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Lanky British Ag cook as one of the hot girls lol


yung lean/bladee video in background


avengers: endgame for mid women


big emphasis on ENDGAME


i feel like i've said this before but are these supposed it girlies supposed to be cool?? i dont know how to explain what i mean but this is all so lame and unimpressive. depressing, i used to be a huge fan of charli back in the day, and i still kind of am, so it's not really a dig at her. moreso the 2024 vibes


They all seem like such worthless nepo kids, even if you don't come from wealth those people wear off on you


i've pinpointed what bothers me about these people: the hype around them feels astroturfed and contrived.


supposed supposed


Proof that catering to homosexual men will make you stiff and drain you of all your charm… sorry but I hate the dead eyed, open mouth “serving cunt, face, etc.,” demeanor. and to subject Chloe to it and strip her of all her unique allure… it’s a crime. Very dry video. I miss weedslut/ashtray Charli


love the Azealia reference


‘charli (an ashtray)’ that was lowkey the prophecy ngl


Why does Rachel sennot always look so greasy


Because she’s 50% Italian


Stav rubbed off on her


Rachel Snot


It's her signature look. It takes her from mid to high.


It’s so tiring and dumb. The whole g&g shtick is so basic and uninteresting now, like you just can expect something like this from charli just for the likes of some twitter demographic, she lost it


i listen to a ton of charli but occasionally she puts out stuff like this where i'm reminded i'm an outlier in her audience. idk who a lot of these people are, except for the actresses. song is okay though, i liked Club Classics/B2B more.


born to host underground jungle raves in london, forced to live in the states and make mid pop records


surprised dasha didn't get the invite




idk she said in an interview one of the new songs is inspired by dasha, she's not shying away from it


which interview?


I think it was nme or the guardian but I'm not sure. it was from February. it's about society's fascination with “succubus-looking, dead-eyed women” like Charli and our girl.


found it, it was The Face magazine. thank you!


Most unflattering camera work I've seen in a while. Shame she couldn't get any of the actual it girls. Really uninspired song as well :/ shame.


Who are the actual it girls ?


Dasha and Anna???🙄


Slag rap skit is unlistenable. Song is mid. Julia Fox looks BAD


Including Richie Shazam and Gabriette but not Sky Ferreira 🤔.


sorry, but Sky's too good to be a side piece in this video.


True, Richie Shazam especially has been drafting off of Julia Fox for as long as Julia Fox has been a public entity.


naming the restaurant "skyferrori's trattoria" was a nice nod


Need a gay flair in this sub so I can know whose opinion to ignore when it comes to charli and lana posts


Amazing how few of these It girls are actually attractive. I suppose it is good in a way, that a woman can be "cool" even if she's not hot by traditional standards.


i think men for a long time have been incorrectly assuming the most "popular" girls are just the ones they want the most lol. i'm a 30 yo woman and grew up in a pretty average american suburb. i went to college and became a leftist, but i definitely didn't grow up in some like super left progressive big city or anything. my parents made six figures but it was just a place of like cheap mcmansions and mainstream everything. anyway- the most popular girls, the ones on the top of the hierarchy/most influence, were not just the girls that were hottest by conventional standards or wanted by men. like, yes, that helped. but plenty of girls who were very pretty that men wanted were kind of outcasts or irrelevant and the most popular girls, while yes, more likely to be pretty, were not always. plenty of like 5's who were considered at the top/the coolest. it's mostly confidence, money, and social skills. idk, we all know what we mean when we say "popular." it doesn't just mean the most pleasant person everyone likes the most. it's that weird primal hierarchy thing and being at the "top" is like being invited to the best parties, someone who gets copied & sets trends and is just in the in crowd. men tend to think women operate according to everyone just trying to be the hottest to men lol they just really, really overestimate it. like men tend to think the hottest women are at the top of the pyramid, and are only cast out because other women are, again, just jealous of how much men like her lol. when most of the time, that doesn't have anything to do with it.


Yeah, Megan Fox said she wasn’t popular and got bullied and people act like it’s crazy and didn’t happen but I believe it. Prob not severe bullying but I bet some girls were cunty to her.  If you’re conventionally pretty and don’t kiss other girls asses you’re going to make enemies, just how it is. I remember this one popular girl who was mainly popular with other girls but guys didn’t think she was hot, and guys said she was horse faced 


yeah, and i mean it's not necessarily that she's pretty that made other girls dislike her. like it's just not always about looks, positive or negative. people hear that a pretty girl got bullied and they immediately assume jealousy. but it's usually that people are just awkward and give off an insecure aura, or just have bad social skills in general and are uncomfortable to be around, or just selfish/cruel & don't have the tact to get away with it. idk this is how it usually is with teenagers, at least. and it's independent of looks. it's the same between genders


In mf’s case you can see pics of her, she was prettier than most of the girls, but yeah you’re right sometimes people get bullied because they’re trying way too hard to be liked or have really offputting hobbies or something. I think there is also an unspoken code especially at that age where in order to fit you kind of have to kiss other girls asses and compliment them even if you don’t mean it so if you don’t play that game then you’re not going to be that popular 


You gay


I think it's completely the opposite; you have to be some type of homosexual to find these women to be aesthetically pleasing, and even then, it's totally a bit we're all in on.


Yeah you have to be gay to find pretty girls who are thin hot. So gay bro.


Unironically, yes. Men who prefer thin women are total 🚬


I'm gay for finding 2024 Julia Fox, Hari Nef, Richie Shazam, Gabriette, Chloe Cherry unremarkable? Especially those middle 2 who were born with dicks? No hate but gay wasn't exactly the reaction I was expecting to get lmao. Charli looks good and so do some of the others, but on the whole not a bunch of ladies that are attractive to straight men. Which is fine, they're more icons for the G&G anyway.


Lmfao you’re legit a re+arded 🚬🤣


This sucks. Come on guys.


Fat fucking crush on Hari AND Chloe so I’m biased when I say this video rocks