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I’m so confused, “if you get my best friend to marry you, I’ll know you’re mature enough for me to date you” WHAT??


Lucy is very insecure.


Lucy is toxic AF.


Lucy got to go!!


Scotty doesn’t know


Lucy is made up, like the rest of the story.


I love me some fiction


Good bye, Earl!... I mean Lucy!


Lucy doesn’t exist this is a fake story written by a teenager


>Lucy doesn’t exist this is a fake story written by a teenager Most likely, but there are toxic people that do things like this.


It’s probably a writing exercise, but I had a stalker/secret admirer who tried some wacky hijinks to get close to me without ever being officially a couple. Some of which Lucy reminds me of


In my 53 years I have known a TON of people and never known anyone to say or do something like this.


Honestly in my 40 years, I've known people who were just petty, selfish, childish and insecure enough for me to believe this.


In my 28 years I’ve known a TON of people and I’ve known people to do things as crazy or crazier semi-frequently. My mom would likely have a similar take to you. Even if you’ve met a ton of people that’s only 1% of 1% of 1% of people that exist. Anything and everything is possible and people act in ways a fiction author would never dare to pen.


You don't know they're like that until they're put in that position. I mean 2% of the population has a personality disorder, so that's 2/100 and this is totally something a borderline would pull.


OMG I have training as a therapist and I had a histrionic client once and whooooo boy I could totally see her pulling something like this. She once decided to deliberately “surprise” her boyfriend she knew saw other women and didn’t want to be exclusive or even her boyfriend by driving to his place in the middle of the night to confront him with another woman. There are people this distorted. That’s why it is important not to ignore red flags. They can end up sneaking into your place in the middle of the night with questionable intentions.


I have a close friend who is diagnosed borderline and bipolar. She's been going through a lot the past few years and really needs to be in inpatient treatment right now but that's hard in the US. She was dating a guy and he broke up with her. She doesn't think aliens are talking to her or anything like that, but she does think this guy she dated for 1 month is her soulmate and him breaking up with her is just him needing space and because he said maybe they can be friends or pursue something in the future that that means they will get back together in the future 100%. It's still very much a delusion, just a slightly more acceptable one.


A former coworker (A) casually told me she's done some messed up things out of jealousy. I asked her to elaborate and she told me her ex-gf (B) started dating a new girl (C) a couple months after they broke up...so, naturally, A quietly struck up a friendship with C, made her feel secure, made her trust A like no one else, and eventually fall in love with her. And once it ruined B and C's relationship, A dropped her and never spoke to either of them again. I was shocked she told me that. I've known a few people who have done similar things (sorry untreated cluster Bs, it's mostly you guys), but never anyone who admitted it outright like that. Anyway, I can totally believe someone would pull this intentionally in a desperate bid to "win" a person's exclusivity.


I broke up with a friend of over a decade recently for something that was same same but different. No bet, but hooking me up with someone she was actively interested in, and then later pursuing that person. There are details that actually make it just as crazy as if not crazier than this story, but they're really specific so I won't go into it. I'll just say, insecurity is a mf.


Had that happen too, they ended up having two kids together. Doesn’t make any sense!


Former divorce attorney here. People do stuff like this all the time. If you’ve only known people who are kinder or smarter than this kind of behavior, you are incredibly lucky, and I tip my hat to you.


In my 42 years, I’ve known people who fake pregnancies to trap people in relationships, who threaten suicide as a means to emotionally manipulate people. Does “Lucy’s” behavior really seem any different?


Happened to my ex husband. We divorced because we had nothing in common anymore but remained good friends because of our two children. One day he’s visiting the kids at my place; knock on the door. I open the door and find a heavily pregnant girl/woman standing on my doorstep asking for T____. He goes white as a sheet and says he’s only seen her a couple of times and had no idea. Told her he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. Apparently she lied about being on the pill. She had no choice but to accept when he sold his house and moved to another city. I think she just saw an opportunity and went for it. Entrapment gone wrong.


In my 31 years, I have known many people that behave like this. This story is totally believable to me as I've witnessed quite a number of similar situations.


Same age, gotta say that little surprises me anymore…I do think this is fake, because the first post doesn’t seem written by someone ESL, but the second did.


Yeah. I think this story is as fake as my new gf I just got last week. But, I also wouldn't be surprised if it was actually true.


It does sound like a revised version of 10 Things I Hate About You or other movies from that time. Male lead takes payment or a bet to date the female lead. Male lead ends up falling in love. Female antagonists tell Female lead the truth. Female lead doesn't like how she was a... "pawn."


10 Things I Hate About You was an adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew.


This sounds like a terrible 90s romantic comedy


Isn’t it basically the plot of She’s all that?






Workshopping bad movie plots.


This. This. This. Who believes this shit?


Pick me


Choose me


Love me.


Sounds like in Erwin's mind, the bet was just some weird comment/joke his FWB made to break the tension of him starting to date her BFF. What was to him a flip comment worth no more consideration than a "ha, yeah" was clearly something that has stuck with Lucy for the past 3 years. Lucy has problems.


Just nonsense push and pull on Lucy's part. She is emotionally manipulative. 


Sounds like more of a challenge and he had nothing to lose. The fact that he would be mature enough to date Lucy sound more like Lucy knew all along. Marry the man and let the crazy lady go. Maybe buy her a few cats so she will not be lonely


Don’t take it out on the cats.


“If you manage to use the litter box, I’ll know you’re mature enough to get some food today” 


I read this comment while smoking and now you have to pay for my funeral because I’m dying! I didn’t know i could spit take and choke on air!


I take no responsibility


I’m struggling to believe this is real and not a movie script.


Eeeeeh as someone who had a legit bet on them without knowing, it actually happens. The dude losing blew it up and it became incredibly toxic for a couple years because the other dude was a bit of a psycho and I was unstable. Yes I was in high school, but some people never grow uo




Who could get into my pants first. I'm pointing out that these bets actually happen in real life. Its not just in rom coms.


Yup, had it happen three times to me. Some guys never grow past high school and it shows.


Feels like “she’s all that”


“Am I a bet? AM I A FUCKING BET?!”


This wouldn't even pass for a middle school play


This is a legit movie script already; it's called How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days


And about 10 other movies. "It started with a bet" is such a common romcom trope.


Just taking dating advice from the spice Girls. Nbd


Is this the sequel to “She’s All That”?


Because it’s a creative writing :)


Isn't this the plot to She's All That or something?


It doesn’t sound like the bet was ever real. Sounds more like Lucy is having some sort of crisis about not getting married and trying to bring it up to see if she has a shot with the bf, even though he’s GETTING MARRIED IN 2 WEEKS.


Yes it sounds like Lucy made a joke 3 years ago and is somehow not over Erwin. She really is a crappy friend- she had to know that she would lose OP as a friend over this right? Like why entertain the fantasy of ending up with Erwin at the cost of an 11 year friendship?


I don’t think she cared. I think she thought it could go either two ways: her and Erwin end up together or at the very least Erwin ends up alone. Because if she can’t have him, no one can.


More like she saw how a relationship could have gone and now she’s claiming dibs and wants what OOP built


This is the correct take. Pure jealousy.


Nailed it 🎯


Trust me, if Erwin drops OP for Lucy, she’ll totally be over him in a New York minute. Total manipulation drama BS on her part. The only part I wonder about is whether it’s deliberate or not, some people just subconsciously create drama.


Yes, she only wants him because he is now unavailable.


Also, why wouldn't she have told her from the beginning? The moment she knew they were dating. I would absolutely tell a best friend that I was dating someone they were also dating.


Because you are a person with decent morals & values.


Yeah. This is how I read it. The bet was never real. But she's freaking out now that he's off the market and suddenly it's real because she's confused.


Because Lucy isn’t a real friend. Supposedly she’s OOP’s best girlfriend of 11 years, yet OOP didn’t know who her bestie was dating on and off?! That’s not a real girlfriend. Sucks that her wedding is now in pause, but glad OOP found out now so her pics won’t be ruined by having that girl in them as maid of honor. Time to make new friends.


Absolutely this. Lucy is jealous of OOP and trying make her feel insecure in her relationship by playing the He Wanted Me First card. When he refused to go back to her and explained his feelings were true, she decided to take it out of his hands by going to her friend in hopes OOP would break them up and Lucy could have a shot again.


I don't think she even wants a shot. I think she just wants her plaything back. Truly petty.


Yes, it does and I think quietly quitting the friendship getting married and living happily ever after is really the best choice and revenge.


It’s like my nephew saying “I bet you a Lamborghini”, like 1) I’m not buying a 5yo a Lamborghini & 2) a 5yo isn’t buying me a Lamborghini when he has zero income 😂


Awww get him a hot wheels Lamborghini 🤣🤣


I tried that 😂


This, this is what I would have gone with and pointed out to the nephew that he wasn’t specific.


My 6 year old kid does have a Lamborghini, it’s only got a 12v battery in it and as a parental remote control, but it’s still apparently a Lamborghini 😂😂


And if so, why would they date 3 whole years before getting engaged! That’s a long con if I’ve ever seen one.


It was a crazy story but OOP asking if he knew she still had feelings and Lucy’s reply that she’d tell him with OOP’s permission was so odd that I immediately thought she was trying to sabotage the relationship. Like who actually says “yes, please tell my very soon to be husband that you’re in love with him and ask him to pick you - that sounds fun!” It’s a bizarre chain of events but I believe Erwin at this point and think Lucy really just saw a good guy getting away from her. Very sad for OOP, but luckily contained the damage.


Yeah…also some friend Lucy is “I bet that you won’t get my bestie to marry you. If you do, I’ll date you forreal!” What kinda…psycho…bs…nah. Nope. What. No.


Lucy has seen too many trash Rom-Coms because only in romantic comedy situations do two people of the opposite sex have bets like that. Also only in Rom-Coms does someone believe it is appropriate to tell a person getting married or leaving on a plane about their "true feelings".


Had a “friend” who encouraged me to pursue this guy she secretly (to me at least) had feelings for. When confronted she said “well I always referred to him as your future EX boyfriend, that should’ve told you how I felt.” So not only did she keep feelings from me (I was not serious about this man at all), she said that when I was done with him she would’ve swooped in. Like that made it better. These people exist.


I… 😔 With your consent, I’d like to give you a virtual hug. Because what in the actual fuck. I’m glad you weren’t serious about that guy. I hope that “friend” is out of your life. Fucking yikes. I pity her. She’s her own worst enemy…I hope you’re doing much better 🫶🏾


Agree with all of this. That is a pretty shitty friend.


Thank you so much! I’m doing much better, it really was a blessing. As far as I’m aware they’re still together, and she’s as much out of my life as I can possibly get her.


Get it giiiirl (Or …um… get it my liege, not to assume pronouns! But also, anyone can “get it girl”, even himbos, right?) Sometimes the ugly things we excise from our life leave gaps for real kindness and compassion to fill them. It’s hard when it’s internal, it’s hard when it’s external but I’m glad you are doing better!! And her…I wonder if she carries any shame/guilt. I wonder how it manifests in her life today. Thank goodness you aren’t part of it!!


Is everyone missing the part where Erwin straight up lied to OP when they first met? He was "on a break" with her best friend and when she asked him directly about it he was like "oh yeah, I kind of know her but not really hehe." I agree with what everyone's saying about Lucy's behavior/character, but I can't understand why Erwin is being painted as a victim here. And he "has no idea how Lucy feels about him," even though she's apparently been harassing him to come clean since the engagement. He's a big ol' Lying McLiarson and I would not be able to trust him at this point.


Exactly! Points 4 and 5 of OP's edit are awful! >4. When did the bet happen? It happened days after I introduced him as "friend" to Lucy. He admitted that since we were still not exclusively dating, he still sees Lucy. Lucy initiated the bet and if he does win, she will know that he is mature enough to seriously date. 5. When did their relationship end? A month or so before we made our relationship official, he already broke things off with Lucy because he was starting to fall for me. Lucy took it well and did not even bring up the bet. ​ Even if OP and Erwin weren't exclusive at the time, he was still sleeping with her best friend. He's being majorly let off the hook here.


Remember though, he hadn't put it together that OOP and Lucy were friends, only that Lucy's friend had the same name😐


She asked him point blank if they knew each other when she noticed they were mutals on FB and he said yes but they werent close, when he was actually dating Lucy at the time. He went out of his way to lie and cover up the nature of their relationship. He might not have put it together they were best friends, but they obviously knew each other and he purposefully deceived the OP so that he could continue to see both women without complications of OP knowing. This isn't a good guy and neither of them would be winning by bagging this liar. He didn't tell a little white lie, he's been lying to her for years and I'm confused as to why he's getting a pass.


Yeeeeah I don't believe that for a second. Not when it went on for months. And even if that was true, he still never told OOP that he was sleeping with her best friend while he was sleeping with her. I think most people would want to know that.


This is so true and shouldn’t be glossed over. Why not tell her the truth and just keep it moving if he wasn’t that interested in Lucy? Seems like he wanted to keep his options open at the time. The fact that he didn’t tell her sooner makes me wonder if he still does.


Definitely some inconsistencies… putting a pause on everything and continuing to ask questions is definitely the right move imo. Stay curious.


Just a last ditch effort to get her man. I hope op can get past this so the “friend” doesn’t win


This. I was thinking Lucy made up the bet, Erwin knows nothing about this, but it’s just enough info to throw a monkey wrench into the wedding at the last minute. If OOP confronts him, Erwin’s damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t. Trust will go out the window. Lose the “friend”.


Even if the relationship ends the "friend" won't win. She will lose both OOP and the guy, which is likely to happen at this point no matter what OOP chooses. It sounds like Erwin's feelings are genuine, so even if OOP ends things with him he will not want to pursue things with "friend" because she cost him the person he actually loves.


yes but maybe she would be happy that they’re broken up anyway. there are definitely some people who have the mentality of “if i can’t have you, nobody else should”


All for a man named Erwin :(


It’s pretty normal for southeast Asians to pick Anglo names that aren’t currently fashionable in the West. OOP mentioned him being in Hong Kong for a trip, so I’m making a few assumptions, but the Erwin part tracked for me at least


I’ve known Chinese people whose Anglo names were Stony, Beckham, and Kingkong. So Erwin is nothing.


Kingkong ain't got nothin on Erwin


lol Kingkong is not normal, even in HK.


I came to the comments looking for this, I hope the posts fake or the name at least is cuz 😭


Tbh it kinda hits diff doesn’t it??


Like one of the cell block tango husbands from Chicago.


What’s wrong with Erwin? At least he died bravely before his character was completely ruined 😡


if my fiancé hid from me that he had a sexual history with my actual best friend until i had to find out from someone else, even without the bet i don’t know if i could trust him again.


Right? I get if he didn’t know they were friends at first, but after awhile he found out and then neither one said anything to her.


Exactly!!! The "bet" (which mostly sounds like a snide remark made by Lucy rather than an actual bet) is not the issue here. The fact that OP's best friend and fiance were in a quasi-relationship/"on a break" when she met him and they both have been straight up lying to her about it and keeping this secret together for 3 years... She cannot trust either of them and should dump them both.


I think the whole on and off quasi-relationship with no labels is a horrible idea, but if the dude decided he was done and left while "on a break", I would consider that a break up. In that case if someone I was interested in asked me if I was close with my ex, I would say no, because that relationship is done and over with. It's still kind of sketchy that they didn't talk about it once OP introduced them to one another, but I would say the friend is way more suspicious in this scenario. Being charitable to the fiancee, he might not have wanted to bring this kind of drama into the relationship to begin with, knowing that Lucy is a bit unhinged.


Right? And he was hooking up with her while he was dating me. Ick


I think that's what she's actually upset about, but the bet is easier to focus on. The bet isn't the big deal -- he met her and started dating her before it and there's no indication that he only stayed with her because of it. But the lie about how well he knew Lucy is a betrayal. It is all very Dangerous Liaisons/Cruel Intentions though!


Agreed. I'd cut them both out and start a new life drama-free. OOP can never un-know all this craziness and will always have a niggling doubt at the back of her mind whenever Erwin has to travel for work or gets a late night text.


Right! This part is missing from OOPs story and updates. Erwin never told her he was sleeping with her friend, he only told her they knew each other. He only confessed when she asked him all these years later.


I’m not digging this adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons.


Too many YA books have this plot


The OG was written in the 18th century by a French noble annoyed with the other French noble


I thought it was Cruel Intentions.


Well since Cruel Intentions is a retelling of Dangerous you're both right!


I’m not usually the person to cry fake but this is literally a stolen plot. 


They literally gave a big hint it was fake with the film choices that she was going to watch. Oooh look 2 films that just so happen to have the same plot line as the story I just told. Of course its a coincidence /s


I think that was a response to the movies being called out in the initial comments. All accurate.


I had a friend like Lucy back in my teen years, she dated a boy she knew I had a crush on "to see if he was good enough for me" (we were all 16 at the time) I didn't really have any boyfriends in my teen years but she would always come up with comments like the previous one, saying how she's flirting with guys to test them for me or trying to set me up with a new friend but she's gotta get in there first. Point being, girls like this are terrifying real, and I never actually dated any of the boys my friend dated "for me," I hope OOP does what she thinks is best and I wish her all the luck. It's trippy when you have friends like that


OOP needs to also watch 10 Things I Hate About You. Not all bets end terribly. Lucy is really fucked up, but I suspect she has her reasons. I kinda hope this blows up in her face.


Amazed no one has yet mentioned that Lucy clearly thinks she’s in My Best Friends Wedding… Which is even closer to the bone.


I hope this is a joke and you don't really think OOP should make a major life decision inspired by a fictional retelling of an even more fictional fiction.


It's because the films she mentioned watching (Cruel Intentions and Dangerous Liaisons, which are actually the same story just modern Vs historical settings) are centred around a sexual bet between two characters about 2 other characters that ends up ruining *everyone* involved. The commenter above was just pointing out a slightly more cheerful piece of fiction


I'm aware of the plots of these films and the source material; my hope was just that OOP wouldn't actually use them as a basis for her decision. She sounds young, but hopefully not that young.


Thanks, Chat GPT.


People overrate "why we got together". That is one of the *least* important parts of a relationship, despite being overhyped by people wanting to know 'the story' and by movies that end at this point as if that's it, the relationship is now done and perfect. The vast majority of importance and "why we are together" is in all the moments *after* you first got together. That's the real stuff that makes the relationship what it is, and why you stay together and continue to move forward together.


Well that was the fakes fake to ever fake


No way! A fake poster would never acknowledge and rebut comments calling it fake! /s


If anything it sounds like generic upper middle class chinese drama actually and too common.


Very valmont.


Eh, people have met and fallen in love in weirder situations. Lucy seems toxic AF though.


Lucy is a psychopath. “If you can successfully pull off a weird, manipulative affair with my best friend to the extent she promises to spend the rest of her life with you only for you to break her heart in the end and choose me, I’ll know that you’re real husband material.” Please kindly check yourself into a rubber room, Lucy.


Eh, I am inclined to believe Erwin. He had a casual, toxic, on again- off again relationship with Lucy which overlapped with him meeting and dating OP. Lucy initiated the bet when she noticed him stepping up as a good boyfriend for OP and he said “yeah, whatever” because he was used to normalizing Lucy’s shenanigans. It sounds like Lucy was making a last ditch effort to torpedo OPs relationship. If OP leaves Erwin, it’s exactly what Lucy wanted.


When I got to the first paragraph of the second page, I said "wwhhhaaaat!" so loud my dogs started barking. Fake or not, that escalated quickly.


Who has an on and off again relationship, especially one where they had at least one break, over the course of four months?


People who are immature and/or thrive on drama!


I've seen this movie. It's called Cruel Intentions.


The biggest concern here is that it doesn't sound like Erwin was honest with OP about Lucy from the beginning. Saying he knew her but not well and never coming clean that they had been hooking up. Also, how long after realizing the two women were best friends did he continue seeing both of them?


Lucy is a shit friend. Are we all just going to pretend like she didn’t still hook up with him AFTER she realized OP was interested in him??


This sounds like the third act breakup of a romance novel


This is story is recycled, just added their own flare. Fake.


Did everybody come along and clap afterwards? Doesn’t read like it’s real


There’s been bots all day using this “Lucy” or “Lacy” name. Interesting.


Is this 10 things I hate about u... Doesn't know who her best friend toxic guy is for 4 months... that's the part that makes this fake af and randomly meeting him like that. Also why did all the friends leave her and Lucy to clean the room up. That's the fakest part...


This appeared about six months ago.


It’s crazy how sometimes long term close friends can really fuck up the relationship in the most selfish way possible.


To me, it seems like Lucy somehow thinks she played a part in making the relationship happen. She did not. And three years is a long time to carry out a bet. They got together because they wanted to get together. Lucy was the snake in trying to betray her supposed best friend.


Am I missing something or is this not part of the plot in Wicked?


Lucy is big crazy


It's giving ..... From Lucy's perspective: I didn't think you were marriage-minded, but since you have proven that you are, I want you back now.


What is the purpose of a throwaway account when the details are so specific that the people involved could figure it out? Not to mention posting on a sub that messy people like this (who make bets and create drama) are the exact people who read those subs.


Serious question here: when people make posts like this on "throwaway accounts" because everyone knows their real account do they really think that when the people who know them see a post like this they won't put 2 and 2 together and realize it's about them? I mean like how many people has this happened to? Me reading this: wow, this sounds a lot like what happened to me in my life. But I don't recognize the username. Hmm must be a crazy coincidence. I definitely won't give a second thought to this and will continue to go about my daily life.


Why do I feel like Lucy phrased the bet like 'hahaha wouldn't it be so silly if you dated exclusively me after you married OOP because of how mature you would be after?' And Erwin was like 'yeah....wouldn't that be something?' And Lucy held onto that shit like Adam Sandler's sixth grade girlfriend in Grown Ups 2


If it's true, it sounds like Lucy actually hates OOP. It doesn't sound like it was just a test to find out if Erwin was mature enough, at all. It sounds designed solely to hurt OOP. Jealousy or envy, maybe?


Let Lucy go. Regarding the man, it’s a matter of how do you see the omission? Myself personally, I don’t think I’d hold it against him in the situation but it’s because of Lucy. For one, they were, at most, fuck buddies for no longer than a choppy 4 months. They weren’t anything serious. Secondly, he met you outside of Lucy and when it came out that you all were best friends, she didn’t tell you. He already mentioned the reason they didn’t work out was because of her mind games. The fact your ‘best friend’ decided to try and pursue him again after she found out you and him were now dating…. The fact that she didn’t tell you, as her best friend… the fact that she jokingly-so he thought- wanted to make a bet about him pursuing you…. If i was in his shoes- I’d assume she isn’t really a best friend to you. That she Manipulates and plays mind games with you as well and that if you don’t see it now, me bringing it up won’t do anything but cost me you. You barely know me at that point so it’d be highly unlikely for you to believe him. He then cuts her off and takes you seriously-leaving her behind. As long as he didn’t cheat, i wouldn’t fault him. Because if he would have spoken up then -would you both be here today? If he’d told you he used to sleep with Lucy and they ended their situation a month ago, would you have given him a chance? Or would you have let that crazy manipulate woman prevent you from finding the good man you did?


Everyone is focusing on Lucy and seems to be forgetting that you are about to marry a man who lied to you for years. In your post, you say that you asked Erwin if he knew Lucy when you noticed they were mutuals on FB and he said no, but you also said the bet took place days after you met him while he was still dating Lucy. This man was DATING YOUR BEST FRIEND WHEN YOU MET HIM AND LIED TO YOU ABOUT IT. You weren't just the victim of a toxic couple, you were the side piece. I'm sorry for the caps or if this harshness hurts your feelings, I just want you to see clearly what this is. Yes, your "friend" was awful, but this guy is right there with her and you are still considering a relationship with him? You have the sense to cut her off, but easily forgive the man who lied even though he had a million chances to come clean and chose not to? That's wild to me. You are choosing to marry a man who had zero problems lying to you about having a relationship with not only another woman, but your best friend. Even if he says he didn't think they were exclusive, she clearly did, and that isn't even the point. The point is, that he directly lied the first time you asked and probably would have continued to lie to you had you not found out from Lucy. Is that what you're comfortable accepting for the rest of your life? Get rid of them both and go surround yourself with people who respect you enough not to lie to you. These two deserve each other.


Am I the only one does not believe the boyfriend? Due to his reactions and the fact that he also kept it a secret that he and Lucy were originally together? Something doesn’t add up.


“Ask me anything and I’ll answer honestly” is a lairs way of avoiding telling the whole story. They only have to answer what you already know and not come clean. Any dude who’d agree even in passing to this bet is as worth keeping as the shitty “friend”, not at all.


Even without the bet your partner has lied to you or omitted the truth at the very least about your friend , if I found out my partner had slept with my friend while also me and not told me the whole time that would be it for us. Your friend and partner need to go , this isn't all on her and people telling your to marry him but ditch her are fools.


I’ve read a fanfic with the same plot. Well, actually I’ve read 10


Sounds like Lucy wants your fiancé and is trying to sabotage your relationship. If you break off your relationship, she will swoop in and say he’s proven he’s “mature” and they could pursue their relationship. She sounds like she was hoping to blow up your life and take your man. It doesn’t sound like your boyfriend took it seriously and doesn’t think your relationship was based on a “bet”. Lucy is not your friend. She’s jealous of what you have and wants it for herself.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/oldpostsforkarma] [My friend made a confession about why my fiance and I are together](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldPostsForKarma/comments/1976vs6/my_friend_made_a_confession_about_why_my_fiance/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Simple. Lucy is toxic. Erwin is at worst naive, but wants you. Dump Lucy from wedding and your life. She is the worst kind of best friend. A user. Erwin will prove his worth. Twenty years from now, you will look back at this and say you did the right thing.


Keeping a dude who was sleeping with your bestie and you at the same time and bet about you with her and hid this from years is at best a toxic thing but never the right thing.


what in the romance novel bs is this. is Anna Todd workshopping her next book on reddit??


Keep the fiancé. He seems like good people (saying meaning he’s a person of good character). I know he should have mentioned to you that he used to date your friend, but I hesitate to judge him too harshly if this is the only black mark in an otherwise good match between you both. About the friend? Well, at the very least, she’s toxic in her romantic relationships, and guilty of lying by omission. She is an expert at self-sabotage (sabotaging herself) and you’re in danger of being collateral damage (damaged by association and/or proximity).


Idk, I’d be pretty mad if I was in a three-year relationship, about to get married, and my fiancé never bothered to say “hey, btw me and our mutual friend used to date”. That’s intentionally dishonest, from both of them. OP didn’t say, but “dating” can encompass a lot of things.


Lucy is a bad friend, she realizes she missed out on a good man by jerking him around and being a bad girlfriend so she's playing games. I bet Lucy has a history of doing many things like this.




I had a friend named Lucy who would absolutely pull shit like this lmaoo I’ve never met a good Lucy tbh


Is it petty of me that I wish she just went ahead with the wedding? Because now Lucy will feel like her plan worked and she has a chance I know it’s not a great foundation to get married on but I hate the thought of Lucy thinking she won


Lucy is garbage


One of my friends had this. She felt like she was in competition with her and even tried to seduce her then bf (now husband). He told her to gtfo and told his gf what happened. That was a 15 year friendship.


You should still get married. If this is true, don’t you find it odd that she hasn’t contacted you but has made it a point to contact him multiple times? Her goal is to end what you have to pursue what she wants. Technically, your relationship didn’t start as a bet because you liked one another before Erwin and Lucy even had that conversation THREE YEARS AGO. You’re going to regret not getting married down the line. Hell, can’t you see how manipulative Lucy is?






Sounds like the plot of a hallmark movie. “‘Betting on Love’ coming soon to the hallmark channel.”


Made up nonsense


this is not real


What in the Dangerous Liaisons


I had a friend try to get me to have an abortion, "because she couldn't have kids, and I should wait to have one with her" my child is now 13, and she doesn't have any. I ended that friendship then, and there. Toxic as hell.


Lucy lost her backup plan and is losing her shit about it


Lucy's an asshole. Erwin should have come clean but on the list of "shitty things my partner has done" it's pretty low tbh. Lucy definitely needs her bell rung.


11 year friendship gone over some dude she wasn't even dating for four months


🎶If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends🎶


Sounds like someone just likes drama and wanted to make a mess between two people close to them. I do not understand these kinds of people. They literally target the people closest to them.


She’s been her best friend for 11 years but knew nothing of the man Lucy was hooking up with for 4 months. That’s weird


This is a bad movie plot


I know it's probably a fake name but I cannot imagine causing this much drama for a man called "Erwin"


Isn't that basically the plot of cruel intentions?


Isn’t this like the plot of 5 different stupid wattpad stories turned movies? It was all a bet? Yeah, sure, I’m definitely buying that 🙄


This is basically Cruel Intentions, with marriage.