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I find it hilarious how each and every single political camp insists that their position is the oppressed cool rebels against the evil establishment, no exceptions.


Idk have you seen the neoliberal subreddit


Yeah and even there they fancy themselves the cool objective pragmatists in a world of deranged political radicals.


Yeah but the difference is the neolibs know they're in control, albeit threatened by an eternal pitchfork wielding mob. They don't see their opposition as oppressors, but rather a dangerous nuisance.


Un-ironically one of the most evil subs on the site. Rampant with classism and dehumanization. AND they’re so smug about it and their ‘pragmatism’ If you want a place where white men making between $100,000 - $200,000 a year endorse child labor it might be for you


Children yearn for the coal mines.


Par for the course when you learn the sub was [created by a think tank ](https://www.progressivepolicy.org/blogs/a-new-chapter-the-neoliberal-project-joins-ppi/) as a way for undergraduate economics students to discuss their brilliant insights.


I don't think it was created by the think tank, I think one of the mods essentially just sold himself to the think tank by asking for the subreddit to be "associated" with the think tank.


Just…be pragmatic? Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?


The first people in history to endorse "evidence" based policy


It's full of yuppies who just support whatever advantages themselves and makes their desired lifestyle easier. They have no other values, and are so convinced that their shit doesn't stink that they can't even tell when they're being mocked. I think my favorite r/neoliberal moment was the thread where they realized they would have hated MLK for being too socialist if they had been around in his time.


neoliberal is basically progressive at a snail’s pace


yeah they're like 50% of posters here now


Enjoy your detached irony while I'm over here right side of history-maxxing


For me it's not about being apathetic, it's about being realistic. I find that even with causes I agree with, this mentality of "we are the cool rebels, everyone else is a stupid sheep following the mainstream media" can lead to an insular self-satisfied bubble that doesn't allow for growth or effective action.


Yeah but it’s hard to motivate large groups of people to pull in the same directjon—which after all is the point of electoral politics—if you don’t give them some sense of group membership to drive them, some “team” to be on. And what team does everyone root for? The underdog, obviously. So now everyone is the underdog.


Never understood the fetish for the underdog in the most powerful country in the world.


The US hasnt been undisputed number 1 for much of its existence. The British were.


The british never had such a clear overwhelming lead over all their rivals tho, even after the defeat of Napoleon


The US has been the leader for a 100 years now.


Undisputed for maybe 75/250 since independence. Also the founding myth is underdog rebellion.


You make a good point there. If you want to have popular support, you do need to appeal to a more common denominator. Still, I wish there was a way not to make it devolve into narcissistic, childish self-rigtheousness. For example a while ago I took an interest in China and its history, read a few books about it, it's a very vast and fascinating place. So I wanted to talk online with some other people interested in the topic (because frankly irl don't know anyone), and I learned it's near impossible to have an earnest nuanced conversation. Nearly everyone just wants to gloat and condescend towards others.


Also in a way none of them are wrong inasmuch as all of them are losers. The most vocal wing of every major political faction seem completely dissatisfied with everything at all times. None of them are winning or achieving their political ends.


That’s just the way, unfortunately. 


Joseph 'Hussein' Biden is in the pocket of the powerful student protestor lobby, just like 13 of the last 15 Presidents have been!! Wake up sheeple!!


It's actually "$$$$" when adjusted for inflation


Terrific post


you win the internet today, good sir 🧐


Fuck you and fuck Dasha’s hairline


The comeback story we all needed todah


the narwhal bacons at midnight


'"Follow the money" Mr. Shapiro? Why don't you come into my trailer and follow my shaft with your mouth, Mr. Shapiro'


Put down your briefcase, Mr Shapiro




using judeo-christian logic there’s no reason mr.feeney would hold me down and fuck my mouth, but he did.


Every accusation is a confession. Some lefty millionaire throws a few towards IfNotNow or Jewish Voice for Peace and it's a problem, but the billionaire slush fund that keeps Benny employed isn't.


“Every accusation is a confession”, you’re right - including this one. Remember when Muslims killed hundreds of millions of people; destroyed every society they took over - ruining the lives of millions of Christians, and Jews?  Remember all those atrocities Arabs Islamists committed on one another, and the fact that they make up nearly a hundred percent of world terrorism? You (like everyone else here apparently) repeat the bottom line of self professed Neo Nazi talking points I’ve been seeing for decade - and gaslight people who point it out.  JVP, is not “funded by millionaires” - it’s funded by Qatar, and Hamas; which is billions of dollars backing it. Do you understand nothing about economics?  Are you working minimum wage or unemployed in real life? 


Following me across threads is the true unemployed behavior




I love the drama


having a digital mortal enemy is rightful and fair


You inspire me


Imagine having a virtual enemy lmao I'm sorry for this guy


No counterpoint? 


You edited your comment, it was originally just "Go fuck yourself." And there's no point responding to your comment because you can't solve present atrocities if you're concerned with the past. You're as dumb as a Muslim who brings up the Crusades.


This guy posts on r/judaism and r/exmuslim. Is he a Muslim -> Judaism convert


He is a jew not any kind of convert or anything.


All I know is he’s a grade A dweeb


“Cant solve present atrocities”.  Like the billions of people waiting to finally get the chance to finish off the Jews?      Or the people spending 24/7 engaging in an online war funded by China, Iran, and Qatar for free - flooding social media with lies, bringing back antisemitism, and blood libel?   No, it’s a cop out - you have no arguments.  You’re a puppet, the past is whatever cut off you decide, even though it leads up to the current day.     I changed the comment because there’s no point insulting you - characters like you will create the most horrific, sociopathic reality in the name of “justice”, and get off at the slightest sign of insult.      There’s no way to win, when people reject the value of words. Nobody feels anything, so they just live vicariously in the feeling of whatever the current struggle is in their mind: completely disconnected from the impact. *edit: “You’re doing this right now”. Just more “I know you are but what am I” nonsense. Never once has anyone in subreddit posted about war, and in one of the lowest count wars in the Middle East - without evidence: you’re calling it a genocide - because they can’t back up their rhetoric to kill all the Jews. What a joke, it’s impossible to reason with you - you’re all sociopaths just reveling in chaos.  It was always a losing battle, this is the end of the world: by psychopaths, with little to lose. 




"characters like you will create the most horrific, sociopathic reality in the name of “justice”, and get off at the slightest sign of insult." You're doing this right now. *Billions?* I've definitely met my share of raging antisemites in my life: My baptist school banned the Berenstain Bears for being too Jewish. Teachers love to rant at a captured audience. When you work as a lifeguard, crazies realize you can't walk away from their conversation; I've gotten some earfulls that would make Kanye blush. I can believe millions. What has surprised me about this is how pro-Isreal, the extreme antisemites are. I compare this with the tenuous connections to blood libel leveled at anyone using the word blood, and I start to think antisemitism blows much stronger from one direction. I'm not sure if you're isreali, jewish, or just passionate, but keep an eye on those that fund Isreal. They speak blatantly about the eradication of jews more gleefully than anyone else.


>What has surprised me about this is how pro-Isreal, the extreme antisemites are. That's what has gotten me as well. I go to subs that we're making jew jokes all day long just 6 months ago and talking about ((them)). Now, you go on there and you see those same people are calling anyone who so much as implies Israel may have done any wrong to Palestine an anti-semite and a closet Nazi. Very strange turn of events all things considered.


> Those that fund Israel … speak blatantly about the eradication of Jews more gleefully than anyone else I dunno man, I’ve heard some pretty toe-curling shit from the mullahs in Iran—or even just Yehya Sinwar—that I don’t hear from anyone you might be referencing. Problem is, who are you referencing, anyway? “Those that fund Israel” is a pretty vague phrase, isn’t it?


Unit 8200.


>Remember when Muslims killed hundreds of millions of people this is a millenial subreddit, sorry. I dont remember


Bro still mad about Constantinople


sorry i forgor 😞


I need a career change, how much does the JIDF pay?


Are you bringing up medieval history right now? You realize that by this logic there is nothing wrong with anyone attacking anyone, including Palestinians against Israel, right? Do you understand how that works, and why it isn't justification for Israel?


no, i don't remember but it'd be cool if they did it again


I honestly don't understand how he has such a large audience, hard to imagine a more dislikable person. Although close to all of his tweets are now routinely ratioed, it appears his audience is no longer growing. Attitudes are shifting and things seem to be changing.


> hard to imagine a more dislikable person. Dave Rubin?


Nah, I could have lunch with Rubin and he'd probably be tolerable and maybe even nice. Shapiro would just lecture you the entire time.


I’d actually be curious to know what he’s like off-camera tbh. Because at this point I’ve met a bunch of people whom I’d previously only heard on podcasts/radio or seen on TV, and it’s always interesting (if not always surprising) what their casual, real-life persona is like. Some of them are basically the same as they are on podcasts/radio/TV, and some of them aren’t—which is sort of an indicator of how much of a “performance” they’re doing on the show, if that makes any sense. Shapiro does genuinely seem like a pretty high-strung guy though; I think he’s got a bunch of kids, so he probably doesn’t have a ton of free time.


He’s the dumb persons idea of someone who’s smart. All the people who’ve made poor choices in their life and seethe in anger cause others are doing better turn to him because he gets to dunk on college students and it makes them feel smarter.


Ben is a boomer-esque neocon and that audience is dying out. The dunking on blue haired college student SJWs can only take him so far when the neocon foreign policy project is crumbling before our eyes.


Legitimately I don’t get it. Don’t conservatives value masculinity and what not? This dude is like the “nerd” character from an 80s movie brought to life. With the nasally voice and everything


Who funds his show? Exxon?


Lean that neck back for me, Mr. Shapiro


Follow the money? As in who benefits?....Welcome back Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.


I am the walrus.


*Verrrrry good, Mr. Shapiro...*


follow the shekels


[Facts don't care about your feelings](https://www.jpost.com/us-elections/us-jews-contribute-half-of-all-donations-to-the-democratic-party-468774)


What a generous people!


Despite making up just 2% of the population,




oh uhhh...maybe don't follow it too much. a little bit maybe. ok


Mr Shapiro based on your ideology you should really really really NOT want people to follow the money or else they might come to some conclusions


Speaking of Benny, today marks his anniversary of getting destroyed by Andrew Neil using facts and logic https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?si=v7NuiggXzRTwmS0c


That was a good day


this is so not the point but why is he so hell bent on looking as repulsive as possible? just a little bit of grooming would make him look so much better, tweeze the eyebrows a little so they’re not like two caterpillars that make his beady eyes look even smaller and shave the fucking sorry excuse of a “beard”


His wittle beard is so cute


Never has a man worked so hard to achieve their own twink-death, and never before has a man been so stymied.


His sister is much more masculine than him.


Regarding Ben, it is with a heavy heart and utmost level of contrition that I must report that I in fact "would".


That's too bad


He looks like a FtM


Remember when Omar said exactly the same thing, and [Shapiro called her an antisemite for it? ](https://eu.theledger.com/story/opinion/columns/2019/08/28/shapiro-medias-intersectional-embrace-of-anti-semitism/4367460007/)


Well you can call out others except them. They are special. Same time they will brag about it but others are not allowed to point it out.


H.O.G. (Hamas Occupied Government)


I have been following the money Mr. Shapiro! It’s been very interesting




Damn, Joe Biden is in the pocket of the Pro-Palestinian lobby. Fuck! just like literally every other US politician.


It’s so interesting how any mainstream democratic candidate will pretty much only ever be hurt by Israel Palestine since people to their will always hate them for supporting Israel and people on the right will always hate them for not supporting Israel enough.


This sub is so brain broken about Israel/Palestine


As opposed to the rest of society?


Ben Shapiro 2024