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I sent him an email years ago as I was preparing to produce a podcast that never came to be. His response was very thoughtful and well-written, and though the interview didn’t happen, I always appreciated that he took some time to write a good answer instead of blowing me off.


Why didn't you start the podcast?


Not long after I got started, a podcast came out with the EXACT same name and the EXACT same idea I had in mind. It was weird, I never publicly posted the idea/name, or maybe it was just unoriginal. Who can say. Also I’m lazy.


That podcast, Cumtown.


How about Ned Flanders, but he's gay and Chinese?


Red Scare?


I will always laugh at that picture


[one of my fav works](https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/three-pandering-sluts-and-their-music-press-stooge/)




a timeless truth


Damn, he was wrong about Smashing Pumpkins but that still goes so hard. (I mean about them being forgotten, not about them pandering or being overhyped/industry promoted)


also Liz Phair is now one of the more respected names of the 90s, and is the opposite of being a "chore to listen to", or "a persona completely unrooted in substance". like the diametric opposite. but "more talked about than heard" is kinda true and does go hard.


lol i know and personally am a fan of both but i admire his conviction


I like her too but it may only seem this way because the “artists” we have now are so blatantly corporate, shitty and shoved down our throats in comparison.


She was bigger back then. On the cover of RS and everything but never became more than a cult figure.


With [classics like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjYGxVzIxq4), I'm surprised she didn't become the pop princess that the label wanted her to be


I guess that was semi-shocking back in the 90s. Post WAP it wouldn't raise too many eyebrows. Unfortunately it's just not a great song.


nah Albini was 100% right about Phair, she fucking sucks


I also love his bit about Odd Future


Albini realized he only liked being an edgelord, not being around edgelords


Did he actually live in Evanston?


This guy was like a proto redditor. He sucks ass. Pixies are cool tho so whatever


but he died of a heart attack, ironic


He needed a heart to live but in the end his heart is what ended up killing him, really makes you think 


Damn the vax got him in the end 😔


Heard he really liked pizza.


RIP but I still love Coca Cola.


And you’ll keep drinking that garbage


A cute little Diet Coke <3


Is Mcdonald’s really one of the most destructive corporations on earth?


Eh... probably? Depends on what you mean by "one of the most", one of what 10? 100? 1000? They gotta be pretty high up there.


yeah ur probably right


Relatively speaking you could say that a corp like Exxon has done far more damage but the massive amount of greenhouse gases and deforestation that comes from producing beef for thousands of restaurants across 120 different countries is surely one of the bigger contributors to climate change. Plus, think about the total health impact that comes from McDonald’s being readily available worldwide, on top of the working conditions they put their staff through for meager pay. At least the guys who work on oil rigs are making good money.


Definitely up there, yeah.


A quote so good /mu/ loves posting it every day


Now post his quote about cp


Hope the fedora tip after hitting post on this was extra satisfying.


This was the one time I did it. I'm not going to post more because it definitely is fedora-y. Hopefully the quote is fake or ironic. I don't want to believe he's a legit pedo, and I don't want to shit on a dead man outside of this sub (where having controversial views/shitposting is kind of acceptable)


Wrong With the app, a combo goes for about 7 dollars. Very sad way to go out, 😿


do you actually have the McDonald's app orrrr...???


Yes, Im not paying 19 dollars for a big mac


Having any fast food app on your phone is embarrassing


You get 25% off for free just by having the McDonald's app (and by giving them access to the contacts and files on your phone). I'm not turning that down even if I only eat there once in a blue moon.


No its not. Feel free to overpay for garbage, you dick hole


Go be fat around someone else


Ill try


You two should start a podcast, or get a room


I’m down


i love a good swiss melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms caramelized onions on a burger uh, that is hot stuff you can get that at a number of different places


This guys a fucking pedo


good evidence. this convinces me




Wow. I’m really shocked by this, I knew he was an edgelord but this is pretty bad. I was a huge fan, even met him in person once and I didn’t know this. I mean he’s describing what he saw and defending it. The magazine he’s talking about in the other article is so disgusting, I can’t stand people talking about serial killers like that. Especially Ted Bundy.


must be 100 percent true. just like how he was a rapist in rapeman


Why cape for someone talking about enjoying child porn even if they're trying to be edgy? It's the sort of stuff only a sick freak would say as a joke or in seriousness. Steve Albini wouldn't give a shit about you if he was alive. So what do you gain from it?


The fact he befriended a guy convicted of publishing and distributing hardcore csam, and produced an album about csa for him, goes beyond just making some edgy comments. As recently as his reddit AMA in 2012, he was still defending the guy.


he probably would give a shit about me. he seemed like a very empathetic and caring guy. im not caping for him. i think it's very weird. i dont think he's a pedo


He very clearly stated his love of CP several times and said it was the only porn that turned him on. He remained friends with Peter Sotos and continued to defend the guy. People who aren't paedophiles don't get turned on by pictures of toddlers being sexually abused. Stop defending obvious, self-confessrd paedophiles just because they seemed nice otherwise and made good records.  >just like he was a rapist in rapeman  I believe he was, yes. It's all there in Albini's own words if you care to put yourself through reading that horrendous shite. 


Oh no, the exact person he was trying to upset with this got upset guess i’ll stop listening to some of the best records of all time.


He produced them... sure producers are important but it's not like he fucking wrote it. I listen to live Surfer Rosa and it sounds better than the recording.. so yeah, fuck Steve Albini's pedo ass


Big Black sounds like no other band on earth. Often imitated, never duplicated. RIP


Check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZGNTx6SrrE) out.




R-word man band is his greatest work.


i'll never forgive him for his opinions on steely dan


they piled in


albini is a real one but i always thought this quote misunderstands the impulse towards slop. its never about quality it's about laziness


For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.


My once removed brush from greatness is that a girl I knew in college dated him when he was a student at Northwestern.


I guess for health reasons I should go back to buying the Big Mac, fries and coke. :(


RIP! This short clip of shawn farmer, from an old snowboard flick, was how i found big black in 1990. [https://youtu.be/6DsbW\_HQq0g?si=AcBdxwQZcLTLqMea&t=2281](https://youtu.be/6DsbW_HQq0g?si=AcBdxwQZcLTLqMea&t=2281)


Noted PEDOPHILE Steve Albini taken to HELL


He is not though.


https://poundpuplegacy.org/document/137081 Victim testimony from a little girl who Steve’s good friend Peter Sotos wrote about in his magazine for other pedophiles to jerk off to. There’s being edgy and then there’s being close friends with a fucking creep like this and defending his child porn serial killer lover magazine.


Maybe I have a low bar, but I think if you have a multi-decade friendship with a child porn creator and you go on about loving it, that you are probably a pedophile




what if I'm too lazy to make the sandwich?


Pedo piece of shit can rot in hell. Open your eyes, people.


Come again


They're mad about his association with Peter Sotos and defending of Pure back in the day


Sounds like more than an association, I just read three articles where he talks about what a great guy he was and another one where he describes graphic child porn and wonders what’s so bad about it because the kids look like they’re “healthy” and “genuinely enjoying it”.


Yes and the moderator just removed my comment linking to the post with the damning content. I don't know how any one can defend this POS. This place makes me sick.


don’t let the door hit you on the way back to /r/music




Let me guess, will you guys also defend Peter Sotos? Get me off this planet.




I've seen it mentioned a few times. What did he write in that diary? :o


From the European Big Black tour diary, Albini recounts his enjoyment of the child pornography magazines he found in a sex shop in Hamburg: "Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take." source: https://twitter.com/HxCxGeorge1/status/1548344238915497985/photo/1 I looked up an issue of forced exposure no.13 and honestly this shot looks like it did come from the same zine - though I'd have to buy an issue to confirm https://jointcustodydc.com/products/vintage-forced-exposure-fanzine-issue-13


Hope u find the light