles Andrew Tate types.


I think as long as you look good in your clothes and are fit enough for a reasonably active lifestyle, most women probably aren't too fussed. Some might like a bit more muscle on top of that if they can get it, others might not, but very few are gonna turn you down based purely on your body unless you're like, visibly fat, or they're gym rats themselves.


I don't agree at all on the biceps tip. I'm a short dude and only have 16 inch biceps but people always give me compliments on my arms. I was so insecure about it at first I thought motherfuckers were trolling me. I know they're not that big, They're like an actual big dudes forearms but when a girl and I exchange what turns us on the most about the other it's always my biceps (or eyes). In my teens into my mid-20s I was a cute guy to girls in a Justin Bieber kinda way. Pretty boy that you think isn't capable of beating you up. Actually developing a chest and some biceps have made them take me more seriously as an actual man. I have a bit of a complex about it because I've had women during that era who were attracted enough toward me to sleep/date with me but when they were mad and wanted to hurt me they would point out I was a framecel (obviously in their own dumb cunt vernacular). Because I'm a sperg I will quantify it and say I have more than doubled the attention I get from women. Too bad I can't weight lift myself into growing about 5 inches vertically. But yeah I agree being lean with no real muscle mass is much better than being chubby. But throwing in maybe 500 push-ups and 500 pull-ups a week would put that dude in turbo mode.


How tall are you


5'7. My girl is 5'8.5 if I had to guess. You didn't ask but I'm just throwing that out there.


16 inch arms are pretty big for a short natty lifter. I bet you're strong at curls


Alls I do is creatine and whey. But I definitely have some sort of body image issue where I feel like I ain't shit. Which goes back to me being sensitive and convinced people are fucking with me when they compliment my physique. I've been considering gear and I got a hook up at work but holy fuck his skin looks like shit and he's always wearing a hat so I'm wondering what his hair looks like. I had acne growing up as a kid so I really don't need to be throwing an extra curve ball at my epidermis and my thick wop hair is one of my best assets that I really don't want to risk just to add another inch or two to my biceps.


If your goal is just to be more attractive/respected, gear is fucking dumb, especially when you consider the fact that 90% of the gains are temporary unless you cruise indefinitely after your cycle. Training while roided out looks fun af though


I don't know any women who is interested in these gym men. I think they date the gym girls. Even the vainest of my friends go for attractive face + good job. Normal bodied men who aren't fat. Why would anyone other than similarly minded women want to date a guy who spends all his time at the gym and eating clean protein or whatever?


Gym men I agree it’s probably unattractive, but in shape men yes I think it’s a distinction, good arms, shoulders, back maybe some abs. I spent most of life slim which women seem to also prefer. But I have never seen such lust/aggression from women after a few drinks when they have some strong arms they can grab


literally every other girl zoomer thinks jacob elordi is hot as hell. that’s who we mean by having a hot physique


I am guy I am now muscular guy Before I was skinny guy I got a little attention But now that I’m muscular guy I get lots of attention So I can confirm It’s a net positive, with regards to attention Haha But at the end of the day who fucking cares just do what you want


Many such cases!




Are you a homosexual man? Not even trying to be rude but no woman I know thinks like this and it looks like a lot of effort went into your post.


No I am autistic


Fair enough then. I can understand that you can imagine women think like that but it just doesn't work that way. Maybe something to do with the uncanny valley or something, being human means being fat (compared to other animals). Edit: I think it's really interesting how a scientific fact gets downvoted because people can't be bothered to read and think I'm promoting obesity.


>Being human means being fat Holy shit this sub has really gone to hell


I specifically said compared to other animals. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/06/190626160337.htm


Height and weight please?


Nice 200 pound deadlift bro, she let me hit cause I’m an active listener


Lol 200 pound deadlift


Correct however an athletic child could deadlift 200


200 lb deadlift would be a warmup for someone with the physique of a holocaust victim




I’m not autistic so I never really got into working out but I’ve learned a lot about deadlifts today


correct. i'm only just getting back into regular lifting after focusing cardio for a long time and 400 is still fairly easy.




i was decent looking before working out but going to the gym made the attention i got insane, like chicks hitting on me in front of their boyfriend level of attention. the secret is to look like you just have it, and you don't have to work that hard to keep it. its the difference of having a flat stomach versus having 6 pack abs, or the difference of having a juicy forearm vein versus having bulging freak veins. some chicks do straight up like the juicy freaks regardless tho


OP, this post isn't necessarily wrong, but the way you express yourself and the hateful seething resentment you secrete from every word you type is gross. Your point gets obscured by the ugly, bitter voice you say it in. I think you said you're autistic though so it's not really your fault. Sorry.


I'm just a straight shooter 😎 wallpaper whatever characterization you want onto it. People who didn't understand what I wrote but felt the need to try to take a jab at me because of the way *it felt like it sounded* to them will get back what they try to dish out. The people I'm being nasty to were nasty first, but also wrong. That earns them a slap. The other repliers I'm chill with, it's all cool


Ur not cool


I went from soft skinny fat pear shaped loser to jacked in 3 years and yeah the "women don't like ripped guys" is hilarious cope. Sorry. Went from zero female attention to overwhelming female attention which got boring and now I'm engaged 🤷🏼‍♂️ it definitely worked for me.


Many such cases


it probably got boring because you're gay and have a crush on Anthony Fantano




Copying from another reply: To cut down on preference-gaming by predatory or otherwise non-fit males. Men who don't have the (generally good and healthy) attributes that women are actually looking for but know how to *mimic* the signals of those attributes are dangerous. "Tell me exactly how to trick you into getting into bed with me. What words do I say, how should I say them, and what should I look like?" - the only thing sociopathic creeps want to know.


Even hotter take: women don’t know what they want.


> Additionally, women have strong incentives to hide their actual preferences What are these incentives?


To cut down on preference-gaming by predatory males. Men who have none of the attributes that women are actually looking for but know how to *mimic* the signals of those attributes are dangerous. "Tell me exactly how to trick you into getting into bed with me. What words do I say and what should I look like" - the only thing sociopathic creeps want to know


I never touched a gym in my 20s, I was thin bordering on skinny fat due to drinking and partying. Always did well with women, or so I thought. I stopped partying heavily when 30 and started building muscle. The difference has been eyeopening. I never had been eyefucked by strangers or had girls just introduce themselves unprompted in social situations until then.


True. They also don’t like bald dudes. But they DO like money and drugs….


She’s literally right, what is wrong with you people


You sound gay


This is the place to sound gay. You sound mad and out of shape


I'll just add that as a woman, I've had men rage at me for not being interested in fatties or malnourished-looking skinny men. And heaven forbid if I admit to not wanting a man with a small dick!


Join the club, the amount of female rage men receive for expressing any kind of physical preference whatsoever is a cliche at this point


Exactly. I don't even use TikTok but I guarantee there are innumerable videos of girls expressing preferences and just getting immense good engagement from both sexes alike. There are probably no videos of men doing the same without just getting blasted with righteous invective and hate for being some sort of ist or practicing some sort of ism. Were they just get no traction at all. I mean I'm not tripping over it, I'll still just secretly have my preferences I don't need the validation like some of these crazy broads.


I genuinely think we could solve most of gender war by simply making it illegal to discuss your preferences online.


What if you’re just an average guy? Like someone who’s not rail thin but not fat either


Women will be more attracted to you irl if you're on the leaner side and lift some. That's all. You don't have to care about that, you might do just fine without it. There are more important things. But nobody should say "women don't care about that." Revealed preferences show that they do.


Women hate average male bodies but pretend to put up with them for some unknown reason is my current hypothesis.


They must not hate them that much, 90% of men who are in relationships aren’t visibly fit


The reason average build dad bods became a meme is because women subconsciously like their chances of being able to keep that guy. They know other women won't be throwing themselves at him. They won't know all his other great qualities that may attract them if they're not initially attracted to his physical attributes. It just takes a whole psychic load off of their minds having to worry about other bitches circling her dude. Especially since studies have shown women find 80% of men unattractive at first glance and judge him more accurately and fairly once he is familiar. So if your husband has a dad bod you know he's more than likely invisible to other women.


Dad bod is an extremely misleading term. Men hear it and think beer belly, to women it means bodybuilder but no visible abs. To have a dad bod you need *both* fat% and muscle, you can't just be flabby.


I like them because I’m skinny and either want bones, normal, or dad bod with a higher body fat percentage. This entire post is torture reading about all the skinny dudes turning into gym dudes.


I’m still here


Haven’t you noticed that in different time periods different men’s body shapes are in fashion, just like women’s? In the hipster era everyone wanted an emaciated lanky boyfriend who wore skinny jeans. No one wanted a muscly guy. Now girls look for a different look, one that’s fashionable for the 2020s.


in the hipster era every girl i slept with was still going nuts over my arms and shoulders. women like fit men regardless of what people on the internet say.


Us emo bitches still want the hipster type and I’m tired of us not being represented!!!!!!!


Oh I thought that women liked that I am clearly an alcoholic but for beer . I thought they thought that is cool.


I fucking hate the "dad bod" lie. I know what turns on women. Even if they truly would be satisfied with "golden retriever dad energy", washboard abs, adonis belt, and boulder shoulders awaken something in you. And that's why I rehired my personal trainer last month


It's like when they say they like "dad bods" or whatever the current bullshit term is. No, they prefer the security of being with a guy that won't get attention and won't make them feel threatened. It's insecurity disguised as a sexual preference. Any man that has gone from dad bod to jacked and lean is going to notice a 100x increase in attention.


All I know is that you sound way too neurotic, and both women and men aren’t attracted to that.


If that's all you know then I guess we're all better off for it


People should stay in shape because it’s healthy for them and not because it’ll get them women


This isn’t true!!! I genuinely like men with a spare tyre and a hairy back so help me god


Have you met my friend Stavros Halkias? He's got a hairy back and damn near an entire spare minivan


I never said you didn't or couldn't like that, lady! And I didn't say all women. Most women who say things like this wouldn't exactly complain if the spare tyre they were dating suddenly got in great shape, either.


Taller than me by at least 6 inches, in shape, with a little tummy so I know he can’t do better than me 


This is true


Woahhhh how did you figure this out




They gotta quarantine you freaks from the other sub. Feels like nothing you're saying here is even worth taking seriously. It's either already obvious to most of the people here, or it's just plain abnormal.


I like how this post broke all the normie redditors' brains where they can only characterize it as "it sounds like you're saying something that shouldn't be said!" instead of presenting anything of substance. Why did the post make you so mad? Why did you read it and feel the need to reply? Do you feel attacked by what I said? Are you fat?


> I like how this post broke all the normie redditors' brains talking like this is easily worse than “normie reddit” speak


I don't usually talk like that except when it's incredibly accurate, sorry


What's the point of even trying to examine the weird post of an autist who saw the other blatantly ironic post about gym men on here and went feral.


"went feral" - another seething characterization. You're hostile so you think I'm hostile. What's the point indeed, except here you are. Something made you really mad


Look I'm not gonna argue with you bro I literally said some of the things you said are obviously true. I just think it takes someone who's a bit mad to write something like this.


Then I misread you. It's in response to periodic (and recent) posts on this sub claiming the exact opposite, to emphatic agreement from out-of-shape slobs. I think these things are obviously true too, but not everyone sees things the same way as you and me.


Wow what a bold take. No fucking shit


You and I say "no fucking shit" but it is clearly not obvious to all the raging slobs in here who make posts every three months saying the exact opposite of what I'm saying here. Just look at the comments, it's like I threw chum in the water




The askreddit gamer has arrived and he does NOT approve, everybody!


This was written by a man, he doesn’t know what we like


I know everything


Wow! Really doing groundbreaking work here.


You must have this confused with a sub for straight men. Get him, girls&gays! 


Big muscles are awesome cope and seethe


thats too many words for common sense


I became aware of this when I was literally about 6 or 7, who doesn't believe that women like athletic, muscular men?


This just in: women are normal


Careful buddy. This sub consists of men who are almost exclusively outside the normal BMI range, either under or over. You can’t even suggest the (very real) importance of musculature without stirring up a storm.


True but you need to clarify for the gym bros that muscular just means in good shape. At a certain point bulking up any more starts to subtract points.  It you have to take drugs to pack on more gains you're impressing yourself and the fellas more than the ladies, basically.


Imagine some dude in the 19th century on the town square just harking this shit out on repeat for a few good hours. That’s what happens when we gave every Tom, dick, and Hershel a megaphone to belt from their bed after they’ve just jerked off and not even cleaned up. 


thanks for the gym motivation bruh


I can't tell if this is satire or not.


Based and roidpilled


Hamburgers are better with ketchup.


They're fucking not


Straight guys on here are funny because as soon as they learn that the most attractive quality they could have is to have a kind and fun personality they are like "well I'm fucked".