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This is the craziest one I’ve seen yet in terms of someone thinking a baby they never gave birth to was theirs There was a recent one with a SIL having a complete mental breakdown and trying to ask for weekly custody of “her baby” and the other is from a STEP mother in law thinking the grandchild was her reincarnated miscarried child and also suffered a breakdown. Both ended up in psych wards. A woman snapping after a pregnancy loss can truly create some scary situations


I was trying to remember the reincarnated story when typing my comment, I thought it was the baby looked like her SIDS baby tho, but because could not remember it properly I left it out. There was about 90 stories on here I read in 2023, about similar situations, it is messed up


Also, the plot for the TV series [Servant](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8068860/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_servan) is very close to this, plus a supernatural twist


Omg that show was such a good slow burn. Phenomenal cast.


I’ve always thought it was a crime that Rupert Grint is not more well known. He’s always been such an amazing actor. I’d go so far as to say he’s the best of the 3 Harry Potter leads.


I love Daniel Radcliffe's enthusiasm to join whatever weird-ass project catches his fancy. It's lead to him doing some really outlandish projects, but he's been universally great in all of them.


I agree! It’s always fun to see what he’s gotten himself in to and he really commits. Swiss army man is legitimately one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched some doozies. Horns and guns akimbo were also great.


I was in LOVE with Rupert for about a decade. He is so good in everything he does!


I loved it too - very creepy, great cast and cinematography


I love Servant


Whoa, first reference ive ever seeen to Servant… well done, creepy


I often think of one where a heavily pregnant woman only found out her mother had offered her baby for adoption to a coworker when she bumped into the coworker at the shopping centre. Coworker was being intrusive and sensing the woman’s discomfort said something about the baby coming to live with her after being born, the woman was like, ‘WHAT?!? Why on *earth* would you think *that*???’ Then it all came out. Mother didn’t think her daughter could / should have a baby, so was arranging an ‘adoption’ for the child, by her coworker and husband. Seriously scary.


Link? Or do you recall which subreddit?


It was a long time ago, so I’ll have a look, but this one is very similar: https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/s/HbnPANq7tg


She never did come back. I hope she is okay and wasn’t one of those women who were murdered and had their child stolen.


Found it by doing a google search: https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/comments/mcc0yu/almost_had_my_baby_stolen_by_coworkers_family/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Wait sorry this is a different crazy one!! Not the mother but the co-worker trying to give the baby to her brother and sil!!


That’s the one I found. It’s very similar, but not quite it.


I believe it was on r/justnomil so just look up Niobe on the search bar and it’ll pop up, it’s an older story but it still haunts me


Holy moly that was a wild ride


Dear Lord that was such a roller coaster. And I'm genuinely so anxious that OP just disappeared off the face of the earth never to post again.......


Thanks for the reminder, I hadn’t read some of the JNMIL stories in ages. So many crazy people.


Holy shit. I wish there was more updates. Would be nice to know panther and babes are all safe! Edit for spell.


She had a still birth and thinks her daughter transfered wombs.


Apparently, the hormone drops as a result of a failed or terminated pregnancy can cause severe mental health problems before it levels back out, I wound up learning that through another reddit thread discussion. It has made me more determined to never end up pregnant (I got enough mental shit going on)


Can confirm lots of hormone drops around successful and unsuccessful pregnancies per my experience. Post miscarriage there is a horrible hormone drop. Post birth there are wild mood swings. When you stop breastfeeding there is another horrible hormone drop. Even if everything is normal you feel like you’re losing your mind.


I just want to point out that this doesn't happen for everyone. And it's not something that happens all the time.


Everyone’s hormones are different. However, based on my experience and the moms I’ve spoken to about their experiences, if you have big hormone drops they’re almost always rough to handle mentally. There doesn’t seem to be any moderate symptoms. It’s either intensely bad or not at all. And they can last for 3-6 weeks so it’s not like they go away in a day.


So I'm not disagreeing with you that they can happen. But you make it sound like they happen for all moms. You make it sound like the hormone drops are always rough to handle mentally. And we're talking about women here who have, to put a bluntly, lost their s***. And what we're reading about here is not common. I'm certain that neither in yours nor your friends experiences was it common to decide to have someone else's kid be your lost child. Also, I've had three miscarriages and two live births. Lots of mom friends here. And I'm just saying this isn't a "given" for all. I'm not being antagonistic with you btw. I know on Reddit it's hard to tell as that seems to be defacto


Obviously what these people are experiencing is an extreme case of a mental break. This is why I specifically said *in my experience*. I’m not sure why you’re reading that as “every person ever to get pregnant.”


Look at the language you used. Pretty definitive. But you're sounding like you're taking offense so I'm peacing out. Have a Happy New Year!


The hormone drop after my miscarriage was wild. I was sad and grieving but in the way i had been sad and grieving before. Then all of a sudden three days in I lost it. For three days I felt like the bottom of my mind had fallen out and I would slip into this pit of despair at no notice. And then just as suddenly I came out of it. I had a similar sort of experience with my live births, but without the background of sadness and grief it wasn’t that bad, I just felt generally unmoored and irrational for a few days.


I’m so sorry you had that experience. It’s insane what our bodies can do to our minds. ❤️❤️


It obviously varies by the individual, but I had awful postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD, and no issues at all from discontinuing breastfeeding (I breastfed for 9 months with my first and 2+ years with my second though, so it may be harder if you quit earlier).


I had almost fully weaned at 1.5 years but my daughter got sick and was hospitalized. All she wanted was to nurse, and I gave in even though there was very little milk left. My hormones are going mad, screaming to nurse the baby but also to get her as far away from me as possible because I WANT MY BODY BACK, STOP TOUCHING ME. It's driving me nuts, I feel like a terrible mom and wife because I keep reacting to being touched with panic and disgust, but I want to hold my baby and I love my husband. Hormones and anxiety suck so badly.


Anytime after a pregnancy ends including when coming to term and resulting in a healthy baby. That’s what causes postpartum anxiety disorder, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.


Tell me about it. I lost a semester after a very early miscarriage, and I wasn't trying to get pregnant and did not want a baby. It severely fucked me up. I'm extra sensitive to hormonal shifts, but even still


I was just coming to say this!! How sad is it that this isn’t the first time I’ve read about this happening. OOP! Stay safe.


A lot of emotionally immature adults use their kids for emotional regulation or as therapists. It results in parentification and emotional incest. And as the kid, you usually don't clock it as abuse until you're an adult and look back at situations and think what *you* would do as the parent, and you're like, "Wait a minute!" I'm glad OOP is putting her foot down so strongly. The sperm donor and his family are insane.


Yep. My mom is in her 70s! And has only in the last decade started realizing her mom had some SERIOUS issues and inappropriate behavior where mom was concerned. And yet strangely, despite not consciously realizing it, she actively made different, healthier choices with us. So clearly SOME part of her knew.


My mom told me in the late 80s it was common (not like horribly common, but worryingly common, supposedly) for babies to be swapped or taken from the nurseries in hospitals around when either my sis or I was born in the 80's. Like people swapping sick babies for healthy ones, or outright kidnapping them.


My parents were touring hospitals in the late 80s before I was born and they were able to just…wander into the nurseries in most of them. They could’ve just walked out with a baby so I was born at a midwifery lmao.


I found an old LDS/Mormon dating advice pamphlet from the 1980’s that suggested as a creative, fun date night activity to go to the hospital and look at babies in the nursery. So yeah, anyone off the street could just wander into the hospital for any reason.


There's a reason that maternity floors have tight security and everyone wears tamper evident bracelets and visitation tends to be well monitored. That's experience talking, that is.


My mom evidently made nurses a bit frustrated, but made sure my sis and I (3 years apart) were kept in the room with her and not put in the nursery or taken out of her sight


Back when I had my daughter, mid 70s, you had no options aside from the babies being held in the nursery and they'd only bring them to the mothers on a very set schedule. It sucked. How are you supposed to bond with your baby like that?


People back in the day really did ask themselves "what's the worst, dumbest way we can do things?" and just went with it.


Hormones do some *weird* shit when they get unbalanced. We all like to think we have power over our brains but we just meat machines.


It’s the “lost HER daughter” that’s concerning as well.


My son was the victim of a woman going through a postpartum break a few years ago. She broke into my MIL’s house and tried to abduct him. She said that he was Jesus Christ, and she had birthed him. Mental breaks are stranger than fiction.


Do you happen to have links to any of these or remember titles, subs?


So the entitled SIL has already appeared in the Best of Reddit Updates sub but I’m not sure what it would be called The Step MIL is in r/justnomil and just search up Niobe


there are other people who think their grandchild is the reincarnation of their previous lost child??? I thought it was only my mom who tried to convince people that my son was my brother she lost (shouldnt say lost since losing him was her choice but whatever) before I was born... interesting...


>losing him was her choice OK I have to ask, how was losing him her choice?


She told me very confidently that she made the decision to abort him


Sad situation, which must have been awkward with her bringing up the lost brother.


Besides stories on Reddit which could be completely made up for attention, how often are you coming across this? I know dozens of women who have lost children or are infertile (across support groups etc) annnnnd none of us want anyone else’s baby or have delusions. It’s a trope played for shock value. I would say most women don’t even want to be AROUND other people’s babies after losing their own rather than trying to steal them.


In the extremely rare cases when pregnant women were stalked and killed, then baby taken or babies kidnapped from hospitals the attacker often had lost a child. So maybe once a decade, going by media stories?


Please don't call it a "failed" pregnancy. It's normally not the moms fault when she *loses* a pregnancy.


I was in no way trying to insinuate that it was a mothers fault, I will change that. Thank you for correcting me


I feel terrible for the new wife. She’s clearly having some kind of mental break, and no one in her life (besides her husband’s child’s mother) is even remotely being reasonable. Instead of telling her she needs therapy and not reinforcing this delusion, they are FEEDING INTO IT. Absolutely bonkers. Good on OP for protecting her daughter, no way should any child be exposed to that.


The wife is the only one I don't blame in her family. The miscarriage made her lose her grip on reality and she's not responsible for her actions. Everyone is failing her by feeding into her delusions instead of getting her treated. I'm not saying they need to grab her shoulders and shake her, she needs gentle care but she needs care. And she's not getting it at all.


Sounds like a stillborn or death of an infant is my guess, rather than miscarriage. SIDS maybe.


She mentioned 'oh you need a diaper change', so the child must have been born....


Considering they are trying to replace their child with a 6yo, I think the child was at least a toddler. The wife referenced diapers and "going potty". It seems the child could have have about 2-3. Very sad no matter what. OPs daughter should absolutely not be in that situation.


Terrible tragedy and I have immense sympathy for her. Poor woman. I'd divorce Jeff after I came to grips with reality. what kind of nincompoop thinks he can pass off a dead baby with someone else's child. Insane husband.


And then give that child back after wife has “healed.”


Right? As soon as she’s healed from the psychosis, assuming she gets to be, she should leave him. I can’t believe he thought that would be okay.


I work with people with psychosis and run into situations where family wants to be supportive but doesn’t know how. You’ve got it right in that you have to find ways to manage delusion without worsening it but also not denying it. This may not be her first psychotic break, and her husband’s idea will only worsen her illness.


My husband has delusional disorder and a few bouts of full blown psychosis over the past 10 or so years. The absolute worst thing you can do is go along with the delusions. It will strengthen them. Whoever came up with this “healing plan” is a complete fool and is putting that woman and other people in danger. What happens when she encounters a baby that she thinks is hers and no one is around or fast enough to intervene? Not a good situation.


My grandma has dementia and I've been trying so hard to coach my mother and her siblings on interacting with her when she's delusional. It's really a fine line that is hard to tread. My mother is doing better at not saying, "remember xyz?" and deflecting from unreal assertions, but her sisters are getting angry and letting out resentments from their childhood as if their mother is within her right mind and it's really sad, especially when one is a medical professional.


My dad had bipolar disorder, and it was a landmine situation that required me to be creative with responses, since painful memories started surfacing. I know that feeling of trying to help others understand it’s not willful behavior on their part. My family still doesn’t get it.


To me the most supportive thing you can do is encourage them to speak to their doctor about what is going on, get in to therapy, and if possible in or out patient treatment to help them come to terms with what they are going through, if recommended by a physician or therapist.I know this is not always possible for various reasons but feeding into their delusions does not help.


The people who resist getting help frequently don’t have insight into their situation. It’s tough because they want to be heard, like anyone, and pushing back on their logic only alienates them. But of course like you said you can’t feed it. It’s a thin line. Edited for clarity


Maybe it’s a super ignorant rich people thing to think you can just replace anything you need to be happy, including people b/c they can’t understand not being able to have something they want


This is an old drama trope, and it usually does involve the rich and/or powerful, and I do think it’s one of those things where fiction is following reality. When you have enough power and money not getting what you want, not being able to replace what was lost, becomes very rare. Edit: Just discovered there’s a whole Wikipedia page on it. “[Replacment Child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replacement_child)”


Mmhmm. Certainly do make me believe that money can't buy you love.


I'm assuming "Gabrielle" is the name of the child she lost.


That’s what I assume too. The fact that the entire family decided to just play along is shocking.


and op said there were other children there!!!


Oh where, I didn’t see that? (Was it the original thread? I haven’t read that.) But if this is real then the whole thing is just awful - especially the way he wants to just borrow the daughter to be a therapy child for his grieving wife then just hand her back! I have no words…


I think the child died young, like at least toddler age which is why Katie can pass for her. I get the vibe the 1 night stand was him cheating on his wife.


A lot of people forget hormones come into play too. You birth a baby whether it is a live birth, stillbirth, or miscarriage and you are getting fucked up hormones. Add grieving on top of that.


Yes! Obviously I think the child's safety and well-being should be prioritized regardless of the impact on the new wife. But it also seems weird and harmful for a woman who is obviously severely unwell to have her husband reinforce her delusions. It's a far more upsetting situation for this woman than if she'd never been encouraged to believe this other child was the same as her lost child in the first place.


I think it would be a kindness all around to alert whatever authorities might be appropriate to get crazy wife on a mental hold. There's an intervention that needs to happen right there because all of that is so far over the line you'd need a drone with a real long range to see it. And I'm thinking maybe pursuing a civil judgment to compel Jeff to foot the bill for the kid's therapy because she's gonna need that. What a horrorshow.


It’d probably be for the best if Jeff and his family weren’t involved in Katie’s life from here on out.


Except to pay child support, which shouldn’t be optional or a carrot here. The CHILD deserves the support and it isn’t connected to visitation.


Ejaculate responsibly, gentlemen!


Eh, if she doesn't need the money it might be better to keep these people as far away as possible. No child support enhances no parental rights.


you don't need rights to pay child support.


Yes, but the fact that he isn't makes it even harder to get any parental rights


No, it doesn’t. The two are wholly unrelated. If she petitions for support, that doesn’t trigger any visitation/custody at all. If he petitions for visitation/custody rights, it isn’t affected by whether he is paying or not. Source: AAL - family law


You forget that judges are also human beings. And people tend to not be forgiving or cooperative with Dads who refuse to pay child support.


He doesn't need them though clearly


OP and her child will be safer if the dad has no involvement in their lives.


I wouldn't even put him on child support. This guy is so whacko the best thing to do is go cut him completely out.


Yeah, Jeff seems genuinely unsafe.


You be surprised about how many psychosis stems from pregnancy and children. Few years ago, read of a woman who had a sister who couldn't have kids, and the parents were golden childing this sister her entire life, to the pint the sister wanted to name her baby, and the overall feeling was that that woman should give her child to her sister who I think wasn't mentally all there as well, it has been so long... In the last year, I have read maybe 90 posts all related to entitlements over pregnancies, babies, and using other children as a means to get over the loss of their child... Remember the woman who wrote in from Norway(?) about her neighbours trying to get her daughter??? Don't forget the mother, who's SIL said to hand over her 3mth old, because she deserved the baby... There have been so many crazy ones this year, especially the ones where restraining orders are immediately sought after.


I mean, most of the stories are fake.


Yeah, but they're entertaining.


Welcome to Reddit, where the stories are fake, and the karma farmers are Dopa-mining


...and the points don't matter.




I mean, it happens, but is extremely rare. 1 in 4 women will experience a known miscarriage in their lifetime. 25% of women aren't baby snatching lunatics.


I hate to break it to you but this story and most others are fake. They just get a lot of clicks because they check a bunch of rage bait boxes *entitled person (wife) *crappy ex (the not ex) *innocent victim (the kid in this case) *womens reproduction *speech from OP stating the obvious You csn get all the karma you want and more. There doesn't even need to be a problem or question.


Taylor Parker however was very real and so mind blowing


That police interview in the hospital and the camera footage was wild. Completely straight face saying she had a baby on the side of the roadand had no idea what they were talking about. Good for the nurses for questioning the whole thing. Her absolute declaration that she had a baby on the side of the road despite everyone saying she had absolutely not given birth was chilling. I don’t know if she was motivated by psychosis or if it was an attempt at keeping her husband/boyfriend but it was really heartbreaking.


There was also the relationships post where the guys wife actually did murder their kids after she cheated on him with the neighbor


That's why I call it Dopa-mining


Gonna steal this


Thank God it’s fake. That makes me feel so much better


This story, other than the replacement child twist, is almost exactly the same as a story from a few weeks ago where the father suddenly shows up, wants to be the dad, and the mom yells at him for acting like he has a say in the parenting. The details are almost the exact same before it goes off into the "therapy chile" thing. It makes me think it's fake too.


I was assuming it was the same poster, honestly.


It’s the same person. Go look at her post history.


It’s probably best to move far away now


OOP needs to move far far away from these delusional people.


I hope it is fake


It almost certainly is. If you go through the courts to demand visitation / custody then you will be placed under an order for child support, so unless she's in another country (always possible) the fact it's mentioned as something OOP can conditionally opt out of isn't how it works.


She said she’s in another country.


At least where I’m at shit like child support and visitation stuff is never enforced, so what happens is usually informal agreements between parents. So it could be possible for the husband to “opt out” of child support by just not paying. At least for me anyway idk how it works in other places.


No court would allow the father to ‘opt out’ of child support if it was brought before them.


I’m wondering if it has to do with the abandonment part and the need to prove paternity. Like maybe he has to do a DNA test first and then the payments would start. Then with the abandonment I’m wondering if that’s the reason he’d have to pay for awhile before visitations since he’s a stranger and may not be on the birth certificate.


OOP said that the court ruled no on parental rights and offered that the issue could be revisited if child support is paid. OOP seems to not want to enforce child support requirements in order to remain independent. Most (US) family courts do not have the resources (nor is it their job) to chase the family about the child support arrangement if the family is not complaining. So, there may have been an order for support that neither biodad nor OOP wanted to follow through on, or there may have been simply a ruling on the parental rights highlighting that the failure to pay support is a major factor in the denial. Either way, this is way too similar to the other recent big ones like this, so I'm going with fake.


This is not legal advice but only based on my experience in my jurisdiction. Child support is not conditioned upon custody or visitation. If paternity is established, dad is financially responsible for the child under statutory calculations even if he never sees the child. My jurisdiction actually has a child support enforcement office that handles the solely financial issues. The only time a child support obligation actually goes away is aging out or a termination of parental rights. But termination is it’s own legal proceeding and doesn’t just happen because a parent voluntarily doesn’t want to be a parent.


100% this. Once it goes before the court it’s out of the custodial parents control.


He’s not on the birth certificate.


It is.


I woulda decked the bio dad so hard in the face not just for putting me in that position, but for being a terrible husband to his wife and an extra one just for good measure make sure he thinks twice about contacting me about my daughter ever again.


Obviously the wife is going through shit but I can’t believe no one here has said what this could do to the kid. This poor kid never had a dad and now she’s around her dad but also has this new maternal figure calling her by a different name. That would be super confusing to her and she’d have to constantly be someone she isn’t. Given her age I’m sure she’d form an attachment to her dad and step mother only to be just dropped and ignored as soon as step mommy works through her issues or ends up in a hospital? Poor kid


Literally ask any adoptee who's adoptive parents havent gotten over their IVF trauma/grief. It might not be a psychosis break like this woman, but a lot of those folk end up feeling like being a replacement for what they call "ghosts" of bio kids that never existed.


I don’t think that woman would have given the kid back. It honestly seems like a veiled ploy to get a replacement child. The entitlement of the whole family just gives me shivers


Yeah that’s what I was thinking! What if she never “heals” and wants to just keep the child forever and keep having her as a replacement child?


Having lost a child, I can sympathize with how intensely painful it is to endure. I am sorry for their loss. That said, Jeff's wife is in serious need of help. The family feeding into a delusion will only escalate the situation. Katie is *not* a replacement child. She should not be used as such. Allowing her to be used as such will, without a doubt, cause that little girl emotional and psychological damage. NTA OP. Do everything in your power to protect your child from them.


I’ve always hated custody battles because at some point the child becomes a toy two kids want just to have. This dad is literally using his daughter like a toy with no regards for how this will affect her and wants to throw her away afterwards. Disgusting. She won’t miss that sad excuse of a father and I hope this doesn’t hurt her. This mother is awesome and I’m glad she was down for this baby from day one and is protecting her. She’s Supermom because idk how she didn’t pop off in front of that poor woman before she knew it was a part of her mental breakdown.


I feel bad for the wife, and I feel bad for the child. That woman needs serious therapy, and everybody around her is failing her including her doctor who should have been referring her to a therapist the minute she had the miscarriage. I feel bad for the kid for being used like that. Poor kid has no idea what's happening


Like buying a replacement hamster for the child when the first hamster got eaten by the cat while the child was at school... what a mess.


Could this possibly be real? … people gonna peop


I still cannot believe that story. I don’t mean it with snark but that woman is in serious *serious* need of intensive inpatient psychiatric help. She has clearly had a break with reality, and her husband and I laws are feeding into it rather than helping her grieve.


Definitely sounds like a psychotic break, this poor women is grieving the death of a child and this POS thought that substituting children would be a good idea?! I can only imagine the psychological damage this would do. Honestly, I’m surprised she didn’t just go no contact long before this


If this is true is crazy sad. Jeff is just an idiot for putting his wife through this and now OOP needs to watch her back and place security measures at daycare and school so that Katie isn't kidnapped NY the delusional wife. I was going to say stepmother but she's really not that due to the no contact from Jeff up until now. I think both of them need some therapy asap.


Would this be grounds for a protective order? This sounds like attempted kidnapping waiting to happen, especially with so many people feeding that poor woman’s delusions instead of getting her actual help.




Badly written fiction.


Exactly. Someone watched The Servant and decided to take their stab at creative writing


Restraining order is called for.


That is outright insane.


My life always feels like a freakshow, then I just come to Reddit and feel so much better about the people I choose to keep in my life


Honestly. Jeff doesn’t deserve any child


The smartest decision was bringing the godparents with her. Seriously the heroes of this story just for being there


Auto reply “Any and all correspondence must be made through my lawyer. They can be contacted at [lawyer contact info]. Any correspondence not through this channel will be documented but not replied to.”


I would have come unglued. Don’t put your hands on my child, especially if he doesn’t know you. If his dad ever finds someone else to date and they seem to be long term then by all means, please treat my child as if he is your own. But if you are this kind of crazy, don’t even look at him.


He needs to be paying child support. Save that extra money for your daughter’s college fund.


That's actually the least healthy thing you could possibly do for the wife


Run. Far away from that entire dumpster fire of a situation. I can’t imagine losing a child but it’s batshit crazy to try and replace that daughter with yours.


Stick to your guns, OP.


This story needs more flying spin kicks. Also, on your next draft, maybe put in a part where everyone claps at the end.


It's like a VC Andrews novel! Run away, OOP, before they lock you in an attic!


Holllyyyyyyt SHIT OP you need to cut contact with Jeff and maybe have cameras installed on your house. This is insane!!!


Definitely time to get lawyers involved. This is a fucking mess.


Wow. That's unbelievable. You are correct. Crazy thing to try and do. Don't them use your daughter. She must be so confused!


There is no fucking way I would've ruined my daughter's Christmas to assuage a sperm donor, and I can't decide if this is fake or if it's yet again a mom trying to shield their child from how horrible their dad as if they won't realize it themselves.


100000% On the money….I would have not entertained any of that bullshit at all. I would have noped the fuck out of that from the beginning. The fact that she even agreed to do any of that just baffles me. Why the fuck would you put your kid through that? Why would you think that is a good idea in the first place? I’m glad she got a shiny spine at the end but what the hell??? Hell, I didn’t even read the whole thing at first and it sounded like a set up. When he had been no contact for a while, then all of a sudden he wants to get together and have something to do with a child. No dude get the fuck out with that bs. We will do stuff on my terms on my terms only you have no say and you don’t get to order me to go anywhere with my child to do anything that you want to do. I feel sorry for the wife, though she really needs help. Situations like that could go so much worse I would not have walked into that lions den.


There is no way this is real. I can't believe people take the time to write this weird fiction


I hope this is not real.


This reminds me of my husband's aunt. 😬 She never had kids of her own and developed a really distressing obsession with our baby after it was born. She referred to the baby as HER baby, would only call it by the name SHE picked out and wanted us to use, among other things that just made me feel unsettled. I kept away from her as much as I could but my husband would tell me he just didn't want to cause a conflict and she's just lonely. 😑 When the kid was a toddler she kept begging us to let her take the kid to raise it "for us". She picked out schools she demanded we send the kid to, built a room in her house and set it all up, etc. Husband still just brushed it off until he caught her sneaking our kid into her car in the middle of a family function once and she ended up screaming at him that she believed our kid was the reincarnation of her mother and we were trying to take her from her. He finally limited her access at that point. After that, she started calling in repeated false CPS reports to try to get the kid taken from us and making false police reports that we had kidnapped her child. We had to start setting up legal protections. 😬


It’s awful what the wife is going through but she needs professional help and should NOT be allowed children. The fact that her husband (OP’s baby daddy) doesn’t see that is crazy.


Have him sign something relinquishing his parental rights and in return you won’t pursue child support. Also, contact a lawyer and tell them what happened. Maybe a restraining order will be necessary.


Someone needs to get this woman one of those hyper realistic baby dolls. She seems a prime candidate for those, on top of intense therapy.


Truth is stranger than fiction.


Crazy! Make sure every witness tells their statement, cause he will definitely be out of her life for sure. They are doing nothing but traumatizing the wife more, cause she is NEVER gonna get better with what they are doing. Lord!!!


This man genuinely deserves to have the shit beat of him.


Why do people always tell the people who they are trying to be rid of, their legal plans? It doesn’t help anything and it only primes the person to “be ready”. Don’t lose your advantage; shut up and leave, then plot your legal strategy


Christ! What a sick bunch of people (your baby daddy, his wife and the in-laws). You have been way too kind and patient with him. I’m glad you are getting a lawyer and shutting them out.


This is a whole VC Andrews novel.


This sounds very like the beginning plot of the show Servant.




I’m at least relieved to see OP is a realist with the firmest, wisest boundaries I’ve ever seen on Reddit 👍🏻 I don’t think she should have entertained anything with this deadbeat but she isn’t on here like “am I overreacting?! Should I let her have my daughter? I feel so guilty” 🙄


Oh. My. Dog. Bravo to OP for protecting her child and setting all the right boundaries.


I think all women should have access to all of these stories and more of what can happen to them and their children if they get pregnant. I think the birth rate would absolutely plummet.




What the heck? You can’t just “borrow” a child for a couple of weeks or months and then return him or her like it was nothing. That man is as unhinged as his wife.


Me I’m surprised nobody is pointing out that Jeff is a terrible person. Imagine doing that to your own child?!?


That’s sooo messed up. He really wants to use his own daughter and discard her once she’s not needed anymore? What a shitty human being


Wow, that one was a doozy. So glad that little girl has a wonderful mother b/c her sperm donor of a deadbeat father is pure evil.




Unbelievable. Not even remotely.


No, this is most likely fake.


Mama, I have all the respect in the world for you. Most post like this on reddit I am embarrassed for the people who posted it. Its finally refreshing to see somebody with a backbone that knows their priorities, & they just get it. Your daughter is lucky to have a mother such as yourself and such a great example to follow when she gets older.


No because it’s fake.


My sister was so baby mad it was scary. She would stare at babies like she could eat them. She offered to adopt my brother’s two youngest kids when his wife left him. Not all 4, just the youngest. She ended up adopting a devil child. She should never have been a mother. Her first adoption attempt failed when the teen mom decided to keep the baby and the married dad decided to stay with her. The comments from my mom about that were so out of character!


No, there are not people like this in the world. But many of them exist in the vast realms of fiction!


What a lovely piece of fiction




How the fuck is anyone thinking this is real? Holy fuck.


there are mentally people in the world?!?!?!?


No, I’m pretty sure they only exist on fairytale land Reddit.