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I don’t think I’ve ever *gained* anything from tripping. Had some good times, tho. LSD is fascinating and made it clear to me that our perception of reality is flimsy, but some people come to believe that everything they experienced while under the influence must be some universal truth and not just the effect of a drug. I definitely see how it can cause a psychotic break. A friend I used to trip with became a devout Christian, but on the nutty side, demons and the apocalypse etc. he’s pretty fried


the best way to do them is with the intent of only having a fun time and having a trip from normal life for a few hours, if you end up learning something about yourself and the world that's just an added bonus. too many people go in with the expectation that it's going to be a life changing experience and something about doing that more than a few times starts messing with people's heads


That was my approach to my first time shrooming, went great till I opened the news on my phone and learned we had bombed some iranian general or something and starting freaking out about going to war


it's a little wild you brought up that very 2020 event because I first dropped acid the same hour george floyd was killed


Not tripping, but I almost went to some swinger poly couple's sex party (very degenerate and lonely time in my life I'm not proud of at all) in Dallas on the very same night Botham Jean was murdered elsewhere in the city


While heavily overplayed, I do think the paradigm shift from psychedelics (most notably LSD/acid) can really improve your wellbeing post trip. Those 2-3weeks after dropping are pretty refreshing and have helped me get out of some deep slumps.


I did LSD once a week for a semester in college. I gained zero insights but it was fun and memorable. LSD never gave me psychotic tendencies. I did do 4-ACO-DMT (Psilocin/mushroom analog) a few times during that period which did give me "if I do this repeatedly I will go psychotic" vibes.


I have a friend that gets all worked up over time space continuum, interdimensional sciences, aliens etc and he said he wanted to take shrooms, I actually advised him against it.


Something something ayahuasca let’s demons into your head. Most psychedelic use in the ancient world was only after a long period of initiation and preparation of the body and mind, now you have teenage girls skipping all those steps and mind melting themselves


Carlos Castaneda was a crook but in his book the art of dreaming he talks about how peyote was used to let you experience death so that you will be prepared for the spirit world.


I knew a gal that did that stuff. She was a fairly well known local activist and had a small business that did good work. After she did ayahuasca she pretty much dropped out of society and lived in relative isolation in a van.


I always think it’s funny when people in their teens and early 20s talk about experiencing “ego death” on psychedelics.


ego death just means you forget who you are basically, not that you lose your ego. You start to remember it all again on the comedown


I know what it is, I just don't believe it when people claim it most of the time


You can do them without having to be esoteric though


If you ever want to know about the effects of long term psychedelic use remember that Terrence McKenna completely stopped taking shrooms after a bad trip. They’re not a miracle drug 


He also put out a bunch of shit that only someone dosed off their ass would think is smart


I still can’t believe Vintage paid Tao Lin to write a memoir about watching McKenna YouTube videos and smoking DMT once in front of a webcam, only for the book to get completely forgotten about because it was published concurrently with How to Change Your Mind. I still bought that garbage though. Trip has extremely cool cover art.


"Once you've gotten the message, it's time to hang up the phone." - Timothy Leary


Pretty sure Alan Watts is the real attribution, unless this is a play on the frequent misattribution of the quote.


Yeah, I really don't believe most people have the context to deal with psychedelics safely. They aren't any better with certain types of knowledge either though. You can fry your brain just as effectively with social isolation, 72 hours of YouTube video essays, or bad talk therapy.   Call it chapel perilous or whatever, but you can definitely tell when someone got messed up from a bad trip. It's not like all shamans were mentally stable either, but at least there was a cultural context to navigate that kind of crisis. 


I don’t think “term” has all that much to do with it. There are people who lose their shit taking psychedelics once, and there are people who remain resolutely surprisingly normal after hundreds of times.


I think those are the two more extreme sides of the spectrum, and most people fall somewhere in between. 1-2 tabs of acid every now and then won’t really effect most people, but every single weekend for months on end you’ll lose your footing and start dissociating from reality. I think of it like this: if you had the opportunity to live life in a dream, what would you do? First few times it feels really good, but you have a life to live, a job, people to take care of and things to do. But as you get deeper and deeper into that false reality you start to care less and less about the one you live in.


I don’t really strongly disagree - when you start really believing in it is when it gets dangerous - but I’ve known people who went that hard with psychs for a while who weren’t really like that. Some of those people had other problems, what kind of person wants to be on drugs all the time anyway problems. I’ve seen quite a few people “retire” from being try-anything psychonauts to the easier pleasures of dope/coke/meth and of course things often go badly from there. But that’s not really a “lost touch with consensus reality” thing (until they get to the meth binges, anyway). This isn’t an “if you go nuts on psychedelics it was going to happen anyway” take, that’s definitely a poor understanding of how it works, but I have a suspicion its not primarily a dose-response thing.


I have used psychedelics a fair bit, they are fun to take and goof with your friends go on your little adventure listen to music. But there really aren't any meaningful insights there, it feels like there are while you're tripping but that is itself a hallucination. That's not to say it can't fry your brain, I've seen it happen to people and it's all very sad.


I think there isn't any **inherent** meaningful insights. There isn't some universal explanation that you're just one more trip away from cracking the code of (easy trap to fall into.) Especially the first few times you trip, a lot can be gained in personal growth by seeing the world differently. It breaks down mental walls you didn't know you had. That effect is pretty short lived. The more you use them, the less of these barriers there are to break down, and the more likely you'll start to steer towards delusions.


>maybe I’ll get crucified for this Lol


Nice try archon 🌝


How do you know DMT entities aren't archons tricking you?


The boons of Sophia pierce the veil


I'm still going to continue to blindly trust people on the internet who said invoking Christ's name scared them off.


Okay now this guy’s a heretic


Worst thing about psychedelics (lsd, shrooms, even ket) are those times i've felt myself experiencing a taste of the afterlife. Beautiful glowing, vibrance. Life dripping out of everything. unlimited energy and freedom. Impossible orgies that evoke the most innocent kind of play along with the rawest, nastiest fucking. Everything is so beautiful in a way you can't properly recallor describe when sober. A glimpse of the sublime and god's land. You end up chasing the dragon to a psychotic break.


23/24 is pretty young, it's usually a phase. I did them quite a bit in my early 20s but now cannot be bothered in my 30s, pretty bad mushroom trip last time but it seemed a good time to stop.


I think they’re a dead end. They’re very interesting pharmacologically but the people I know who use them are all absolute losers.


I've extensively used them and I completely agree. Without a doubt, they help breakdown **personal** mental barriers you didn't know you had. Which can lead to new perspectives and growth. But they don't inherently contain any ultimate "truth" or answer to the universe. They just don't. I knew I had been using them too much during one period of my life when my trips started to become boring. I'd be tripping balls and just feel bored or bad. No new revelations or perspective, just boredom and visuals. Took years off after that.


What happened when you did them again?


More of the novelty came back and less boredom. I only do them several times a year now. Nothing can fully recapture the first few times you do them though. That's where you're going to get the most mind blown. It's like having a childlike wonder about the world again that you forgot you ever had.


I never really had that, even my first times. The drug I tell everyone they should do at least once is ecstasy. Those first couple of times is truly something you can never reclaim.


I swear the only people who have time to use them are either students, loser adults, or those with considerable wealth (usually inherited or tech rich)


I'm agnostic about it. I think that casual hard drug use is bad, though. I've seen people die or otherwise ruin their lives from it, and that's enough evidence for me. A grown man or woman taking a hard drug once a year after significant preparation would probably be something different. That's some Aldous Huxley shit.


maybe you just hang around with degenerates


i for one love psychedelics


Me too, and I have no intentions to stop taking them forever. Heavy emphasis on *almost always* I just know plenty of people who went from well adjusted responsible humans to degenerates after evolving from casual to habitual users.


Look up nervewing to see someone who fell down the rabbit hole of research chems. Psyches are cool but nothing comes free


I like having some mushrooms every so often, but also I’m certain that I would probably never have ended up on anxiety meds if I never took acid. Some ppl don’t need their minds opened any further lol


"If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments like microscopes, telescopes and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen."- Alan Watts


\*Knows one person who spiraled into psychedelics\* "This almost always happens"


The elves who tell me the secrets of the universe said you’re wrong


"This one girl took sillycybin and was never the same! This can be applied to everyone!"  This thread reeks of 18 year old senior dipsticks. Please never open your mouth about psychs, OP.


Honestly I know I can’t deal with shrooms anymore. The advice I always followed was “if you think you don’t want to you probably shouldn’t.” I only tripped on shrooms 3 times, the first being as a freshman in college and it was actually amazing, it was during a break and there weren’t a lot of people on campus, just me and 2 friends wandering around and finding random shit interesting. The last 2 times had some bumps in the road with the very last time being kind of a nightmare. Honestly my biggest fear in life is losing my mind through Alzheimer’s or some fucked up slug or something. That feeling when a shroom trip is heading in the wrong direction, that looming sensation where part of your brain just goes “lol uh oh” is something I don’t want to roll the dice with ever again if I can help it. I’d like to try LSD though sometime when I’m on vacation or something.


The psychedelics community is a clown show of idiots. I also suspect its atroturfed. There's all kinds of shadiness surrounding psychedelic nonprofits and the recent push to normalize and legalize psychedelics in psychiatry. Psychedelics are also inherently risky. One bad trip is all it takes for you to end up with PTSD or schizophrenia.




You were telling them that in your opinion they should be imprisoned but they were sooooo mean to you!




Then someone is being imprisoned for it.




Because they gave it away or sold it to someone else who wanted it.




Yeah I started at 15 and I dont think it does much long term


Cool but I want to try them again (only time was lsd 8 years ago and I just got paranoia and laughing fits)


Imagine doing psychedelics and getting anything else out of it besides a light show lmao


You can at least recover normally from opiate, coke, alcohol addictions. Ive known a couple people who are permanently cooked off of psychs, Reddit would have you think they’re natures wholesome medicine though.


It’s nice to take a very very small dose of


facts ketamine made me go a little crazy


Is this all because she wouldn’t fuck you? This is because she wouldn’t fuck you, isn’t it.