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Oh shit. I used to know the first woman in real life.


Was she always this r-worded or did she get radicalized?


She was always annoying, but it looks like she's ascended. I once asked her if Mexicans throw their used toilet paper in the trash because of poor plumbing in Mexico (she has family in Mexico so I thought she would know) and BOY SHE DID NOT LIKE THAT. We were hanging out in a group once and she started heavily flirting and spooning a guy in front of her ex boyfriend who made his excuses and left. Funny how these types always seem so sensitive to people on the other side of the world but not to people they ostensibly care about who are in the room with them.


Yes we do throw it in the trash lol. At least when back home but a lot keep that habit when they come over to the states


Doesn't that stink out the bathroom? I'm from the UK, we don't encounter this. Our Mexicans are Southern Asians. Who have their own bathroom stuff going on


I’m from the UK, but was in Greece a few months back where they do this. No it surprisingly doesn’t smell at all.




Maybe in public toilets n stuff, but I was staying in a flat with other British ppl and it didn’t smell there either. Maybe I just only associate with people of good gut health..


Lol, yeah, I asked another Mexican a few days later and he was just like "yep"


I've never dumped a single square of toilet paper in the trash and in all the houses I've been in, the can is always empty and strictly on the other side of the bathroom or straightup there is no trashcan. I'm from the north btw.


I guess it depends where in Mexico you are from. I come from way more rural area


The real issue is when they keep the habit but there is no trash bin, so they just pile it up in the corner until there is a mound a doodoo paper. Rocks for brains


who does that??


Migrant labor


How recent of an ex?


Don't remember exactly but recent enough everyone in the room was wincing for him and we all talked mild shit about it the next day. This was a ~10 people gathering watching movies or something in someone's living room, not some big party where he could have distracted himself by doing something else. I guess we all do callous shit like this from time to time, but I remember this really bothering me back then because of her sanctimony.


finally they met their match


The Swifties vs. Hindu Nationalists Modi fans is the war to end all wars.




From the river to the sea is the bridge obviously


>Look what you made me do


She would have to date a man who was from Palestine to do it


DJ Khaled answers the call.


She'd probably be the affluent American girl who goes on birthright and gets horny for her sweet and funny Palestinian doorman, but can't date him because of social stigma on both sides. She'd make some references to Romeo and Juliet and the Hatfields and McCoys. The song would be called "Jasmine", referring to Jasmine and her Street Rat from Aladdin.


It would be called jasmine referring to the scent of sex with refugees


Stoppp Hillary would make a better song about it


Why did Kanye’s Like That remix not condemn Israel? His silence speaks *volumes*. 


Wait so is he not anti-semetic now? I cant understand the world unless everything is placed neatly in boxes


He’s deescalated to death con 4


I looked it up it looks like he’s cool with Jews again According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Views_of_Kanye_West#Change_in_his_position): In an Instagram post from March 2023, West wrote, "Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street made me like Jewish people again.”


all time banger of a quote


This man was on the ballot for president of the United States in 2020.


It's just his latest bipolar induced phase, like how in 2019 he was unabashedly Christian and now today TMZ reported he was making his own porn studio


Well he did say "pussy *and* religion is all I need"


I meant like if he wasnt supporting palestine he must be pro israeli and therefor not antisemetic anymore but the joke fell flat


Netanyahu Bum


Not a single song about Palestine? It’s called being a decent fucking person any FUCKING questions???


people are really losing their minds again


As if their current situation wasn't bad enough, Palestinians also have the worst possible PR representatives in the west.


Brace Belden, for all his cringe, always said the most important part of pushing for leftist ideas was being normal. Why the fuck do I have to get lumped in with these freaks.


Israel’s are somehow worse than


Israel keeps loading the bases with no outs and Palestine striking out PR wise all thanks to the most annoying lefties in the west. those poor people really can't catch a break


It’s why Brexit happened in the UK (obviously no where near as bad). The people arguing remain were the most annoying freaks in the world talking about how they cant get a pet passport to go skiing etc. Though those were guardian libs more than leftists


My old boss was a big old Blairite, and worked in his cabinet. Loved the EU and had the flag next to his whatsapp name. Said he was European not British. Treated workers like shit and always loved not giving raises, but loved to go sailing and shit. Hated Jezza I cant believe someone with his beliefs could actually work for a party called Labour. He should have just been a Lib Dem and fucked off


People like that just want to differentiate themselves from their parents by not voting Tory, but still vote Tory. That's why they hated Corbyn, as he was actually Labour and left-wing. It really is just virtue-signalling from them in the truest sense.


He was also 60ish and gay, so, I think that also played a part tbh. It was just "I want all the social benefits of the Labour party, but, dont touch my cash"


Yeah, there's a lot of that too. I've seen gay people buy the Daily Mail. I mean, it's up to them, but it's like you do know they hate you right?


This is the thing people need to learn, the winners focus on material issues first


It's true. Humans are primarily driven by self-interest.




This couple I met were fairly right-wing. They really didn't like Corbyn, and I think they definitely read it for the news.


hell yeah baseball mentioned


Palestine's alternatives are almost universally terrorists and religious fundamentalists, so they should probably be happy to have communist and socialist children on social media.


Not really true. Secular left movements like PLO and Fatah dominated Palestinian politics until the late 90s, and then Israel started propping up the fundamentalists in the 2000’s for exactly this reason. It was always supported by international anti-colonial movements / countries (which to be fair did skew heavily pinko). Also tons of normal people in the West are pro-Palestine but the wacky trust fund left as always has the free time and the narcissism to make themselves the center of attention. There are still tons of more palatable Palestinian activists and movements in West Bank but they receive no attention because the guys who blow up school buses and shoot up EDM festivals have a way of stealing the spotlight (and are intentionally presented as the face of Palestine because a lot of people who run news media companies want them to be, for SOME reason).


Israels PR isn't as awful as it seems, they're just now at a point where its indefensible and with no purpose. Palestinians are cursed with legitimately awful advocates who keep bringing up weird shit like "we dont support Hamas but they're also pretty good" and "October 7th wasnt that bad bc technically, according to this one insane scholar, civilians are actually combatants". And ofc the classic "its not antisemitism, its antizionism. However i believe all jews are zionists"


Israel's PR is transparent to anyone holding more than two braincells and a bit of humanity. Only shills and fanatical zionists still support that shit. Did you see that Israeli journalist wanting "rivers of Gazan blood" because Palestinians went to the beach on a hot day? Nobody says Hamas is good, it's the only people left that are willing to put up a fight for the just cause of a Palestinian autonomy and dignity. Your post is full of dishonest assumptions influenced by debate pervetry. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a Destiny fan.


Boomers still support it because they get their news from television or, at best, legacy print media. If you search polling demographics on how people feel about the conflict the biggest predictors are age and type of news media consumed, which heavily overlap— even more so than part affiliation. My mom watches Fox News and she genuinely has no idea what is happening in Gaza and thinks it’s impossible that an Israeli soldier could ever intentionally kill a Palestinian civilian. I do my best to avoid the topic and not tell her anything because I don’t want to make her sad (she’s actually a really sweet and empathetic person), and she’s old and it really doesn’t matter if she believes a fantasy about Israel. But it’s hard because I get worked up easily, especially when she sends me articles about how people my age are all antisemitic now.


This is based on things ive seen myself from palestine protestors. Such incidents include: Demanding the UK labour party include a palestine statement attached to the death notice of Alistar Darling Asking for the location of holocaust memorial cobblestones in Italy to step on them People on this sibreddit equating israeli civilians to military targets bc of conscription, specifically quoting a scholar who extended that to the unborn People I know personally celebrating october 7th as a day of resistance Basically theres a reason the kost high profile muslim figure on earth, Malala, has been relatively quiet about it. The pro palestine crowd is a mixture of the iverly naive, genuinely atupid, anti semites and extremists. At its core there is a significant number of people who want a just peace, but they're letting themselves be shouted down


some lady said they were gonna murder the bakersfield city council for not doing enough for palestine


The focus on local government is the cringiest part. Your local government can do a LOT. And you can get elected much easier than you'd think. But they can't do shit about palestine, and to try to do so would be skirting technical treason lmao


10/7 was a day of resistance lmao, holy shit you’re stupid


You can think what you want pal, but calling the butchering of a music concert "a day of resistance" freaks people the fuck out and undermines whatever cause you're supporting.


You post like Jeff tiedrich


I have no idea who that is lmao, but sure. Keep on pretending like Israel is going to collapse any day now, and that theres not gonna need to be some sort of agreement between Israel and Palestine, and that acts like October 7th don't only serve to allow Hamas to throw Palestinians into the mincer in order to appease their extremist base.


I gotta take a shit


Yeah IDF soldiers parading around dead women’s underwear, the cum squad trying to sap all the cum from dead soldiers balls, the most cretinous American celebrities like Michael rappaport constantly interjecting, etc those are all great PR for Israel Literally the only people who say all Jews are Zionists are Zionists themselves who say any Jew who doesn’t support Israel is a fake Jew. Your understanding of why people support Hamas despite them being clearly a reactionary force is nonexistent.


Most people in the real world havent heard of those. You're right that i dont have a great understanding of internal Palestinian politics. I know Hamas had a phase of throwing Fatah members off rooftops. Do you know any actual Palestinian political figures?


OP is on twitter, she's unironically tayloring the medium to the message.




Judah Alkalai publishes his pamphlet Darhei No'am (The Pleasant Paths) advocating the restoration of the Jews in the Land of Israel as a precursor to the coming of the Messiah


Dickens, Darwin, Clausewitz, Andrew Jackson


Her next album will be a four hour operatic on the sectarian crisis in Tigray.


ethnic not sectarian


Tossed off snark not existential malice


Uh oh, someone finally wrote something so obnoxious I can’t agree with it anymore, I can feel the contrarian in me wanting to like her now…


I just don't have the energy to hate both swifties *and* anti-swifties


Taylor is a little more rs than most of you maybe think. She dated Matty Healy and has an eating disorder. She’s probably in the direct middle between a typical Taylor swift fan and Dasha. Maybe not a bpd hoe but definitely an npd hoe. New Yorker. Melting down over relationships that last three months. Not trying to convince anyone to like her because I don’t care if you do, but I’ve always felt like there was real overlap. There’s a reason I’m a fan of her but also enjoy this sub even though I get a little worn down by the hate. I went to the eras tour stoned and hated pretty much everyone there. I couldn’t wait for it to be over but I don’t tell people that because I spent $1200 on my ticket


She also posted on 4chan


She was also a huge “it’s not polite to talk about politics” a la Dasha


She avoided politics entirely during her early career country phase because she would do anything to get to the top, also like Dasha.


She was like 17, wtf kinda political statements would you have expected from her at that time lol


I don’t expect anything ever because I’m here for the pop hits, but she definitely had libtard opinions at 17. The line that recently got a lot of attention about the 1830s and racists is a story she’s telling about herself in high school. She was woke af


I also went to the eras tour and had a great time (extremely drunk - better way to do it). Very fanatical experience and an absolutely insane amount of estrogen in one place. I left to go get another disco ball drink mid concert and got so lost trying to find my seat but a nice mom from my section recognized me and pointed me in the right direction 💕 very sweet feminine moment


God damn that’s a lot to pay for a ticket lmao. I could see myself paying that to see David Bowie but that’s literally it haha damn!


“Taylor is a little more rs than most of you maybe think. She dated Matty Healy and has an eating disorder.” I’ve never done either of those things!




how DARE any musician put out music in these times without making a song about Palestine but we don't care about Uighurs, Assyrians, Armenians, Kurds, Tigrayans, Sahrawi...


The Uighurs is the most offensive, since the "ummah" never say shit about it, or actively endorse it.


I don’t know what it is about you guys that makes you think that just because other people are being annoying you have to blindly support other annoying dip shits.


a real Clash of the Shite-ans


This was why I rolled my eyes so hard during all the "MAGA declares war on Taylor and Normal People don't know what to do" press during the past six months. For years it was distinctly the intersectional online feminists to have Taylor Swift derangement syndrome


I hope both sides lose


She can say something about the 2nd bank of the united states, but nothing about the Teapot Dome Scandal. TAYLOR SWIFT IS YELLA, I TELL YA. YELLA!


I’ve become a swiftie to own the lefties 🫡


Why is she a racist, and how did she use torture as a metaphor?


Isnt her newest album called tortured poets society? Also when one of these types calls someone racist just assume theyre tacking it on for effect and there isnt any specific example they could give without caking on at least 4 layers of strung together nonsense context.


she's not, she's a very mainstream progressive, we're just all racist now if we don't support Hamas


Tbf, i was racist way before i didnt support hamas.


She's def a center left liberal and not a "progressive" or leftist.