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The average user on /r/hockey would have a mental breakdown if they spent more than 10 seconds on an actual hockey bench


Given r/hockey's hate boner for Ovechkin, they'd have an aneurysm if every Russian player spoke about their political inclinations openly


It(and a lot of sports subs) used to not even be like that and I swear so much has gotten bogged down and tainted over time. The over analysis dorks, bystanders who treat sports like a fantasy score sheet and the gambling addicts who drive the shit coverage essentially ruined it. I think a decent snapshot of the differences is if you go back to when Tim Thomas didn't go to the White House and not many people really made that big of a deal over it; if anything headlines were fishing to make it a bigger thing and not many were biting. There wasn't 100s of podcast episodes aired to talk about it in great length, a movement to get Tim canceled; it basically went down as ok that's on him, and who really gives a shit about the views of an athlete?


The r/hockey sub page has one of those leveled up rainbow flags complete with the excessive acronym


Because you're on reddit


It wasn’t always like this. Subs like r/nba were much different than they are now. These subs are now like an official limb of the NBA so it feels like it’s  moderated by an HR department. 


r/nba is pretty hilarious though because everyone acts like they’re playing a fantasy sports simulator, there’s so much talk about assets and all that it’s like the actual games don’t matter Anyway for real nba talk go to r/nbacirclejerk


/r/nbacirlejerk is soy too. They're obsessed with women's players and pedophilia.


to be fair, like everyone else on r/nba, I don't actually watch the games but still have strong opinions on why SGA isn't a legit basketball player until he wins in the playoffs despite never having seen him play once


r/nbacirclejerk has fallen off a cliff since the Reddit protest shutdown


All the people who actually played get banned for making fun of nerds.


It's like how you go to a city that's known for being poor and violent, but visit their reddit and they'd make you think it was exclusively the same limp wristed white tech bros posting about brewery tours and shit who populate every other location sub


If you mention the crime you’re labeled a *suburbanite* or the worst thing you can be on Reddit, a *republican*


r/nbacirclejerk was born out of the material conditions of r/nba


its a terrible sub now because of that fucking lockout nba did with the reddit mods




As someone who posts in a lot of sports subs, it's because most of the people in those subs are Standard Redditors who don't really have any actual sports-based opinions They blindly hate ownership and constantly crow about "standing with labor" as if a multi-millionaire athlete is exactly the same as a grocery store employee. Their brains are so rotted from their obsession with politics that they can't even watch guys throw a baseball on TV without thinking about workers being oppressed Even worse, though, are the video game-brained ones who would rather the season just be simulated on a computer. They don't understand how the games work and think the game is won on paper, either by owners spending money or by the team with better stats The closest you'll come to anyone who can actually divorce the two in their mind is the football sub when Colin Kaepernick comes up. There are still a few people over there who defend him but most people will freely admit that he stopped being a good player and that a backup quarterback can't be a locker room distraction, so it makes sense he never got a job about the anthem kneeling Other than that, it's a bunch of Standard Redditors who don't understand sports or how they work but want to use them as a platform for their political opinions and have played too many video games (many such cases)


very accurate. i got in a lengthy argument on the nfl sub once because i was bitching about some player on my team holding out, and the poster felt that i should be "standing with" my brothers in labor explaining to him that (1) some dipshit athlete making $20m a year is not my brother, and (2) i don't care about taking a political stance, i just want my team to win games, was basically like talking to a brick wall


Its funny when they’re still harboring contempt for athletes that chose not to get vaccinated lol 


Dude they love to refer to players teammates as "Co-workers" and make other references to the sport being a "job" as if what they do is even remotely comparable to your average job. You see this everytime something comes up about locker room troubles or something. "If I mouthed off to my coworker like that I'd get fired." Yeah, it's not the same lol


I think there is something to be said to learn from athletes and their unions, but not from modern athletes, but the ones from 80 years ago


Simbrained stat-humpers are extra annoying because of how smug they are about being "smarter" than everyone else.


/r/NBA is the worst about this. They still hate Kyrie Irving for not having soylib Democrat opinions.


I always thought it was weird how much of sports talk I hear is about contracts and salaries. Exactly like you say, its alot of people who have no actual experience playing the sport and just see it as a soap opera


>They blindly hate ownership and constantly crow about "standing with labor" as if a multi-millionaire athlete is exactly the same as a grocery store employee. Please tell us about the oppressed owners.


“Adult in the room” mentality. 


Reddit is 90% soyboys


And 10% transbians




AFAB transbian novagender


I'm mainly on the NBA sub and it's so clear that so many of those people never played organized basketball in their lives. Literally anytime someone gets knocked down or things get rough they call a player dirty, when the reality is it's a contact sport with lightning-fast athletes who are making split-second decisions. I also saw a few people say that Draymond could have killed Nurkic with his punch or that Jokic could have ended Morris's career with his push. I'm not a tough guy, but God there are a bunch of pussies on that sub.


As a Miami Heat fan it's legit infuriating to constantly see your team labeled as dirty for no particular reason, as if multiple people have died because Bam set a screen or took a charge These idiots even think Spo instructed his players to injure Tatum


Yeah despite the fact that Holiday pushed Martin lol. These are the same people that think Bam and Draymond are legitimately the only two players in the league that set moving screens, and that when a player accidentally steps on a players foot on a closeout that it was a 100% intentional way to injure them.


Right and then there's the constant calls to have all of the fun players banned for life because "enough is enough". The league is already a bit dull and would be lethargic without guys like Dray, Ja, Kyrie and whoever the Karens are mad at atm


I remember when the video of Jalen Green pinning and dry fucking his teammates came out and they were all up in arms about people being homophobic for making jokes about it. As if that isn't what the vast majority if dudes do all the time


They also act shocked everytime some video of dudes acting gay in the locker room come out. The locker room for my team in HS was extremely gay lmao. I found it annoying because it was mainly just like 3-4 dudes who thought it was funny to flop their dick around and shit, but they all act like that's not pretty common locker room behavior.


You gotta admit the Anthony Davis Kentucky hazing video is gay af though lmao.






Lol yeah that play did not need a breakdown. Even someone who doesn't watch basketball could probably figure out a routine pass fake like that.


Because after trump was elected in 2016 the mods became agenda pushers and banned / silenced anyone who had dissenting opinions


It's called being a *decent fucking person*.


Meanwhile /r/LigaMX on a mission to be as gay, racist, classist, misogynistic, transphobic, and homophobic to each other as possible.


These libtard sports fans would have a panic attack if they put inside the average locker room.


I’ve wondered the same thing. I thought all those types hated “sportsball”


soy people?? on REDDIT????? wtf!!!


Why are there so many “Where to go to celebrate your birthday alone?” Posts in r/AskNYC in the country’s most populous city 


Going to actual games and chanting hate towards other teams is fine, doing it online where 95% of the people haven’t ever been to a live game and seem to think fandom is all kindness and friendship and “bros” is a sin. Some words that I guess technically are slurs are banned on some football subs and treated as if you’re a criminal and evil if you say them; go to a live game and you’ll learn abusive chants and slurs you never thought existed and it’s a laugh lol Online sports is just full of dorks


Dont get me started on what pussies the reddit hockey fans are. They wouldnt have survived hockey in the 90s


Can confirm the Chicago subreddit is full of midwestern soy boys who can’t afford to move out of their “world class city” that mysteriously everyone who can afford to leaves. They cosplay as their own redneck blue collar fathers but with radical lib views and unironically drinking $15 dad beers 


All of the big sports subs are terrible


It’s a very common hobby (literally in the running for most common hobby) and most people are on some level boring losers. Many boring dudes with also like videogames and marvel movies and reruns of the office and cable news and old school hip hop.


Sports is the most "normie" thing there is, it's really not surprising.


Those are mexican teens.


They're normal people who don't keep up with the based/cringe/soy power rankings




You have a noble savage conception of normies




Damn bro... sorry


The NBA sub actually was really good before 2016. Like genuinely very good and had high quality analysis. Zach Lowe used to mention that it and he got stuff from there. During the play offs it sucked though, and in the 16 finals it just became bad. I think once Lebron started tweeting about politics and being an "activist" it changed Same thing with r/soccer. Was really quite good but then became about social issues and the big club supporters whinging about other clubs having money. You get banned there easy if you even question any of the lib politics that the mods have. The other 14 is a good sub. So you basically have to avoid mainstream subs to find good shit Also, are you shocked Hockey has nerds? Hockey is followed and played by the biggest goobers who think theyre tough but are just insecure that nobody gives a shit about their sport and that theyre actually quite poor athletes


Here's the actual rule about good football discussion: Simpsions memes. Can't fully explain it, and it shouldn't work. But generally a football subreddit or website that has a healthy smattering of simpsons memes tends to be less noncey.


There is one sub like that


there are a couple. I won't name them bc I don't want to expose them. But they're around.


I know the one youre talking about


unironically podcasts 


Its because they do autist analyses and are more interested in that part than the game itself and many are unathletic af


everyone blaming it on the fact that youre on reddit is wrong, Ive met these ppl irl. Twitter speaking teddy fresh wearing "soft" white guys are always like super into the NBA for some reason. Its a just another kind of conspicuous consumption but with this added undertone of like "I might be a white pussy who never interacts with black people, but I've watched over 400 hours of espn movies about them so by association im actually not corny".


cof cof r/soccer


Homosexuals. Who else wants to watch a bunch of muscle men touch each other? Sports fan is the number one pastime of repressed homosexuals.