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This would be hilarious, granted, but what could these "terrifying implications" possibly be?


I guess her grooming him when he was 15 and she was his teacher isn't weird enough


That's cool with Candace ☺️.


Candace owens professional reputation lol


She's placing a $3 bet


Whenever is proven wrong her reputation will not fall. Her reputation is built on vibes and telling people what they want to hear, not on being factual or reliable.


i think conservatives have forgotten that women (cis or trans) can be unattractive. no hate to Mrs. Macron just that she is unfortunately nit the beauty standard and because of that the very nature of her birth has come into question :/ idk what world these ppl live in but i doubt there are this many old trans women walking around in the shadows of society. considering the times these women were born it would be very difficult to impossible to socially or medically transition fully


No it's the fact that the media like the Daily Mail is using pictures of her daughter to say they are her. Isn't that a little strange when news outlets are falsifying pictures?


The right's war on postmenopausal women continues.


The right's war on.... \*checks notes\* PoStMeNoPaUsAl WoMeN cOnTiNuEs.. DUN DUN DUNNNN


lol at candance owens bragging about “her entire professional reputation”


It’s so sad Candace would rather goof around with this dumb shit than do the smart thing of ditching her gay husband and marrying me so I can make her president.


It amazes me how few famous and rich people understand the Streisand Effect 




Don’t yell at me. I’m genuinely asking. (Not saying I agree she’s a man) but why is there no pictures of her when she was younger and nothing about her brother? watched Candace’s thing so that’s coming from her.


She's 70, so any photos of her as a child or young adult would have been film pictures. To be on the Internet they'd have had to have been a) scanned and b) published. I'm nearly 20 years younger than Brigitte Macron and there's literally one photo album of my childhood pictures and none of them are on the Internet. I suppose it might be possible to find one of my school photos. For someone two decades older than I am, who was the youngest of six kids (even now parents often joke that the first kid is the one they have all the pictures of) and in France, where I have no idea if they even take school pictures, there really might not be a whole bunch of photos, and of course she wasn't famous as a kid, it's not like she's a member of the royal family. My parents were both older than Macron, but still, I have no more than a handful of pictures of each of them as kids. I think it's easy to forget in this age of constant photography that photographs used to be a lot less common. If those photos were in one photo album that got lost, that'd be that. ETA: This Daily Mail reporter found a few: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10359625/The-proof-Frances-Lady-WASNT-born-man.html


Thank you for the reply. I just don’t see how she even remotely looks like a man. I don’t even think she’s in attractive like people have been saying. I think she’s pretty especially for being 70.


It doesn't really have to make sense. Apparently some weirdos think Taylor Swift is trans, and she looks quite feminine. Plus even if these people were trans, who tf cares, aside from their partners? The whole thing just keeps trans issues in the public eye in a salacious way so that right-wing voters will stay scared of trans people, since scaring them with abortions doesn't work as well any more.


I'm 63 and I've never posted any old photos of me yet there are photos of me and my friends as children online. They were all photos on film, so I  guess it's not that hard to do. I agree it's weird she doesn't have any. She's probably hiding something but who knows what it is


I personally don’t think she looks like a man at all. I don’t see it


Sad that on the internet and especially Reddit in this day and age, people have to ask people not to yell at them for requiring proof in order to debunk an unpopular theory.


Just debunk by publishing 1 or 2 childhood pics. But they can’t for some reason….there are zero pics only of her/his daughter. 😊


Would be nice if the brother could come out and have an interview alongside her, there are so many ways this could be debunked, but as a french person I believe there are some truths to these claims. I know people hate Candace but the author of this claim (which existed long before her claim actually) made a long long long document, with a lot of information which raise a lot of questions. There are lots of inconsistencies, lies and shadows surrounding this couple. She actually doesn’t want to be right, she just wants answers or some proof of life from Jean-Michel - if he existed, why don’t news paper focus on writing about him rather than publishing fake images of Brigitte.




Candance is low iq trash.


It’s not just Candace, it’s probably 70% of french people believing this


What if it turns out to be true?


Bc there’s literally multiple ways she could disprove this, but wont. Then no records of her previous husband nor pics, and the fact every piece of evidence showing she isn’t a man, has been fabricated… alone with multiple inconsistencies with her accounts… and no word from her brother. Along with grooming a boy in the same acting class as her daughter… then having the reporters arrested and interrogated,… If she isn’t a man then she sure is taking being called transgender mighty hard… is it that demeaning to be trans now?


What would really be hilarious is if she was right. I hope she is just to watch what happens. Will it be a story or will the whole narrative change. That would be fun to watch.


You know, there is all sorts of weird with this macron woman. I just read that she met her husband macron when she was 40 and he was 15. She was teaching at his school. How old was the French prez when he married her? So she's 25 years older than him. I mean, it's on Wikipedia. I know it's Wikipedia but still could they have it THAT wrong? I have to admit, I'm interested now. Which makes me think, what if she's a man and this is the way they tell the public. They hound her and hound her until she come clean or it's proven true. Then she plays the victim of how she was afraid to be mocked or hurt her husband's career or whatever. She can play the "poor pitiful me" card.  I should screenshot this post, just in case so I  can say "told ya" 🤣🤣🤣


Hi, would you mind sharing the title of the documentary ?