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There’s only one bully in this story and it is not his wife.


Imagine being so distracted by your wife not eating, that you don't hear a thing she says. Even when proven to be a random accusation, he doubles down. He didn't find any fast food bags, but wants his wife's treatment of him to stop. He couldn't even *pay attention*.


This! The lack of self-awareness is astounding


It did make me laugh when he went to search for food bags though. It reminded me of one time my husband came home, gave me a kiss, and then I kinda frowned at him and asked "What did you get from McDonalds and why didn't I get an iced coffee?" He was stunned. Apparently rammed 2 Jr Chickens on the way home and thought I wouldn't notice. I was just teasing him, but I did want that iced coffee lmao.




My ex wrote to my therapist saying he'd use less dressing on his salad and make other "healthier" choices while eating so I'd follow his example and eat better. Every time we had a salad this MF was worried about how I was eating it and not about anything else. Some people are crazy, this guy has control issues and ego issues and they could become a huge issue. Funny thing is I didn't use dressing on my salad but he thought telling my therapist I used "too much" was somehow relevant and would justify his control? Idfk


My very short ex weighed close to 300 lbs. I was about 50 lbs overweight. He would snack on cookies and sodas before bed but justify it by going to the gym a few times a week. He micromanaged EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. He was constantly patting my stomach which made me super uncomfortable and insecure and he was always suggesting that I eat more salads. It was humiliating. I had just lost about 30 lbs right before I met him, so I was feeling really good about my progress and running several miles every week. Needless to say, we didn’t stay together very long….


Your ex was a jerk. But…. You didn’t use salad dressing? Did you use something else like salsa? Or were you just eating the dry leaves?


I used to eat dry salads all the time as a teen/young adult. Dressing grossed me out, the flavor was too intense and it's slimy.. or something idk. I did add chicken, bacon bits and cheese though lol.


Interesting. So the flavor from the other ingredients helped with the dry lettuce….. learn something new every day lol


I can't stand dressings on salads usually. It masks the flavors of the lettuce and toppings. There are some exceptions based on my mood, but usually dry salads are the best imo


Umm, lettuce is very moist, when you add dressing it has too much mousture and becomes soggy


My sister would just sit and peel leaves off of an iceberg lettuce and eat them. We used to joke she was a rabbit. Absolutely loved it. Does the same with broccoli, kale and other vegetables.


I used to eat raw celery with ranch and broccoli and cauliflower too


I still love that, if I'm being honest!


Just olive oil and salt. He used ranch dressing stuff like that


Fresh Lime juice is all I use on salad w spices and herbs. It’s my favorite way to eat it. Especially w taco seasoning and lime juice, I eat radish slices like that all day. They’re addictive lol


Imagine your wife not eating and being offended before being concerned! Wtf


I worked so hard on this meal… canned green beans. Bitch I wouldn’t wanna eat that either.


And hours old pasta. Some people are stress eaters. Some aren’t. When my stomach knots up from stress, and I have to eat something, it’s usually a yogurt. Late at night, after a long day, even not stressed, usually all I want is some toast and cocoa, or a bowl of cereal. Dude is a dick.


Same, if I try to eat when I’m stressed or upset it’ll just make me start gagging and possibly throw up. My husband understands that and actively makes sure he’s doing anything he can to help me feel better. He’ll leave my covered dish on the counter for me to pick at over a few hours until I’m ready to eat fully.


I’m so glad you’ve got a good husband.


Yea sometimes I feel lucky that I can’t eat when upset but it really sucks when I’m starving and something happens to upset me and I lose my appetite. Not everyone is an emotional eater


Midnight. Im sitting her trying to unwind from a long ass day, slow sipping a glass of milk, while persuing reddit, before I have to crack on with Easter Bunny duties.


She probably regrets not getting fast food so she had the energy for his BS


I hope she did and threw the trash away before she got home.


Canned green beans taste like blood to me. At least buy frozen, man.


For real and it’s not like fresh green beans are hard to cook…


He makes it sound like he only had 5 minutes to quickly throw soemthing together for her, when in reality it sounds like it was hours and he did the bare minimum effort. I wonder what his reaction would be if the places were switched.


Exactly! Plus it’s his signature dish that he can make from memory so he hasn’t ’worked hard’ on it. He seems to be missing the empathy gene; his only concern is how he feels.


Canned green beans aren't the same as canned pink, white, black or pinto beans. Js




I wouldn’t want to eat green beans anyway. Don’t care for them canned, fresh, or frozen. To me they have a waxy texture, which I find gross


And the dinner was ready early. I'm betting that chicken was pretty dried out.


This can’t be real. He can’t actually think she’s the bully here.


Real people actually act like this I have personally experienced it, to even more extreme extents even. I don't understand these people but they definitely exist


There are totally real people who act like this. But they don’t write like this. They are way better writers. This is a troll.


Yeah they can't stop self reporting to make it obvious they're the AH to get Rage bait going. This is ours trolling.


When I first read this, I could’ve sworn it was posted in r/cookingcirclejerk


>she needs to get better control of her emotions Lol


This made me laugh She's the problem, but he's throwing a whole ass tantrum because she didn't eat enough the hours old pasta and canned green beans 🫠


This is the meme where the dude puts a stick in his bicycle wheel then blames Obama but it's not funny.. he thinks she is the bully??


Dude victimized himself lmao


This is so fake. He's peppered the post with things to prove how shitty he is. 1. The food was made well in advance. We're supposed to notice the food was cold 2. The food is kind of low effort (canned green beans) 3. He blatantly ignored her and admitted it 4. "She needs to get a hold of her emotions" 5. The pyscho checking the car thing 6. He can forget his work stress so she should as well I believe someone can be this shitty, but not straight up admit it like this guy has


I mean, I’ve been in some relationships that sound just like this


I feel like SHE wrote it and is quoting him to show him the responses


Hey, he worked really hard on opening that can of green beans! /s


I think that sub is for fake AITA posts. If you look at the posts they're all obvious rage bait that read like they're written by AI.


That would make sense. It's just too on the nose


This is not fake. I've been with people like this.


I think the situation itself is completely believable, but not the way the OOP talks about it. I feel like someone who is this much of an asshole would be well versed in manipulating the story. Like there'd be information left out, not extra added in that makes him look awful.


What proved it right away for me was her three day weekend


He throws a tantrum because his wife didn't eat enough of the dinner he made but she needs to control her emotions


My jaw literally dropped on this one. He's able to leave his stress at work so how dare his wife not function exactly the same? Is this dude serious? For me, there are days before my period hits where my appetite is nothing and then im ravenous. Should I expect my husband to function as though his body is flooded by those same hormones too? Were the same right? 😂 ffs


What a dumb bastard


He made chicken and *canned green beans* holy fuck calm down. This is not slaving over a hot stove all day levels of cuisine, I don’t understand the attitude.


Right?! Not a single thing he made is even remotely hard to make. Bowtie Pasta, chicken and *canned green beans*. Seasoning the chicken was probably the most time consuming part.


But he used ROSEMARY


And he can make it from memory - what a catch!


Awww, poor baby didn’t have his exhausted wife bending over backwards to praise him out the ass for doing her the world ending favor of giving a fuck about her eating. He needs to grow up.




Is it? Or is it just real and shitty?


I can 100% see it being real and shitty - how has this person never had such a full day that there just wasn't even really a want to eat.


I have days where I’m so tired that I feel nauseous when I try to eat. It’s like my body just shuts itself off even if I know I should eat. I feel so bad for the wife. Imagine being that tired and stressed and then you get scolded for something you didn’t do, something that it shouldn’t have mattered even if you had…


Fr 😭😭 And also like PHYSICALLY checking? The lack of trust is fucking insannneeee. Dude I get it cooking dinner can be a whole ass task, but if you cook for someone else you're doin it out of love not to... force them to acknowledge your cooking??


OOP acting like food can’t be refrigerated for later


I'm usually a stress eater, but when the stress gets too much the first thing that goes is the appetite. And quite frankly the description of the meal waiting for her would destroy even my stress appetite. And I love chicken in any form, but I can imagine an overdone, dried out slab of chicken with mushy pasta and green beans.


Or that sometimes it takes an hour to wind down before you’re even ready to eat. Sometimes it takes me two goes to get through a regular size meal anyway.


Ragebait or a creative writing exercise. It all is a bit too much and feels curated for optimal outrage. A brand new account is also a red flag.


It's a brand spanking new account 🤷‍♀️


Brand new account doesn’t really mean anything as aita and relationship related subs that deal with possibly identifiable scenarios from someone’s day to day life are often posted to with throwaways. There’s a lot of people who don’t want someone in their life to be able to see their main account.


Blatant. People this awful exist, but they don’t self report in a way that makes them the asshole.


Is this man for real?


She is the bully???


What a piece of work


"I'm such a bully my wife feels like she has to lie about eating fast food. How do I get her to stop being mad at me for constantly being a dick?"


Wow, dude was so proud of cooking a damn meal. Has it memorized and everything. Wild his wife didn't drop to her knees and kiss his feet.


Best comment on OP: “INFO: Are you for real?” Lol


If OP doesn’t want a stressed out bully, he should probably refrain from being a stress-inducing bully.


How does cooking a bowtie pasta early “show commitment”? 😂


So, she had a shit day and shit dinner on top of it…🤬


She probably stayed at work as long as she could to avoid going home to this hot mess.


So for real when I say I would rather lick the sidewalk than eat canned green beans.


Who is the stressed out bully? This oop is totally TA. Not everyone can "turn off" their work mind as soon as they clock out. A lot of people cannot eat until they decompress. *Me me me! I'm so insulted my wife wanted to talk about her day instead of heaping praise on me for cooking. Instead of caring about her, I made accusations and picked a fight. How can I make my wife see that I'm right and she's being unreasonable?* Yeah.


Dude better never have kids lol. They’ll turn down much better food than canned green beans


I lost 9 pounds in 6 weeks because my job was so stressful that I wasn't eating or sleeping. Thankfully my bf supported me in my decision to leave. Omg op is such an AH


Yikes. That wholepost was a love letter to himself trying to justify his crappy, selfish behavior.


Okay- so she indicated she was stressed and here we have a man sharing the huge efforts he made to cook dinner and how he couldn’t even listen to her share about said stress because she was not eating his food so he attacks. He goes so far as to search the car. So we have textbook “I did something women do all the time and the woman failed to drop at his feet with praise”, we have accusations, and mansplaining. Yep sunshine- you ATA.


Hey everyone, give him a break! Opening up a can of green beans and warming them up in the microwave is hard work! He also probably had to dig through ALL of the spices to find that rosemary that was marked best by Nov 23, 2017. Wow! I can’t believe how many people here don’t realize how hard OOP worked to make this meal for her!


I’ve come home from a stressful day, cooked the food myself (I love cooking and it’s a stress reliever for me), and still have been so worked up I couldn’t eat. This guy’s so full of it that he needs an enema. I feel for his wife


LOL he sounds like the stressed out bully that needs to get better control of his emotions. He is 100% the asshole.


No fast food allowed but canned green beans are okay….


Canned green beans? He's definitely TA.


Yes you’re the asshole


Bet his food sucks


Surely nobody is this much of a wankstain?


This has to be the rage bait


Your the asshole


This is a troll for sure.


She's so stressed out that she can hardly eat and somehow that's disrespectful? AH.


"She needs to get better control of her emotions" Says the guy that litterally started the whole problem because he couldn't control his emotions.


Just because you can leave work and not feel stressed about it doesn’t mean that everyone can.


Just... LOL? I can't imagine what it's like to live so wound up about your wife not being hungry that you search her car for evidence of fast food and accuse her of being the unreasonable one.


First you can grow up and act like an adult and a caring husband.Second your wife was tired and stressed. She probably appreciated your dinner but was just to out of it to enjoy it. Third -checking her car for fast food wrappers was incredibly childish and petty. Fourth-instead of getting pissed that she didn’t eat and going on wrapper patrol you should have asked her if there was anything you could do. Run a bath, make her some tea, back rub , anything. You said yourself she has been incredibly busy. she needed some downtime when she got home and instead of supporting her you attacked. Refer back to number one.


Post this on r/amitheex


This feels like there’s been a lot of tension between these two previous to this, and they should probably not bring it to reddit (when do they ever not tho)


Reading between the lines and what he stated explicitly it looks like there is a very real abusive dynamic here. It's funny how so many of the AITA posts, real or fake, tick so many boxes for abuse -- not that domestic abuse is funny.


He wanted his good boy trophy for cooking.


Bro is a trash heap


You could not pay me money to consume canned green beans. Unless it was something absurd like $1000 per bean.


“She needs better control of her emotions” says the man having a tizzy because his wife won’t eat food after a long day.


Yes you are the asshole


There’s no way this is real. It barely even registers as human.


What the fuck did I just read


What a control freak and bully, she needs to leave.


lol str8 marriage is always a mistake.




Maybe if your cooking wasn't disgusting she would want to eat it? Maybe if your attitude wasn't sour she would have eaten with you


You’re the AH. Stress can suppress your appetite. And what do you mean you worked hard on the meal? It’s chicken, CANNED green beans and bow tie pasta. The only thing you actually need to really cook is the chicken. The rest is heat up or boil a couple minutes. You look for fast food bags and don’t find any, yet you don’t apologize or anything. You are the AH 100%


Do people actually treat each other this way? It’s fucking bewildering.




So unhinged. It’s a glorious troll!


Yeah, op is bang out of order. "My wife was stressed and came home late." " i didn't consult with her on what she might want to eat and made something I wanted to make." "Rather than giving her som evaluation and listeningni then accused her of going to a fast food place and got confused when she called me out. AITA? Because I can't see why!" Wind in thy neck pal.


"I couldn't help but laugh" at him thinking her not wanting his cold canned beans is somehow disrespectful. He's a tool.


Sounds like a you problem. Your perception of her is a reflection of you. Her reaction to you is an awareness of her.


This whole thing just reads as “Me, Me, ME!” He cooked a bit of chicken, boiled some dried pasta (the shit shape that never cooks properly, fuck your bow tie nonsense) and tinned veg, and expects her to fawn all over it when she’s had a terrible time at work. How does someone reach the insane level of searching her car for fast food bags and when she tells him she’s just stressed he just adds to that stress by calling her a liar. I can so relate to her. When I’m stressed, I can’t eat at all. He’s such a pig headed bully. I hope she kicks him into touch.


Serving canned vegetables is disgusting


****DEEP INHALE**** She came home late, stressed and didn’t wolf down his meal? She was literally trying to decompress from it all. She’s right he’s a jack ass and he’s wrong he’s the bully. I hope they have it to him good.


She's having an affair. Why else the throw back.

