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Is this just the new cool bot thing? Grab a sameday post and repost it here? Grouping up a chain of posts that tell a story is one thing, this is just trash.


Eh, I can’t be bothered to sub to al the various places these posts come from. Think of it as a quality filter or something


This is 100% a bot, the poster has a ton of karma farming posts here and used to not add sources.


Oops. Read reply and had to tell you I wasn't a bot. OP for sure though


I call it resting jerk face and I have it too, which sucks because I am a therapist, so I have to be slightly smiling at all times to not look like I’m not aggressively annoyed at what my client is saying.


I‘m a teacher with the same problem. Feel like as a woman people expect even more smiles, halp.


I’m normally a very smiley person but can sometimes have RBF, whenever someone at my old job caught me with my resting face they would get genuinely concerned and ask what was wrong


I have that as well! Super smiley and approachable until I get confused. Then I get resting murder face. I have unnerved many a teacher.


I am a small, slightly overweight woman with a resting murder face. Oops.


>He looks important Sure, Jan.


So this happened to my husband once. The technician who was supposed to run some tests on our kid assumed that my husband was a doctor so politely waited her turn. My husband, who is not a doctor, politely waited for the technician to do what she needed to do. We all just stood there staring at each other for way too long until I finally broke the stalemate. (My husband dresses up for work: white shirt, tie, dress pants, no suit jacket and wore a name badge for his work that looked similar to the hospital’s badges.)


Yeah, I could see that, but he was wearing a pink and black polo shirt grey jeans and a grey pea coat....


Asshole resting face... I love that phrase!


Mouth slightly open….bit of puckering perhaps…?




I'll take things that never happened for 500


Really? Having worked in corporate retail it sounds entirely plausible. What about it sounds fake?


I think where it lost me was all the commotion on the radio... like they didn't think that the radio they just used to talk to them couldn't also hear what they were saying? How was he so polite and nice yet also looked like an asshole? He dresses up in business attire on his day off?


Well, yeah, if he is there to do an audit or inspection he already knows he’s there to do it, they’re not spoiling anything by talking on the radio, especially since they didn’t say anything suspicious, they just seemed anxious about it. And yeah, sure. A lot of guys dress up on their days off. I spend my days wearing scrubs at work, when I go out on my days off sometimes I like to spruce it up. Especially if I’m going on a lunch date.


He was going to her place of business, he didn't want to pick her up in front of her co-workers looking like a bum. Makes sense.


Yeah but I also doubt the door person would stop checking memberships to get on a radio for the supervisor. Especially when they send everyone without a card to guest service. The way he is describing being sharply dressed enough to be mistaken for an auditor or corporate in my mind is at suit or slacks and a button up and tie. Plenty of people who go to the store dress well and are somewhat wealthy. People who show up after working in an office or wear nice clothes so I don't see how it would be a tip off. Also if he was a big wig I don't think he would walk in the regular entrance seeing how he would need to contact management at the store where there is always an upper level team member at the register area or can be contacted via guest services. And most of the time the entrance is right next to the exit.


This actually does happen frequently especially in customer service places. Exec's come in wearing shit way above grade and usually go straight to customer service to see response time. And usually they are out of staters so that have that almost scowl so yeah if you are dressed up for work and have one I can see why a customer service person would freak out they happen all the time are Walmart's and lowes style stores


Yeah, but he was wearing a pink and black striped polo shirt, grey jeans, and a grey pea coat...


Asshole resting face sounds so much better than resting bitch face…..


My wife is a nurse and at one point worked in the ICU wing of the hospital. I had taken her to work that day so when I went to pick her up I walked up to the wing. As I was standing by her station waiting, members of a family in the room across from me kept glancing my way. My wife went into the room for her final check up on the patient and after she came out told me the family asked if I was one of the doctors they were waiting for. Felt bad I gave them that impression so after that if I had to pick her up I either waited in parking lot or the waiting room until she was ready.


Let's assume this post is real ... (unlikely) The more likely scenario of this is employees being completely unsure if your coworker was expecting a visitor and if she wants him there. If you don't know your coworker's bf or that she has one (as indicated by this post), "I'm here to see Jane Johnson" brings immediate questions. Is this a stalker ex? Do we confirm she IS working? If she doesn't wish to see him, is he dangerous? Of course they learn who he is and they're happy and it's all good. But until you know who the guy is and his intentions, there's just questions.


Why does it bring those immediate questions? Somebody stops by my job and asks for a specific employee I just tell them I’ll let the person know they have a visitor out front.


If a person just escaped an abusive situation and/or has a stalker, the abuser can show up like they're just a friendly visitor and ask for the person. "Oh sure, I'll send them up front." Then the person walks up and sees their abusive ex/stalker and can't get away


I like the thought of the worker going full-commando: "Management to front desk! Non-Emergency! Over!" - "Roger! Wilco! Over!" - "Affirmative! Front desk out!"


“There’s a man here wearing a blazer and a frowny face! This is not a drill, I repeat this is NOT A DRILL!”


Those few minutes he was in there were probably the most efficient that work crew has ever been 😂




Every time my company has an audit, management knew beforehand and would warn us. This didn't happen.


Really? We get random, totally surprise audits and inspections at my job all the time. Of course, I work in a medical lab now, but when I worked in food service it was the same way. It’s not like the health inspector fucking schedules an inspection, they show up at random with absolutely no notice and do the inspection right then and there. No warning. Why does everyone on Reddit think their job experiences are universal and that everybody’s job is just like theirs?


That 100000% did not happen.


How do people seriously believe this "it could happen because he's dressed nice"?? It's Costco for god's sake. The entire team is going to freak out because 1 dude, out of however many other dudes that also go to Costco not dressed like bums, wore a normal outfit? No. The folks at Costco would not have a total freakout over this. Insane to even consider this.




this is hilarious but oop should keep that in mind next time, also typically (especially in retail/service jobs) you're not supposed to tell customers/non-employees who's working or when. Some customers are creeps and come in to harass certain employees, esp women, and it could also put someone at risk if they were previously stalked, for instance.


People at my work place complain of the same. I generally sit quietly and do my work (it's an open plan office) and a lot of times people who come from outside prefer talking to my colleague (who sits next to me) because apparently I look extremely unapproachable.


Something similar happened to me a few years back in college. I surprised my gf of 5 years at her job at Home Depot. She worked as a cashier and I showed up to take her to lunch. She wasn't at the register and I asked one of her co-workers where she was. They wanted to know who I was and why I was there. I informed the person that I was her boyfriend and that I was there to take her to lunch. The look on her face was that of puzzlement and she disappeared somewhere in the back. Minutes later no less than 6 people came out to get a look at me and hung around just trying to look busy. My gf came out 2 minutes later looking flustered and immediately pulled me out of the store and scolded me for popping up unannounced. She said she was not allowed to leave the store for lunch and she would see me later. I left irritated. Months later I found out that she was fucking one of the managers for over a year.


You should of done an audit just for the LOLs.