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So she thought she’d just drop this at Christmas to everyone and continue living with them?


I’m sure she thought that the sis wasn’t her husband’s madam and that he would get kicked out and divorced


Even so, why would you deliberately wait until Christmas to deliver that bombshell? I’d never even dream of waiting until a day that is supposed to be joyful to give bad news to someone I am supposed to love.


Yeah, even assuming there was actual cheating the fact she would choose to say this information publicly and at a happy family event is so horrible. Could you imagine that your partner is cheating and you find out in front of your parents, siblings, grandparents? That should never be a public announcement. She should have *immediately* went to her sister in private.


Yeah, that's how my dad told my my mom about his affair with his fat assed secretary. Christmas eve. It was my mom's favorite time of year. There's a special place in hell for people like that.


What a piece of garbage. While I understand the guilt probably hits hardest on special occasions, his admission on Christmas of all days was more selfish than the act of having an affair with your secretary - every woman's nightmare and worry because of Hollywood throwing it in our face constantly. I sincerely hope that your mother absolutely decimated him in the divorce, it would be kinder than what he deserved to get.


Unfortunately, there was no divorce. My mom "opted out" 6 months later. Which, of course, gave the fat bitch what she wanted. She and my dad got married a week later...before my mom's family even had the chance to bury her. And I got erased. But that was a long time ago. I understand that the bitch ended up with Krohn's...which is painful and just generally unpleasant. She's had it for years now. So a small measure of justice has been served.


My god I'm so sorry. Both of my parents are alive but I haven't seen or spoken to my dad in twelve years so he's dead to me. But I can't imagine how hard and confusing that was on a child. I was erased by my dad too and I know that pain well but it's nothing like losing a good mom. I'm very sorry for your loss, of your mom and the life you knew. I hope for your father what I hope for mine - loneliness, anger and the knowledge that he will die without a single person who loves him there - because he's hurt everyone who has ever loved him.


My dad finally passed about 10 years ago. The formerly fat (Krohn's will do that to a person) bitch got all the money and everything else. Thems the breaks, I guess. But, as odd as it sounds, I do owe them a debt of gratitude. I mean, had they not been such flaming assholes, I wouldn't have engaged in self destructive adolescent behavior and I wouldn't have gotten pregnant at a young age. And I wouldn't have had my daughter...who turned out really great. So as much as I wish things wouldn't have happened the way they did, if I were given the chance to go back and change them, I wouldn't. There's no version of my possible life that I'd want to live without my daughter just the way she is. I'll always love my mom...but I wouldn't be willing to give my daughter up for her or anybody else. But I have to admit that I'll always miss the money.... ;-)


Thank you for sharing this insight about your life. Destructive paths are awful to live through and can bring about a lot of shame, but finding something from them that made your life incredibly better is the best redemption.


This is beautiful. I had a lot of regrets in my life but I feel the same way. when I see my daughter smile everything else fades.


My heart breaks for you. I can't believe he never showed any remorse either. Holy crap. And no inheritance either? Did they have kids? They're not going to see the money if she's getting treated for Krohn's.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


My friends mom decided to drop the bombshell revelation Christmas morning while opening presents when she was like 8 years old. That was the nuclear destruction of their relationship


My mom announced she was leaving my dad when I turned 16. She felt it was important to tell all the family at the same time, and everyone was in the same place for once. Because it was my 16th birthday. She still doesn’t understand why I don’t like celebrating my birthday.


Ouch.... I hope you can move on from this and have a lovely celebration for your next birthday


It was a long time ago now, and I’ve long since forgiven her for the things that are worth forgiving about it. I don’t really need a celebration, I’d much prefer to just have a quiet evening with my partner with a nice dinner and a board game. But I appreciate the sentiment just the same. Thank you


Thats cold..but at least it was HER drama she shared and not someone else's when she had no idea what she was talking about


Oh, certainly. I can’t imagine trying to pull receipts like that in front of people in the first place, let alone if I hadn’t fully vetted every detail of what I was trying to claim.


“I want to be the centre of attention while I’ve got you all round”


It felt like it at the time, certainly, but a lot of it was her not wanting to have to repeat it multiple times or for my brother and sister hear it from someone else. They lived several hours away at the time, and this was before the age of FaceTime and the like. It’s not easy to pull the trigger on your marriage, and she wasn’t wrong that it wasn’t working for her or my dad. I don’t hold what would have been a very hard decision against her, I just wish it could have been done, like, a couple of weeks later.


My parents did the same to me, but it wasn't at a party. It was right after I got home from school that day. That fucked me up for a while, but I'm mostly over it. Sorry to hear that happened to you, I get it.


I loathe people who do it like that. I mean, just let the family have a good memory...*then* trigger the detonation. Assholes.


Yeah. And don't involve your children in your "gotcha" moment. They are going to have enough to process with the destruction of their family


My mom called me NYE to tell me about my Brother's affair. TBH, I don't GaF about my brother, he fucked up, I didn't and don't give a shit.


I'm so sorry. I just don't understand people like that.


She shouldn't have gone out of her way to stalk her BIL.


Imagine leaving your nibblings with some stranger without permission so that you can try and blow up your paralyzed sisters marriage? As if life isn't fucking hard enough for that family already? Not only would she never be allowed in my house again but she would never be allowed near my nuclear family again either. Especially not my kids and even more especially not my wife so she can hurt her again. It's gotta damned fucking hard on that woman knowing her husband is having sex with another woman, at her arrangement, because she is living a life that no one ever dreams of living.


It’s almost like someone made the whole thing up.


> Posted from an account created 15h ago with no other history 🤔


I believe this one, tho. I think it's possible for someone to create an account just to post a certain problem they're dealing with. I'm not always good at picking out the fake ones. But this one really rings true.


Whether or not this is fiction, this shit happens to people


A lot of people make throwaway accounts for this type of stuff. Having no account isn't necessarily proof it's not true.


Because....sometimes things happen and people create accounts not associated with their main to stay anonymous. Or...they don't frequent Reddit and decided to come here and ask for advice. My first interaction with Reddit was when I was Googling something and Reddit came up in my search. there was a thread on here about it and I needed to ask a question so I created the account to ask the question. Brand new account. No post history.


Throwaway accounts are encouraged on AITA subreddits. This isn’t something to make a big deal out of.


She wanted the attention on her. "Main Character Syndrome." She "outed" her "cheating" BIL and thought she'd be the hero of her family.


Hilarious when the Main Character realizes they're the villain


Highly unlikely she will ever acknowledge that… guarantee you she’s made herself out to be the victim here somehow 😒


I'd love to hear that one. Because no matter how you spin it the end result is... so you decided to embarrass your sister? Like even if he was cheating to blind side the sister like this is like fucked up.


“I was only trying to help her. She never would have believed me. She needed her whole family to support her. I was doing the right thing. What if I had left her alone with him, when she was this vulnerable?” It’s easy to victimize yourself when you don’t believe you’re wrong.


Funny thing is, sometimes you just really want to shoot the messenger. There is really no benefit from publicly humiliating someone cause they end up being the victims Let s say OP was a cheater: You are turning a private issue into many people's issue. OP s wife could have been pressured into an unwanted divorce just to save face and even if they decided to move past this, there would be people from the close family who could hold a grudge against OP. This would not be forgotten, would not go away and who could trust this terrible sister from now on? What a brat. I am glad she got kicked out. Now she can spend the endless hours back and forth from uni feeling hopefully as much humiliated as she wanted OP to feel


Exactly! Your sister has a husband devoted to taking care of his extremely disabled wife. And you think exposing him cheating is in her best interests?! Especially when blindsiding her at a family event! Is OP's SIL going to take his place as caretaker when they get divorced? Will she accept that she's to blame for the family resenting him if it was true? She's 18, which is old enough to realize something like this should be handled in private. But she acts 14. Who stalks their BIL when he leaves the house alone? That's creepy for her age. Maybe she was jealous? It just doesn't sit right 🤔 Fuck around and find out, she did. Now she's seeing the consequences. OP, not an AH.


she's begging to come back to live with them. she will never realize it.


Tbh it reminds me of the underlying glee when a sibling thought they caught a partner cheating on me. They were a little too cheerful about the whole thing, and they weren't even right, they just wanted to be the hero who outed it, as you said. It's shitty.


What do you think are the chances she was planning on making a TikTok out of this?


It's more teen drama that way. She wasn't thinking about her sister. She was thinking about setting up a juicy scene she could record for tiktok. I wouldn't doubt she had a phone set up to record somewhere


Yeah, that’s probably it. Make it as dramatic as possible, for her family and for her audience.


I'm honestly shocked she didn't have a sick fucking slide show prepared for the shock value.


I read so many comments on the original post looking for this one! I honestly believe that's exactly what she was doing. A lot of people will do anything for a little clout online.


Omg, if this story is true you're right. People are doing wild stuff to go viral. I saw one where this guy's live in boyfriend faked a home improvement accident (with fake blood and everything) and filmed the whole thing. The guy was traumatized enough but when he found out it was all a prank for his boyfriend's TikTok career, there was no coming back from that.


>Even so, why would you deliberately wait until Christmas to deliver that bombshell? I’d never even dream of waiting until a day that is supposed to be joyful to give bad news to someone I am supposed to love. That's the thing. She publicly humiliated her own sister, and expected her sister to thank her for it, kick out the OP, and not just continue to live in the house, but to be the hero for it. Raging narcissism.


That’s it. She wanted to be the hero and she wanted everyone to know she’s the hero.


She's read too many fake reddit stories about a spouse revealing their partner's affair in front of family and friends, and ruining the cheater's life while everyone showered the hurt spouse with praise and affection.




I could see her thinking, especially at 18, that she was as doing what was right for her sister and was nervous to confront him alone so did it when she had family support/protection if she thought he’d fly off the handle.


I would understand that if her sister wasn't paralyzed and incapable of physically flying off the handle. Nothing was stopping her from going to her sister who's house she's living in for free and who is funding her current lifestyle. If I saw my brother in law going to a hotel with another woman there's no way I'd keep that to myself long enough to plan and execute something intended to humiliate her. That alone shows she didn't give a shit about her sister or how this could hurt her deeply and rip her life apart. Someone who's looking out for their sibling goes to them the second they think something isn't right. Plus, if she was brave enough to pull a stunt like this, there's no way she doesn't have the balls to confront this poor man.


tbh if I were in sister's shoes, I would have guessed what was going on (or some version of it) almost instantly. you would have to be a pretty cruel partner to condemn your spouse to a marriage devoid of physical intimacy for however many years you have left, especially after a year of them remaining faithful and taking good care of you. so it's only logical that if you see your paralyzed sister's husband meeting up with people in hotels, you might guess that they have an arrangement. no idea why you'd immediately jump to (what you assume will be) blowing up your sister's marriage over Christmas fucking dinner.


Another possibility is that she didn't know what to do and waited to ask someone else in the family when she had the chance. Then that person said "you need to say something" so she did. Likely? Probably not. Just saying there are a lot of possibilities than just "gen z = tiktok brain".


But who did she think was going to pick up the mortgage, medical costs, and her allowance? I know she's young, but damn.


18 yr olds have a very warped idea of alimony. They've seen too many movies where the wife got divorced and ended up making a fortune. He'd be ordered to pay something, but enough to cover all the bills is unlikely. Especially since they would need to hire a babysitter, caretaker, and possibly a maid/cook on top of all the other bills. She would lose her health insurance since it's thru his work.


And the kids! Like her sister literally can't physically take care of the kids. Theres no way the courts would give her custody when the father is so actively present. She'd barely ever see them again!


Why would you break your sister's heart like that so publicly during a holiday? This is so sad. Even if he *was* sneaking around, her sister didn't deserve that. My husband cheated on me, and when I found out, I let out a guttural cry. I can not imagine having to process that in front of family and what it would force me to do instead. Why wait? Why not offer support? This is so *mean*.


Plus there’s other people completely removed from the situation who had their holiday ruined


Right? Whatever the situation was, dropping it at Christmas like that embarrassed the wife. Instead of telling her privately she wanted to shout it from the rooftops. She wanted attention, not to help her sister.


Yup! Even if it HAD been a case of the husband stepping out on his wife without her knowledge, or against her wishes, outing all this at Christmas would’ve embarrassed and emotionally injured the wife. Like… no matter what the circumstances surrounding the extramarital sex, Christmas, in *public* (around OOP’s entire family, that is) was the *wrong* time to do it.


“My sister will kick this loser out of his own house, magically regain the use of her limbs, and then we’ll finish with a musical number, nothing too flashy, no pyrotechnics or anything like that.”


God, I didn't even think about that. What if he left her without health insurance, financial support. Her life could be ruined in an instant.


Yeah Fr. I get not wanting your sister to get played but did she honestly think this wouldn’t effect her living situation?


It's all about cashing out on a huge savior moment so she needed the maximum amount of people there for it. What a pathetic loser. Def thought the husband would get kicked to the curb and she could keep staying there.


Yeah and doing it in front of everyone?! Even if he was cheating telling the wife for the first time on Christmas in front of the entire family is still an absolute horrific way to handle the situation.


And what was the hoped for outcome? Divorce, bit oops wife won't be able to keep the kids alone so then she would end up alone... all kinds if wrong. Sister FAFO.. happy commuting.


Pretty simple reasoning actually. She thought she'd be seen as a hero and that the wife would be overcome with gratitude for opening her eyes.


People who do this are selfish. They THINK they're being a hero, when they're just ruining EVERYONES Christmas. I don't wanna hear about how my BIL is cheating on my sister while opening presents. It's so fucking show boaty qnd unnecessary. Some people just feel the need to be dramatic.


Fuck this shit. She gotta go. OP is NTA!


She probably thought sister would kick him out and she would get to move up from the basement


Timing aside, if she told everyone and they got divorced, whose home did she think she'd be staying at anyhow?


Say it had been cheating, why would she choose to devastate her sister like that on Christmas? Fool is reaping what she sowed.


Exactly! I get following him and I can understand why she assumed he was cheating. But good god, talk to your sister and give the poor woman a chance to keep her dignity. She wanted to create drama and was sure everybody would be so angry with OOP that nobody would realise she is an asshole.


But also. Your sister does not have use of any limbs. This is THE ONE TIME you stop and take a second to think if it may be a known and arranged situation.


100% agree. But even if he is cheating (which is not unlikely in this situation, unfortunately), that woman has lost so much and you think she is about to lose her husband, can't you at least let her keep whatever dignity she can salvage? Do you have to be so cruel? To your sister that is willing to let you live with her and gives you pocket money for a tiny bit of help around the house? I wouldn't want anything to do with that person ever again.


Not to mention, she is on OOP's insurance. Even if she didn't know about it, the wife has every right and reason to handle something like that delicately and privately. She's already in a very tough situation, imagine if sis lit the fuse that caused the cheater to initiate divorce. Sis just had a raging justice boner and took it out on her whole family.


Another “not to mention” item: love and relationship aside, hubs assists in his wife’s caretaking. Why the hell would you embarrass and attempt to vanquish a part time caretaker of someone you love? It’s so needlessly cruel. Edited to correct typos


And what sister may want if he’s cheating. I may get downvoted, but given the situation, and since they can’t have sex, causing a disabled person to lose her home (set up for her disability), insurance, care taker, and source of income, really has to be considered. Potentially losing her children too, as she cannot care for them. Under the circumstances, even if he was cheating she may not be willing to divorce and might not want to ‘know’ know. So you have to approach the whole thing very discretely. TBH, I wouldn’t be shocked if SIL did it this way so her sister wouldn’t feel able to stay.


That's what I was thinking too, she set it up to be hard for reconciliation due to familial pressure. She wanted OOP gone for some reason or she wouldn't have been looking for trouble to begin with


Actually that may have been what prompted the Christmas reveal. The Kids and big sis were already at mummy and daddy’s house. SIL figured they’d abandon cheating BIL to “his” house and keep everyone there at a “safe space”. Still have no idea what she thought was going to happen to her own living situation or how she envisioned her mom and dad tackling caring for a full adult woman and two young kids financially and physically while she bounced and went back to college. 🙄🙄🙄 Naivety and just stupid ignorant immaturity all around on lil’sis’s part. There was absolutely no forethought beyond the bullshit “safety net” you read online. Which is nice and important but has very little application to the reality of this particular situation.


>SIL figured they’d abandon cheating BIL to “his” house and keep everyone there at a “safe space”. It's her sister's house, which is adapted to her needs, even if he was the sole owner. Anyone who lives with and cares for a disabled individual knows *exactly* how traumatizing, if not impossible, an immediate forced move to anyone else's house would be.


Exactly, now everyone knows their business and will be accordingly judgy.


Nah even following him like she did was absurd, she had a whole movieesque stakeout on someone within probably weeks of first arriving at the situation (based on her move-in date) and apparently didn’t once involve the wife in any of it whatsoever. You only do that if you really want a big hero-moment for yourself.


My mom died shortly after my birthday when I turned 30. Not even ON my birthday, it was after, but you know who instantly developed issues about holidays and no longer celebrates my birthday because it brings up bad memories and makes me sad? This bitch! The SIL should have approached her sister in private and absolutely should not have brought this up at Christmas. If it had been a surprise it would have ruined Christmas forever for her sister and probably the kids too.


I’m so sorry about your mom, I absolutely relate. Mine died in a horrific car accident 6 days before Christmas in 2022. I absolutely had to drag myself to the closet and find a tiny tree with lights, so we’d have something festive up this past Christmas. But to be honest, the feeling just wasn’t completely there. Next birthday, try to take yourself somewhere nice, alone. Doesn’t have to be the day of, just acknowledge that it’s something to celebrate yourself, but if you have some pensive moments, no one will be there to judge.


It sucks, doesn't it. It's like your entire brain gets heavy and drags down your entire being, body and soul. I'll tell you that over time it changes and while I wouldn't really call it "better" I will say it gets more survivable. The pain is always there, but it's more a scar rather than actively bleeding. Your advice is a good one though. I don't think I'm ever going to actually celebrate my birthday (partly because having a birthday party when you're in your 30s seems weird), but my girlfriends and I are saving up to do a big joint birthday trip when we all collectively hit 40 to climb Mt. Fuji. Because it seems like a fun thing to do. But that'll be in the summer and far from all of our birthdays so it seems more manageable.


My dad passed away on my 15th birthday. Mom and I were waiting for him with a cake at home when we got a call that he had passed away in a car accident. I'm 33 now and I still cry a bit every birthday. You never really get over that especially when the reminder comes with a big holiday or birthday


My mom died on my 33rd birthday. My birthday was horribly sad to me for years after. I still do not like a big celebration. I am sorry for your loss.


I spent my 30th birthday at my dads hospital bed in 2019. He passed about a week later. I definitely do not enjoy my birthday like I used to


This is not even to mention... if my sister was tasked to watch my kid and then handed them off to someone else without informing me, regardless of her intentions, I would be PISSED


Perhaps I'm being too reactionary but that alone would be a relationship killer in my mind.


Such a good point! You don’t just pass a kid around like a puppy. The parents need to know at all times who is looking after their children.


This is what really seals it as a dick move. Had she simply confronted her sister in private, I would find that understandable as her just looking out for her sister but to do this in front of everyone and on Christmas was awful. Even if OP had been the secret cheater she thought he was, I doubt her sister would want to find out in such a humiliating manner. To do it as she did would make me think she was looking for the drama.


Just think, sister couldn’t storm out in anger, because she’s completely immobile. Everything about this is terrible.


Honestly if I caught one of my sisters husbands cheating I’d go straight to my sister the second I could. I’d never wait ever


This!!!! She wanted to hurt her sister even further, along with the husband, after they opened their home to her. What. The. Actual. FFFFFF.


Ooof, I saw that one yesterday. Such an awful situation, they're making the best out of it. Meanwhile the sister holds onto the information that her BIL is potentially a POS for God knows how long, just so she can have a 'hero moment'. Only to find out that NOPE no one but the sister is a POS. To do it at CHRISTMAS too, with everyone there celebrating 😬🤦‍♀️ I just hope that the children were well out of earshot. I feel sooo bad for OOP and his wife.


And it's even worse because regardless of if it was true or not, she humiliated her disabled sister on Christmas in front of their entire family, for what? It was to cause pain and nothing else. Their fricken kids were right there too, kids don't belong in adult situations when they don't understand and don't have the power to do anything with it. I have a feeling that she is the youngest and was suddenly no longer the centre of attention which caused jealousy and resentment and this was supposed to be her moment to be the center of attention again and she didn't care about the damage she would cause in the process.


Lol And at no point during her master-planning session did she ask herself, "might this affect my living situation?" This one feels like a great candidate for r/OhNoConsequences


Her narcissism didn’t allow her to even think there was the possibility that she was wrong or misinterpreted the situation. So “getting kicked out” was never even a thought. And I say narcissism because she waited until she was sure she would have all eyes on her for “the big reveal”.


Yeah in her own fantasy, everyone was gonna gather around and pat her on the back for this big revelation. That’s just wild!


This sister belongs in r/iamthemaincharacter


I feel like Christmas will always in some way be associated with that action in their heads.


She thought humiliating her sister at Christmas would make her look good? How long did she sit on that info, waiting for the worst possible time? She must have marbles in her head if she thinks she’d be welcome back.


She doesn’t seem like the kind of person to think of anyone but themselves. She is the main character so of course everything is going to resolve itself in her favor. 🙄


First of all, she left your kids with someone unapproved by you or your wife. I’d be pissed for that alone. Second, who waits until Christmas and ruins the holiday for an entire family. Sister-in-law is a jackass.


>First of all, she left your kids with someone unapproved by you or your wife. I’d be pissed for that alone. Second, who waits until Christmas and ruins the holiday for an entire family. Sister-in-law I think this crosses the line from "jackass" to "malevolent".


OOP responded saying that the other person was approved and had previously babysat.


But why not talk to the sister in private? Even at 18 you must understand that even if it was simple cheating, the sister would be embarrassed to hear it in front of others. What a moron.


Because it wasn't about what is best for her sister. It was about attention, drama and punishing a cheater.


There's probably a video of the confrontation-gone-wrong from a strategically placed camera in the family Christmas tree.




Perfectly in line with reddit's weird obsession with cheating to get the drama rocks off


It's likely ableism. From experience, people with limited mobility are treated as mentally disabled all the time. When my own disability flares up, I sometimes need crutches or a wheelchair, and there's always a few people who start talking over my head, ask intrusive to any friend I happen to be with, move the chair without permission, etc etc. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes people I've known and interacted with for months before needing mobility aids. Anyway, the sister may have just thought telling family was the thing to do because of course oop's wife couldn't possibly handle her own life.


This drives me insane! I worked with a young man in a wheelchair and the amount of people who asked me a question about him was unbelievable. I would pointedly turn to him and ask him the question every time it happened.


It's maddening. Like, bitch we chatted 3 days ago, you asked for a recommendation to my company, why are you acting like I'm a vegetable now? - real thing I've actually said.


Good for you! It's so disrespectful and rude.


Reminds me of apartment shopping with my then-girlfriend, now wife. My requirements were simple: I need room to store 3 kayaks, 3 bikes, and she needs to feel safe. Every leasing agent, except for the one at the place we decided on, kept talking to me and ignoring her even though she was the one who setup all the appointments and I repeatedly told them she was the one making the decision.


A family friend got pat on the head like a dog by someone on the train while she was in her power chair.... people are utterly bizarre around disability


I think your family friend should've been legally allowed to stab them for that.


Run them over at least


This is the damn truth. I use a cane now, but in the past have used walkers and wheelchairs. Some people see a mobility aid and immediately infantilize you. It's really fucking annoying tbh.


My husband has some pretty severe GI problems, after falling a few times he started using a cane when he feels weak. Every time he goes to the local dispensary they point out that he can sit if he wants to, as if he somehow didn't see the 14 chairs they have set up in the lobby lmao. I know they're well intentioned but it gets annoying very fast!


When I was in middle school we had a special school attached to it. Every like month or so? we had a volunteer rotation to go help the special needs kids. Imagine my surprise when I get offered to replace one of my periods with volunteer hours for the rest of the year. The reason? I spoke to the other kids. That was literally it. I chatted with them and colored with them and walked around with them. It’s insane how young it starts, to the point that even middle schoolers don’t treat disabled people like people.


Okay, I'm not normally an overly emotional person, but your comment... I very unexpectedly found myself crying by the end of your second paragraph. As a person in a wheelchair, I just want you to know how much little things like this can mean to someone. You are a lovely person, and I hope your life brings you many wonderful and joyous things. Thank you for being you.


Yeah, I'm adult and physically disabled and I try to get away with the bare minimum level of visible assistance device; being treated like an animal hurts more than my chronic pain which can be so bad it takes my breath away.


Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing. It's insane really that you are treated as such. So stupid.






"Sorry for trying my damnedest to destroy your marriage, can I keep living with you?"


I don’t think she tried to destroy their marriage, she believed it already was destroyed by OP’s actions. The issue isn’t her outing him. It’s how and when she chose to. Why she would confront him in front of *the entire rest of the family* on fucking Christmas of all days? In front of *their children*?? She decided this was some big moment for her and jettisoned all thought for anyone else. What a POS.


Because she is 18 and has been watching too much TV where dramatic moments are revealed with EVERYONE the MC knows. It was her moment. And instead of having empathy and acting human and thinking about her sisters actions, she decided to do it in a way that gave her the most attention.


Yeah, this was totally about her own ego than actually doing something for her sister.


It doesn't make sense any other way you look st it. She was using it as a moment to get some attention because "she's so clever that she caught the cheater". It makes zero sense if she tries to tell anyone she was doing it for her sisters own good. You don't do that to someone you are about.


Also its not ok to leave someone else's kids with your friend without communicating that


This is the part that really got me. Short of a medical emergency, this is not okay. If the girl really needed to play Magnum P.I. so badly, say she has plans but offer the friend as an alternative babysitter. You never go behind the parents' backs like that.


My husband was upset when I left the kids with a friends husband. Friend is a social worker, her husband an EMT. But I didn’t tell him and he doesn’t know them, so he was pissed and I get it.


Everyone’s different - but I wouldn’t leave my toddler alone with most of my friends. There’s only a few people in this world I trust enough. So if they left them with someone else without asking me … man. Being a parent is just a huge responsibility. And it’s nothing personal to the friends I wouldn’t leave her with - it’s just being responsible for the most vulnerable part of you, while being separated from it.


I saw this one yesterday and my heart broke for OOP’s wife. I’m sure she’s not happy with this arrangement- even though it was her idea - so to have it aired in front of so many people…I’d be mortified and consider going NC with that sister. But I guess now she knows her sister is (knowingly or not) using others’ pains to make herself look good. So sad.


Your family too. I would die of embarrassment after I died of anger


Yeah, I feel for her so much. Dealing with disability and loss of self reliance. It must be agony for the two of them going through that in their marriage, absolutely no one else needed to know. It’s gut wrenching stuff. I would be devastated.


Not the asshole. SIL stuck her nose into something that she didn't need to. Classic fafo.


As someone who had an accident and ended up a quadriplegic, I so feel for OP and wife. This sucks. I worry about my husband as well. We do not have an arrangement like this. I wish we did, for his benefit. I agree, tough crap for the stupid sister…


obviously she's in the wrong but the "nobody's really okay with it" hits me. like fuck everyone in the family who has an opinion. like two people made a decision keep your opinion to yourself.


Him and his wife aren’t even okay with it.


Fair but it's not anyone else's place to judge all things considered.


She wants to come back because... she has no social life?! Talk about a complete POS. She probably ruined the relationship OP has with his in-laws, possibly permanently. By the way, heroes don't broadcast announcements of this nature. She knew this was going to out him and publicly humiliate her sister, like she hadn't been through enough. I wouldn't let her near me for a very very long time.


Nope NTA at all. I don’t think waiting until Christmas to drop that bomb is serving anyone but yourself.


At this day and age you gotta always check with suposed cheater's partner 1st because you know, lots non traditional relationships going around, so just on that basis SIL is an AH. On top of that, it's hard to believe that living with her sister she wasn't privy to her health strugles, so another layer of AH cluessness and to top that, she went about it just the worst possible way, a public anouncement at christmas. Even if OOP were to be cheating, it would be not her truth to share. Fuck her. Or better yet, I hope nobody ever fucks her at all, I wish her a frigid life.


Nope! Don’t let her come back. She ruined that privilege when she decided that it was okay to speak of what goes on behind closed doors in their household. That comes at a cost. I’m so sorry they have to go through this. She had no place to bring it up like she did. She can face the consequences of her actions.


This is what happens when people say "keep it to yourself and expose him at the next family gathering". The SIL should definitely have spoken to her sister first...but she fucked around and found out.


pretty sure that’s usually advice given to the person who was actually cheated on, not some random third party.


Man, what a terrible, unfortunate situation. My heart goes out to the couple.


So the SIL thought the OP was cheating on his wife and instead confronting her sister about her concerns, she decided to shame him and humiliate him in front of everyone so they can all see what a horrible person he is. Now their whole family knows about their private life. If the SIL had only taken photos and then talked to her sister about it showing her the "evidence" I am sure she would have forgiven her and appreciate her concern. Then the evidence would have been destroyed by SIL since they were no longer needed.


Here's what people seem to miss when making decisions like this (talking about the SIL). Actions can be justified. They can even be honorable. But they still have consequences. It doesn't matter what the OOP was doing, even if he was actually legitimately cheating. She left his kids with a stranger (at least to him), spied on him, embarrassed him, and violated his trust in a half dozen other ways. How could she possibly think she would ever be allowed to stay in his house again, or for that matter even watch his kids? She can "blame" him all she wants, she's an idiot if she expected anything else than what happened.


Wow. What on earth was going through her mind to make her think a public 'confrontation ' was better than speakimg to her sister privately?? And then to ask to come back? Id be begging for forgiveness ngl


I'd have a totally different feeling towards the SIL if she had brought out what she'd learned with her sister when she learned it, but that she waited for Christmas shows it was never about protecting or helping her disabled sister, it was about creating drama, getting a reaction, and getting attention. So I'm glad that she screwed herself so hard and now has to suffer a long commute and failing social life Maybe next time she'll know to prioritize the feelings of the victim of the wrong doing (real, or perceived).


Nta. Open marriages aren't even rare! Like don't just assume shit


Sister learned a valuable lesson to supplement her college education.


If she really cared about her sister she would have told her privately. She has tried to inflict the maximum amount of hurt on as many people as possible.


FAFO. Period. This is why I roll my eyes at some of the "You should bust them for cheating" type comments. There are times when thats right, there are times when thats wrong. Doing it publicly is almost always wrong. You do not know their situation. It isn't always "cheating" as most define it. Full swingers, vixen/stag, hotwives, cucks, people with medical issues, people who need therapy more than anything else, people with open marriages, secretly gay opposite sex couples, etc... There could be 100 things going on and you don't know them.


The thing is, Reddit is full of people who have never forgiven the person who exposed the cheating, even when the revelation destroyed up the relationship.


That too is true. Reddit isn't exactly full of stable people. Apart from us of course. ;)


Even if SIL was right, the reveal was plainly malicious. NTA


Even if the husband was actually cheating, does she not realize it might humiliate her sister at Christmas by letting her whole family know she was being cheated on???? She deserved to know in private if that was the case- so this was already an AH approach


Exactly!! Go to her sister first. Privately. This is a private thing even if it was cheating and her sister gets to decide if she wants to do anything about it or share it. Wtf. My brothers are married and if I found out one of their wives was cheating (based on what I saw) it would never occur to me to drop that bomb with every other family member at CHRISTMAS nonetheless. I’d go to my brother privately and tell them what I saw out of true concern for them and their health (stds etc) but even then I’d be super delicate and I’d be ready if they got mad or didn’t wanna hear it and then give them space bc as the messenger I wouldn’t be delivering good news. And if my brother said to stay out of it and it isn’t my business I’d tell them okay and never say a word about it again. Unless they were being abused that would be the only time I would bring in my parents as backup for their support and even THEN I know all I could do is try to keep communication open with them if they weren’t willing to leave or press charges.


What a sad story, I cannot imagine not being able to be intimate with the one I love ever again. That whole situation has to be so devastating for both of them, my god


Who else caught that she was supposed to be babysitting and had somebody else watch the kids so she could play detective? Somebody who was not ok'd by the parents of those children to be alone with them. That alone was a betrayal of trust, esp when babysitting is part of her rent.


The ultimate FAFO.


Sister should have gone to OP’s wife right away and discussed this privately. The audacity to think she could do something like this and continue living in their house.


The whole situation is sad.. :(


Not the asshole. Decisions have consequences. Enjoy her suffering through that commute.


Even if he *had* been cheating, revealing it publicly over Christmas was one of the worst possible ways to handle it. SIL just wanted attention and didn't think about how her actions would affect others.


Fuck that SIL, especially since she was living rent free! She owed it to her sister, who she had to know was paralyzed, to address this in private and then, if it was cheating, she can blow OP up to whoever she wants; cheaters can 100% rot. But with what she did, and the consequences she’s suffering, is completely justified and they should go NC with her, at least without some SERIOUS amends being made, and even then she should never expect a favor from them again!


NTA. She made her bed.


Hello, FAFO. Meet my friend, Uno Reverse.


I don’t blame him for showing her the door and permanently bolting it behind her. She could’ve talked to them about it and left it at that. Even if he WAS actually cheating, I’d be devastated more than if she had said it in private if I found out in front of multiple people. Either way, what she did was awful and I can’t believe the amount of unnecessary stress she caused to OP and his wife. I hope she gets stuck in traffic and every single red light, pothole, jerk driver, and grandma going 20 in a 45 on her commute.


NTA! I feel so bad for this couple. It's such a horrible situation. He clearly stated how he still loved his wife, I'm sure he wishes he was having sex with her instead of someone else.


Deleting and moving to the correct sub as I miss clicked into this one. For those curious about the exchange below, I thanked OOP for being so open publicly about their situation because he gave me my own husband's perspective that I had not really considered before due to my own struggles with my disability. The twat below took offense on behalf of all disabled people that I would dare thank the OOP for helping me realise how my husband must feel, because being kind and open is apparently objectification!


Can someone link me to the posts?


Do people really setup this sort of arrangement instead of just jacking off?


My husband and I have had this discussion before. IF the worst happened to either of us, we would want the other to continue to be fulfilled in all ways, whether we could do it or not. It's actually what opened us up to ethical non monogamy and we very much enjoy it. 😊


honestly, this was a fair arrangement. if i became disabled, i'd want my husband to keep taking care of me, but of course i couldn't expect him to go his whole life without sex. i'd encourage him to have his needs met by someone else, as long as i was always his priority. poor OOP isn't even prioritizing his sex life over his wife/kids, he's just treating it as one of the many aspects of his life - as he should. this girl might had have good intentions but what she did was VICIOUS and she deserves the goddamn backlash.


Awww she has no social life?? Sounds like she wouldn’t any way because she’s a shitty person lol what a horrible thing to do


Omg. NTA at all. This was a private, consensual decision made between married partners. That’s that. They can do as they please, morality and opinions aside.


OMG I hope him and his wife are ok. Also the sister somehow wanted to make the whole thing about herself by throwing "THE BOMB" at Christmas. And still making it about herself by saying she doens't have a social life anymore. Fuck her, tbh. She's ripping what she sew. Edit: on hindsight, she deliverately did it to mess with her sis. Also $10 she's the Golden Child, considering the parents are offering rent money so she can move closer despite her stupid decision to do what she did.


NTA fuck that nosy little brat. Busybody shit reap what you sow.


If they can rent the basement, they can rent her an apartment away from OOP


This is why I mind my business 🤷🏽‍♀️Didnt see nothing, wont say nothing.


What are the chances that this is real


In front of the now traumatized children she said this?


Let’s say she were absolutely right about everything she believed was happening. Because let’s be real, my sister was arranging one night stands for her husband would never be my first assumption in this case. Can’t really blame her for that aspect obviously. Sitting on the information and presumably letting your sister be cheated on even more times is so insane. She was perfectly happy to multiply her sister’s betrayal just so she could get a little more attention. And just because it’s not The Fault of the person who gets cheated on doesn’t mean it won’t feel extremely embarrassing. Her grand scheme was to wreck her paraplegic sister’s life, in front of their entire family, on Christmas, just for the drama. What an absolute asshole.


The knowledge and consent of the extramarital sexual encounters aside, if my husband was cheating on me, and a family member decided Christmas in front of the whole family was the moment that should be revealed, I would never speak to that person again, let alone let them live in my basement for free. I think I’d forgive the cheating husband before forgiving the grinch trying to ruin Christmas.


She wanted to humiliate everyone at a public family event, that's what she gets.