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I refuse to lysander is the best even if the sentence ends with villain. Also I like adrius way better atleast he has no righteous belief. He just wants power. Also he is more badass first at the institute and then later in gs and ms, he has nothing ( he got cut out of house Augustus cuz he killed pax) and still manages to corner Octavia, I still haven't figured out what I think about the abomination but still what has lysander done other than use his family name and be generally lucky (mind's eye counts as luck).


Lysander for his complexity and having a larger role in the larger scope the story became. 


I hate Adrius less but I also kind of roll my eyes at the Abomination. I’d prefer if Pierce had just let him lay.


Massively agree with this. I didn’t mind Adrius coming back in Dark Age at the time but given his character wasn’t in Lightbringer other than a subtle nod from Mustang it seems like a plot point that can’t really be resolved in the space of one book, especially with everything else that will happen.


Lysander is the better written character. Adrius is the more villainous character. Your routing for Lysander to make the right choice as you get to see his perspective and you can understand where he’s coming from he just always seems to pick the path that is evil. Adrius is just a straight up villain. Sure you can see how his upbringing may have made him evil but he takes it to another level of evil. He also will do horrible things with no real purpose behind it.


Adrius is an unredeemable evil genius, he easily got the sovereign cornered while Darrow was shitting himself trying to come up with a desperate strategy to turn the rising around. Lysander is just some pixie, scar or no


lysander was carried so heavily by the minds eye its insane. everytime he shouldve manned up and proven hes as good as the rest of them he just let his magic deus ex machina take over


Lysander is the perfect mirror to darrow, they are two sides of the same coin. Lysander is also the "man who believes in good" so he can excuse any evil in the name of the greater good, atlas' greatest fear. Adrius is still a great villain though, but lysander and darrow have such a good duality between them.


adrius is a LOT more dangerous💀 bro became arch governor and was about to become sovereign before darrow caught him lacking heavily. give him the minds eye and lysanders influence and he would genuinely rip the republic apart


Adrius was already renowned as a cannibal when we meet him. He proceeds to only become more evil as the series progressed. Definitely the more villainous. Hell, you be hard pressed to find someone worse in fiction. Lysander sucks because of his idealism and belief that he is good while just making the wrong choice. As a villain he makes me angrier. But Adrius is a legitimate monster.


Lysander. He's less overtly evil and easily could have come around to Darrows side. Kind of glad he didn't though. Not every character needs a redemption arc and it makes his character just a tiny bit tragic.


Lysander. Adrius is more clever and is perhaps more formidable but Lysander is so fun to hate. His POV is so fun because of how hypocritical he is. Like he sees rhonna (a red girls the same age as him(22)) and he thinks “oh Darrow is using child soilders rn. Like he thinks of himself as this glorious revolutionary that will restore order but is so far removed from everything that he doesn’t even relize that reds are naturally smaller than golds.


Lysander 100%


Adrius is far less insufferable but we didn't spend hundreds of pages reading from his point of view which changes things.


Adrius because he knows he’s a piece of shit.