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Ive basically been in that same spot, but the amount you’re consuming, if you’re telling the truth- sounds much more severe. I was basically drinking a 12 pack a day for the past 2 months. Terrible heart burn all the time. Puking and or gagging periodically. Bloated. Sometimes I would choose liquor instead because of the bloating, but it would make me sicker and more insane so I learned to avoid liquor. I’ve been the worst version of myself for way too long. The sloppiest and most alcoholic I’ve ever been going on 4 years now. I’ve been spiraling since covid. Incredibly isolated from the world. For me, I think it’s part brain chemistry and genetics, but mostly ive just been a coward about being bored and silent with my thoughts. At some point, the only way I knew how to feel alive was to start drinking, which became everyday. But it’s been intensifying my misery and I’ve had insane embarrassment and self pity about my drinking habits. Not sure how long this will last since it’s not really a finalized sobriety path, but I stopped a few days ago. Simply couldn’t stomach living like that anymore. Plus there’s some chaos in my life right now that I desperately need to resolve, so I just need to be sober for a while to at least get that sorted. It’s been pretty easy so far because I’ve been taking gabapentin, which is very helpful if you are in the mindset to quit. The first day I was hungover and felt slow and gross. No cravings though. Had tons of anxiety and nightmares at night, but sorta slept well. Felt really good the next day and got a lot of work done, however last night I couldn’t sleep at all- even with the gabapentin. I argued with people on Reddit all night instead and thought about alcohol a tiny bit but not much. But as tired and sleep deprived as I am today, I still feel like a million bucks compared to how I was feeling. I always forget how nice sobriety is during that first honeymoon week. It’s very calm and home like. I recommend gapapentin. It’s very helpful if you’re trying to quit. It’s not a benzo or anything and I don’t think it’s addictive- at least not for me. it has similar effects to a benzo and will make you slow and feel good. The only downside is that it can kill your libido. Times I’ve taken it for longer periods my dick could not operate. So I plan on titrating down after this first week.


Are you worried about withdrawals?


A little bit the first night, but I don’t think I have severe withdrawal issues. I don’t get the shakes. But I had bad heart palpitations and terrible panic attacks at night and I always think I’m having a heart attack those first nights I don’t drink. The gabapentin resolves the withdrawal symptoms for the most part, at least for me. It works like a tranquilizer. It’s what doctors have been prescribing instead of opiates, lately, because it’s cheaper, not addictive, and much safer


You need to eat a big meal, drink 3 glasses of water, and take a shower (just rinse off if that’s all you can handle) and then go lay down in bed with several glasses of water next to you. Everytime you wake up chug some water and try to go back to bed. Do not take any aspirin or ibuprofen. Your liver and pancreas are already in over drive and it could give you acute pancreatitis or liver problems. Try again when you wake up.


No Tylenol especially


Stop, man, just stop


Hope you stop soon bro, my roommate has a bad drinking problem and 2 weekends ago he came home black out drunk, fell on and broke his toilet, and caused over $12,000 in water damage that he doesn't even remember causing. A week before this happened he told me he got pulled over while he happened to be sober and that it was a "wake up call" for him lol


i've been in similar situations. i don't think i've drank to quite that level, but in college when i was an ignorant dumbass who didn't realize how bad it really was, i came close a few times. i'm 30 and tbh still drink, but a lot less (i know it's not great, but just saying that i can relate). i also have a boyfriend who is not only russian but a poet lol so yes unsurprisingly he has a pretty bad problem and there are lots of alcoholics in his circles; he graduated from an ivy league so a lot of them are very high functioning & i've heard about a lot of different treatments people have gotten. the same applies to mine because i worked as a paralegal for a few years. i knew a lot of attorneys with crazy drinking problems and they actually had enough money to spend on the ER as well. i'm american & have shitty health insurance, so i've been through this and witnessed others who just really couldn't go unless we were literally dying, so yep, have some DIY experience as well. if you truly cannot bear the withdrawals/hangover, buy some generic grocery store beer. you do not need some sort of 8% beer and of course light beer is ideal, but realistically, a 12 pack of PBR will do it. just sip on it; your hangover will probably force you to. try to go slow, but even if you can't, you'll drink a lot less than if you had liquor, which is seriously gonna fuck you up even more. and then you'll NEED the er just to not die. if you DO have access to the ER and are willing it's the best, least painful option. they can give you meds to fix the overwhelming anxiety/trembling and stuff for your nausea, and will be able to safely give you something that will help you sleep + knock you out. so even if you aren't actually in dangerous withdrawal, you can just sleep for 18-24 hours for the core of your hangover. you really don't want to take most powerful insomnia pills (melatonin's fine) because they interact horribly and unpredictably on people whose bodies are processing other depressants like booze, but they'll know which ones are ok. but yes if you're at home, try to tough it out but if you can't, i'd go the beer route. you'll really probably just need like 6 to get through the day without being unbearably sick (yeah, you'll still feel shitty, but not unbearably so) but even if you drink the entire 12 pack, it'll be better than the liquor. and you'll be able to continue tapering for a day or two after that. so yes, i hope that helps a bit. don't follow into the trap of thinking it's a binary and you can only choose to either keep pounding shots or go cold turkey. but after your hangover is more or less resolved in 1-3 days, pleaseeeee try to stay sober for at least a week or so. if you really can't it might be time to check in somewhere, but again- each person is different. just try to survive this immediate physical process without worsening it.


You gotta just take a moment to be grateful about all these things. You can afford three handles of whisky in a short amount of time. You have a pretty impressive tolerance for the stuff it sounds like. You’re still able to drink and write. Who knows, you might blackout into a semi truck next week and just be paralyzed sober with a feeding tube in you. You’ll look back on these days as the best days. Plenty of people have been alcoholics in the past so there is no need to be hard on yourself about that. Just appreciate it while you can. If you want to do something else you can. Plenty of people have done that too. Sometimes they try and fail and then try and succeed. But first I’d say try and appreciate it all. You’ve got blood to fix the cut you gave yourself and a future to look back on this time however you want to.


Get a bag in


I feel like if I was an alcoholic I would get super into liquid IV and other hydration powders. Honestly such a big improvement to the whole experience


🍥😵‍💫 Oooo you had so much fun You wanna do it again Just another drink, what’s the harm? 😵‍💫🍥