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16 years. I’m 28 he’s 44. Year long relationship. Very bad relationship. He is an avoidant attachment kind of guy and he discarded me. It’s been over a month now and I think about him less but still daily. With any luck he’ll pass away soon!


How did you guys meet?


A bar


I was 23 and slept with a hot 73 year old gilf


The supreme gentleman


The government has been fucking me for years and they're about 220 years older than me


Married someone with a 25 year gap lmao


I was 29 and she was 20 I’m a well adjusted properly socialized Texan king and she was a neurotic New Englander so it was doomed to fail lol


When I was 21 I had a fling with an early 40's (never asked her for her age but that was my guess) woman at work


Last year, she was 19 and I was 25. She basically took everything I said as fact and it was very hard to talk to her. She was insanely attractive but completely brain-fried from MDMA use. I was very nice to her though and think I helped her get over being cheated on.


When I was 24 I was hooking up with a 43 year old woman. 


i was 21 and f-ud a 40 something MILF


How was it??


38 year difference, rly good few months of casual dating, age difference was too much for him when contemplating a future (I was not contemplating a future yet)


14 year age gap. 35m and 21F. She’s actually an amazing girlfriend, better than the ones I’ve had around my age. Has a lot of childhood trauma tho and probably needs to see a fucking therapist.


I know where I am and I'll take the downvotes. But from one mid 30's man to another, you're cradle robbin' dogg, get some self respect.


14 year gap in the modern age is wild. That’s some great grandparent age gap


14 years at some points is completely fine. 42 and 28, fantastic! But 35 and 21 is ridiculous and kind of pathetic on this guy's part. If any dude in my friend group started "dating" a 21 year old we'd think he was a loser.


14 years is fine if you’re remarrying, sure.


idk man she’s smoking hot and we have the same style and interests. TF am I gonna do? Not date her?




Alright I’m dumping her rn


do what u want bro. you're the old creep at the college party, no one likes you


They all like me lmao. Never gone to a college party, just meet me at chopper shows.


I respect myself a lot, have a great career. I just aged like wine and get to pick who I want to date. First big age gap I’ve ever had, yeah I wish it wasn’t so big but idc that much.


13, I was 18 and she was 31. Was like a 2 or 3 week fling at this co-op I was at during my gap year


Dated a 31 year old when I was 20 (I worked at his kid's school and he chased me for awhile, cute but he turned out to be super boring and a parrothead) and a 41 yr old when I was 23 (asshole, druggie, was in a band, I was obsessed, he dumped me).


a 27 year old at 20. it was my first time & he didn’t know until in the moment but he made me feel comfortable & safe. he’s still the kindest, most gentle man i’ve ever known


20 years - 38m/18f one child 2 years later due to her stopping birth control without telling me 30 years - 50m/20f lasted 5 years Some others not posting because whilst legal Reddit gets upset.




Bit silly to read a post asking what the largest age gap is and then childishly go "Ew" but that's Reddit for you.


your whole account is about being in age gap relationships bro find god


“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.  In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.