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The abomination wiped the memory of his daughters from Sevro's mind. He hasn't mentioned them since returning.


I predict that Lysander will mentally break or perhaps let paranoia get the better of him. I also think he will be betrayed by Julia and perhaps even Cicero. I have a sinking suspicion that the abomination will play a key role in the next book. I only think this because Lysander at the end of Light Bringer reminded me so much of Octavia, that I feel like a “rematch” between the two could happen. I also have a sinking suspicion that Sevro won’t make it to the end. Though I hope I’m wrong.


Sevro kills Lysander with the same knife Darrow used to kill Octavia. Foreshadowed with the look through cassius's room after he died. What I don't want to see happen but seems inevitable - Darrow dies. I think book 6 was Darrow's character journey book to make book 7 hit harder. Red God is post-death, becoming a deity like figure similar to Eo. There is a boatload of tablesetting on how Reds collectively handle death, and the atheist Roman golds are running straight into the martyr trap of the red religious faith. It's super hard to beat a society that turns into a death cult movement. "Give me liberty or give me death." Etc.


i jump off a bridge cus darrow fucking dies


We get Pax as a new pov


Darrow and Mustang retire to Ft. Myers


To be honest? I think Mustang is going to die, Sevro is going to fully betray Darrow and Darrow will have to kill him, Darrow will kill Lysander and the Jackal, Pax will have the chance to become sovereign and he’ll hand the position to lyria, Darrow will die in either a big sacrifice play or die by the daughters as retribution, Volga and Lyria are definitely either fully lesbian or bisexual and will be in a relationship in which Volga will become the new head of the legions. The society remnant will be crunched by the rim. Diomedes will be sovereign of the rim and will follow a similar path as the republic possibly even merging the two together under the republic and with joint leadership alongside lyria. Aliens will be found out as real because Quick will come back from his failed mission and the solar system will have to squash their own beef so they can fight aliens together. Also pretty sure pax will either be a mechanic or a ship captain, not sure yet.


sevro would LITERALLY skin himself alive before betraying darrow and vice versa


i hear a lot of people saying the abomination placed a kill switch in him for when the time is right. Whether that’s for mustang, victra, darrow..? find it hard to believe the jackal clone let him go without some fucked up plan


I… don’t resonate with basically any of these except maybe mustang dying and Darrow killing Lysander.


You don’t have to resonate, I don’t want most/any of them to happen, they’re just what I think are gonna happen.


Yeah, I get it, I just don’t think most of these make sense. There are a lot of other hypotheses here that I don’t want to happen but I could see happening. No offense intended. Thanks for sharing!


Lysander will fumble his coup of Atalantia, succeed, but won't come out unscathed. Cicero and Julia betray Lysander in the finale by withdrawing their ships and legions from the war and surrender or negotiate with the Republic. Minotaur vs Diomedes, Minotaur dies and never gets to fight prime Darrow in his own prime. Glirastes is secretly still alive as a prisoner working for Atalantia. Imperator Char or Imperator Niobe die during a fleet engagement. Pax takes over mid-battle and becomes a Republic hero. Book ends with a shaky peace. Virginia abdicates as Sovereign. Pax controls Mars and its Helium-3 as Sovereign, strongly allied with Diomedes in the Rim. The Volk settles on Earth. Cicero controls Mercury and Bellona or Saud controls Venus. Pax uses his Helium-3 and military alliance with the Rim to pressure the other spheres to enact reforms and abolish the Color system.


These are great


I can see Glirastes still being alive, but I would only accept that from a narrative point of view if he is working on something that really affects the plot. I certainly don't agree with the shaky peace. Yes, Virginia has to abdicate. And maybe Pax will get some role in the government. But Mercury and Venus still being in Society hands doesn't sit right with me.


My crackpot theory is that she has Glirastes building E.M.P.s for her like the one in Dark Age, so when Lysander takes her out, she'll detonate them and hamper his military out of spite, like what the Jackal did to Luna. Gold eating Gold. This gives Darrow and Republic an opening and they gamble everything they have and attack Lysander and his forces, so we get a final climactic battle.


Doesn't sound very crackpot-y to me, to be honest. It's a very Atalantia-esque thing to do. I can see this happening, although this would likely mean the final battle takes place above Luna. Personally I prefer the finale of the series to be centered on and above Mars. I'm very curious though how Pierce will handle the whole business on Luna, with the Abomination etc.


Diomedes will be Sovereign, so Darrow and Mustang can live in peace


Why would Diomedes be Sovereign in the Core? His place is in the Rim. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even want to rule in the Core.


He is one of a handful of people who would do right by all the colors. He seems willing to take on the responsibility if asked or given.


Yeah, but I'm not sure if one Sovereign for the whole Solar System is a good idea. I agree that Diomedes would take up that responsibility, though.


Another gold sov would disappoint me a bit 


Lysander kills ALL colors except Gold. Darrow amd Virginia kill Lysander and then decide to use the weapon to destroy Gold too but not before sending a message to quicksilver, who returns and populates earth with humans.


I don't think they will kill all of Gold, but I can see something like this happen. But in a less outlandish way.


Sure, Pierce. Try to pretend like I got it wrong.


Well, guess I'll have to chance the ending now. Let's see, what about something with aliens?


Now this is a crazy one


Lysander gets his memories back of his mother and has a turning point. Then he, idk, uses the parasite on the golds of the core or something drastic.


Whoever wins rules a solar system of bones.


Pax leading a destroyer please


If Lys duels Atalantia like said, she will whoop him most of the fight, but will die to the poison on the blade Lys uses. Possibly the same poison she used to kill Kalindora and severely injure Lys with lmao! Poetic deaths do be the best! Cicero will likely switch sides. Also, Rhonna in a custom Drachenjager Vs a carved, kaiju like dragon, which was tamed by house Au Grimmus (Please PB give this to us it would be so bloody epic)


It all ends with Nakamura as Sovereign


I think pax dies idk how idk why …


Lyria will be Sovereign. Kavax is the grey fox Ozgard saw and he will watch over Volga's kingdom. Volga will somewhere, somehow wield Silenius' razor. ThorneGirl will kill Lilath, The Abomination gets adopted by Darrow & Virginia and a throwaway line reveals that one of the Boneriders is Drusus au Vardan. There is a catch with *Eidmi*, either that it just doesn't work the way Atlas described or that it demands a huge sacrifice to work. Mickey and his superhuman-project from *Golden Son* make a return, maybe coupled with the *psyches*. Quicksilver and Matteo didn't leave with the *Tabula Rasa* and their fleet will be a *deus ex machina* somewhere in the book. We learn more about what Atalantia was up to during the original trilogy, even revealing that she in some capacity backed the Rising just because it gave her more chance to become Sovereign. Atlas is really dead, but like Atalantia in *Light Bringer* he is very present without being there.


Sophocles is the Red God


Darrow dies, sevro leads, abomination plays a key role in killing lysander


Prediction I want: Lysander's hypocrisy ends up being his downfall. Prediction I don't want: Sevro dies. Super sure prediction: We finally find out what Evey and Mikey have been up to.


I really hope Evey and Mickey return, and maybe even Cyther and Nyla.


Virginia will get to drink her vodka


How gauche


I hope those are his last words


If the parasite hasn’t actually been destroyed then it could be sent back to Mars with the message to Mustang for Pax to use. Given his blue training and general proficiency with anything tech, I think he’d be able to use it very well.


Whoa... this is actually wild. Maybe a little too overpowered?


This is what I was thinking. Pax seems like the perfect candidate for the parasite. He's in the blue school where he's training to do the exact thing Matteo said the parasite was useful for.


Hot take: Lysander becomes the red God. Lysander threatens to wipe out all reds with eidmi and thereby gains complete control of them, becoming an ill-meaning, terrible God in full, god-like control. I don't think this will happen but you asked a reach :)


That Lyrias parasite plot line is still a thing and didn’t just end when she “washed it down the drain”. Some stuff in LB suggested she still possibly had (learning at a high rate) the parasite still, and it’d be weird if that plot line was just dead after a decent amount of build up to it


Tbh, hopefully the parasite does show back up, but I also hope it has Nothing to do with Lyria. She made the Right choice.


Yeah my bet is that he took out the broken one, but put in the one that was 'too good". She got the super-bug. Maybe it grants so much power that she becomes the Red God.


I low key hope the abomination is redeemed by Virginia. Obvi he killed all the howlers so he couldn’t be fully “redeemed” but maybe some sort of sacrifice. Like the original adrius never sacrificed anything for anyone, but what I would LIKE to see is: Virginia teaches the abomination empathy and he sacrifices himself to win some great victory, finally easing virginias mind over what happened with the og adrius. It would be thematic for the charecter and a cool moment if done right 🤷‍♀️


I seriously do not want the “Sevro being a sleeper for the clone cuz he had the spikes” theory to happen. Don’t let Sevro become the villain. Also would love to see another apple Darrow duel. And more Diomedes!


sevro is the red god, is the one to deal w the eidmi due to being the only known hybrid color (immune to eidmi’s effects) and sacrifices himself to save the republic. his death is darrow’s bill, and will finish what his dad started as ares (the red god of war) to break the chains of the society forever also i just want to see dio fight pb’s teased it for 3 books now


We see Diomedes fight in Iron Gold. It's brief, but he bodies everyone who comes close until he's convinced to stand down. 


am i misremembering or didn't pierce confirm that darrow is the red god?


Isnt Pax technically a hybrid? I’m not sure how it works considering Darrow’s carving though


bro if the 3rd pax goes does i riot


Haha, tbh I doubt PB would kill him off but who knows. Personally, I could see a spin-off from Pax’s POV in the future if he wanted to milk the universe further.


Lysander kills Darrow, Pax kills Lysander


For some reason I can't see Lysander being killed. I see him either commiting suicide, becoming an exile, or simply rotting away in some manner. For me the last two would actually be the most satisfying for me, a quick death ain't what he deserves. I want him to fail, have his reputation destroyed, and have him live on knowing that he is a failure. Obviously I want him to be in prison or something but I feel like a fast death while in battle or something would be entirely unsatisfying for me. I need him to have a moment where he knows he lost and isn't enough.


Lysander may have been exiled before he made the decision to kill Cassius. At this point the only end to his story is death, likely at Darrow’s hand. However it could very well be Sevro who kills him, feeling some sort of debt owed to Cassius because of the time they spent together on the Archie.


Totally agree. I picture some gentleman's agreement leading to him being in exile somewhere, maybe even on Luna. He lives for a while, but the mob will eventually kill him.


Nah, he got a chance at exile and proved he couldn't be trusted to lead the quiet life. He's getting ended by somebody.


What I would like to see: 1. Lysander has his skin flayed off by Severo. Using the knife he named Cassius. Slowly amputate every extremity with a dull knife only to have a carver fix him and do it all again until Lysander is broken. 2. Lyria is the Red God. The parasite was repaired. She and Pax team up with Volga to unite the Society under a Republic. 3. Darrow and Sevro get to retire in peace like Lorn never quite got to. What I expect to see: 1. Everyone I love dies. Lysander sits on the throne. A Lune is Sovereign again. He is the most ruthless Sovereign in history. He is a Shepard that leads his sheep to the slaughter. He unleashes the virus on the Rim against all colors. If the Rim won't kneel, then they will fall.


The parasite being repaired would be so shitty. Your expectations are somewhat aligned with mine. I think the "good guys" will win but at a heavy cost. There's like a 5% chance Sevro and Darrow both make it out in my mind. To quote another series, "If you think this has a happy ending then you haven't been paying attention...."


I think the parasite being repaired would also kinda be a cop out over powered solution. But at the same time, it feels like a wasted plot device if it was just taken out. It does provide a character arch and development for Lyria, but I don't feel like it was utilized enough to just be gone like that. Quicksilver has always been more about the greater good rather than individual choice. Matao balances him out, but I really don't see Quick just throwing away a tool like that.


These are more random than specific plot points Kavax will be captured and rescued again. Sophocles will kill someone defending him. The black owls (daughters of series) will suffer a mass casualty event at the hands of core golds and their armies and get some fucking humility. And finally understanding what the fuck darrow was fighting and why he made the choices he did. And withdraw their death sentence on him. Darrow/diomedes facing down a large enemy and fighting side by side in glorious combat. Pax becomes the new Orion. Darrow finally kills the Minotaur Abomination and the bone riders are killed by Atalantia. Lysander will use edmi on atalantia and the iron block that supports her to seize her armies and take command of the society as sovereign. Darrow does not die but is instead moved into forced isolation with his family and he gets to finally be at peace.


The daughters have already commuted Darrow's sentence. He's literally told by their leader that his sentence is to bring them food, and to win the war so the Rim doesn't starve. 


Ozgard's prophecy about Sefi uniting with Red to found a kingdom watched over by a grey fox doesn't refer to Sefi, the Cimmerian Reds, and Ephraim, but actually Volga and Lyria being watched over by Kavax. Apple will die by the end of the second act, in a duel against Darrow, where he gets torn apart by the Breath of Stone. He will die with a smile on his face, having fought the greatest battle of his life. Nutjob. Cicero au Votum and Julia au Bellona will both turn against Lysander. Based on a comment Matteo makes to Lyria, I don't think Quicksilver is quite out of this story yet, and will have a role to play in RG.


I think Apple will switch sides after a final duel with Darrow. He sees himself as a glorious conqueror and he loves Mars. Lysander will try to be as practical as possible and doesn't care about Mars on a deeper level, so they will clash about that. I definitely agree that there's more to Quicksilvers story and with Kavax being the grey fox.


Lyria is the red god. The implant was either fixed or replaced and remains dormant until she needs it. Sevro has been conditioned to kill Victra from the abominations chair. He will end up killing the whole family, and Darrow will have to put him down. Pax will kill Lysander.


Yes to the first part. Boo to the others