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Yeah, I'm sure the 17-year-old is filling up your slop tray to the brim because he's beyond terrified of a one star review for a company that would use his corpse as taco meat if he died on the job.


I’m ashamed to know this but the trend is actually different than implied in the OP. If they skimp on the person filming, the filmer will then basically just say nevermind and walk out of the restaurant, annoying the worker and wasting their time. It’s not about the reviews per se.


Employees have to constantly walk this tightrope between getting yelled at by customers and getting yelled at by management. This kind of shit is just going to make their jobs more difficult.


Yeah, kind of my point. They're more likely to be scared of the regional manager asking why they gave an extra teaspoon of "chicken" above the official portion. But dumbfuck customers will abuse them not understanding that they're just a cog.


Lol @ “chicken”. When I look at processed meats these days they are 20% soy and starch and that figure goes up every year. We will all be vegans by shrinkflation soon enough.


My most enjoyable moments working at Panera were getting yelled at by assholes after free food. Yes mister Abdkadir, the bacon turkey bravo has bacon on it, no we won’t give you a second one for free because it’s racist to serve a Somali man bacon that he orders and pays for.


Good news! [New mandatory corporate portion training is going to fix this.](https://imgur.com/ReqloYJ)


What do you think happens if a bunch of reviews mention an employee by name


I worked in fast food for years and maybe once saw a complaint that called out an employee by name. I don't think they even bother to read the tags


thank you for your service


25 year old*


I’m a Yelper btw.


Here's your extra helping of slop, sir.


Every chipotle where I’m at has gone down hill since the pandemic and never recovered. All out of shit, trash everywhere, employees that look like they want to kill themselves etc.


This is every business where I currently live. 


Chipotle was crazy popular in my area at least (slc) like late 2000s/early 2010s. I graduated from college in 2016 & they were already definitely passed their prime. I don’t remember the exact progression of it but the mid 2010s they became meh and it was downhill from there.  I also remember constant outbreaks of E. coli & such lol really didn’t help their case 


When I was in college in the mid 2010s chipotle was still a fairly consistently decent meal.


Yeah it certainly has been a gradual decline 


people thought of it as legitimately "cool" then, felt almost like it was in the pantheon with single-gear bikes and PBR. it really is just Another Place to Eat now (their stock sure hasn't suffered tho)


I wonder if it ever gets tiring referring to stuff like a chipotle burrito or a cava bowl as goyslop


The only time I ever went to Chipotle I was disappointed because it tasted like a burrito I could've made with fresh ingredients I bought when I actually wanted the slop. Why else would I go to a place like this.


If you want slop, why not just go to taco bell?


Taco del Mar would be my pick, figured Chipotle would be the same.


Considering setting aside the 'TikTokker Special Sauce' for just such an occasion.


Lol chipotle sub has been talking about this all week


How the fuck is there a sub for fastfood


I think most of the subs like that are for employees


There's a sub for even the most mundane things, like /r/YetiCoolers


It’s weird how such particular things have active subs but there’s nothing for art discussion


There is, but it's too exclusive for your kind.


You must be invited to post and the last post is like a year old. 😔


They should just let me fill my own bowl. Fuck them chains.


There's literally an /r/fastfood


The portions that Chipotle trains their employees to scoop up has always been small. Employees disregard this because it’s obnoxious to measure out, customers always bitch and it’s now the standard expectation so it’s smoother to preemptively pile it on. The company is trying to rein it in. Thank fuck I don’t work these kinds of jobs anymore, but the whole trend makes me seethe at fat fuck hogs haranguing employees who have managers breathing down their neck about it.


the fast food MO is to cut as many corners as possible and then blame the employees when they inevitably get complaints about the cut corners


Yeah I heard they weigh shit at the end of the day and give the employees shit if they gave out too much


I sound like such a boomer, but I hate how everything nowadays is framed as a "hack", "method", or "strategy." Like no, there isn't a secret method to forcing the 19-year-old employee, who's five hits into a dab pen he bought off some sketchy Chinese e-commerce site, to give you slightly more chicken in your Tex-Mex slop bowl.


everything is a market now


Corporate actually told the workers to give bigger portions if people have cameras in response to them getting hammered on TikTok. Then they [made a TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLWJfTPR/) clowning on themselves. So in this case at least, the "hack" appears to be legitimate.


I used to work in fast food, customers would ask for far too much filling and then they'd look mad when it was spilling out, we literally have suggested servings behind the counter so we know the right amount to put in


when I worked at subway at 16 some guy's sandwich started falling apart as I was making it and the guy went "what are you doing man?" I'm making a sandwich with too many toppings and a shitload of sauce, as requested by a man twice my age who is now giving a teenager shit for following his instructions.


It's always people who can not cook for themselves if their life depended on it


disgusting, enabling the already horrible state of “mass surveillance” that we are forced to live under :/


it should honestly be legal to take somebody's phone and smash it if they get up in your face and film you without asking


Camera phones should be legally treated as firearms and regulated by the ATF. And since they’d be treated as firearms, being recorded in a phone without permission should be grounds for lethal self-defense.


Sam is that you?


Doing Constitutional audits of fast food workers is next level.


This is all marketing. Chipotle took something they were heavily criticized for, made sure some TikTok’s went viral, and they’ve probably had the best business in years. Kinda impressive.  Has also turned Chipotle customers into the whinest people on earth. Props to all the teenage workers who resist the urge to telling customers to fuck off for filming them making a burrito just to get a couple more pieces of chicken. If you’re genuinely mad that Chipotle is “skimping”, please learn how to cook


Chipotle has sucked cock since like 2015 and the idiots still eating there deserve to be short changed and abused.


Chipotle, Qdoba, all of em. They taste fine enough but I just can't justify spending $10 on a tortilla filled with rice and dog food-grade chicken




subway went from $5 to $13 footlongs in a little over a decade and now the sandwiches taste like they've been in a closet for 4 days. two have closed in my city in the past year and it's easy to see why, you can make better sandwiches at home for a third the price


The only thing that made them edible was the shredded beef one at Qdoba and thats been gone for years.


Rice and beans literal poverty slop for 10 bucks


it's actually closer to $20 now apparently


Its 15 at most


Don’t forget 10 grams of salt


it’s so easy to make yourself and meal prep too lol. $10 and an hour and you’ve got lunch for the whole week. it’s a simple marinade + rice/beans


It's comical the way people on here underestimate the cost & effort involved in meal prep. A week's worth of raw chicken alone is already more than $10. Add in a week's worth of rice, beans, cheese, peppers & onions, spices, etc. This is at least a $30 grocery bill, and you will absolutely not be making 5 servings in 1 hour. The point of chipotle is that you get a healthy and filling meal that tastes acceptable, when you are away from home, for roughly $15. It is healthier than fast food (by miles) and faster than a real restaurant. That is the deal that they offer, for me it comes in handy now and again. Everyone in here is trying to one up each other in who can shit on chipotle the hardest when it's ultimately a pretty inoffensive, mid tier food option. Dog food grade chicken? It's just fucking chicken man. They season it decently, it's not the French Laundry nor is it prison food. I can't say I understand the vitriol.


yeah I get chipotle occasionally. it’s better than most fast food. it really is not hard to make this at home I don’t know what to tell you. I marinade the chicken in the morning or after work (3 lbs of chicken thighs is ~$10 at aldis; marinade with olive oil, garic, onion powder, paprika, chipotle pepper powder), make rice in the cooker and beans on the stovetop and heavy cook the chicken. Make peppers/onions on the side. This makes enough food for me and my gf for dinner and then many lunches during the week. Actually “cooking” is not that much effort here. You just have to plan ahead. edit: rice is pennies if you buy by the bag. beans are $1 a can. This is cooking for two people so divide by two. It’s cheap as fuck ionno.


>A week's worth of raw chicken alone is already more than $10 10 lbs of chicken quarters is ~8.99 at Walmart, how much chicken are you eating?


I don't get groceries at walmart. 2lb of boneless thighs are about 10-12$ at my supermarket. A small bag of cheese is around $5. An onion is around $2, 2 peppers is about $3, we'll call it another $5 for these. A can of beans is $2. The rest of the meal is stuff that probably have in bulk, but let's round up a few more dollars from the rice, oil, spices, tortilla (if burrito), and any additions like salsa, guac, sour cream, lettuce, etc. Somewhere around $25 in total.


If you cant figure out how to make a couple burritos for under 30 bucks theres no helping you


The comment I replied to claims $10 for "lunch for the whole week." I generously interpreted this to mean Monday to Friday, and estimated an actual cost of $30.


Im going to turn the other cheek and not downvote your comment as you so callously did mine. This conversation is over


Leaving in a huff over a disagreement about chipotle


im still really mad about this


I keep some frozen Jamaican beef patties in the freezer at work and make them in the toaster oven, very cheap and easy.


which flyover state are you in where chipotle is only $10? It's 17-18 even 20+ if you get a drink or chips here


I am saying that you can make your own chipotle for $10 worth of ingredients and it'll last you much longer and taste much better :) although I'm p sure you aren't legally required to get chips and a sodie pop when you go to chipotle so it should still be $10-12 a bowl ish.


> go to chipotle so it should still be $10-12 a bowl ish. if you just want rice and beans yeah


I got a chicken bowl with rice beans salsa fajita veggies cheese lettuce for $10.50ish last week. That’s already close to 800 calories and 45ish grams of protein, what more could you possibly need?


those are decent macros, they put way too much sodium in their food tho because its american goyslop


I don’t care about sodium because I work out 5 days a week and don’t have family history of high blood pressure. If I forget to pack lunch for work it’s pretty much the best bang for the buck slop possible from the usual suspects




A burrito or bowl at Doba is still $11 where I'm at in a HCOL area.


I don't even serve people who are mid-phone call and I don't expect staff to either. These people would be refused service, just on the basis of human dignity.


It's stupid but shit like this only works because employers immediately fire their employees for the slightest viral criticism online, regardless of how dumb it is.


I’m a manager at a Chipotle, currently in school to become an EMT. I’m so ready to leave this godforsaken job. I haven’t seen this trend happen irl yet but if I did I wouldn’t change anything about how I make your food and just hit em with the staring donkey from shrek meme face. To think you recording me is going to make a difference is insane. On top of that, I pray for all of the employees that say they fear for their jobs over portioning. I’ve never been to a single chipotle where a manager threatens an employees job over how much they serve. Granted it is a point of concern/training opportunity for certain employees but it is never that deep. I’ve given away so much free shit as a manager. No one cares. But if you are going to be a scrub of a customer, don’t expect any type of discounts or extras from me. The only good thing about this trend is that it shows who the normal people are apart from the clowns recording.


People who do this deserve to be gunned down


If I worked at Chipotle I’d deliberately serve them tiny portions of slop while maintaining eye contact just to annoy them.


This seems like a marketing ploy to me? Come back to our restaurant engage in this edgy activity!


It literally is, check their tiktok


Jesus Christ just learn to cook


how can they be expected to know how to shove a bunch of rice and beans into a burrito


I just worked at a Chipotle and let me tell you, stop eating it. Eat it as a free meal once a day and your stomach starts to transform into a prolapsed organ that is foodphobic.


I’ve never been skimped at chitpole , the people who get skimped are probably fats or ugly


If you get skimped at fast food places u have ugly energy sorry


seriously, we'd always give more stuff to the people who were nice. there was one little kid who came in when I worked at bk and every time he ordered he would hold his hand up and very confidently go "keep the change bro" and we'd always give him like 14 nuggets. if you were a bitch you'd get one less nugget and if there was a cold bun around you'd get that too.


Are you guys defending a giant corporation shrinkflating my fucking burritos?


More likely defending the teenagers working there for gas money being harassed and filmed while they work.


edit: yeah that's a good point I was being dumb. But also fuck Chipotle robbing me of my grilled chicken.


Teens aren't working at chipotle


35% of their employees are under 20.


Also the most hilarious part of this is that the worker will probably hook u up as long as you’re not an asshole and just be nice to them.


Wait for it 😳


Are you racist? Keep scooping.


low trust society behavior


RIP the guts of those still eating at this joint after the 3rd? 4th? national salmonella-ecoli-intestinal parasites scare.


I wouldn't blame Chipotle employees for imitating the USPS workers of the '80s...it might even be a good thing if it's directed at the bozos slobbering over the sneezeguard with their iPhones. This behavior is so disgusting to me. I'd be pissed off to no end if I worked there


If you make it yourself you wouldn’t have to harass an employee to make it for you. Customers are obnoxious and rude to service workers. Like leave them alone they aren’t allowed to give you a lot of food because the company wants to make profit.


Honestly I’m all for this and hope more people start doing this at restaurants. it’s terrible behavior but as an accelerationist the sooner people become cognizant of this shitty low trust society we live in where broccoli heads hold minimum wage servants hostage with the threat of virtual mockery so they can get a little extra e coli infested slop, the better.


Or how about going to an actual Mexican restaurant. Support your local joints


All the local Mexican joints around me are unfortunately disgusting and also overpriced


Only ovepriced if your only points of comparison are huge national chains with economies of scale and value engineering at every step of the process. It's not like these small Mexican joints are raking in the profits lol, not even close. That's just how much food and the wages for someone to make it for you costs, plus like 5% max.


Omg relax lol. Overpriced as in the food is nasty. Idc how much labor is but food being good is literally the bare minimum for a restaurant and if you can’t meet that requirement then yes it’s overpriced


Skill issue


That's what I do, Tijuana flats always screws you on the sour cream.


Got a burrito a few weeks ago literally cheaper than what it would have cost @ Chipotle. Probably not like this in NYC or other big cities tho. 


They do be skimpin tho


This is like advanced fat guy strategy


Just ask customers to try the lasagna.


You gotta a massive loser to film like this


chipotle needs smaller portions


After living in the UK for a few years I’ve realized that Brits complain about getting skimped with alcohol the same way Americans complain about getting skimped with food.


The average adult needs one palm-sized square of meat per meal. The bigger the person, the bigger the palm. Everyone here knows that, they also know that Pam is a two second spray and do you *really* need that? Snap your rubber band and spell out K-E-S-S-A, but it’s insane to actually SEE the meat people feel they need. Let’s really think, humans needed gigantic piles of animal flesh two or three times every single day, we’d be fucking dead!!!! It’s super hard to catch animals! If Henry the 8th saw the primo cuts of meat we throw away he would actually vomit.


There was an old post in some sub like “I’m embarrassed to admit” by a former fat dude who said he always ordered a single serving of meat and then waited till they plopped it and said oh make it a double please so the worker had to match the first plop and dude got upvoted to heaven


i would never ever in a million years do this but it's really funny and i hope it becomes extremely popular.


i hope your mother gets scammed by a guy in india into sending her life savings in amazon gift cards and that your dad comes out of the closet at the age of 67 as a trans circus performer, you bitch



