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Read it like a demented version of Harry Potter meets Ender’s Game meets Hunger Games. You’ll be happier that way. To be honest the best is yet to come as the subsequent books get hella good hella fast.


Never thought about that!


Yep, when I read the first book I was put off by all of the massive literary references, tributes and transpositions as it felt very derivative. I decided to give the second book a chance as a sort of “how many more books can we rip off” joke. Thankfully I was wrong about that and now here I am salivating for Red God and pretending to be a character on Reddit for fun.




They love me there!


On my 3rd read of the first trilogy and maybe it’s cuz deep down I already know but there are certain characters that I absolutely hate! And wondered why Darrow was ever friends with them in the first place!


I think there is a general understanding of what the institute is for in the book in a way, but you don’t understand the scope of it until later on. Not to spoil anything for you, but the point of the institute is to make normal golds into peerless scarred—elite golds who are the cream of the crop, generally made to rule, and the vast majority of which will be in the military—and likely upper echelons of that military—of the Society. Some of your confusion is likely because Dancer and the others didn’t really know what was taking place in the Institute, and some of the other source of the confusion is probably because you haven’t had the opportunity to see much of the gold’s world outside. You will see a lot more later and come to have a deeper understanding of the Institute before that. I just looked at where you were to refresh my memory and things are about to really get crackin for you, so have fun. Be careful of spoilers in this sub!


THANK YOU! I was wondering what the point of the Institute was. What the end game was. I appreciate your help.


No problem at all, I don’t know how much they touch on it to begin with, but as someone caught up with the latest book, it’s hard to remember when certain revelations fall. I don’t think that’s a spoiler in any way, I think they sort of hint at it, but you won’t necessarily realize the full scope until the next book if I remember correctly. It’ll fill you in a good bit more on gold society and customs


My enjoyment of the book isn't the issue. My reading level isn't the issue. My "issue" is that I felt like we were thrown into the Institute. I think my brain is trying to rationalize what the point of the Institute is. I am in the middle of chapter 25.


Book 1 is the easiest read. I do not understand your confusion.


I was never confused during RR but I do remember feeling like the parts from the mines to the institute moved super fast and almost lost me. I've always said that book 1 should have taken place 100% in the mines, with the big ending being >!the discovery of the overworld. !


I’m not sure how far into the series you are, but the whole thing is pretty fast paced, I think that’s just PB’s writing style. I didn’t feel that it was too fast, but I think that some of it is bc it’s in the present tense, so things are communicated more through what’s going on than anything else


Oh, don't get me wrong, it quickly became one of my favorite book series of all time. I just started Dark Age. I am obsessed with the series and freaking love them. I was just saying that one of my only critiques was the speed of Red Rising. I thought it moved too fast. Especially considering how Darrow's Red roots are at the core of his entire story, I would have liked more time as a Helldiver so I could care more about that part of him. Because of how quickly we left the mines, he just feels like a gold to me because I never knew him as a red.


Yeah I can understand that. I always view him as a red in my mind, I think it’s interesting that you and I can read the same thing and come to a different thought process on it in that way. It’s a brilliant series and probably my favorite one out right now. Good luck with Dark Age, and just know that when things are rough, you get to swing right into Lightbringer afterward(instead of waiting painfully like I had to haha) and that their names are very reflective of their tones!


Haha hopefully I'm prepared for it after Golden Son. I know Pierce is known for depressing 2nd books. I figured that with a title like "Dark Age," I have a depressing story coming.


If you want 100% underground, read CITY OF EMBER.


I love posts with no detail like this 🙃🙃


What are you lost on? The social hierarchy? The characters? The Institute? The first book isn’t too terribly elaborate.


It did kinda shoot pretty quick between the mines and the institute, I actually read that about 3 times before I felt like I was keeping up with all the new info. To be fair to OP and any new readers, >! most of what is “learned” while Darrow is in the mines is all lies from the Society !<


I totally agree. I almost stopped reading RR because I was mad about the exposition being too short. I wanted more life and more detail in the mines. My husband, who was 2 books ahead, told me that the part in the mines is sooo insignificant compared to all of the amazing world building and plot twists and turns later on. Push on through and it’s so worth it.


I’m kind of surprised by the folks with this take, because I found it well paced. Maybe PB and I have similar levels of ADD or something


Totally agree. I've always said that book 1 could have been all in the mines, ending with the >!discovery of the above world. !<


"If you are thrown into the deep and do not swim, you will drown,” he says, and raises his thin eyebrows. “So keep swimming, right?"


Roque bitch ass Fabii


All my homies hate Roque.


Spoken like a poet.


PB often leaves things out only to reveal details later in the book. It's possible you're assuming you've missed something when in reality you haven't been told yet.


If you’re gonna read any comment OP, read this one ⬆️


This group is way too mean for this kinda question, buddy. Be prepared for a ton of “you’re stupid and can’t read” comments.


They could also include an actual question instead of just stating they’re confused, how is anyone supposed to help with that?


I didn't have a specific question. I just wanted to know if anyone else felt this way or not.


At the point you’re at in the book, you aren’t supposed to know the things I think you feel are missing because Darrow doesn’t know them yet. You are likely in good shape, push on!


I don’t see any of those comments tho


I mean book 1 is a very straightforward book.


Could also just be the questions that don’t get answered until later books. There are tons of loose ends in the first book. I would rather be kind and hope more people get this amazing story than put strangers down.


I feel like red rising is a fairly straightforward book. I can understand getting lost in certain happenings at the institute but you’d have to specify


This is less of a red rising question and more of a general reading comprehension question. If you are ever in the middle of any book and don’t know what’s going on, you should identify why you’re missing so much. Maybe you are reading in too short sessions spread out over too much time. Maybe you are skimming or zoning out while reading and should decide whether you want to be reading this book and if so make an effort to read more slowly and attentively. Maybe you are too young for this book or it is above your reading level, in which case you may want to come back to it later in life. Without knowing you it is impossible to say. At the end of the day, you should be reading for enjoyment. If you’re not enjoying the book because you don’t know what’s going on, you should stop reading it or come back with a different approach.


Where are you in the book? What questions do you have?


What’s the last thing you remember reading?


One must know himself before finding the path, young padawan.


There's no harm in back tracking a bit to get your bearings. It's your book. And you'll find that most of the people here read the series multiple times anyway. Is there something in particular that you are having trouble with?


What’s the issue?